~Chapter Two~

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Lucy's (POV)

         "Alright Alex! Let's go get you settled into your new home." I walk inside, Alex trailing along behind me.

          I'm not quite sure what to think about Alex to be honest.

Tulip had emailed me about three weeks ago saying she had a favor to ask. So I called her up, and it turns out she wanted to know if I was still interested in being a foster parent. I told her that I was, but just hadn't gotten around to finding anyone or doing the paperwork.

         So she sends me this:

           -Alex Rider
           -all relatives deceased
            Medical Evaluation;
           -PTSD, Abdominal Trauma, Depression

           That's all she could send. Apparently all his personal information is "Classified." Didn't even have a picture of the boy.

Tulip had specifically said that it couldn't be just anyone that took Alex in. She apparently was a friend of one of his relatives and couldn't just watch him get wheeled off to some orphanage.

          It took me about a week to make up my mind. 

I was going to say no at first. Thinking, I can't bring in some foreign boy that I don't know anything about besides a few facts. Or how he even has PTSD for heavens sake.

I wouldn't know what to do.

           But then I thought about all those poor children all across the world that don't have any parents, or anyone to look after them for that matter.

And I decided that this is a chance, a chance for me to do something right in the world.

No one deserves to grow up without someone to care for them, to love them.

           So I talked it over with my husband. He was a bit reluctant at first, wanting to know why his information was classified. But he's a real sweetheart and soon gave in.

           After all, we always wanted to be foster parents.

           So I phoned Tulip our answer. She was extremely grateful and a bit relieved if I'm being honest, going on to tell me that she could bring him up in about two weeks. And if everything works out during summer break, then she'll personally get him signed up for school.

          And that's how I became a foster parent.

         I'm not exactly sure what I was expecting when they showed up. But Alex looked nothing like how I imagined him to be.

Judging by how much taller he is then me, I'd say he's probably about 5 foot 10. Dirty-blond hair hangs in his eyes, falling down to his ears and ending to where it just barely brushes the back of his shirt collar in a messy style. He seems rather skinny, almost to the extent he looks unhealthy. But I can still make out the obvious signs of an athletically active person.

I also noticed he has a thin, white scar that goes up the right side of his neck. Ending up behind his ear.

           But what stuck out the most, are his brown eyes. They to put it shortly; looked like they had seen far too much for any fifteen year old.

           Now I'm showing Alex the kitchen.

        "Alex, this is the kitchen." I wave my hand around to indicate the room like he wouldn't be able to identify it himself, looking back over at Alex.

He just stands there, his head angled down so his bangs hang slightly over his eyes - as-if he was trying to hide them.

        So far Alex hasn't spoken a single word, silently staying in the background. But Tulip had told me beforehand that he was a bit shy and timid to new people.

           I walk up the staircase after I finish in the kitchen, immediately turning to the right as I reach the top. Stopping in front of the bedroom door, I open it up, walking inside.

            Smiling, I turn, watching as Alex cautiously steps inside. His eyes examining the whole room.

After a moment, I take a step back, exiting the room.

"The bathroom is the first door on the right." I tell him, watching as his eyes fall back down to the ground.

I hesitate at the door, a thought hitting me.

"Oh, and I don't know if you heard me earlier but Mr. Brown will be back for supper at six."

           Alex looks up from his shoes.

           I give him another smile, inching the door shut. "Alright, make yourself at home. I'll leave you to freshen up after that long trip. You can find your way back to kitchen right?" I ask, my eyes examining his face.

          "Yes. Thank you Mrs...I mean Lucy." He whispers out, eyes falling yet again back down to the floor.

          He seems sweet.

          "Alright, I'll see you at six!" I smile.

          And with that, I walk out of the room, shutting the door behind me as I go. My destination: the kitchen.

While I'm working on getting supper ready, I think back to when Tulip left.

She had hugged me one last time, her sad voice whispering words into my ear. "Take care of him please. Only god knows how much he needs someone to love him."

         And I'm determined to do just that. It's obvious how traumatized he is, how every sudden movement or loud noise sends him on high alert. Now I don't know what he's been through, what he's done.

But I'm going to be there for him.

Alex's (POV)

         Lucy shuts the door, and I'm left standing in the middle of the room.

        I let a breath out.

I suppose there's no point in moping around. I look around again at the decent sized room. Not too big, not too small.

The walls are a dark blue with white trim, a black window-shade hanging across the single window. A small clothes-dresser in one corner, a hamper beside it. A small closet located on the left side of the single bed that's over in the far corner of the room. A nightstand with a simple lamp beside it, a digital clock to complete it.

          I walk over towards the dresser, unpacking the clothes from my duffle-bag.

     Which isn't very much.

I grab a black long sleeve shirt and jeans, heading out of the room.

         After I've changed and taken care of business in the bathroom, I check my watch.

5:48 P.M.

Twelve minutes to six. Might as well start preparing myself for going downstairs.

I sit down on the edge of the bed, taking a couple deep breaths.

        Alright, time to go meet Mr. Brown.

    I stand up.

A gasp immediately escapes my mouth as sharp needle-like-stabs run through my stomach, twisting and turning.

That hurt.

Stupid stomach has to act up right now......


I grit my teeth, wrapping my left arm around my stomach.

    I take a couple small steps around the room until the pain fades enough for me to walk somewhat normally.

Doing some deep breathing for a couple minutes beside the door, I relax my tense posture. Then I grab the door handle, opening it up.

        Walking out, I go down the stairs. Turning left at the bottom, I stop right outside the kitchen where I can hear movement on the other side of the door.

Calm down Alex, your just going to eat supper with Lucy and her husband.

But even wth my own reassurance I still feel myself start to sweat again, hands shaking.

              One last deep breath, then I walk in.

       Lucy's setting some food items down on a table which is situated at the far side of the kitchen.

And sitting down at the head of the table, is the man from Lucy's wedding picture. Only now he's older, his hair a bit shorter.

He's talking to Lucy when he suddenly stops, head turning to look at me.

Surprised, I feel my heart jump, my breathing getting slightly faster. Stuffing my hands in my pockets, I look down. Somewhat reluctant, I walk over to them, stopping near Lucy.

        "Ah, there you are!" Lucy happily says.

         "Alex, this is my husband." She introduces, gesturing over to the man.

          He stands up while placing his napkin down on the table, holding out his hand for a handshake. "Nice to finally meet you, Alex. I'm Don." His face remains impassive.

        Slowly, I reach my hand out. Noticing that it's trembling like a leaf on a windy day, I quickly shake his hand, stuffing them back in my pockets.

          He raises an eyebrow at me, and I feel my cheeks heat up in embarrassment.
I quickly look down again, the air around me only seeming to grow heavier.

Lucy noticing the awkwardness, pulls out a chair and offers it to me.

I sit down, mumbling out a thank you.

         "Why your welcome, Alex." She gently replies.

          I can still feel Don staring at me, his gaze searing the side of my face.

Lucy sits down, both of them bowing their heads in a quick prayer. When they're done, Lucy starts dishing out mashed potatoes.

        "Would you like some, Alex?" Lucy asks, looking at me with a questioning gaze.

         "Yes ma'am." I mumble out, keeping my head tucked down in-between my shoulders.

           She gives me a big spoonful and a hunk of Fried chicken. I pick up my fork, beginning to eat.

Thankfully, Mr.Brown seems to of lost interest in me now that he's digging into his food.

         But that doesn't last long.

         "So Alex, you do any sports or have any hobbies?" Don asks me, his fork pausing just long enough for him to talk.

         I finish chewing my chicken, trying to regain some confidence.

About to call it football, I quickly change it to the American word.

          "I p-played Soccer, sir." I sadly stumble out, sitting a tad straighter.

         He raises an eyebrow in surprise again, and I feel my cheeks heat up once more.

           "Is that so! Don used to play also." Lucy enthusiastically says.

           "Hon, that was almost twenty years ago." Don stresses out.

            Lucy gives her husband a look.

           "It's never too late to play again." She discreetly mumbles out into her fried chicken she's holding.

            I go back to eating, but then another sudden sharp jab in my stomach almost makes me gasp out-loud.

I glance over at the clock.

         It's time for my dose of pills I take at supper time, but I don't want to just blurt that little fact out.

I'll just have to wait.

            Thankfully, about five minutes later, Lucy suddenly gets up and goes over to a cupboard. Taking something out, she brings it over to me.

            "Alex, you'll have to remind me about these. I almost forgot." She frantically tells me, looking slightly embarrassed.

          She hands me a little plastic cup with a couple pills in it. I put them in my mouth, getting a drink of water. Once again, I notice Don looking over at me with a blank face.

           It's like he's trying to figure me out.

            After I eat about half the food on my plate, I can't make myself eat anymore. Which that's probably the most I've eaten in one meal throughout the span of two months.

Feeling like if I eat on more bite I'll throw up. I scoot my plate a little ways forward.

           "Are you done eating, Alex?" Lucy questions when she notices I've stopped.

            "Yes, thank you. May I be excused." I ask.

             "Your excused sweetie. But are you going to bed already? It's only seven." Her brow rises, and I hear the surprise in her voice.

              I nod my head as an answer. Then I quickly look at them, mumbling a quiet goodnight.

         They return one.

             I get back to my room, grabbing my PJ's. A plain black long sleeve shirt and wool pants.

             I head into the bathroom, showering and getting ready for bed. Once I'm back in my room, I just lay on my bed, curled up holding my aching stomach.

              Knowing it's going to be a long night.


Edited: 5/14/17

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