5 - Spirit

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[3 days later]



"Akhet, can I go see Gwadient?"

"Of course, little one. I'll be in the library if you need me."

Akhet walked off, and I turned to go find Gradient. I like him. I like new people in general, but Gradient's really cool. Sometimes he goes to find me cool living-world things for me to play with, and he's always ready to play with me.

I walked down the hallway until I found Gradient's room. It wasn't very decorated, but I liked the space and so does he. When I came in, he was doing something a bit... unusual.

Gradient was simply sitting on his bed, staring into some sort of big glowing ball. Random pictures flashed across its surface, like watching a TV.


Gradient's head snapped in my direction, surprised by my sudden entrance. He sighed when he saw it was just me.

"Hey, Aiko," he said cheerfully.

"What awe you doing?" I asked, walking over to hop up onto his bed.

"Oh, it's hard to explain," Gradient replied, "Let's just say I'm... looking through memories that aren't mine."

"Is that a spiwit?" I said, gazing in curiosity at the ball.

"Yes," Gradient replied. He tapped the surface of the orb, and it flashed to a different image. The perspective was of someone looking down at the handlebars of a bicycle, pedaling unsteadily. I watched in wonder.

"So it's like a TV?" I questioned Gradient.

"In a way," he shrugged.

I kinda just stared at it before turning around and asking, "Could I get one?"

Gradient laughed. "No, no. It's a special power that only I have. If you held it, it would disappear."

"Oh," I said in dismay.

"Hey," Gradient said, gently putting his hand under my chin to let me look at him. "I'll try to steal something from the living world for you to play with, okay?"

My mood brightened. "Okay!"

"And can you keep what you saw in here a secret?"

"Why?" I asked.

"Reasons I don't want to explain. Got it?"

"Got it!"


3rd PoV


Gradient watched the young ghost leave happily, probably to go find Akhet or Xyan or Praxus. When she was out of sight, he lifted his hand, which was curled into a fist, and opened it for himself to see what it held.

He smiled. Perfect.

This was going to be fun.



407 words

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