~Chapter Four~

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Don's (POV)

          I'm having a nice dreamless sleep, when something awakens me.

           Groaning lightly, I open my eyes, staring up at the white ceiling as I listen for what woke me from my blissful slumber.


            I hate being a light sleeper. One time I even woke up because there was a moth stuck in the window.

           Let's just say it wasn't a good night for me.

            I sit up in bed, glancing over at Lucy in hopes that she was the one who woke me.

           Then I'd at least have someone I could blame besides a moth.

Only to see she's still sound asleep. Snores and all.

           So she didn't wake me.

            Looking over at the digital clock, I see it's 5:10 A.M.

           Great. Just great.

           I prepare to lay myself back down, when I hear a sudden thump from outside the room.

            Standing up, I quietly walk over towards the bedroom door, my hand grabbing the knob. I open the door, immediately pausing when I hear the door from across ours loudly open.

            Alex's bedroom door.

           Peeking around the door, I see him stumble out of his room, his hands over his ears as he frantically runs down the stairs.

           Alarmed, I walk over to the stairs, looking down. I hear the jingle of a door handle, then a door opens, shutting with a slam.

           I walk back over to our bed, gently waking Lucy up.

          "What's wrong?" She groggily asks, blinking rapidly as she looks around.

          "Alex." The only thing I need to say.

        Her face instantly changes from sleepy, to worried. Immediately she starts getting up, but I place a hand on her shoulder, stopping her.

"I'll take care of him." I reassure her, patting her shoulder.

        She looks like she's about to protest, but I interrupt her.

         "Have some breakfast ready."

         With that, I start walking out the door. Suddenly thinking of something, I look back at her.

           "I'll be outside."

           She gives me a questioning look, but doesn't ask as she continues to put her robe on.

           Walking down the stairs, I head towards the back door. Opening the wood door, I leave the outer screen door shut as I stand there.

          Staring out in the faint morning light, I see a shadowy figure sitting down beside the big oak tree.

            Opening the screen door, I make a quick note in my head to oil the hinges.

            As I start heading down the small hill towards Alex, I see he's sitting with his knees drawn up to his chest, arms wrapped tightly around them, head tucked in-between his knees.

             His shoulders noticeably tense as I approach.

             I stop a couple feet away from him. "So your an early person are ya, Alex?" I lightly joke, hoping it might help ease the tension that's floating in the air.

It doesn't.

            He shrinks up even more than he already was, his head staying tucked down.

             He probably doesn't like me, I should've let Lucy come and check on him.

            She would know what to do.

             I'm probably the worst person you could send to do this kind of job.

             It's not that I'm a bad person, I'm really not. But I've been told that I generally come off as a tough-uncaring man.

              I can't help it.

It's just.....me.

             Deciding I can't just leave him to go fetch Lucy without feeling completely horrible about it. I look out over the fields, my eyes landing on the striking sunrise.

                "Lovely sunrise, mind if I join you?" I try again.

                At first I think he's just going to ignore me again, but as I prepare to turn around to go back inside, I see him give a small shake of his head no.

                 Surprised, I walk next to him, taking a seat. Stretching out my legs, I watch the sunrise.

               I guess this makes up for the hour of sleep I'm going to miss.

               After a couple minutes. I look back over at Alex, only to just now notice his arms are slightly trembling, small silent sniffles coming from his hidden face.

             My eyes move back down to his slightly exposed wrist as they catch something that makes them involuntary widen.

                Just barely peeking out from his shirt sleeve where its lifted up from his current position, is a discoloration about an inch wide that looks like it wraps around his whole wrist.

               Like some type of scar.

                I don't even want to think this, but it looks like some sort of mark a handcuff would make.

               Okay, so I did originally think Alex might be some stuck up brat that was at the wrong place at the wrong time.

                But since meeting him yesterday, I'm beginning to think he's the complete opposite.

               I come out of my deep thoughts as my stomach gives an unsatisfied grumble, the sun telling me it must be around six o'clock now.

             My breakfast time.

              I stand up, stretching my limbs out. My bones creaking and popping.

             I sigh.

I'm getting too old for this.

              Looking back down at Alex, I notice he hasn't moved at all since I've been out here. Still tucked up in a ball. Hiding.

                I lean down, stretching my hand out towards him.

               "What do you say we go get some breakfast? I'm famished." I ask, letting a small smile cross my lips.

                 Slowly, Alex raises his head. Eyes focusing on my outstretched hand.

                  Then he lifts his still slightly trembling hand to mine, grabbing it.

                 After I pull him up into a standing position, we both walk back towards the house in silence.

                 We step inside, a thought hitting me.

               "Alex, why don't you head up to shower and change. Then come back down for breakfast." I suggest.

              He keeps his head down, only giving me a slight nod before he walks past me and disappears.

               I walk into the kitchen, immediately met with the sight of Lucy bustling around the stove.

               One of my favorite things to see.

               She turns to me as she notices my presence.

              "What happened?" She quickly asks, eyes dark with worry.

               I shrug. "Not really sure, he didn't say anything."

               She gives me a displeased face before looking back towards the doorway that leads to the stairway.

               "Maybe I should go check on him?" She continues to watch the doorway, brows furrowed.

              "No, leave him be right now. He'll be down in a bit for breakfast." I reassure her, taking a grape from one of her many bowls.

             Reluctantly she turns back to the stove, smacking my hand with her spatula as I reach for another grape.

             I hiss, quickly retracting my hand. "Crazy spatula wielding women." I mumble, shaking my smarting hand out.

            She raises a brow at me, a half smile on her face as she shoos me out of the kitchen.

I shake my head, walking back up the stairs. I pass Alex's room, going inside our room to change into my work clothes.

             In no more than five minutes I finish changing, my destination; the kitchen. As I walk back in, I see Alex is already sitting at the table, Lucy serving him with one of her trademark smiles.

               I take my seat at the head of the table, Lucy dishing out some eggs and bacon onto my plate. I dig into my food, glancing over at Alex.

              He's slouching, head hanging, halfheartedly holding his fork as he picks at his food.

               Lucy sits herself down, picking up her own fork as she begins to eat. An awkward silence fills the quiet room, and like usual, Lucy breaks it.

              "So Alex, I was thinking we could go to town later, if your up to it?" She questions, and I can't help but catch the hint of hopefulness in her voice.

             She looks over at Alex waiting for a reply, her fork lowering. And just when I think he's not going to answer her, I'm once again surprised.

              "Sure." He quietly says, head still bowed down.

               I look over at Lucy, immediately receiving a big smile from her. Feeling it catch, I look back down at my food.

                Maybe, just maybe, we can get through to him that we just want to help.

Alex's (POV)

               It's about four hours after breakfast now, and I'm just laying on my bed, not having the resolve to do anything at the moment.

             After the nightmare last night, I've just been feeling numb. No energy, and I didn't really eat anything for breakfast. Wasn't hungry.

              Lucy and I are supposed to leave for town at 10:30 A.M. Apparently Lucy wants to go shopping so she can get me some new clothes, and I have to go with her. Which I personally don't think I need anymore. My three outfits are enough.

            But she insisted. Especially after she found out I only own three pairs of clothes.

            I look down at my watch.

             10:20 A.M.

            Almost time to go.

            Sighing, I get up off the bed. As I prepare to exit the room, I glance over at the mirror that hangs above the dresser.

I'm wearing a navy blue hoodie with dark jeans, and my one pair of black sneakers.

Simple, the way I prefer.

           Opening the door, I walk out and head down the stairs, entering the living room.

            I take a seat on one of the sofas, waiting for Lucy.

           Don wasn't available to go with us today, said he had farming business to attend to.

         Although I have a feeling from the way he was avoiding Lucy's gaze that he just really didn't want to go on a shopping expedition with her.

         Oh joy.

          I hear footsteps on the staircase, then Lucy appears dressed in a nice red summer dress, a purse around her shoulder. She doesn't seem to notice me as she steps into her shoes, simultaneously using her hands to braid her long hair.

            She finishes with her hair, eyes straying over towards the sofa I'm sitting on.
Surprise flickers in her eyes as they land on me, obviously not expecting me to be waiting on her.

          She simply smiles, the surprise being replaced with happiness as she walks over to where I'm sitting.

          "Alrighty Alex, you ready to go?" She excitedly asks, eyes alighting like a child's on Christmas Eve.

           As an answer, I get up, following her to the front door. Walking outside, we head over towards a dark blue SUV.

           After we're situated, she pulls out, heading down their long driveway.

When we're finally on the main highway, I yawn as a sudden drowsiness hangs over my eyes, making them feel ten times heavier.

            I know I've been laying on my bed since six something this morning, plenty of time to take a nap. But I didn't actually fall asleep. No, I couldn't do that, the dream was still too fresh in my mind.

          I watch the same old scenery blur by, the soothing sound of the car engine vibrating around me as I lay my head against the cool glass window. And before I know it, I'm dozing off.

          A blinding flash of light.

          I jerk awake with a small gasp, my breathing heavy, hands shaking.

          What was that?

           I look to my left, Lucy's concerned face immediately meeting mine.


"You alright?" She hesitantly asks, her face alternating between me and the road.

           I continue to quickly scan over the vehicle, tucking my shaky hands underneath my thighs. After I've reassured my brain that there's in fact nothing to worry about, I stop my searching eyes, blowing a breath out as I relax.

  Looking back over at Lucy, I see she's still waiting for an answer.

          "Y-yeah, sorry." I shakily whisper out.

         I wince as a car goes by, the bright sunlight bouncing off its windshield, reflecting right back at us. More like right in my eyes.

         That must've been the light that woke me up in the first place.


          I do a double take as I notice we're not in the middle of nowhere now.

         We've arrived in town.

          Lazy River Town to be exact.

           As we're driving through the streets, I spot shops, a bowling alley, a skating rink, an arcade, apartments, houses, and a sheriffs department. And peeking in-between two buildings, is a large flowing River. Which must be what the towns named after.

          A couple minutes later, we stop in front of a large building that has multiple shop signs spread out around the outside.

The Mall.

        After Lucy finds a parking spot, she parks. We both exit the vehicle, Lucy taking the lead as she heads towards the entrance.

          As soon as we step inside the cool air conditioned building, I notice there's crowds of people bustling around, shopping bags looped over their arms.

         I swallow, my throat going dry.

         You know, there's a lot of people in this mall considering it's a small town.

         Must be all the tourist. Apparently, as Mrs. Jones pointed out on our way here yesterday, this town is a hot spot for them.

          I walk closer to Lucy who's expertly maneuvering herself through the throng of people, my eyes unconsciously scanning the crowds every few seconds. 

I stuff my hands into the pocket of my hoodie, keeping my head low as I continue to follow behind Lucy.

         She stops in front of a store. "Come on Alex, lets try in here!" Lucy says, a cheerful smile on her face.

          Going inside, she immediately asks me what my preferences are.


         No shorts, and nothing but long sleeve shirts.

          Although I word it in a nicer way.

          About two hours later when it's basically one o'clock, and I'm literally all shopped out, Lucy finally finishes. Bags on both our arms.

           Walking out of the shop, Lucy starts leading me somewhere else. The crowds not much thinner than when we got here.

Sighing, I reluctantly follow.

             "Lets try some lunch here, I've never tried it." Lucy says, brows pinched together as she thinks hard. "What do you say, Alex?" She looks over at me.

             Looking up, I read the sign that hangs above the entrance.

Sanders Dinner

           "Okay." I simply reply with.

             Which is apparently all Lucy needs for encouragement.

            She leads us into the slightly busy restaurant, looking through a catalog while she waits for a waiter to seat us.

            Finally after waiting fifteen minutes, a waiter takes us back to be seated.

              "Hello!! My name is Jana and I'll be your server today!! What would y'all like to drink??" The bubbly waiter asks as we sit down, the gum in her mouth being rapidly chewed.

               "Hi, Jana. I'll just have some water please." Lucy says, looking down at the menu.

              Jana looks over at me, waiting for an answer.

               "W-water." I pathetically stumble out, tucking my head down.

               "Okay, darling! I'll be right back." She scribbles something down on her notepad, hurrying away.

                When she's gone, I tuck myself further down in my hoodie, only glancing at the menu. I hear Lucy flip through her menu, mumbling to herself.

                "Ah, Alex. How do you like Pizza?" She looks questionably over at me.

                "I like it." I tell her.

              Well I used to, but I haven't had any since....before.

                "How about we just get a medium pizza to share. What do you want on it?" She looks back down at the menu.

               "Just cheese."

               She nods her head with a smile. "Ah, your a cheese person. So am I." She gives me a wide smile.

               The over bubbly waiter comes back, carrying our drinks.

               She sets them out in front of us. "Now what would y'all like to eat?" She pops the gum in her mouth, hands posed to write on her notepad.

                "We would like a cheese-"

                Lucy's voice seems to fade away, my attention on something else completely.

               In a trance I stare down at my tall dark glass that's filled to the top with ice water, my head suddenly growing woozy.

               It's Dark. Pitch Black. Can't breath, bubbles escape my mouth. All oxygen leaving. Can't surface.....Can't breath.

              Snapping out of it, I jerk up like someone just shocked me. "C-can I have a d-different glass p-please?" I frantically stutter out, quickly hiding my now trembling hands underneath the table.

               Startled, both Lucy and Jana look over at me. Surprise on both their faces.

I feel my cheeks heat up.

              Stuffing my hands back in my pocket, I look down at my lap in embarrassment.

             "Sure thing sweetie, be right back." Jana says.

             I look up in time to see her throw me a curious glance as she walks away.

I can see Lucy wants to ask, and I honestly can't blame her.

             "Alex, what was wrong with that glass?" She slowly questions, almost like she's afraid I'll run away.

              Slouching, I lean back, keeping my face down. "Nothing." I mumble out, playing innocent.

             Looking up, I see her give me a disbelieving glance.

            Jana comes back a few minutes later, and I immediately notice she's trying to act like her usual bubbly self. But she doesn't fool me.

             She sets a clear, smaller sized glass down in front of me. Reclaiming the other one.

               I let out a relieved breath.

             She comes back in ten minutes with our pizza, setting it down in front of us.

             "I'll be back to see if you need anything else, enjoy!"

              With that, she walks off at a fast pace, throwing glances at us over her shoulder.

              Lucy's staring at Jana's retreating back, her face set in a almost resentful expression.

              She instantly replaces is with a smile, putting a slice of pizza on her plate.

              I reach out and grab one, surprisingly finding that I'm starving.

             It taste delicious for once, and soon enough there's only a couple slices left.

And let me just say, Lucy has a huge appetite.

I only had two slices, and now there's only two left.

You do the math.

           After we're done, Lucy pays and we head out of the restaurant.

           As we're walking away, I feel the stare of Jana burning my back until we're lost in the crowd of busy shoppers.


Edited: 5/16/17

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