Chapter 50: When I'll Be Gone

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Heyya peeps! Your long awaited, the 50th Chapter of Afterlife Of Ember And Rhea is finally out now!!

Please take your time, reading this. 'Cause we won't be able to update the next chapter in a while. We have exams. So sit back and read it for EVER!


"I've informed the police. And they said that they have already taken care of the matter." Mr. Wilson said to his daughter.

"What did they do? Ember and Rhea are still together!" Sabrina shouted at him.

"They might take necessary steps if you collect evidence."

"Hmph. Call them again and tell them that Arorhea isn't backing off. She can cross her limits to go after Ember and we can't let that happen, dad!"

"Right. I'll call them right away."

* * * * *

"So this case is closed. And we hereby request to all of the citizens not to worry about it." Said the TV reporter.

"Now let's move on to the latest news. Arorhea Laghari. A high school student, shifted to LA from India. She is currently studying in Brit High of Los Angeles."

"What?" Noor said surprisedly and all of them gathered near the TV.

* * * * *

"Mrs. Rosa park has informed that she nearly died because of her grandson's girlfriend. Poor soul...he tried to save her and ended up...anyways, so his girlfriend is supposed to be Arorhea Laghari who might be involved in this mischievous activity. And according to our reports, she is after Mr. Helberg's son, Ember Cardilia Helberg."

"What the-" Ember said, surprisedly.

"What happened dear?" Aed asked and he quickly turned off the TV.

"Nothing mom." He got up and ran back to his room, opening the news channel in his phone.

* * * * *

"He knew that his girlfriend was behind all this but he couldn't report the media about this. And when he's no more now, Arorhea has the chance to seek richer men of LA."

"What the hell is this??" Mr. Laghari asked.

"Are they out of their minds?!"

"Rhea! Whatever we're all that true?!" Ananya Laghari, Rhea's mom asked, worriedly.

"Di...." Noor spoke.

"Of course not! I didn't do anything!" Rhea said in her defence.

"Don't lie! That's why you've been so secretive lately!!"

"No I wasn't! I'm innocent!"

"How did they get your picture then?" Ananya said, pointing at the TV screen.

"I have no idea!" Rhea said.

"You have crossed your limits!"

"Is this what we have taught you, your whole life?!"

"N-no mom, dad. I'm serious." She cried.

"It's a trap. Believe me!"

"How can we believe you? Media never lies!"

"They do..." Noor whispered in background.

"Don't speak when elders are talking!" They scolded Noor.

"Go to your room. Now!" Noor got up and walked away silently.

*door bell rings*

"Who's there at this time?" Mr. Laghari said frustratedly and went to open the door.

To his surprise, there were thousands of people gathered outside their apartment with cameras and protest banners.

"Huh?!" Mr. Laghari was dumbstruck.

"Arorhea Laghari!" The crowd shouted.

"Is it true that you have tried to kill Mrs. Rosa Park because she opposed your relationship with her grandson?!"

"No!" Rhea arrived.

"I didn't have any relationship with anyone nor do I know her!"

"Why are you lying?"

"I'm not lying! I'm serious!!!"

* * * * *

"So we're in front of Miss Arorhea Laghari's apartment." A reported said in the TV.

"And as you can see, thousands of people are gathered here to know the truth-"

"I'm not lying! I'm serious!!!" Rhea screamed.

"Oh NO!!!" Ember said, trembling.

"No no no no this can't be happening!!" He jumped out of the couch and grabbed his keys.

He reached Charles and threw the keys at him.

"Chuck! Quick! To Rhea's house!" He said and Charles nodded as he catched the keys.

* * * * *

"How can we believe you? Do you have any proof of your innocence?"

"I-" She was taken aback and her mother began to cry.

"Everyone in the city is against you. Mrs. Rosa Park is a very respected Lady. Why would you try to do that to her? The poor soul of her grandson had to suffer all that!!"

"You are a horrible person!"


"You should die too!"

"You have no rights to live!"

"PLEASE STOP!" Rhea cried.

"You should be punished!"

"How could someone do something like this?"


"You're the most horrible person alive! You should die!"

"Why don't you all?" Ember said as he got off his Mercedes.

"You all are horrible. You have no proof that she has done that. A news can also be fake. But a person like her....can never be." He looked at her.

"Mr. Ember Helberg!"

"Stop all this and leave her alone this instant." He ordered and people started to depart.

They listened to him but the hatred in them for Rhea didn't go away.

Ember took small steps towards Rhea as her parents went inside the house, being ashamed of their daughter.

"Rhea...." He called her name but she fumed in anger.

"Don't call me Rhea. I didn't need your help." She said in a cold tone.

"Stop being childish Rhea!"

"I'm not childish. I've killed a person." She said, as her heart broke.

"No you didn't. I know. I believe in you." He said as he came closer to her.

"That's of no use! Make them believe!" She shouted at him and held his shoulders.

* * * * *

"Now! Click!" Sabrina said from a distance and her cameraman clicked a picture of Ember and Rhea. "Great! Let's go now."

* * * * *

"I'm sorry Rhea...I promise everything will be okay...I promise."

"Stay away from me." She pushed him from his shoulders.

"Why?! No I won't!"

"Then watch me walk out of your life forever..." She said and shut the door.

He was left outside. He put his hand on the wooden door as a teardrop escaped his left eye. She closed her eyes and put her forehead on the other side of the door from inside and cried.

"Sir." Someone placed their hand on Ember's shoulder.

"Chuck?" Ember turned around and wiped off his tears.

"We should go now." Charles said in a calm tone.

"Yes." He nodded and started walking.

But he turned his head once more to see that wooden door of Rhea's apartment and sighed. Suddenly he started coughing very loudly and fell down on the ground.

"Sir! Sir are you okay?!" Charles asked in tension.

"Yea- *coughs*" He coughed again and this time it was even louder and he fell unconscious. Charles took out his phone and dialed 911.

"H-hello?! I have a patient to look after! We'll be there in 20 minutes!!" He hanged the call and tried to pick up Ember. Charles put Ember's arm around his neck and picked him up. He placed Ember inside the car, at the backseat and drove away.

* * * * *

"Yes sir. I understand. Yes. Hmm. Okay. Thank you sir..." Mr. Laghari cut the call.

"D-d-dad, what happened?" Rhea arrived at the living room, trembling.

"Don't call me dad. You have lost your rights. You have proved how much of bad parents we are to raise you like this." He scolded her.

"Did I give birth to you to see this day in my eyes today?" Her mother cried.

"M-mom. I didn't do anything!"

"Shut up." Her dad said grumpily.

"I was demoted to a much lower level of the company. And we have to go back to India as instructed by the government of California."


"Don't speak too much. Go back to your room and start packing." They said in a cold tone with anger.

"But I was inno-"

"We said, leave!" They scolded her and she ran back to her room, shedding tears.

The next day...

"Rhea!" Nikki knocked at her door and she opened.

"Hi....Nikki..." She greeted her with a longing face.

"Why weren't you present at school today?!"

"I just-" She paused.

"I'm not allowed to go to school anymore..."

"What! That's terrible!!"

"I know right...."

"You know what?! Ember was absent too!"

"Oh." She said and she was sad when she heard his name.

"Not just 'Oh', Rhea!" She said in hurry.

"Ember is at hospital! I thought you went to see him!"

"What! He is WHERE?!" She said as her heart skipped a beat and then started beating the fastest it has ever beaten.

"Yes! He's at Hospital!"

"We need to go and meet him!"

"But...should you go?" Nikki said in a calm voice.

"Why shouldn't I?! I'm calling Chuck to pick us up." She said and called Charles.

"Ember's driver?"


"Shouldn't you be at home now? What if your parents come to know that you snuck out?"

"Nikki, it's not a time to think about that. We need to visit Ember." She said. Charles arrived in five minutes and took them to the hospital where Ember was.

"Ember!" She shouted as she entered the building.

"He's in room no. 531." Charles said.

"Okay." Nikki and Rhea rushed to his room.

"Rhea. Look!" Nikki pointed at a nurse, standing outside Ember's room.

"Stay right here. They shouldn't see you. I'll go and ask her for permission."

"Thanks Nikki." Rhea said and Nikki went to her.

After a few seconds, the nurse walked away and Nikki told Rhea to come to her by showing gestures. Rhea slowly walked towards her.

"Rhea, go in quickly."

"And you?"

"Don't worry about me. I'll let you know if somebody gets here."

"Okay." She nodded and went in.

Ember had his eyes closed. He was lying flat on the bed with a tube attached to his nose to help him breathe. The heartbeat rate detector's monitor was on. His heartbeat rate was very low. She took small steps towards him.

"Ember..." She spoke.

"Ember!" She called him again but he didn't response.

"Ember! Wake up. It's not a time to fool around! Ember!" She started crying.

"Please Ember! I know it was my fault. I'm sorry to treat you like that. Is this all I get? Ember can you hear me?!" She knelt down to have a proper look at his face.

"Oh Ember...I know you're pranking me....please don't... It's not right. Wake up. I'm scared. Please. Please save me. I beg you. Scold me for being so rude towards you. Just wake up!" Tears gathered in her eyes.

"Why...are you doing this...?" She gasped.

"I have a strange feeling about this...I feel like I've felt this before..." She leaned towards him and touched his blonde bangs.

"When I met you for the first felt like I already knew you. I could be so comfortable around you. But when you're lying right in front of me...why do I feel so uncomfortable?" A teardrop fell from her eyes on Ember's cheek.

"Forgive me for everything. I have to leave. Please see me for one more time. Please let me see your Persian blue eyes. Please Ember. You wouldn't know when I'll be please open your eyes!" She cried but he didn't move an inch.

"What are YOU doing here?!" Someone said out loud. Rhea looked back and it was the same nurse, from before.

"Aren't you Arorhea Laghari?!"

"Y-yes I am."

"Oh my lord. Get out of here! Mr. Helberg will be mad at us!"

"Wha-" The nurse pulled Rhea but she was holding Ember's hand too tightly.

"Leave his hand!"

"No I won't!" She cried and didn't let go of his hand.

But her hand slipped as the nurse pulled her with more strength and got her out. She locked the door from inside and checked the heartbeat rate detector's monitor. His heart was beating more than the last day, when he got here. His heartbeat increased more that what Rhea saw on the screen.

"Let me in!" Rhea banged the door from outside.

"Let me see Ember!"

"I'm sorry Rhea..." Nikki apologized.

"She came out of nowhere...."

"It's okay. It's not your fault."

"R-Rhea?" A familiar female voice called her name. She looked at her.

"Mrs. Helberg?!"

"Ah! Aren't you that girl who's after all this?!" Mr. Helberg shouted.

"N-no sir-"

"Why are you here, dear?" She asked her.

"I-I came t-to see if E-Ember is o-okay."

"Rubbish! You came to see if he's dead by now or not!"

"Harnston! Calm down!" Aed said to her husband.

"Rhea, are you really after all this?" She looked at Rhea with sympathy.

"I'm not!" She cried.

"Why would she agree? If she agrees, she might end up in jail." He said sarcastically.

Tears streamed down from her eyes and she ran away from there. Nikki went after her.

"You didn't have to say all that." Aed said to him.

"What if she's honest?"

"Huh! As if she is! Remember. If anything happens to my son, the reason will be her and your admiration towards her!"

"He's my son too!" They started arguing.

"And since when did you start to care about Ember so much? I'm the one who looked after him his whole life!"

"What are you trying to say?! Then what is my contribution in his life?!" And the quarrel went on.

* * * * *

" you like Ember?" Nikki asked after a long silence, sitting inside the car.

"Yes." Rhea said straight away.

"Why didn't you tell that to him earlier?!"

"It's just of no use..."

"He could be saved if you had told him about your feelings for him!"

"I couldn't. Did he even like me?"

"Of course, he did! Didn't you see the spark in his eyes whenever he saw you?"

"He was flirty."

"Only for you. He isn't like that with the others. Didn't you notice how much he went through to protect you? He tried his best but he only received your hatred. If only for once you had told him, maybe-"

"OKAY NIKKI! STOP!" She looked outside the window.

"...this car smells like him..." She thought.

"You're just- UGH." Nikki folded her arms.

"I'm sorry..." She said and Charles stopped the car.

They went out and thanked Charles for dropping them back home safely.

"He really did like you..." Charles said and drove away, leaving Rhea awestruck.

They parted their ways and she sneaked inside her apartment on her tiptoes and went back to her room. Noor stood near the balcony.

"Di...?" Noor called her as he heard her footsteps and the shutting of the door.

"W-what are you d-doing here?"

"Di...whatever we came to know about today..." Noor spoke and Rhea became quiet.

"I know you can't do such a thing. It's so not you."

"Do you believe in me, Noor?" She asked with hope in her eyes.

"Yes di, I do." He said with teary eyes and Rhea rushed to hug him.

"Thank you so much, bhai. Our parents don't believe me." She cried.

"I wanted to you like Ember?"


"Even if you like him, it doesn't mean that you're after his money, right?"

"You're right Noor."

"I've thought about this a lot. This is not the first time when I've heard his name. I've heard his name somewhere before."


"Do you day you woke up and screamed a name?"


"It was 'Ember'!"


"Yes! And you wanted to celebrate something."

"Right...that was 27th June...Wait, what? 27th June is Ember's birthday!!"

"There's something fishy about this."


"You didn't even know him before coming to LA."


"I haven't met this Ember guy yet. But what guys are meant to be-"

"Wait. No. Why are you talking like this? Do you even believe in this destiny and faith and all that?"

"No but seriously. Think about it. You shouted his name out of nowhere and wanted to celebrate his birthday! You didn't even know! And you even found a bench where Ember loves Rhea was written!"

"H-how did you know that?!"

"Well...Alicia di told me and I saw the image of the bench on your phone..." She sighed.

"This is getting weird. My life is...just ugh! I don't know what to do anymore!"

"Calm down di. Everything will be okay."

"It always felt like something is missing. But it gradually felt like it's okay. And now again I feel like, that thing is separating from me and is going far away every passing time."

* * * * *

"Why are you being so quiet, dear?"
Maple asked as he sat beside his best friend, with his hands behind his head.

"Do you feel uncomfortable 'bout something?"

"About what?"

"Don't know. It's just that...I feel a little off from the past few days."

"Must be because of nightmares."

"Nah. I don't dream that much." He said, looking into his 'mirror image' face.

"Well, to be honest. I don't feel good either." Maple said, as he looked away from those emerald eyes.


"Do you feel like something is hurting?

" "Yes!" Loraine nodded.

"Same....and do you think something is disappearing every time the clock ticks?"

"You got it right."

"We do have same emotions. We're really twins." Maple smirked.

"We're not. We're cousins."

"Might be. But other than our eye colors, everything is identical. We're identical twins!"


"Oh by the way."


"Last night someone called mom and said that their son is very ill and is admitted to a hospital."

"So what?"

"Feels bad."

"Who was he or she?"

"Mom said that she is her sister. I've never met the other sister of her before. I've only met your mom."

"I didn't even know that our mothers have this another sister." Loraine said.

"Yeah, me neither." Maple said.

"And I guess we're supposed to go and visit her son."


"Maybe in a few days."

"Oh. Did they invite you to go?"

"Mom said that, it would be nice if we do that."

"Where do they live?"

"In The US."

"What?!" Loraine said in shock.

"In which state?'


"Woah. Pretty far."

"A few months ago I visited Los Angeles." Maple said.

"And a strange boy tried to pluck out my eyes!"

"Wha-! Pff-"

"Don't laugh." He pouted.

"At last, when he said, 'happy April fool's day', I felt relieved. God, he was too creepy!" He said and Loraine laughed.

* * * * *

"Finally!" A guy, of about 14 to 15 years said as he put down a 22 pounds(10kg) carton on the floor and sat beside it.

"Hurry up!" His mom said.

"Take the rest of the boxes in. We don't have the whole day! I have to leave for work!"

"Offo mom! Can't you take a break from work today? We just shifted!"

"You know that I'm a police officer, right? I can never be off duty."

"Offo, lectures. Again. I should've kept quiet." He averted his eyes and his mom chuckled.

"Okay, hurry up now." She smiled.

"After you're done, have some snacks. I've served on the table." He looked at those delicious-looking crackers on the plate and jumped up with full of energy.

"I'm on it!" He saluted and his mom left, chuckling.

He took the rest of the boxes into his apartment and finally got to go to his bedroom with the plate of crackers. He stood at his balcony for a beautiful view.

"What the hell is this?" He looked right in front of his balcony.

Another balcony, with a broken glass door. The whole room could be seen through it.

"Did a wild animal live in there?" He made a disgusted face and was about to go back inside.

"Oye!" A girl called him. She was on her bicycle.
He looked down, at her.

"Alicia! Hi." He waved at her.

"Did you shift here?" Alicia asked.

"Yup. And hoped for a good view outside my room. But who knew I'd end up in front of a wild animal's cage." He said sarcastically.

"Wild animal's cage?" She was confused.

"Yeah, that apartment over there." He pointed out the other balcony.

"Pff-" She controlled her laughed. "Oh, that's Rhea's house. Anyways, gotta go." She laughed and got up on her bicycle.

"See ya!" She paddled away.



-to be continued...

☆Afterlife Of Ember And Rhea ☆

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