{ 𝓔𝓹𝓲𝓵𝓸𝓰𝓾𝓮 : 𝑰 }

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It rains in June sometimes. But never in our hearts.
Well, was that too cheesy?

Speaking of cheesy, Ember returned to USA after a month or two of staying with us. It's been a year and a half that we haven't met. Face-timing is fine, but the joy of holding him tight wouldn't be achieved through this. So I'm flying to LA this evening.

“I'm not tagging along!” said Noor, sitting on the couch, mindlessly staring at his phone screen.

“Not like I'm asking you to go with me.” I raised an eyebrow.

“Well, you see, I would love to come. LA has the best food of all times. Like pizza.”

“Pff-” I scoffed, “as if you've been to anywhere else.”

“No, but... my yet-to-be-girlfriend wants to go on a world tour someday,” said he, shyly. “So I keep looking for places and read facts about... you know, different locations. ”

“Awww!” I teased him. “So is she whom you're talking to right now?”

“She's not replying...”

“That's terrible! You better go and find her.”

“Wouldn't she be mad to see me? Cause obviously it looks like she's angry with me.”

“You should take tips from Ember. He's always the best in approaching girls-” I paused. “I mean, me. Approaching ME!”

Noor bursted out laughing, “I get what you mean, di!” I folded my arms as he said, "So, if it was bhaiyya in my place... no wait. So, if it was brother-in-law in my place, what would he do?"

The ‘brother-in-law’ definitely brought a pink glow on my cheeks and my brother didn't hesitate to take the chance to tease me for that.

“If it was Ember, he would show up at her house or something. Maybe with a guitar.”

* * * * *

“Or a mandolin. I will learn to play a mandolin if the girl I love likes it.” Ember cleared his throat. “I mean, Rhea.”

“We know that already!” Loraine facepalmed.

“Stop mentioning her, like, a thousand times a day,” said Maple, almost getting dissolved in the couch. “And tell me what you'd do at my place!”

* * * * *

“He'd play a song from my favorite movie or something,” I twirled dreamily. “What's her favorite song though?”

“She likes One Direction,” said Noor.

“She likes Uptown Funk and Blinded by the lights,” Maple said.

“Okay, which song of One Direction can you sing?” I asked him.




“God, he's obsessed with her,” Loraine rolled her eyes.

“Seriously! Why don't you go and freaking meet her?!”

“Right! Loraine, book the ticket!” He smirked, “I can't wait to meet her!!”

“Don't cause any trouble,” I said to my little... no, a lot stupid brother. “Especially for your yet-to-be-girlfriend.” I giggled.

“Girlfriend?!” Mom screamed and rushed out of the kitchen to hold Noor by his ear. “Since when do you have a girlfriend huh?! So that's what you're doing in the name of going to college, huh?? You smoke also, right?? Wait, you don't have a motorcycle. Do you drink also??”

“And drugs too,“ I joked, whistling at a corner, pretending to be a saint.


It was quite fun. Especially after Jess and Raj bhaiyya's wedding. If mom and dad bless Noor and his ‘yet-to-be-girlfriend’ too, we can prove that true love always wins. Oh wait, I'm speaking too lovey dovey these days. That's not me!

“Yeah, right,” said Jessica to her husband at their newly bought home. “Ever since they got together Rhea is just-”

“So in love, right?” Raj laughed.

“Yes, exactly! But not gonna lie, I like this new Rhea a lot. She's matured and knows how to treat the person she loves.” She said proudly.

People say that I used to be mean to Ember back in high school. That can't be right. Right? I treated him worse than that! I treated him like a stranger! He always poked his nose in everything and everywhere where it didn't belong.

“But would you like it if I poke something else in something else?”


Why the heck did I think of him saying that??

I'm becoming more like him—a pervert!

Oh, which reminds me, there's another jerk in town. Blue XD

“Neel! Come down!” Shouted Alicia from the street. “Let's go play hide and seek!” She joked to get his attention.

“What's wrong with you? Stop yelling!” He rushed to the balcony. “And what's up with hide and seek?” She blankly smiled at him. She seemed happy. He calmed down and stared at her with a smile too.

“I was able to enroll my name in my dream university for masters!” She smiled.

”WOWW FOR REAL?!” Neel jumped off the balcony and safely came down by the help of railings and pipes outside the building. It was quite a show for her until he came rushing towards her and pulled her in for a hug. “We'll be in the same university now! I'm so happy!”

“Yes, Neel,” she smiled as she buried her face into his chest. He patted her head lightly.

They have been a couple for a good while now. But they don't look that cringey to me. They are just fine. Neel is a good boyfriend. He helped Alicia by tutoring her so that she can get into one of the top university of Delhi. The one Neel studies in.

Oh, this evening I was to go to meet Ember and the others for his birthday.

Oh no. Their birthday as in our past life.

He's probably planning to celebrate his birthday with me online like we did last year. But nah-uh! His girlfriend has some other plans for him. Like showing up at his house at midnight. Or before that.

I leave for the airport at 5-6 in the evening, get their by 10 PST. And...

Mom and dad are also going out to somewhere tomorrow. That means NOOR would be alone at home! And he has a gir-

No, wait, Rhea, you're overthinking!

Ughh nevermind, let him be. He's too stupid to even have a girlfriend and inappropriate thoughts.

My only concern is to reach California safely, be with Nikki for the time being until it's time to go suprise my Berri!


It's definitely hot *laughs nervously* only if I could open this damn aeroplane window and jump out cause the people around me are so weird! The lady next to me is sleeping with her baby continuously pulling my hair! And her 10 year old son is puking on the plane and she's just- unaware! I want to dieeee!

Oof, I couldn't sleep. I'll sleep at Nikki's then. Or not, I also need to do my makeup. Ughh I'm so puzzled!


“Pff-” She laughed. “Don't tell me you went to the apartment I lived in before.”

“I AM here.”

“Okay, lol wait, I'll come and get you. Stay there.”

She arrived sooner than I expected.

“Do you live behind this building or something?”

“Nah, but it's pretty close from here.” She said.

“And you came here with a car?!”

“That's my boyfriend's actually. He drove me here to pick you up. Let's go.”

I was awestruck. “Oh! I really wanna know how he is.”

“Very caring.” She smiled.

We drove to her new apartment where she lives with her boyfriend whom she met online a few years ago. They seem to do just fine. He's actually British but he lives here with her because he has a job in the city. Nikki's doing internships and seems to do fine as well. Or rather, very happy. I've never seen her so graceful and sophisticated. Probably it's because of him. *chuckles*

“You're graceful and sophisticated too after you got together with Ember!” She overheard my thoughts, probably.

“You think so?” I blushed.

“Of course! Now he'll likes you even more!” She giggled, holding hands with James. They are getting married. Soon.

It was 23:30. The right time to get going. I waited outside Nason without anyone's notice. I decided to stay there until midnight.

Suddenly a rider on his motorcycle passed me and snatched my suitcase. That was too sudden for me to even react. As soon as realization hit me, I ran after him. I noticed hope cause the motorcycle wasn't in high speed.

“STOP RIGHT THERE! GIVE IT BACK!” I shouted everything I could as I chased him. A car appeared before him, forcing him to stop. Ember stepped out of the car and got him off the motorcycle. A number of punches was enough to get him running.

Ember took out his phone and clicked a picture of the license plate of the vehicle that the guy left behind. He picked up the suitcase and turned towards me.


“Hello,” I waved nervously.

“What are you doing here?” He smiled.

“Well, it wasn't supposed to be like this!” I laughed nervously. It was awkward!

He cracked up, “anyways, I'm glad you're here. Cause I had some other plans.”

“Other plans?”

“Like, going to meet you in India for my birthday.” He shrugged.

“Oh my God!” I chuckled.

“Get in the car, let's go home.”

“It's not that far. How about we walk?”

“No, get in the car!” He insisted. Then we walked towards the car. He was about to open the door for me when suddenly, “you wanted to walk right? Let's walk,” and held my hands. “Let's go!”

We walked on the street. The pavement glowed like it had just rained. What glowed more? His eyes staring at me.

Noor rang the bell and waited outside the door with a bouquet of flowers in his hands. He was dressed well. A white shirt and formal pants. His shoes were sneakers and he had his sleeves rolled up to show off his Rolex watch.

A man received the door. “Hello? How may I hel-”

Suddenly a middle aged woman stepped out and snatched the flower bouquet from Noor's hands. “IS THAT FOR ME?!”

“Uh- sure.” It was awkward.

“Come in dear!” And she grabbed him and dragged him in. ”Are you friends with Ayesha? What's your name?”


“Oh!” The man gasped. “So you're Noor??”

He gulped. Well, if it's his last day on earth... *coughs* the situation wasn't looking too good. But a girl of about 19, or maybe 20 walked down the stairs at her dad's call.

“Ayesha, look. Noor came to meet you,” he smiled.

“Noor?” She blushed.

“Hey,” he waved nervously and she quickly came down the stairs.

“You guys go chat, I'll make something to you. Have lunch here, okay beta?” Said Ayesha's mom. He nodded.

“Let's go to my room,” she said.

“NO!” Her father stopped them. “Go for a walk in the garden! It's good for health!”

Noor knew what it was all about but Ayesha was clueless. “Yes, let's go outside, Ayesha.” She nodded and they headed out.

Ayesha's mother stood beside her father. “Do you think he likes her too?”

“Well, I guess so. Or else he wouldn't show up here with flowers.” He laughed.

“This is a lily plant. It didn't bloom yet,” said Ayesha, as she touched a leaf of the plant and crouched. “I planted it.”

“Didn't know you were into gardening.”

“Not a lot. But I do love flowers.” She got up and dusted herself.

There was a peaceful silence as they walked around her backyard.


“Yes Noor?“

“Why haven't you replied to my text?”

Her heartbeat stopped. She didn't know how to respond to him. He had a feeling that the words she was going to speak next may break his heart. Her cheeks went red as she looked into his eyes.

“It was... too sudden...” He knew what she meant. Or else, he guessed what she might mean.

“It's okay.” He faked a smile. “Reply whatever you want, Ayesha, just don't leave me on read.”

“Sorry about that.”

“Hmm...” He was already heartbroken. “By the way... how does your family know me?”

“I... speak to them a lot about you.” She said shyly and he began wondering how come she not like him.

“And... why... would you do that if you don't like m-”

“I DO!”


“I do like you, Noor!”

“Then why didn't you reply to me?”

“I told you that it was too sudden, right? I really wasn't expecting that text.” She looked away and then again at him, with a smile. “But If you like me, why didn't you bring me flowers?” She chuckled.

“I- I did! But-”

“A dog ate it?” She joked.

“No, well, uh- anyways!” He exclaimed and suddenly held her hands. He looked serious as he stared into her eyes. “Ayesha, do you... really like me?”

“Mm-hmm,” she smiled and confidently looked forward. “My parents knew I had a crush on you. When you texted me yesterday... I didn't know how to reply. So I showed it to dad.” she chuckled, “and he said to not reply at all! To see whether you come over.”

“You showed my text to your dad?!”

“Yeah! And how about you take this as a meeting with my parents?”

“So you set this up, huh?” He smirked.

“Now if you leave my hands...”

“I won't!”

“Ayesha! Noor! The food is ready!”

Noor left her hands at once. She laughed at him. After the meal, after the chitchats with her family, Noor departed.

“So...see you tomorrow?” She smiled.

“Actually, I'm going to meet my sister in the USA with my parents. So I won't be home tomorrow.”

“Oh...I see...then...see you...next week probably?”

“Yes, next week, pakka!”
[Tn//Pakka; for sure]

“See you then, boyfriend.”

Noor blushed, “S-see you,” he tucked her hair behind her ears. "Girlfriend."

On the way home, he got onto the bus and secured the last seat to sit alone and listen to romantic Bollywood songs of Arijit Singh. He never knew this was the feeling of being in love. Though he loved it.

“Rehna hain bas yahan, ab door tujse jana nahi~♪"
[Here's to stay, now I don't wanna go away from you]

He suddenly recalled something and opened the chat with Ayesha to blankly stare at the last text he sent her, “I love you!”

“Zindagani badi khoobsurat hui, jannat ab aur kya hogi kahin?~♪”
[Life's beautiful now, where else would I find this paradise?]

Ayesha was shown online. He saw her texting. His heart pounded. She was finally replying to him.

“Lotunga yahaan tere paas main haan~♪”
[Yes, I'll return here to you]

I love you too<3”

“Waada hai mera, mar bhi jaaun kahin~♪”
[I promise I'll die for you]

Noor placed his head on the seat and enjoyed the view outside the window, daydreaming about her.

I opened my eyes. The first thing I saw... I never imagined seeing it so soon. Her eyes were closed and the sun rays peeking through the window highlighted her fragile eyelashes. I softly touched them as she sleeped in my arms.

Did I wake her up? I guess so.

I was afraid she might get mad at me if she sees me first thing in the morning. Last night was fun. The cake she brought for me... it was according to her choice but... it's the thought that counts so... *coughs* *laughs nervously*

Yeah, and then... We celebrated my birthday at midnight, she got drunk. For the first time. So don't ask me how she ended up in my room. After the party they all left my room but she refused to leave me. Well, I don't hate it, but I really hope she doesn't kill me for this.

I waited for her to opened her eyes as I shaded them with my hand. She opened her eyes and then closed them again. She smiled. I took her hand from her side and said, “I know your awake,” in my morning voice.

“Mmm!” She snatched her hand back and stretched them. She closed her eyes again. “Good morning, Berri.” I chuckled. “And happy birthday to you~”

“Thank you,” I leaned towards her and brushed the tip of my nose with hers, “Rhea.”

She smiled. She looked very happy and that made me happier. This is the best thing in the whole world. I looked at her face from a distance and decided to pick her up in my arms. She screamed before I put her down on her feet on the floor. If I hadn't done that, she didn't have any intention to get up. It was ten already!

Come on! It's my birthday! Get up and wear something nice!

She takes a lot of time to get ready, seriously. But guess who prepared her dress? It was Sabrina. She's my childhood friend who had a rivalry with Rhea for the longest time. Even my relationship with her was ruined because of her deeds.

But it's all too well now. She works for our company now. The Wilson's and Nason are popular collaborators. Though I don't see her much. We're both busy with work.

Speaking of which, Lia also worked with us for sometime. The interview she had taken of our company... not gonna lie, I messed up a few times. Uhh nevermind! I'm sure I'm gonna get better at interviews if I keep improving my speaking skills.

Rhea and I had the breakfast served in our room. And then we set off to... *coughs* somewhere.

“Why are we here? Which place is this?” She asked. This girl is always filled with curiosity! Does she even trust me or nah? Silly. I kept quiet as I enjoyed holding her hands, climbing the stairs to the hill.

We reached the top and I could see her excitement at the sight of the venue. It was a beautiful garden in the hills, a wooden floor, decorated with flowerbeds, fairy lights, balloons and scented candles. She stood there, turning around to see the whole place. She was awestruck.

I finally looked at Ember to tell him how beautiful the place is. But to my surprise, there was something even more beautiful going on behind my back. He knelt down on one knee and held a diamond ring. What's even more beautiful? The smile... on his face...

I wanted to cry so much. My eyes gathered tears. They streamed down my cheeks. My foundation was to be melted but thank God I had applied waterproof make up, including a waterproof mascara. So I didn't feel the need to conceal my emotions. I cried tears.

Sorry for ruining the scene XD *laughs nervously*

“-I” I smiled through the tears.

“Say yes, say yes!” Said voices from around us. I looked around me. Mom, dad, Noor, Loraine, Maple, Sabrina, Lia, Nikki.... Ember's parents, Neel and Alicia too...and others.... they were there!

“Say yes di!” Noor shouted.

“Oh my gosh, when did you-”

“Rhea,” Ember diverted my attention. I looked at him. “You're the most precious person in my life. I've never had a dream that didn't include you. I want to be in your every highs and lows. I want to be in every step of your life, supporting you from close. I want to let you know, I've been...waiting for you...since our past life.”

I smiled.

“Waited for you to be mine every second. You cherished me like no one else did. You gave me hopes. You fulfilled my dreams.... almost. Cause there's one more left. The dream about the future. I see us together in the future.

Do you?”

I cried.

“If you say yes today, I would say yes to you my whole life. I promise.” He nodded. “Will you marry me, Arorhea?”

I looked around, at all the happy faces.

“Yes, I will!” I still had tears. He held my hand, pulled me close and gently slipped the ring through my finger. He got up smiling and grabbed my waist.

The look on his face... it was... it couldn't be described in words... like he had teary eyes that didn't weep, a small smile as of he's trying not to smile but his eyes told me that he was smiling.

He was smiling.

He pulled me in and brushed his lips on mine. I clenched my hands tight as he touched my waist with his palm and slowly glided them upwards. He then pressed his lips on mine, forcing me to close my eyes as well.

I could hear the claps and applause though they started to fade until my heartbeat was all I could hear. His body came closer. More, a little more. And now I could also feel his heartbeat. Soon both of our beating hearts learned how to synchronize.

That's how our heart beat together.

It still does.

And will continue beating forever

And ever.

CITY HEART Afterlife
A fan-fic by ItsMGsShine  & ItsMistar ( ◜‿◝ )♡

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