Demeter Food and Crops

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Katie was thinking about the Olympian Companies and the one she suggested. Demeter Botany. She loved plants, but she also wanted to cook.

She went to her sisters, Miranda and Meg.

"What's up Katie?" Miranda asked.

"Well, I was thinking about the Olympian Companies and Demeter Botany." She said.

"We'll help." Meg said.

"I know, but I want to have my restaurant too."

"Demeter Botany and Cooking. Greenhouse on top. Garden in the back. Restaurant in the main part." Meg said as if it was obvious.

"I didn't think of that Meg! I've already got a place, but I'm gonna need help with the actual restaurant part and garden."

"Round up the cabin. Call Peaches. Grab The Stolls and Lou Ellen. Maybe summon those tree servants of your's." Miranda instructed.

"On it. You load up the van." Meg said, dashing off. Miranda and Katie each tugged on a pair of runners. Then they loaded up the van with people, weapons, food, water, and supplies.

"Alright! Listen up! Katie's opening a restaurant and garden place. We're all gonna help. Let's get moving." Meg said in her usual bossy tone. Everyone nodded and they drove off, music blaring and all the windows rolled down.

"Alright! Stolls, you go get the paint." Katie handed them a list. "Demeter Cabin, outside and upstairs. Greenhouse and garden. Lou and I will work in here on menues and stuff. Meg, your friends can help out or run errands."

Everyone nodded and got to work. Katie gave Miranda a list of fruits and vegetables she wanted.

"So, what kinda food are you gonna do?" Lou Ellen asked.

"Bread, obviously. My specialty. Probably some soups and sandwiches. Desserts. Smoothies." She shrugged.

"So, this is more of a cafe thing?"

"I suppose. I'll have some tables in here, outside, and in the greenhouse. There's already a kitchen back there. I can ask Calypso to help out from time to time. And my siblings." Katie agreed.

The pair started working on menues. The Stolls came bursting in with the paint.

"Boys, you start painting." Lou Ellen said, not looking up.

Before long, everything was finished. Now they just needed to advertise.

Meg sent Peaches and her warrior nymphs to hang posters in the busier buildings. The Stolls created a website. The rest of the Demeter Cabin went around handing the flyers out. Katie and Lou Ellen started gathering cooking supplies.

The flyers looked like this:

New business in town!
Demeter Foods and Crops!
Contact us [email protected] or at 172-333-7777
Opening on the 19!

On the opening, it was more crowded than expected, probably since it was an Olympian Company. The rest of the young gods and goddesses stopped by as well to congratulate us. Calypso helped out in the kitchen for a few hours.

It was another really successful business.

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