A Long Expected Celebration

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   Finda yawned and sat up. She looked around confused for a second as to where she was, until a sleepy sign from the bed next to her brought her to reality. Memories of the past day flooded her memory and she smiled 

Trumpets sounded from all over, and the city was brimming with excitement. Finda and her three siblings stood next to their parents in their best clothes. Today was the 17th anniversary of the defeat of sauron. There had been a great celebration a year after that day and every year since, this one was no different. Finda looked over past her siblings towards her king. King Elessar stood awase away holding his young daughter in one arm and his other wrapped around his Elvish wife. Their huge smiles matched that of everyone else in the city and caused Finda's heart to swell. Eruptions of cheers broke out as Caravans pulled in, circling around the great white tree. Six carriages, one blue holding the Queen Hariia of Yelwelyn, one gold holding king Thorne of Erebor  and his family, one green holding King Thranduil of Mirkwood and his family, one brown holding King Theodred of Rohan and his family, one grey holding Elrond, Lord of Rivendell and his family, and one sky blue, pulled up right in front of them and came to a stop. The excitement of the three Gondorian families standing on the grand steps was so high that even Finda's Stoic Mother Flanna was giddy. There was a pause in the great amount of noise but only for a second. Happy chaos exploded when the doors opened and six Royal families climbed out. Finda and her family could no longer contain themselves as they ran down the steps. Followed by the king and Captain' families. Not one person wasn't embraced. After all were welcomed, they were led into the palace to share a great supper. This was only the beginning of the great feasting that was to be had but this meal was one for catching up for the great big family. Finda sat down next to her two best friends in the world, Princess Gaillardia of Rohan and Princess Bianca of Erebor, and talked as they were served. It was not long until the adults, Kings and Lord's, Queens and Ladies, Elves, Men, Dwarves, and Hobbits alike  were reminiscing of battles and adventures that had been had and the children and "almost adults" "cough"ThurinTheomunBiancaFindaGailardiaDenomirEldarionElboron"cough" listened intently as if they hadn't heard these stories a million times before. It wasn't long before Faramir challenged Boromir to a dual after a long running argument concerning who was the best swordsmen came up. After bets were made the men and boys left for the training ground outside. Not wanting to be stuck inside with their mothers, the three girls headed out behind them. Finda, Bianca And Gailardia Climbed up and sat on the fence next to Thurin, Theomun, and Denomir. They cheered and laughed as the brothers sparred, enjoying themselves. All was well until a loud clap of Thunder startled them all and While Faramir was mid swing, causing him to falter. Boromir didn't notice in time to block as Faramir's sword swung and imbedded itself into Boromir's fore arm.  Boromir Cried out loudly causing all attention to be turned to him. Finda gasped when she saw her father's blood and Imidiatly jumped into action, running to her father's side. 

"Don't touch it Finda" she heard Aragorn say. She simply nodded and squeezed Boromir's uninjured arm. Through the pain he smiled at her. 

"I'm fine Baby, it's just a cut." Finda would have believed him if he hadn't suddenly lurched and cried out again a moment later as Aragorn swiftly freed the sword from it's host. Gailardia, who had dashed away quickly after the accident happened, returned just in time to wrap a large temporary bandage on Boromir's arm. Thorne, Being the largest in the group by a long shot, stepped in and helped Boromir up. Boromir was dizzy from the loss of blood and shock, and wasn't able to walk to well, so Thorne wrapped his good arm around his huge shoulders, and began to walk back to the palace. The others followed but Faramir stood still, still in shock at what he had done. Finda stopped and turned around. Facing him.

"Come on uncle, it's going to rain soon, we must go inside." He simply stood there, dazed. 

"What have I done?" He whispered. 

"It was an accident Uncle, it wasn't your fault!" Finda said, walking up to her uncle and taking his hand. 

"It was my sword, my arm, it WAS me." Finda sighed. 

"Well I don't see it that way and father doesn't either." he looked over at her. "None of this would have happened if that thunder hadn't distracted you and well, you probably would've won to be honest." A shadow of a smile came over his face.

"Most likely". He said in an almost whisper. Finda looped her arm in his and they walked back into the heart of Minas tirith, moments before rain claimed it. Finda's mother Flanna was in her "extremely frantic but hiding it well" mood. Finda had heard all the stories concerning her parents and how they fell in love, also how her father nearly died in her mother's arms more than once. Because of said experiences, No one was as protective of her Husband as Flanna, Princess of Gondor. No one. Princess Flanna was sitting next to her husband holding his hand when Finda arrived in their bedroom.

"I really am fine Yelwa Meril nín," Finda heard her father say as he squeezed his wife's hand. 

"I know that mell nín," Flanna replied, eyes still resting on Boromir's arm. 

"So you can stop worrying! Flanna I can see it in your eyes, I know that look well!" Boromir chuckled. Flanna finally met his eyes and nodded. Finda walked over and rested her hand on Flanna's shoulder. Flanna looked up at her and faked a smile. 

"Hello muin nín," she said, taking her daughter's hand. Finda kissed her cheek and looked to her father.

"How do you feel Ada?" They weren't elvish, but they all knew the language well because of their many elvish family members, and loved to call each other pet names in the beautiful tongue. Boromir smiled at his little girl, who was suddenly not so little anymore, my, had she grown up lately! 

"Fine, meril, completely fine" He said, smiling at her. 

"That's a relief!" Finda said. She then turned to her mother, " Naneth, it's Felicity's bedtime, would you like me too?..." 

"No, it's fine, I can do it, meril." Flanna got up and kissed Boromir's head, "I'll be back soon mell nín". Boromir smiled and nodded. "And Finda,..." Finda looked up at her with a questioning look, "watch your father and make sure he doesn't do anything rash." She smiled mischievously, this time REALLY smiling. 

   After Flanna left, Boromir patted the bed next to him, Finda smiled and sat down. She snuggled up to him and he wrapped his arm around her. Ever since Finda was little, there was no place where she felt safer than when her father had his big arms around her. No matter where they were, whether that be across the world, close to home, in peace or in times of trouble, she always felt safe. Boromir kissed Finda's red curls and smiled, he loved his wife and Daughters hair, it was quite literally organized chaos. It never went where it was supposed to! He also loved the freckles that plauged their whole bodies, he thought it was adorable that they saw them as ugly, it made them so unique, and Boromir only wished that they could see them the way he did. 

"Will you sing something Finda?" Finda smiled and nodded, she took a deep breath and began- 

 "Even if  you were upside down, 

 I would be beside you, 

And If your world was a strange thing found, 

I would be beside you, 

In my symbolized world, I'm a beautiful girl,

In my house on a hill, there's room for you still,

When there's nothing but dark and sound,

I will be beside you.

When there's nothing but a long way 'round, 

I will be beside you.

I'll be everywhere you go,

You, go you go,

I will be everywhere you go 

You go, you go.

In my symbolized world I'm a beautiful girl. 

 In my house on a hill there's room for you still."

Boromir smiled, his daughters voice was beautiful, just like her mother's. 

"Finda have you ever heard the Yelwa Lullaby "fire and gold"? Finda squinted as if in thought, and shook her head. Boromir smiled. They say It was first sung by the lady Promise to her Daughter Meldamiriel. Finda smiled.

 "Sing it!" She said, Boromir smiled, 

"alright," he began-

"Eyes Sapphire blue,

Pale skin like the moon

With a crown of fire and gold.

You will be loved,

 this I know to be true

My sweet little baby girl

They'll travel so far,

To Revere and admire,

The princess of fire and gold.

For you will be loved

You will rouse and inspire,

My beautiful, flame headed girl.

I'll watch you grow strong,

See the lion you'll become,

With a mane of fire and gold

Oh you will be loved,

As you shine from above,

My beautiful flame headed girl

And when the night comes, 

You will rise like the sun,

My daughter of fire and gold

A sleep, my love sleep,

I'll be here as you dream

Kiss your hair of fire and gold,

Oh you are so loved, 

Your the heart of me,

My beautiful, sweet baby girl"

Boromir chuckled when he realized that Finda wasn't listening anymore. Sleep had claimed her. He carefully covered her in a blanket. Soon, he too succumed to sleep. 

When Flanna returned from Putting her youngest to bed, she smiled at the scene before her. She stood in the doorway and watched them for a few moments. Fraiya, who was on her way back from Putting her youngest, Fjerga, to bed, stopped and stood next to Flanna. 

I always knew a daughter would suit him." Flanna smiled and nodded her agreement. "How is he?" Fraiya asked, 

"He's well, I think." Flanna replied. Fraiya noted her sisters worry and turned to her. 

 "He'll be fine, muinthel," she said, laying her hand on Flanna's shoulder. "I know things like this scare you, so know that I'll always be here for  you, no matter what, just as I know you would do the same for me." Flanna smiled. The two hugged and Flanna climbed into the large bed next to her slumbering Husband and daughter. 

Flanna had left before Finda awoke. She kissed Boromir's head and got out of bed. She went to her own chambers and got dressed. Today was the first day of feasting and the laughter and music coming from down the stairs called to her. This week was going to be great

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