In Room 271B

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"You're alone."

I stare up towards the ceiling, my emotions stripped. A smile plays at her lips, before it changes into dark pity.

"This is why, Taehyung." She whispers, her expression all fake. She's not capable of feeling them, after all. "You only have me. Because no one else will accept you."

Her cold laughs pierce at my ears when I grab a handful of the blankets, twisting them.

"I wish you'd just shut up."

Her eyes twinkle dangerously. "You're walking into glass, Taehyung-ah. Remember I'm the only one who's willing to stay in the end."

You're not even fucking real.

"I know." She purrs, making me wince. "That's why it's just so sad, isn't it? Not even one person who walks on this Earth is willing to hold onto you."

Her fingers are ice as it skims on my jaw.

"And that's how it'll be, for the rest of your life."



I'm the stupid one.

With the medication bags clutched tight to my body, I check that I have the keycard that the driver had given me before getting into the night city bus.

That'll help you get into the building, where his suite is. He'd said, all the while sighing with his face buried in his hands. I really don't know why I'm doing this.

It's deep night. I'd left only after making sure Jungkook was deep asleep, even leaving a note besides him just in case.

It explained that I'd be back soon, and had Jimin's number written down.

I'd said all that stuff to him.

Groaning, I slack against the window and start smacking my forehead on it.
How can you be so damn ignorant? You should be the best one to know words hurt more than anything else.

I quickly check through the little bag other than the medication, to see if all the stuff I'd bought was in there.

He might not even want it.

Pressing that thought down, I close up the bag again. My heart starts racing the moment the bus pauses to a stop in front of a large, white building.

Just go.

Bowing to the tired-looking bus driver, I get off the bus and walk towards the back entrance like last time. I have to sneak there, because cameras are almost everywhere in this place.

I feel like someone breaking in.

No, I am breaking in.

My arm full with all of the things I'd got, I walk until I see the dark keycard slider against the white walls. I push the sleek card in, breathing shallowly as the door clicks open.

Dark thoughts fill my mind as soon as I enter. What if he calls the police on me? What if—

Screw it, whatever.

My feet are silent against the cold floor as I look back at the driver's text— whose name had been Kim Seokjin. He'd sent me a long text of directions, after I'd explained the brief situation and exchanged numbers with him.

Seokjin-ssi: His suite is Room 271B. There should be no one there today at the building, so no worries about the guards and stuff like that. So when you get into the back entrance....

First right turn.

I take the turn, and look back down to reading. There is a staircase there, and I follow the rest of the careful directions until I arrive in front of a shut door.

Next to the door, a panel reads 271B.

I'm not ready.

But swallowing harshly, I reach up and tap softly on the door. No answers from the other side.

I knock a bit louder, hoisting my bag up the length of my arm.

Still no answer.

I start to get a little bit panicked, and my last instinct drives me to just try the doorknob. And to my shock, the door swings open without any other warning.

My eyes instantly pin down.

But there's silence, and I peek up to see Taehyung. I grimace the moment I realize that he's staring at me, dark eyes stunned.



And then my breath stops when he climbs off the bed. Then he crosses the room in a heartbeat, and for a second I think he's going to shove me back out the way I'd just come from.

But he doesn't.

His arms wrap around my shoulders, and I release a huge, relieved sigh when he pulls me into his chest. A shaky breath leaves his lips.

"How are you here," He whispers, and I'm surprised to hear the racing of his heart. He sounds more relieved than I am.

"I'm sorry."


"I'm sorry I said all those things to you." I say, and sit down at the floor of his room. He looks at me in shock when I start presenting all the things I'd brought to him.

"Uh— this is your medicine." I say, holding up the prescription bag. "But I don't really, um, I don't really want to recommend medication to you."

"So I got these."

He steps back when I pull out a small box from inside the second bag.

"It's a candle." I explain, not noticing the small smile ghosting on his lips as I talk lightning-fast from anxiety. "Lavender-scented. You know aromatherapy, right?"

And without stopping, I reach down to pull out a small stuffed animal.

I blush furiously when he tilts his head towards the doll.

"And what's this?"

"T-This is a teddy." I say, pushing it into his palms. "Have you heard of comfort objects? Yeah, it's something like that. It's just a...."

"Comfort object, huh?" He breathes, and I nod quickly. I'm about to give an awkward laugh when he suddenly pulls me up to my feet.

"Sleep with me, Miss Jeon."

My eyes go wide. His lips curl into an amused half-smile when he notices my expression.

"Not like that. Though if you want—"

His words cut off into a smile when I climb into his bed, getting underneath the already-warm blankets. It smells like him, too— like mint and slightly sweet.

Just until I help him fall into safe sleep. I'd stay just until then— and then go back to Jungkook. I couldn't leave him alone for too long either.

The bed dips next to me, and I swallow when I realize this is actually happening.

I'm just making sure he's safe. Because looking at the dark shadows under his eyes, I was almost certain he'd been having hallucination nightmares before I'd come in.

"How'd you get in, Rieul? Don't tell me you broke something."

I look up at the ceiling, feeling the intensity of his tawny gaze on the side of my face.

"Um— so don't fire him, but I met Seokjin-ssi when I came to the hospital." I start, twiddling my fingers underneath the covers. "He gave me the keycard and directions when I told him, uh—"

His voice is amused.

"What did you tell him?"

I hesitate for a long second. My cheeks blush up to the tips of my ears until I finally squeak quietly.

"That I had to see you... as soon as possible...?"

He doesn't answer, which makes me risk a glance at him anxiously. But to my surprise, his face is almost glowing with pleasure.

Then my brows scrunch in confusion a bit when I hear him murmur something soft under his breath, his eyes fixed up with a smirk at the ceiling.

"Not everyone really does want me away, hm?"

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