Blüdhaven's Pretty Bird

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Jason was gone by the time Dick woke the next morning. The acrobat hoped it was due to not wanting to run into Tim again and cause another difficult situation between them. However, the franker reality was that Jason had unfinished business to attend to as Red Hood. Dick managed to make himself breakfast before Tim popped in for a brief spell. He seemed chipper than usual, Dick smiling at his contagious glee and listened as his brother chatted away.

"A good night, huh?" Dick winked suggestively at Tim who gurgled in disgust and shook his head.

"Dick! No!"

"I think you mean: Barbara, yes!" Dick called out and yelped when Tim punched his shoulder, hard. Dick laughed as Tim protested his embarrassment.

"You're so annoying," Tim announced as he rose with his to-go coffee. "I better go, I'm busy tonight, so I'll see you tomorrow."

"Robin stuff?" Dick asked curiously as he padded after his brother. Tim shook his head to Dick's surprise.

"Having dinner with Barbara's friends to announce the engagement," Tim replied and wrinkled his nose.

"If you need an out, just let me know," Dick called out as Tim headed into the elevator. Tim's arm shot out and offered Dick a thumbs up before the doors shut. Dick chuckled as he closed the door behind him. His phone buzzed from somewhere inside the apartment and Dick rushed to the noise. He found it beneath the sofa cushion and swiftly brought it to his ear. "Richard Grayson speaking."

"Mr Grayson?" The man on the other end called out. "It's James, the contractor for Wayne Manor."

"Oh!" Dick smiled and sat. "How is everything going?"

"Everything's great, we're shifting the last of the rubble this morning. Rhodes and I were hoping you could stop by for a spell, just to go over the plans one last time before we start."

"Ah-" Dick glanced down at himself and noticed two small splotches of blood staining his pyjama shirt. He pulled at the hem and pursed his lips at the notion that Tim had disregarded his injuries. "I can be there in forty-ish minutes."

"We'll see you then," James replied chipperly before hanging up. Dick blew out a breath before he made his way to the bathroom. He stripped his shirt and pants and swiftly showered, scarcely suppressing the images of Jason joining him, replacing Dick touch with his own. He dressed, grabbing a jacket that had Dick pouting, wishing it was Jason's and headed out.

He rode out to Wayne Manor, enjoying the smooth ride as much as he could, tensing slightly as his wounds pulled with the strain. Dick greeted James with a sturdy handshake, keeping his increasing winces to himself as he followed after the contractor.

"Woah," Dick blinked in astonishment when the pain faded from his chest and abdomen and was able to focus on the lack of Wayne Manor's ruins. "You guys have done a good job."

James chuckled and nodded. "There was a lot, we were hoping to finish it yesterday. Anyway-"

Dick turned his attention to James who whistled over his shoulder and motioned over with a wave of an arm a man, who Dick knew was Rhodes. He shook the man's hand in welcome and the two contractors were swift to talk business. They looked over the plans once more, Dick assuring them he wanted it exactly the same. He was readying to take his leave when another bike roared up the Manor's drive. Dick furrowed his brow in confusion before he tensed and flared his nostrils at the figure that swung his leg elegantly over the bike. The helmet was removed and Dick started walking towards the man who saluted him in greeting with a smile so fake, Dick could have scoffed in disgust.

"What the hell are you doing here?" Dick harshly whispered as he reached the intruder and grabbed his arms firmly. He eyed the lettered scar to the man's cheek and sighed in defeat.

"Are you ever going to greet me any differently?" Jason replied with an amused shrug before he wrestled Dick's hands off and found his waist enveloped with Jason's arms. Dick's breath caught in his throat as Jason spoke lowly. "They're coming over, play nice now."

Dick gulped and twisted in Jason's grip, digging his nails into Jason's knuckles as James and Rhodes eyed them curiously.

"Nice to meet you, I'm James, this is Rhodes." James introduced himself to Jason and Dick watched closely as Jason flashed them a restrained smile in reply.

"Todd," He announced and nodded towards the foundations. "You have a lot of men for the job, huh?"

"It's a big one, all hands-on deck." James smiled with pride.

"Yeah, I bet." Jason hummed, tightening his hold on Dick as the contractor glanced at where the acrobat was deliberately clawing at Jason. Dick cleared his throat and tried and failed to remove Jason's unnecessary protective hold on him.

"Well, we'll get out of your hair." Dick physically used all his weight to push his back into Jason's chest, forcing them to retreat. "Busy, busy."

Dick hissed embarrassingly in his mind at his comment. He was glad James and Rhodes thought nothing of it, besides endearment and waved them off.

"I'll call if we have any problems," James called out. "We should have the outer wall up by tomorrow afternoon if you want to check."

"I will, thanks!" Dick waved back as they neared their bikes. Both Jason and Dick waited for the contractors to return to work before Jason had Dick pinned between him and his bike.

"Can you trust them?" Jason asked accusingly. "That James seems to want to be really close with you."

Dick rose a brow in surprise. He pressed his finger to Jason's lips and offered Jason a cheeky smile.

"Is someone jealous?"

Jason spluttered at the accusation. "J-jealous?" He yelped out, blushing lightly at Dick's laughing reaction. "I'm not jealous of those Neanderthals."

Dick leaned his weight on the bike, letting his hands feel the warm leather of the seat.

"So, you don't mind if I come up here tomorrow with James, alone?" Dick teased relentlessly. Jason huffed in abhorrence and folded his arms.

"Whatever. I don't care." He retaliated before he shook his head and turned serious. "This isn't why I came. Did you know a few of these men are past offenders?"

"Besides my night-time identity, I am a cop." Dick reminded Jason and steadied himself on his feet. "I've done all the backgrounds, checked their cases. They're good men, trying to turn their lives around."

"You have a complex." Jason sighed heavily and slumped his shoulders. Dick smiled sweetly and leaned up to peck Jason on the lips.

"Don't worry, you're still my favourite," Dick assured him. Jason clicked his tongue and shook his head in laughter.

"So, a uniform, huh?" Jason asked. "I'd like to see that."

Dick hummed in thought. "Maybe, if you behave yourself while I'm gone."

"Gone?" Jason jerked a brow.

"I have to head back to Blüdhaven," Dick informed Jason and grabbed his arm as he began to deflate. "I'll be back tonight. I just need to pick a few things from my desk at the precinct, and grab some more clothes from my apartment."

"So, I can terrorise the replacement for a few hours without interruption." Jason seemed to appreciate Dick's temporary absence.

"Don't be too hard on him." Dick sighed at Jason and watched him mount his bike.

"Yes, Officer." Jason mock saluted, revving his engine. "Don't forget your uniform!"

Dick watched Jason drive off, and smiled softly to himself.


He made it to Blüdhaven with a stiff back and a sore chest. Dick rubbed his bandaged wound and tried to stretch his shoulders before he passed the threshold of the BPD. He hadn't told any of his work colleagues that he would be MIA for so long after the explosion of Batman's identity- which they had had to discover when they turned on the station's television that fateful night. He expected the bombardment of fraudulent sympathy and well wishes; the sad pitying glances he received as he shuffled to his desk. He encouragingly thanked them all for their kind words that gnawed at his hopeful heart. Dick picked up some casework, quickly stuffing it into his bag, hoping to leave before Amy caught sight of him.


Dick wrinkled his features in defeat at the feminine voice, unhunching his jittery shoulders as he turned around and flashed the woman a bright smile.

"Amy." He greeted and patted the remaining files on his desk fleetingly. "Just came for the files I mentioned yesterday."

"I can see that."

Dick watched the woman as she relaxed her tight and commanding stature and offered Dick a sympathetic gaze. The acrobat shook his head at Amy and his smile turned to a teasing smirk.

"You're not going mushy on me, are you?" Dick asked and Amy sighed disapprovingly at the light-heartedness of her fellow officer.

"How long are you staying?" She asked instead. Dick pursed his lips in thought. He had already decided he would stay until at least the early morning. Nightwing needed to appear to reinstate himself as the city's vigilante.

"I'm going to swing by my apartment, then I'll head back to Gotham." Dick fibbed and picked up the remaining files. "So, a short visit by any measure."

"Alright, well call me when you think you'll come back." Amy nodded once in confirmation of Dick's words. "I didn't know Bruce, but I'm sorry for your loss."

"Thanks, Amy," Dick replied. He was about to take off but paused promptly when he heard several strung together words that boiled his blood. He turned his head to the officer that approached Amy in a flurry of uneasiness.

"Have you contacted the GCPD?" Amy asked as she took the file and swiftly perused the information given to her. The officer shook his head and was swift to leave after the woman cocked her brow and pursed her lips with impatience.

"The Penguin's at it again?" Dick asked and came to Amy's side. The woman brought the file to her chest, hiding it from Dick's view.

"It's just a precaution." Amy gave him a knowing eye at the disappointing pout Dick gave her. "You can't trust rumours. But it doesn't hurt to be extra safe these days."

Dick left the BPD after Amy swiftly dismissed him before he got too invested in the case. He received another incessant round of sympathies, quickly controlling the slight shake to his hands as he gripped the motorcycle's handles. As he rode to his apartment, he managed to unclench his jaw, disregarding his corrupted work colleagues' pathetic excuses for comfort and focus on what he needed to do on his patrol. He pottered around his home, packing some extra essentials and clothes before he tried to piece together what he had managed to glimpse at before Amy took the file away. It seemed he had some more cleaning up to do with The Penguin. He dressed in his Nightwing uniform, heading to the location the rumour was heard and waited. And waited.

Dick had unintentionally dozed off for a period before he snorted away at the sound of a vehicle backing up into the warehouse. Dick stretched his limbs, shaking himself awake before he smiled with delight and pounced.


"I leave for one afternoon..." Dick muttered in disbelief, knocking out the thug he had retrieved answers from. He left them in a neat pile for Amy when she would eventually show up, concluding Dick's work in affirming Nightwing's continuous presence in Blüdhaven.

He sped back to Gotham, his urgent calls to Barbara going unanswered. When he suddenly remembered Barbara and Tim would be unavailable, Dick clicked his tongue in annoyance. It was all well and good that they were moving on with their lives, but was it too much for things to go right for a change? Dick felt while the others were going forward, he was slowly going backwards. Back into the dark concave of Bruce's shadow and continuously lifting those above his own exhausted shoulders. He parked his bike near the GCPD before he grappled his way to the roof, a call to Lucius already engaging.

"Richard." Lucius greeted with a light voice, pleased to hear from him. Dick smiled to himself as he perched on the metal barrier of where the smashed Bat symbol sat.

"Hey Lucius," Dick hopped off and ran his gloved hand across the jagged edge of a bat wing before he heard thickly accented voices from nearby. "You up for a little fun?"

"I dare say we could all use a little fun," Lucius started. "Though not the kind you are insisting on."

"Ah, come on Lucius. It's a tasty one." Dick grinned and crept his way towards the three crowded thugs. Lucius waited patiently to reply as Nightwing took down The Penguin's men.

"How can I help you, sir?" Lucius asked. Dick beamed happily as he quickly got his breath back. He turned to the panel the thugs were working on and hummed.

"Well, it seems these men are not as smart as Ozzy would like them to be." Nightwing sighed in amusement. When Oswald's voice came through the static of the radio that had been knocked away during the scuffle, Dick quirked a brow.

"It seems you can restore the power from two points within the GCPD headquarters. I've marked them on your GPS." Lucius informed him.

"Thanks, Lucius, stand by." Dick clicked off the communicator and gingerly picked up the radio. He so loved messing with Ozzy. The Penguin had grown and presented as a constant Nightwing enemy, much to Dick's annoyance. He had enough trouble as it was in Blüdhaven without mixing Gotham's villains into the blend. But The Penguin had always been easy to anger, his frustrations fun to build to the point of bursting. Even as Robin- despite Batman's disapproving looks- Dick enjoyed it when Oswald would curse in his old and thick British accent. Calling him the 'Pretty Bird' with such detestation always caused Dick to bristle with pride. So, when Dick pretended to be one of his thugs, and the stout man realised who he was really talking to, Nightwing felt himself renew with increased vigour as he dived off the edge of the GCPD building and plan out his attack of the creeping thugs in the three floors before him.

He made quick and quiet work of The Penguin's men, who were scrambling to find the shadow who was effortlessly taking them out one by one. He flipped the power back to the elevator and scrambled back to the roof. Calling on Lucius's aid as he fragmented and overpowered the rest of Oswald's lackeys, Dick thanking the former CEO as he waited by the elevator for Oswald to make his appearance.

Nightwing's smile couldn't be wiped from his face as he led Ozzy back to his cell. To his dismay, the smile he thought would remain for a few hours yet was wiped away with an offer that threatened to wipe out the Batman forever. Officer Cash's suggestion of fixing the Bat symbol and replacing the great bat with the wings of the Nightwing had Dick warranting that his position in Gotham was not a permanent fixture. He slipped away with a tense smile, quickly slipping to a pained frown as his chest wound began to declare itself in need of attention. As the adrenaline began to subside Dick clutched at his chest and doubled over in pain.

"Richard?" Lucius's voiced entered his ear. "Your vitals are spiking somewhat, are you alright?"

"Yeah- I'm fine," Dick replied breathily, staggering as he entered the alley. He squeezed his eyes shut for a moment in hopes it would elevate the pain, searching blindly for his bike. He leaned heavily against the cool metal of the vehicle and took several deep breaths, letting the pain become a dull ache he could push aside. "I think I just opened my stitches. I'm okay."

"I can stitch it back up if you wish sir. I can postpone my evening plans." Lucius offered with the sincerest voice. Dick let out a quiet scoff and clenched his fist.

"No, Lucius, you should go home." Dick straightened up and swung his leg over his bike. "I can patch myself up at the apartment."

"If you are sure Richard?" Lucius seemed hesitant. A breathy laugh passed Dick's lips and he smiled.

"Say hi to Tanya for me," Dick said and backed out the alley. "Night Lucius."

"Goodnight Richard."

Dick cut the transmission and headed back to his apartment with the knowledge that he needed to display to Lucius the deep and vast appreciation he had for the man and what he was willing to delay or shelve his plans in order to be there for Nightwing and the others.


Dick collapsed on the sofa after aggressively digging through his bathroom cupboard for the medical kit. He flipped the kit open before he slowly pulled his arms out of his uniform and peeled away the skin-tight armour from his chest. He bundled the material at his waist and winced when he saw the blood-stained bandage, trying to recall the blow or erratic movement that caused the stitches to snap.

He wished Alfred was there. To scold him for his misjudgement. To ease his pain with his gentle, yet firm hand. To sew his mistakes while offering him his wise guidance. Dick cut the bandage away and removed the broken stitches. He threw them into the bin he had dragged from the kitchen to the side of the sofa. As he threaded the needle, he found himself missing Bruce's disappointed glazes. His fleeting glance of worry and concern he hoped Dick would never catch at seeing him injured on the job. The thin line of his lips as he bit back the emotional exclamation Dick knew was always on the tip of his tongue.

Dick gasped at the prick of the needle as it pierced his skin. He worked quietly and efficiently, his ragged breaths filling the otherwise silence. When he was finished Dick blew out a breath of relief before snapping his head to the veranda doors. Red Hood had toppled into his apartment, scrambling to find purchase as he came to Dick's side.

"Jason?" Dick gaped at him in confusion and watched him remove his helmet with overwhelming concern radiating off him. "Are you alright? What's going on?"

"Me?" Jason snapped his gaze from the newly stitched wound to Dick's face. He motioned between the needle between Dick's fingers and where the still attached thread was still in need of being tied off. "I came over as soon as I could."

Dick warmed significantly before he pinched his brow and watched Jason as he cut the suspended thread.

"How did you know I was hurt?" Dick asked and his suspicion increased tenfold as Jason tensed. Dick knew the line to Lucius was secure. There had been no indication of a hack. Which meant...Dick scanned the room and his eyes caught the tiny camera that could have easily been missed to the untrained eye. "You're spying on me now?"

Jason stood and placed his hands on his hips and gave Dick the most exasperated expression. Dick pursed his lips as he glared up at him and waited patiently for Jason to answer.

"Look, it was a precaution." Jason insisted. "Deathstroke is free. He tried to kill you. What do you expect me to do?"

"You could trust me to know that I can protect myself," Dick stated with a hurt look. Jason snorted in derision and motioned wildly at Dick's body.

"Yeah, because that worked out so well last time."

"I've been operating for a long time Jason. Don't treat me like a porcelain doll." Dick snapped angrily.

"We tend to avoid injuries when possible, in our line of work." Jason flared his nostrils and glared at the wound in antipathy.

"Why do you care anyway?" Dick muttered and sulked like a child, picking at the leg armour of his uniform.

"You know why," Jason replied quietly back. Dick tilted his head up and saw the mix of emotion that betrayed the usual deadly and one tracked passion Jason always projected. Dick rose and splayed his hands over Jason's chest armour.

"Hey, Little Wing?" Dick cooed quietly at him and smiled lightly as Jason fought and finally gave in, making eye contact with him. "I'm okay, see?"

He ran his hand down Jason's arm and entangled their fingers together before gently pressing the back of Jason's hand to his chest, allowing him to feel Dick's heartbeat. They closed their eyes as their foreheads touched, Dick smiling in content as Jason calmed and wrapped his arms around his waist.

"I can't lose you, Dickiebird," Jason confessed softly and Dick fluttered his eyes open to find Jason waiting for him.

"I'm not going anywhere," Dick promised and hummed with satisfaction as Jason kissed him tenderly with a sweetness that Dick would now forever crave. The tiniest smile that graced Jason's lips after they pulled apart had Dick clutching at Jason's shoulders. "You can remove the camera after what we're about to do," Dick said breathlessly with a cheeky smile after he hungrily attacked Jason's lips again and yanked him back towards the sofa.

"I'm keeping the footage," Jason muttered against Dick's neck as he began to nibble and lap his tongue against the acrobat's pulse point.

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