Glossary of 2080 Terminology

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This glossary is a running list of all 2080 terms that I've either coined or repurposed for this story. It can be read as is or used as a reference guide. All terms should be understandable in context, so please tell me if they aren't comprehensible anywhere in the text.

COVID boomers: the baby boom that resulted from a series of periodic lockdowns due to COVID-19 and related variants that lasted off and on from 2020 to 2035

digital assistant: (also: virtual assistant) a robotic or virtual aide that uses sophisticated AI software and/or a human avatar to perform routine office and/or complex cleaning tasks; can be configured as an audiovisual aide or a 3D interactive holographic projection

flash: to skim or scan through items quickly inside a holographic sphere; the modern equivalent of the term 'scroll'

fleck (sl): a neutral term suitable for all genders, similar to 'dude' or 'guy' or 'chick'

flick(ing) (pej. sl.): a harsh curse synonymous with the word 'fuck' in our vernacular

Generation G (Globotics Generation): the generation born during the Globotics Revolution from 2035 to 2055

Generation V (Virtual Generation): the generation born in the aftermath of Globotics from 2056 to 2085; any mind uploaded into digital (after)lives

Globotics Revolution (2035-55): the combination of AI, quantum computing, and globalization that eliminated 80 to 90% of all blue- and white-collar jobs, effectively wiping out the middle classes, consolidating wealth, and creating a socialist corporate oligarchy

holoblog: a multimedia holographic tabloid viewable on a holojector

holocoins: a virtual global currency linked to a bank account that can be accessed with an ID wristband

hologram: an audio or audiovisual message viewable on a holojector

holojector: a portable device either worn on the wrist or handheld that acts as a 3D holographic projector

ledge (pej. slang): a privileged person from the top ten percent whose job has not been affected by the Globotics Revolution

mexem: a polite, gender-neutral form of address that has replaced sir, ma'am, and miss; suitable for all genders

millennials: the generation that precedes the COVID boomers, born from 1981 to 2019

Mx.: a polite, gender-neutral honorific that replaces Mr., Ms., Mrs., and Miss; suitable for all genders

plebe (pej. slang): an impoverished person from the lower or middle classes whose job has been taken over by digital assistants, AI, or robots in the aftermath of Globotics

pinch: to bring the thumb and middle finger together quickly in order to close a holographic sphere

polluted (sl.): drunk

printer: a device that 3D prints (i.e. reproduces) a food recipe and cooks it at super speed using laser technology; replaces ovens and microwaves

quartner: a portmanteau of queer and partner in reference to queerplatonic partners of any gender that cohabitate in serious, long-term aromantic asexual relationships

replicator: a device that uses advanced technology to instantaneously produce a wide range of drinks on command

socialist corporate oligarchy: a political regime in which a small, elite group of giant conglomerates holds all the political power and funds a social welfare state to support the vast numbers of unemployed citizens

sphere: the holographic version of a computer 'window' in which digital operations can occur

spread: to extend the thumb and middle finger outward in a quick motion to open a new holographic sphere

synthehol: an alcohol substitute that can take the form of beer, wine, or spirits

tech widow(er): a person abandoned by their partner/quartner due to excessive, obsessive, or addictive VR behaviour

VR (virtual reality): technology that allows people to lead digital lives in a virtual universe (parallel or fictional) that operates thanks to advanced quantum computing

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