Chapter 60: There's Something After Forever

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"What are you here for? I don't want to answer your questions, Em-" She paused. 

"Loraine!" He sighed.

"Wait, what?" And that's when she realized, "You have green eyes! Wow, didn't notice that earlier." 

He was quiet. Suddenly, his phone started buzzing and he left her for a while to pick up the call. It was Ember. The previous call had been cut. 

"Why did you cut the call, Loraine??" Ember asked. 

"I have no clue! I'm unaware of the fact that the call ended." Loraine explained. 

"Anyways, so what did she say?" 

"I asked her several questions casually but she's just not ready to say anything about the truth. Um, we still don't know if that accident was real. What if she had paid Mrs Parks to plan the death?"

 "Why would she kill her own grandson? And why would the cops ever arrest that random truck driver and bury the corpse?"

* * *

"Wow my mind is blowned." Alicia said. 

"Neel would have never done that for anyone." Rhea blushed as Neel came into the classroom. He walked towards her and sat on the seat next to her. She looked at Alicia who was really confused about the situation. She coughed and left them alone. 

"Hey come back!" Rhea slowly turned towards Neel and found him already staring at her. 

"Hi." He had his cheeks more red as compared to hers. 


After the school, she decided to go home alone. Alicia would have teased her all the way back home and Neel, there was no way they could get back to each other. 

They would die blushing! The relationship between them was now as if 'once seen, can't be unseen.'—once when something has happened, they could never act normal in front of each other.

So Rhea walked home all by herself and on the way, she found a young lady in a park, sitting on a swing without swinging it. She had her face down, looking at her phone screen. Rhea decided to speak with her because she thought she might be lonely. 

"Hey there," She walked before her.

 "Hi, do we know each other?" She lifted up her face to face Rhea. 

"No. I was just passing by. I'm Arorhea. Why do you look so sad?" 

"My name's Lia and I...well, actually I haven't heard from my fiancé in a while."

 "I see." 

"He suddenly stop contacting me and it has been months now." 

"Why don't you try contacting with his family?" 

"...his family would never accept me...especially his grandma. We decided to marry in India and elope from our families..." She said with a sad face. 

Suddenly, something struck Rhea's mind.

 "His grandmother? Marriage in India? What's his name, where does he live?!"

"Jacob Parks, the grandson of the mayor of LA, US." 

"What in the world!! So you're his girlfriend?!"

"You know him?" 

"Of course, I do! I was accused for that accident!!" 

"Which accident?" 

"What do you mean which accident? The death of Jacob Parks. Mrs Rosa Parks threw a tantrum all over the country and I was blamed somehow God know how!"

 She was taken aback. "What rubbish are you talking about?"

 Rhea stood still "It was you who tried to kill Mrs Parks so that she gets out of the way." 

"What? No! I would never do that! We loved each other so much! Jacob and I have decided to run away so that we can escape her." 

"Wait, let me show you a recording." Rhea took out her phone from her backpack and search through her photo gallery.

 "Here," She played a clip and handed the phone over to Lia. 

Arorhea Laghari. A high school student, shifted to LA from India. She is currently studying in Brit High of Los Angeles. 

"This feels so horrible to watch it again." Rhea said to herself.

Mrs. Rosa park has informed that she nearly died because of her grandson's girlfriend. Poor soul...he tried to save her and ended up...anyways, so his girlfriend is supposed to be Arorhea Laghari who might be involved in this mischievous activity. And according to our reports- 

"Oh my! What is this??" She looked at Rhea with 

. "W-what happened to Jacob?!" She handed the phone back to Rhea and covered her face. 

"H-he-" Rhea looked at her with pity. 

"This can't be possible!" She cried. 

"I'm so sorry for you..."

 Deep down inside I know the feeling. I know how it feels to lose someone so dear to us. This creates a distance which nothing can ever erase. It not just about distances, but the fact that you'll never meet that person ever again is horrible. And you know they are gone. Forever. But maybe there's something after forever. An afterlife. If your love was true, it'll continue someday or the another, no matter even if it takes to wait till the afterlife.

"Jacob and I met in India two years ago and we fell in love with each other. Last year he took me to The states with me to introduce to his family. They didn't like me so much, especially his grandmother, Rosa Parks. She hated me. I stayed with them for about 2 months and returned to India to continue my studies until I graduate and we get married. And after that we only spoke over phone or facetimed each their. But in the last few months...Nevermind, now you say." Lia paused and turned towards Rhea.

Rhea cleared her throat and said, "We went to LA because my dad was promoted at work and I also had my painting competition. There I met a guy who had a crazy admirer. Well, I'm calling her crazy. She wouldn't hear me, would she? She hated me and wanted me to leave cause she assumed that I was after him but in reality there was nothing between us. One day, we got the news about the accident and it was all fine until the news spreaded that it was a pre-planned murder case. She, being one of the richest businessman's daughter blamed it on me. And everyone actually believed her!"

"This is such a nonsense to blame it on you. And after all you're so little..." Lia fanned her eyes with her hand so that her tears stop gathering in her eye again.

 "I...know...but maybe I was the only Indian living at LA at that point of time." 

"The question is that, who could have done it?" 

"What if she did it intentionally?" 

"Who, Mrs Park? She would never do that. She was obsessed with him." 

There was silence until Lia started speaking again. "What if it was that girl you were talk o about earlier??" 

"Sabrina...? Come to think of it, you and I both have brown hair that resembles us as Indians. She has pure blonde hair and no one can mistake her as an Indian. Mrs Rosa parks mustn't have mistaken her." 

"She might have. She has vision impairment." 

"How do you know that?" 

"I know her in person, we've met, you know." 

"But she wouldn't have mistaken blonde as brunette." 

"Though you're right..." 

-to be continued...

Afterlife Of Ember And Rhea

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