A Day in the life of Bianca Solace-di Angelo

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Bianca's POV

I woke up to dad shaking me.

"Go away." I mumbled.

A bright light lit up the room.

"I will summon zombies to chase you through the house."

"Come on Bee, the early bird gets the worm!" Dad grinned.

"Worms are gross and mornings are stupid." I muttered, sitting up and glaring at dad.

I shooed him out of the room so I could get dressed. I wore my usual jeans and camp shirt. After doing my usual morning routine, I stomped down the stairs.

Dad was at the stove, humming while he made bacon and eggs. Papa wasn't there, so I assumed he was still asleep.

"Hey Bee, can you go get your papa up?" Dad asked.

"Uh, no. I don't have a death wish." I retorted, grabbing a glass and filling it with water.

Papa walked downstairs fifteen minutes later. He looked half asleep and very disgruntled.

"Reyna and Thalia are coming over tomorrow." He muttered.

"Did Thals send you a wake up voicemail again?" Dad smirked.

Papa just grumbled and stole a piece of toast from Dad's hand.

"I'm going over to Ethan's today." I announced. "We've got a school project about Ancient Greece with Em."

"So you'll be done in an hour?" Dad laughed.

"Yeah. We'll probably prank everyone too." I shrugged.

Ethan, Emily, and I are best friends. We're the youngest of the legacies, so we tend to stick together.

I shadow travelled to his house. Upon arrival, I ate a bar of ambrosia so I didn't fall unconscious.

Emily was already there. She was just kicking off her shoes when I appeared.

"WE'RE HERE!" I yelled.

Ethan skidded around the corner at the top of the stairs.

"Hey guys! Let's go to my room to do the project."

We settled down straight away. After the initial argument about what to do the project on, we eventually decided on just doing the mythology. Much easier than picking a single god or goddess.

"Okay, we do our godly grandparents and who we were blessed by. Then we'll split up all the other ones. We can do places by which ones we've been to, and monsters by which ones we fought. We can divide up the heroes later."

It took us an hour. The only annoying part was the bibliography. Fortunately, Chiron, the Athena Cabin, and the Hermes Cabin had made a whole bunch of websites to use as sources. We just had to match them to the information.

After the project was done, we decided to go pranking. We raided the basement for some supplies before going off to the Chase-Jackson house.

Eventually, it was only the La Rodriguez house left. We ran out of ideas.

"We need one that's never been done before." Emily said. "They know all the others.

"Worms!" Ethan exclaimed. "Bee can go grab some worms from double A and we can release a whole bunch of worms!"

We all grinned and I disappeared into the shadows, reappearing next to Percy.

"Direct me to the nearest collection of worms." I demanded.

He did so without question, and that night, our three families got a very angry phone call.

Guys, I need some ideas. Who or what do you want to see next. I can do another one from a kid's POV, a company, or something else. Send help!

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