Denying them the chance

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Perhaps Jason had been right before, down in the Panessa Studios. He had been somewhat sexually deprived. He couldn't recall the last time he had been so thoroughly used and praised. Jason must have been returned and sent to him by the Gods. He knew exactly where to push Dick's buttons and have him moaning and begging for more. As they laid there in the aftermath bliss of their sexual congress, Dick ran his forefinger in lazy circles across Jason's chest. He nuzzled his nose against Jason's neck and was lightly murmuring sweet nothings against his skin.

"Now I'm hungry," Jason said aloud after a while, smirking pleasantly as Dick snorted in amusement and leaned up onto his elbow.

"I think I have eggs in the fridge," Dick told him. He curved himself across Jason's chest and placed a kiss on his lips before he rose and grabbed his pants and shirt.

"Do you have to dress?" Jason sat up with slumped shoulders, and Dick swore the man had the nerve to pout childishly.

"What if Tim comes back and sees me naked?" Dick asked, mocking him with an aghast expression. Jason was quick to scrunch his features in disgust.

"Alright, but no more than that." Jason swiftly manoeuvred out of bed and snatched the jeans from his hands. Jason wound his arms around Dick's waist and began to nip lasciviously at his neck. Dick chuckled breathlessly and ran his hand through Jason's hair in dazed encouragement.

"J-Jason," Dick called out shamelessly in gluttony, urgently tightening his hold, feeling Jason's hairs strain against his pull as Jason managed to get him to gasp in pleasure at a particular nibble to his neck.

"I love your song, Dickiebird," Jason mumbled against his shoulder after he ceased his attentive and arousing nips. Dick smiled adoringly as Jason pecked his collarbone before pulling away.

"Come on, let's get you fed and send you back into the world to terrorize what's left of the criminals of Gotham." Dick grabbed his hand after they finished dressing and led Jason towards the kitchen.

"Kicking me out already?" Jason asked sarcastically and Dick rose a brow at him. He let go of Jason's hand and pulled the carton of eggs from the fridge.

"You've served your purpose." Dick teased and folded his arms after he pushed the carton across the counter towards Jason. "Sexually wound up, remember?"

Jason barked out in laughter and Dick flushed in embarrassment at the soft endearing smile Jason let sit unabashed as he beheld Dick on an imaginary pedestal.

"I've missed you," Jason admitted and turned his gaze down to the eggs in awareness of his confession. Dick smiled softly at the vulnerability that Jason permitted him to witness. He moved towards him and placed a tender kiss on Jason's cheek.

"I've missed you too," Dick told him and intertwined their fingers together on the counter. Jason brought Dick's hand to his mouth and pressed a feather-light kiss to his knuckles. "I'm sorry I wasn't there for you."

"It's not your fault." Jason retorted and shook his head. "I don't want your apology."

"Just my ass?" Dick asked and Jason scoffed and rolled his eyes. Dick chuckled and hummed cheekily as Jason gave Dick a tempting squeeze to his buttocks.

"Your only saving quality." Jason countered and playfully pushed Dick away. Dick took a seat by the island and watched captivated as Jason pulled a frying pan from the cupboard and cracked the eggs expertly against it. The sizzling noise made Jason's features lighten and Dick knew that this was familiar to him; it provided him with the joyful memories he had pushed down for the rage and resolve for Batman's death. Dick laid his head in his hands as he observed the flicker of satisfaction at the perfect flip of an egg and the fluid movements to Jason's body as he seasoned and plated the quick and easy meal.

"Ah, thank you." Dick snapped from his haze as Jason placed the plate in front of him. Jason grunted in return and sat down beside him. They ate in silence for several moments before, to Dick's surprise, Jason spoke.

"Where is the replacement, anyway?"

"Tim? He stayed with Barbara and Jim last night." Dick replied, pleased that Jason was asking after him. "He proposed yesterday."

"No kidding?" Jason turned to Dick with a shocked look and grumbled in approval.

"I'm so happy for him." Dick smiled.

"Is that why you were crying and staring at the wall?" Jason asked unconvinced, tapping his fork against the plate. "Because you were happy?"

"I-" Dick started before he sighed and averted his gaze. He hoped he didn't have to talk this out. He had hoped his answer earlier had been enough to appease Jason's snooping. "I ran into Selina yesterday."

"Catwoman? I thought she had left after Bats saved her?" Jason seemed confused.

"I don't know, but I was in the botanical gardens doing... something." Dick started, remaining vague. "And she appeared out of nowhere, she asked about Bruce's funeral."

Dick hadn't realised his hands were shaking until Jason covered them with his own. He let out a wobbly breath and took his hands back, shoving them onto his lap.

"I guess it just reminded me that Bruce is gone," Dick smiled sadly at Jason and shrugged minutely. "It got to me."

"But you haven't let it affect you before. So why would it now?" Jason asked sceptically to Dick's meek, uncomplicated reason.

"It just did, okay?" Dick began to turn defensive, picking his plate up and heading to the sink.

"Bullshit." Jason snapped back. "She must have said something else."

"She didn't, Jason," Dick pinched his brow and clutched the sink tightly.

"This doesn't make sense." Jason huffed and stood. "How could that possibly trigger you going into that kind of comatose state? You know Bruce is dead, I don't see how Selina-"

"He's alive!" Dick exclaimed as he spun around and flinched away at the pitying gaze Jason was swift to wipe from his features.

"Dick, what do you mean he's alive?" Jason asked quietly.

"Exactly that, Bruce is alive. He's out there somewhere with Alfred. I just have to find them." Dick told Jason, utterly religious in his belief. He clenched his jaw as Jason tried to find the right thing to say. "You think I'm crazy?"

"What? No! No." Jason shook his head and scoffed. "I'm the last person who could say that. I just..."

"I know it's a long shot." Dick agreed with Jason's hesitation and nibbled at his lip in distress. "But what if I just let it be and it turns out I was right, that they are alive?"

"Wouldn't the old man have given you a sign by now?" Jason tried to reason with him. Dick sagged his shoulders and sank to his knees. He had been hoping every morning he woke that he would receive some kind of indication that Bruce was trying to contact him; to let them know that he wasn't putting them through all this earth-shattering pain without letting them know he was okay. But each evening as the sun went down, without any message, Dick's heart cracked just a little more.

"What if I'm doing all this, and he's truly gone?" Dick whispered into Jason's shoulder as he wrapped his arms around him comfortingly. "And I'm denying Tim- everyone, the chance to mourn him?"

"You don't want to admit he's gone; I get that," Jason assured him. "But the longer you delay, the harder it's going to be for you."

"You think I should arrange a funeral for Bruce?" Dick asked, moving away so he could look Jason in the eye. Jason cupped his cheek.

"You're stressed because you feel guilty for not letting the replacement mourn," Jason told him. "Maybe you need to do this for the others, rather than yourself."

Dick took a deep shuttering breath and nodded. "Okay. So, you believe me?"

"I believe that you believe that Bruce is alive." Jason helped Dick stand and frowned a little. "I want to believe he's dead."

"Because of what happened to you?" Dick asked and grasped Jason's arm in remorse.

"Because of what happened to me." Jason concurred and sneered at the reminder of the past. Dick placed his other hand against Jason's chest and concentrated on the beating heart beneath his touch.

They stayed there; Jason's hands placed protectively at his waist and Dick's hands on his arm and chest for a while, wordlessly basking in each other's company before the front door unexpectedly opened.

"Dick? You home? Barbara's here." Tim's voice called out happily. Dick smiled lightly at Jason who immediately scowled and tensed his shoulders.

"You don't have to stay," Dick whispered to him, cocking his head up to peck Jason's lips. Jason's reply was stolen when Tim appeared at the opening and saw the two.

"Dick? What is he doing here?" He asked with a tempered frown.

"I was just leaving." Jason scoffed in reply. Dick offered Tim a shrug as they followed Jason out the kitchen. Jason grabbed his jacket from the back of the couch and walked over to Barbara who was shocked to see him.

"Congratulations," Jason leaned down and kissed Barbara's cheek. "Are you sure about him?"

Dick smiled at them as Tim spluttered in disbelief. Barbara giggled lightly and nodded, placing her hand on Jason's wrist.

"Yeah, Jason. He's good to me." She replied. Jason wrinkled his nose and grunted in discrepancy but didn't protest with words. He moved away from them all and opened the front door.

"I'll see you later, Dickiebird."

"Bye, Little Wing," Dick called out.

"Don't come back." Tim sang out and smirked as Dick elbowed him in retaliation. Jason's cursing was muffled as he shut the door and Barbara couldn't stop the laughter. Dick moved over to greet her and the three of them ended up sitting on the sofas.

"What was he doing here, again?" Tim demanded and Dick rose a brow at him.

"He was just here for a visit Babybird," Dick said as he examined the ring on Barbara's finger. "It's beautiful."

"Thank you, Dick." Barbara smiled and turned her gaze to Tim. Tim returned the gesture and lightened.

"I'm going to arrange a funeral for Bruce." Dick suddenly announced and held Barbara's hand in his lap for support. Tim's eyes widened in surprise and Dick felt Barbara's hand tense in his hold.

"Are you sure?" Tim asked confusion lacing his voice.

"Yeah, I am." Dick nodded once. "I've put it off long enough. And I think we all need this to move on."

Barbara tangled their fingers together and squeezed them in agreement. Dick smiled sadly at her and sighed heavily.

"I'll talk to Lucius," Dick continued and looked to Tim. "Is there anything, in particular, you want to add?"

"I think we should have a small one, just us." Tim offered Dick a reassuring smile. "Me, you, Babs, Lucius and Jim."

"Okay, I'll have to talk to the Justice League, they'll want to have a memorial for Batman." Dick let go of Barbara's hand and was swift to turn to his business model. "We'll have to have a wake for the public too."

"Dick? You've done a lot already; we can handle the funerals if it's too much?" Barbara offered. Dick clicked his tongue and shook his head at her.

"You've got a wedding to plan. Besides, I think I want to do this." He told them and smiled in determination.

"Okay, Dick." Tim nodded and settled himself comfortably against the sofa as Dick retook his spot.

"Now, tell me how Tim proposed, and when you plan on getting married." Dick insisted with a new spark to his eye, gleaming happily as Tim groaned in protest as Barbara began the story.


Dick didn't get time to speak to Lucius about Bruce's funeral that day, not that it bothered him too much. He had his last meeting with the board members of Wayne Industries, informing them that Tim would be speaking with them from now on. He was somewhat offended when a few of the members seemed relieved that Dick would no longer be around. He might not have the business brain that Bruce or Tim has, but he thought he managed fairly well in their place. Lucius had then whisked him away for several more interviews before the CEO had to excuse himself on business and gave Dick the evening off.

Dick managed to settle down, laptop settled on his thighs and his cereal in hand. He reviewed the information he retained from the Panessa Studios, blowing out a tense breath by the time it finished. He made a mental note of the times Bruce had abruptly paused and stood unwavering. He was gazing at something, witnessing something? A memory, perhaps, or a hallucination? He would need to take a closer look at a later date, instead, saving the data Tim would require for reviewing a cure. He glanced out the window to find that the sun had set beneath the horizon. Dick paused his revision and headed out into the Gotham night as Nightwing.

It was another slow night, Dick seriously contemplating whether he needed to come out every night. The fleeting thought of returning to Blüdhaven crossed his mind. He would need to head back eventually. There were no doubt whispers of Nightwing's appearance in Gotham would have reached the ears of the criminals in Blüdhaven by now; giving them new confidence to commit their crimes without the terror of being apprehended by the city's vigilante.

He swung onto a rooftop when he heard the distant boom and Dick was swift to head towards the noise. He made it to the location and furrowed his brow. Nothing was out of place, no smashed windows, no fire, no grunts of fighting. He looked around more carefully and noticed a wall grate; it's cover broken and hanging off.

"Interesting," Dick mumbled before he swung and climbed into the grate. He slid down and had to cover his mouth at the smoke he instantly inhaled. He coughed and spluttered as he climbed out of the grate and stood shocked at what he had discovered. He was currently standing in the remains of a large underground assembly factory. The fluorescence greens that covered the scorched walls in the shapes of question marks indicated that Nightwing had stumbled upon one of Riddler's lairs. His attention was taken when he saw movement in the corner of his eye. Dick stiffened when he realised it was Catwoman and crouched down to hide himself from her view.

He observed her as she dug through the remnants of Riddler's robots, undoubtfully looking for valuables she could take. Nightwing sighed loudly and stood, not concerned if Selina noticed him any longer. She did, snapping her head around and up to where he stood with hands to his hips. Selina let out a sigh of relief and Dick flipped down towards her.

"What are you looking for?" Dick asked casually as he leaned again some rubble and Selina returned to her task.

"Nothing in particular," Selina replied with a purr. "I'm just concerned Eddie left some valuables here, and I'd be more than happy to look after them while he's away."

Nightwing laughed at her and motioned around.

"Is this your doing?" he asked.

"Maybe," Catwoman replied and straightened herself. "He deserved this after what he did to me."

Nightwing sighed and began to walk away. "Thanks for destroying his factory, but I'll be back in half an hour. If you're not gone by then, we'll be having a talk."

Selina purred at the threat and strutted over to him. She ran her hand across his shoulders and curled herself to his back.

"Promise?" She whispered hopefully. Dick grabbed her wrist and gave her a stern regard as he twisted around.

"I'm not Bruce, Selina." He warned and released her. "I'm giving you one chance, it's up to you if you take it."

"Alright, I'm sorry." Catwoman placed her hands up in surrender. Nightwing gave her one last warning glare before he disappeared back into the grate and out into the fresh air of the night. He called the GCPD of the location of Riddler's factory and didn't bother to return for Catwoman, knowing she had taken his threat seriously and had left almost immediately after he had.

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