Chapter 51: The Addled Event

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"W-where am I?" He said as he sightly opened his eyes after a long sleep.

"E-Ember?" Aed panicked as she rushed to him.

"Mom, where am I?" Ember asked as he tried to get up.

"We're at the hospital, dear."

"W-what happened to me?"

"The doctors are still unknown to this. They might take some more time."

"I want to go home. I'm feeling cold."

"The doctors won't prescribe to let you go."

"But I have to go."

"Let the doctor arrive. Wear this coat if you're feeling cold, until then." She said as she handed him her coat.

* * * * *

"We're here." Mr. Laghari said as he got out of the car and started taking out the luggage. Rhea and Noor hopped out of the car to help their dad with the bags. Mrs. Laghari unlocked the door and went inside the house. The same old house where they used to live two years ago. 

"We need to do the dusting." She said and started cleaning the place. "Rhea, Noor, go to your rooms and clean them before taking the bags in."

"Mom, we're too tired! We have just arrived!" Noor said.

"You can't live here if you don't do it."

"Ughh fine." They pouted and began to work. Rhea climbed the stairs which led her to her room. It was a mess inside. The room was full of cobwebs and broken glass. The glass window was broken by heavy wind. She began to sweep the glasses and then when she was done, she started cleaning the balcony railings with a cloth.

* * * * *

"But today is Sunday!"

"I still have to work, dear."

"Mom, this isn't fair. You always leave for work and I'm all alone every single day!"

"Why didn't you make any friends yet?"

"Friends are betrayers. You can't trust anyone."

"Offo, try to make friends. You'll come across true friends soon. You'll see. When the time is right, everything will be okay." His mom convinced him. "Now, I've got to go." She said and grabbed her clutch. She walked out of the building and her son came along with her to lock the door from inside. "Looks like someone is moving into that apartment." She said as she noticed Mr. Laghari parking the car. "If there are kids of your age you can get along with them."

"I don't want friends." He said grumpily.

"What will I do with you?" She sighed. "Anyways, take care." 

"Okay, bye." He waved at his mom as she left. He rushed to his room and then to his balcony to have a proper look at the family. A girl of about 13, stood at the balcony in front of his balcony, cleaning the railings. He blushed. "She...looks like of my age." 

Rhea spotted a guy staring at her from the balcony in front of her room. She quickly sat down to hide from him. Then she realized that, he could easily see her among the bars. She felt like an idiot and crawled back to her room like a snake.

"Oh my God. He was look at me! Could he be a spy? Could he be a spy of SABRINA?!?!?!" She peeked at him through the window. He was still staring at her.

"What is she doing?" He asked to himself.

"What did that spy say?! I'm not that dumb to not notice that he said something weird about me!" She narrowed her eyes and kept trying to figure out what he said.

"Yo di-" Noor arrived and Rhea glared at him. She had a finger on her lips, trying to tell him to keep quiet. Then she told him to come and look. He went to her and looked at that guy, standing on the balcony. Rhea looked at him with a weird and ugly face. He laughed nervously.

"Did you see that?!" She whisper shouted. "He's babbling something about me!"

Noor looked at her face and then that boy's. "Are you trying to hide from him?"

"Of course I am!"

"Uhh. Unfortunately, the glass of the window is actually broken and he can clearly see your ugly face from there."

Rhea: 😶😶😶😶😶


"What is she doing?" He asked again to himself, confusedly, as she fell down from her table.


* * * * *

"Doctor?" Aed spoke and stood up as the doctor stepped in.

"Hello, Mrs. Helberg. Hello, Ember." He greeted.

"Doctor I wanna go home!" Ember insisted.

"That's what I'm here to say. He's fine now. All good. And we have decided to discharge him today."

"That's such an amazing news. But what actually had happened to him?"

"Just cough and cold. Nothing to be worried about." The doctor said. "He fainted because of too much headache."

"What were you stressed about, Ember?"

"I don't know...I don't remember." Ember said and jumped out of the bed. Charles parked the car right in front of the hospital and Ember left the hospital after signing some discharge papers and waving at everyone in the building. They drove back to Helberg Mansion happily. Where Mr. Helberg was like the sweetest person on Earth.

"Finally!" Ember stretched and lied flat on his bed. Then he pulled out his planner and noticed a trip plan marked on the next day. "Mom?!" He called as Aed passed in front of his room.

"Yes?" She peeked in.

"I guess I have a school trip tomorrow."

"That's nice. I think you can go. The doctor said that you're all good now." She smiled.

"I don't think dad will agree-"

"I will." Mr. Helberg came out of nowhere. "You can go tomorrow." He smiled as well.

"Awesome! Thanks dad!!" He hugged his parents.

"After all it's Christmas."

"What?! It's December already?!"

"Yeah, why?"


[ ⚠ Attention! Attention! Attention! ⚠ ]

Hear ye!

There's a small (MAJOR) mistake in the above scene! 😨

Read all the scenes of Ember carefully and comment what's wrong with the common sense.

You just have to think with some logic. 

It's easy 🐇

Best of luck! 💍

The Next Day....

"Bye! Take care dear!" Aed said.

"Have fun!" Mr. Helberg said as Ember got on his Mercedes and Charles started the engine. He reached his school after a few minutes. Took the school bus with the others.

His day was going on just like an ordinary day. Everything was fine. His dad allowed him to go to the trip—pretty unexpected. But he was feeling uneasy.

This trip was for 3 days. The first day of the trip was Christmas eve. They arrived at their destination and entered their hotels. The hall had a huge Christmas tree placed in the center of the room, that was to be decorated later. 

The students set out to play in the snow. People were skiing. Ember wanted to show off his skills and grabbed a sleigh. While skiing, he noticed a girl, who had medium lengthened, wavy, brown hair sitting all alone beside the hotel. He got distracted and skidded. After managing to stand, he walked upto her.

"Hey." He said as he sat beside her.

"I'm Arorhea." She said.

"Oh. Hi, Rhea."

"Hi Ember." They stared at each other.

"Why are you sitting alone?"

"No one wants to be with me."

"I do." He smiled.


"Yeah. Why don't you come with me?"

"To where?"

"We together?"

"I don't know how to ski. This snow is too cold."

"I can teach you."

"Thank you but I prefer to be alone."

"Shouldn't I be here?"

"It's your wish...if you want to stay or leave."

"I will stay."

"That's so nice of you." She said but there was pin drop silence after that.

"So...why didn't we meet at school?"

"I don't know."

"Were you there on the bus?"


"Um, okay."

"Ember?" Someone called for him and he turned back. It was their teacher in-charge.

"Yes ma'am?" He responded in a respective manner.

"Whom are you talking to?"

"Its my-" He was about to speak when he saw her again in a distant, smiling at him and she was walking backwards, away from him. "Rhea wait!" He shouted and ran after her but when he reached her, there was absolutely no one.

"Are you okay, dear?" The teacher asked, worriedly. 

"I...don't know" He said, almost in a whisper. "Isn't she here?"


"Arorhea Laghari." Her face paled as she looked at him with a little concern 

"You know...she's not here with us...where are you seeing her?"

"You don't understand. She was right here a moment ago!" I argued.

"You are not well, Ember. I think you should take some rest." 


-to be continued...

Ember Helberg ~

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