A Normal Day at Hephaestus Forges and Technology

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"LEO! THE WORKSHOP'S ON FIRE AGAIN!" Nyssa screamed from the floor above Leo. He laughed and finished up with the customer.

"Coming!" He called.

Sure enough, the workshop was on fire. The demigods were casually avoiding the flames as they continued their projects. Leo took control of the fire and put it out.

"Thanks Valdez. I think Annabeth wanted to talk to you about another joint project." Ashlynn Moore, a daughter of Athena, told him.

"Copy that! Mcshizzle out!"

Leo rose the small subway to the underground entrance of Athenian Architecture. All of the Olympian Companies were connected via subway. It helped cut down on traffic time.

Leo and a few architects got off at their stop. He bounced over to the security desk and scanned his all access badge. Then he got on the private elevator to Annabeth's office.

"Hey Chase-Jackson. What can the Mcshizzle do for you?"

"Well, I've got a client that needs her house built immediately. The plans are on the shelf." Annabeth explained, gesturing vaguely in the direction of the orderly shelf as she read through some plans on Daedalus' laptop.

Said laptop was constantly being shuffled between the two companies. Annabeth liked to study the designs, where as Leo liked to build them.

Leo quickly found the plans and saluted, snagging the phone number from the architect's outstretched hand.

Annabeth and Leo's offices looked nothing alike. Annabeth filled hers with books on architecture and designs, where as Leo has the odd instruction manual. Annabeth's office is neat and orderly, where as Leo's is always in disarray.

"See you later." He called, racing out the doorway. He rode in silence. Getting off at Katie's restaurant, he snagged a sandwich from the kitchen. Katie yelled at him half heartedly, as she did everyday.

Leo then rode back to the tech company. He waltzed through the door, dialling his phone and munching on his sandwich.

Sooner or later, a team of builders, demigod and mortal alike, were heading out to the plot of land.

Leo eventually locked up and left for home. He greeted Calypso and the kids happily before falling into the usual dinner routine.

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