~Chapter Thirty~

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Alex's (POV)


      That's all there is.

      I feel like I'm floating, my body suspended in a endless black void.

      Nothing matters here.

       Not who I am. What's happened.


        I can't feel any-part of me, like I'm part of the air. Like I am the air.

       It's almost.....Peaceful.

       That is, it was until the darkness starting choking me.

       It's like invisible hands are squeezing my throat, lungs refusing to draw any oxygen. Empty.

        I try moving, but I can't.

        Panic begins to build in my chest.

        The darkness suddenly becomes menacing - like claws in the night, the choking sensation intensifying until I can't draw a single breath.

        I try making a noise, any noise.

        It stays silent.

        I frantically look around.




        No wait, over there. It's.......Light.

         I see it!

        A small speck of light in this pitch black world - like a flashlight. But it's too far away, I'll never make it. Already I can feel myself being pulled further back into the darkness, further back into nothing.

       The choking hold never letting go.

       But strangely, I'm not dead yet.

        A thought freezes my mind.

        Or am I already?


        I can't be. This can't be. And I'm not letting some darkness keep me from finding out.

         As I start to....drift forward, my chest gives a sudden lurch - almost like something's trying to jump out.

         I move my invisible lips into a frown.


         It does it again, only I still can't recognize what exactly it is.

         The light gets closer, and suddenly I can breath again. The hand around my throat loosening just enough.

         My chest gives another thump. And this time I recognize what sensation it is.


         Suddenly my whole chest erupts with it. A red hot, boiling pain, spreading throughout my whole body.

         I open my mouth to scream.

         No noise. Complete and utter silence.

         Another large pulse runs through my chest, spreading throughout like the last. The feeling something akin to what I can only assume electrocution feels like.

         I open my mouth in another silent scream.

         What's happening?!

          I focus my gaze back on the light. And somehow, I know.

          I have to make it.

          With pain coming in repeated pulses, I continue my slow progress towards the light.


         Through the cloud of pain that's taken over my mind, I smile as I suddenly find myself right beside it.

           Reaching out, I hesitantly place my hand in the bright light.

          I scream in agony as a completely new pain envelopes me, sweeping across my body like a wave.

         Sensations I had forgotten about, suddenly fill my mind. Everything I couldn't remember, suddenly returning from the beginning to the end.

         I arch my back in pain as too many horror filled memories surface in my mind with stark clarity, overwhelming emotions breaking through my barriers.

        My body erupts in what looks like a bright light, a burning sensation now flowing throughout my veins.

         I scream again.

         I can hear it.

         White light fills my vision, my eyes burning.

          I remember.

         I open my eyes, staring up.

         White ceiling.

         I move my stiff face muscles into a frown as I examine things further.

         White walls, one window with a white window shade....White everything

         Where am I?

          What happened?

          My senses are all cloudy, everything muffled, the stark whiteness of the room making my eyes sting. My arms and legs each feel like five-hundred pound weights. Holding me down.



        I jerk my eyes over to beside my prone body, and they immediately widen as I notice something I somehow hadn't noticed the whole minute I've been....awake?


        My heart speeds up, chest tightening in unexplained despair.

        I see one of the people open their mouth. "Alex." He repeats.

        I feel myself stiffen for some unknown reason, fear filling me like a balloon does with helium.

        Why am I afraid?

         I continue to stare at the three concerned....nurses? I take another quick glance at their clothes.

         Blue clothes - like those you wear in a hospital.

         Yes, three nurses. And what I'm assuming is a doctor.

         The doctor moves closer, a little flashlight in one of his hands as he slowly reaches for my face.

         I flinch away as his rubber gloved hand comes in contact with my forehead.

         He shines the light in my eyes, his face full of concentration as he examines them.

         He steps back, a smile growing on his face. "Welcome back." He joyfully says while placing the flashlight back in his pocket. 

        I freeze, those words triggering memories I'd been purposely holding back.


       Car bomb









          My eyes widen again, a pure unrelenting panic stealing all rational thoughts from my mind.

         Where am I?!

         Is this another part of Razims' plan?

       "Thought we lost you there for a moment." My attention snaps back to the doctor, my throat feeling tight.

        He gives me another smile, then leans over to the nurses.

         I look around again.

         I'm laying on a uncomfortable bed that's tilted up on the end with my head, hospital equipment spread throughout the room.

         I look down at my hands.

        Two tubes run from needles that are sticking into the skin of my left wrist, going up to a bag that's suspended over at the side....The marks on both my wrists standing out in stark clarity.

         My breathing picks up.

         Two of the nurses suddenly leave the room, the doctor having said something to them that I didn't catch.


        But, is he really a doctor?

        I look around again, only for the room to give a sudden dizzy lurch.

        I rapidly blink my eyes, trying to realign my vision.


        I try lifting my arm. Only to make it a centimeter off the bed.

        Can't move!

         I hear the heart monitor beside my bed start to rapidly beat, the noise sending spikes of pain through my head.

        The doctors' gaze immediately returns to me.


         He's not a doctor! This is just another part of Razim's plan. His fun-time.

         No, No, No!

        I watch with fear filled eyes as his lips move, no noise filling the air. Only the beeping of the machine and the sound of my heartbeat registering in my ears.

        I flinch as he raises his hand up.....up to hit me!

        Cold fear shocks me out of my prone position, and I jerk over to the side of the bed.

        Only to fall off the edge of it.

         I land on my hands and knees with a loud SMACK. The needles that were filled with who-knows-what, ripping free of my skin.

         I wince, ignoring the sudden onslaught of pain as I quickly crawl over to the corner of the room that's between the bed and the wall.

        I position myself so my back is up to the wall, my knees automatically coming up to my chest. Arms wrapping around them.

       The doctor has a concerned expression on his face as he watches me, the last nurses face filled with worry.

       I tighten my arms around my legs as the doctor carefully walks around the bed over towards the side I'm on.

       His lips move once again. Still no sound.

       I scoot further back, wincing as my back brushes up against the wall.

       Against my still tender cuts, and....everything else.

       The doctor crouches in front of me, a kind reassuring smile on his face. Eyes warm.

       I frown, confusion swirling in my foggy brain.

       Can't trust him.

       I can't trust anyone.

      My chest tightens, the doctor swaying as the dizziness comes back full force. A sudden nausea hits me, my head hammering.

       I gasp, a sharp pain suddenly running through my stomach.

       That doesn't feel right.

       Bile rises in my throat, and I lean my head back against the wall. Taking some deep breaths, I try to still the nausea that's quickly building up.

      My stomach gives another painful twist, almost like a knife.....a knife.

       My eyes widen.


       The knife.


        My chest grows even tighter, my breathing now full on hyperventilating. I move my legs, slowly looking with wide eyes down at my stomach.

        And sure enough, there's fresh blood staining the front of my white hospital gown. The area only growing bigger with each passing second.

        I must've ripped the stitches when I so hastily fell off the bed.

       "Alex." My gaze snaps back up.

       "Alex, you need calm down." The doctor instructs, his calming gaze never leaving mine.

         I flinch, another hot painful stab igniting in my stomach.

          Sweat streams down my face, falling into my eyes. My throat raw and sore.

          Squeezing my eyes shut through the now unrelenting waves of pain, I try to steady my gasps for air.

         It hurts.

         It just hurts too much!

         I feel a tear leak out the corner of my eye, a whimper escaping from between my gasps for air.

         I slit my eyes open. And through fuzzy eyes, I watch as the doctors' face turns into one of pure worry.

        He quickly stands up, walking over to a cabinet. Pulling something out, he then walks back to my trembling form.

       I close my eyes once again as a pain more prominent then the last, blows up in my stomach.

        I cry out, whimpers falling freely from my mouth, tears now a stream flowing down my face.

      And through my world of pain, I feel a prick on my upper arm.



        I sit up, my heart hammering wildly in my ears. I take a deep breath in through my nose, letting it out from my mouth.

       Bringing a slightly trembling hand up, I wipe it across my face. Skin wet with sweat, hair sticking to my forehead.

       I cautiously look around - almost like I'm expecting something to be different.

       Dark blue walls, my bed, all the normal furniture.

       I relax, my mind feeling satisfied for the moment.

       My room.

       Not the....hospital.

       A cold shudder runs through me, the hair on my arms standing on end.

      Like I've said before, the time I spent in the hospital wasn't....pretty.

      I wouldn't speak to anyone for almost a whole two weeks. Except maybe Mrs. Jones.....sometimes.

     I couldn't eat normally. I had to be fed through a....tube.

     Another shudder runs through me.

    But I guess when you think about it, and if you were comparing; It beats being tortured by a long shot.

      I look down at my watch.

     6:02 A.M. Thursday, July 21st.

      I run a hand through my hair.

      It's been a whole week since I told Mack my suspicions about thinking someone sabotaged the ATV.

      A week I've been depressed again.

     But to be honest, I could feel it growing each day, getting more noticeable. Dragging me down.

      Almost like how you can sometimes feel a cold building up a couple days before it actually affects you.

       A week I haven't told anyone else about my suspicions.

      Mostly because I've just been laying around up here, not wanting to see anyone or do anything.

      But that's to be expected with...well, you know.

     The smell of bacon catches my attention, my stomach growling as an answer.

     But I think I might finally be coming out of that dark cloud now. The heavy weight on my chest I've been dealing with for a week, barely noticeable this morning.

      My stomach growls again.

     And yes, I actually feel slightly hungry.

     I pull the covers off, hanging my feet over the side of the bed.

      A thought pulls me from my momentary happiness.

      Today Don and Lucy are leaving for their business trip all the way over in Washington DC.

      My chest tightens.

      Apparently something happened to a small - but major, part of their taxes they sent off at the end of last year.

       So now they have to go meet with some official people to figure it out. All the way in DC.

      I shake my head.

      There's nothing I can do about it, and it's not like anything bad is going to happen while they're gone.....hopefully.

       I stand up, wincing as my stomach gives its annoying twists of pain.

       I sigh.

       I might be hungry, but that doesn't mean I'll actually be able to eat.

       Frowning, I head to the bathroom.

       As I'm washing my hands, I glance in the mirror.

      My eyes have noticeable dark bags underneath them, my face drawn with exhaustion, skin seeming extra white today.

      My gaze lands on the slightly pink scar that runs up the side of my neck, it looking even more prominent with my pale skin.

      I reach up. But quickly stop.

      I swiftly turn, heading out the bathroom door.

      Nothing I can do about that either.

      As I walk into the kitchen, Lucy and Dons' surprised gazes follow me all the way to my seat.

      Well I haven't exactly been down for breakfast for the last five days....or any other meal really.

      So that's to be expected.

      Sitting down, I watch as both their faces fill with obvious relief.

     "Morning." I mumble out, looking down at my plate that I'm sure Lucy's been setting every morning despite my absence.

       They both smile. "Morning."

       Lucy stands up, walking over to me. Then she fills my plate up with the typical breakfast foods.

       And as she finishes up with the bacon and eggs. She leans down, surprising me when she places a light kiss on top of my head.

       She pats me on the shoulder, then heads over to her seat.

        A warm feeling envelopes me, and I feel a smile grow on my lips.

       After all that's happened within the last three months, I never thought I'd ever trust anyone again.

      But time really does change things.....no matter how sappy that may sound.

      Because I know now without a doubt, that I care about these people.

      "So Alex, you know the plan right?" Don questions, chewing a forkful of eggs.

       Knowing what he's talking about, I give him a nod.

       "Me and Lucy are leaving as soon as the Spencer's get here." He says, deciding to go over the plan anyway.

       He takes another bite of food.

       Molly and Frank are going along with Lucy and Don as their personal bankers...or something along the lines of that.

       Meaning Mack and I are going to be here -


      We still haven't really talked much since I told him my suspicions last week.

      Him being stubborn, and me being too depressed.

      Though he did drag me downstairs a couple times throughout the week, 'forcing' me to play the Wii with him.

      I guess he was trying to help me get my mind off things.

      Polly even came over a few times. Joining Mack in trying to help me.

      But this was one of my worst times.

      Not even Mack and Pollys' amusing bickering could help to pull me from the choking weight.

      The dark cloud.

      Only time.

      "Are you sure we both have to go?" Lucy asks, suddenly looking worried as she looks from me, back to Don.

       I understand what she's implying.

      She doesn't want to leave me right as I'm coming back out of my dark hole.

      Don sighs, running a hand down his face. "Lucy, we've already discussed this only a million times." He mumbles, looking tired all of a sudden.

      I frown.

      This money issue must really be serious.

      And because I've been laying around in bed all week, I don't really know the full extent to all this.

     "We both have to go." He finishes, looking over at Lucy.

       She looks away, and I see her glance at me from the corner of her eye.

       Guilt squeezes my chest.

       "I know." She practically whispers.

        I lay my fork down, my stomach already complaining from eating too much.

       If you call a piece of bacon and some eggs too much.

        I wistfully sigh.

       Never take eating normally for granted.

         I know that now.

        After another ten minutes, I excuse myself from breakfast.

        Walking into the living room, I sit down on one of the sofas. Conflicting thoughts filling my head.

      Should I say anything about the ATV....about Ben?

       But what if they don't believe me?

        Like Mack.

        I wrap my arms around my stomach.

        For about fifteen minutes, I sit there. My mind going over every possible scenario.

        I'm thrown from my thoughts as Lucy comes bustling in, a suitcase trailing noisily behind her.

      She frowns, looking through her purse.

       Don comes in also, a suitcase in his hand.

       My heart jumps.

       Is it time for them to leave already?

       I need to tell them.

      After Lucy puts her bags beside the door, she walks over to me. Sitting down next to me, she gives a hesitant smile.

      "Alex, if you need anything, and I mean anything." She looks me in the eye. "You call me, or Don." She smiles. "Our numbers are on the home phone, okay?"

        I give her a nod.

       She leans in, enveloping me in a hug. "We'll be back soon, five days at the longest." She leans back, and I notice her eyes are slightly watery.

      Do I mean that much to her?

      Don peaks out the window. "They're here." He announces.

       Lucy stands up, wiping her eyes with her hands.

       "Bye, Alex." She straightens her shoulders, heading towards the door.

        Getting an uneasy feeling in the pit of my stomach, I suddenly stand up. Walking over to a surprised Lucy, I give her a hug. My head resting on her shoulder, eyes starting to sting.

      She's so surprised, she takes a moment to respond. But then she wraps her arms back around me.

       "Bye, Lucy." I say.

        I feel her smile, her arms tightening around me. She pulls away after a few more seconds, her normal large smile on her face.

       Staring at me a moment, she then walks out the door.

        I stand there, my heart hammering in my chest.

        Don clears his throat. "I'm not really the 'lovey dovey' type, so I'll just stick to a handshake thank you very much." He cracks a smile, amusement showing in his tired eyes.

       I smile back.

       I need to tell him.

       My hands get clammy, chest growing uncomfortably tight.

       Don walks closer, and then he too wraps me in a hug. I return it, my throat suddenly too dry to speak.

      "Bye, Alex." He steps back, another smile on his lips. "And you two behave." He rolls his eyes. "I don't want to come back and find the house a wreck." He chuckles.

       Tell him!

      "Uh, th-....Sab-." I pathetically stumble out, getting all tongue tied.

       Don stares at me. "Huh?" He questions.

        Suddenly feeling very in the spotlight, I clam up. Ringing my hands together, I look down at the floor.

       "N-Nothing....Bye." I mumble out, feeling completely defeated.

       Don sets a comforting hand on my head. "Remember, Alex. If you need anything. Don't be afraid to call us." He pats me on the shoulder. "We'd come right back if you needed us." He sincerely says.

       Gratitude fills my heavy heart.

       I look back up. "Thank you." I tell him.

        He smiles again, and with one more pat on the shoulder. He heads out the door also.

       I stand there for a moment.

       I couldn't tell him. I'm too....weak.

       My heart sinks.

       Walking over to the front-door, I open it. Standing on the deck, I watch as Frank helps Don load the Spencer's SUV up. Molly at the side, talking to Mack.

       Molly gives Mack a hug and a kiss goodbye. Then she gets into the back of the vehicle, Lucy also saying bye to Mack before getting in.

      Don closes the trunk, and walks to the passenger side door. As he opens it, he stops.

       Looking over at me, he gives me a wave.

       I return it with a small one of my own.

       "Don't forget." Don shouts. "Sheriff Taylor is supposed to check on you two each evening." He gets in, shutting his door.

        Mack crutches up the deck steps, stopping beside me.

       "Looks like it's just you and me." He says, giving me a small smile.

        I look back over at the SUV. Frank backing it out of the parking spot.

        Dread fills my heart, making it feel extra heavy.

        Like a stack of bricks.

        I watch as the vehicle starts down the long driveway, dust flying up behind it.

        I watch until it's just a speck in the distance.

        I swallow.

        I have a bad feeling about this.


        Heya!!!! So I updated on the day I said I was!! (Yay me 😆)

        Don't really have much to say, Buuuut........ Guys!! If you haven't voted in HappyKawaiiYellow Contest that I entered than I'd really appreciate it if you would!!!! It's round 4 now, (it ends TOMORROW !!)and I need all the help I can get. (Please help!!) I've taken a look, and it doesn't seem like I'm going to be making it through this round....Not unless you HELP!!!!! (With my book being a FanFiction people tend to ignore it and just read other stories that don't have backgrounds. Leaving me in the dust, because no one read mine and voted😟) So please, think about it. (And make sure you read the Voting rules!!)


            1. Who thinks that something bad is going to happen??😏

           2. Who thinks that little Lucy/Alex moment was as adorable as I thought it was??😍🖐🏻

           3. In the beginning, when Alex was in that dark place. (The dream inside a dream) does anyone have any idea what that was about?? (It's alright if you don't lol😘)

           3. Random question.....Who likes Star Wars?!?!🖐🏻❤

         Okey, that's all I got at the moment.

         Next update: Wednesday'(maybe😂)

        Vote!!! COMMENT!!!!!....you know, all that.😜

        Thanks again!!


Edited: 6/22/17 (almost done!😂)

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