Shatter Him

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Night had befallen.

I'm glad to see my mother's blue Sonata pull out of the driveway, her suspicious eyes gazing up in my room's direction before returning to the road. 

At least she wouldn't be at risk.

There were going to be chaos tonight, and I couldn't even run from it. I was stuck in this room- locked with a digital lock, barred out totally and completely from the outside world.

I can hear the sounds of muffled shouting and growling from Jungkook's house, indicating that the moon's pull had reached its greatest peak. 

It wouldn't be long before the Blood Moon surfaced from the clouds, and my life would be strung on the line.

A cold shiver twists up my spine as I grip the curtains close. Jimin had suggested the best way to delay Jungkook would be to conceal my scent, although he admitted it would be impossible to do so entirely.

Jungkook would come for me in the end. He would find me no matter what happened, and I had been told to prepare for the impossible.

But how in the world do I prepare for the impossible?

So in the end, Hoseok had brought me enough scented candles to last me a lifetime. Each and every one of them was so heavily scented that I can barely breathe as I duck under my blankets, trying not to look at the firelight glimmering in the darkness.

I press the covers to my nose as I look out of the tiny slit between my curtains, watching the blood-red moonlight spill like fire into my room.

It was time.

My heartbeat escalates so quickly so that even though I try to keep myself silent underneath the covers, I can't help the frantic rush of air escaping me in loud, heavy bursts. Any moment, Jungkook could come crashing through the door.

Any moment.

The clock ticks by painfully slow as I squeeze my eyes shut, trying to prevent the strong fragrances from clouding my mind. Everything smelled of pure floral- powerful enough to make me blanch.

Ten minutes.

Twenty minutes.

Thirty whole minutes into the Blood Hour, and I was still alive. Maybe I'd been too overly paranoid. Maybe the candles were really working, and maybe I was actually going to survive this ordeal.

I slowly pull down the covers, intending to get some fresh air. The thick blankets had me breathing hot, suffocating air for an entire half hour, and my head felt so light I was nearly certain I could just faint any second.


My eyes widen in pure terror as they meet with two, glowing, silver-blue irises, glimmering brighter than the candles that surrounded me. Fear freezes me to the bed when I realize something that makes my head spin in horror.

The candles had all been extinguished.

"Jungkook," I gasp, stuttering wildly as he reaches out with a single finger. "J-Jungkook-"

"Clever girl," He muses, voice rich and seductive as he traces a flat line down the plane of my cheek. The gesture sends shivers hurtling down my spine- his finger was just so cold.

"Trying to hide from me."

"Jungkook," I repeat, but his eyes don't shift from my neck as he presses the entire palm of his icy hand against my face. The sheer temperature of his skin makes me flinch, and he chuckles deeply under his breath.

This isn't Jungkook. He isn't anything like the shy, innocent boy I know.

"You smell so sweet, little girl." He coos as he corners me against the wall, a smirk on his crimson lips. The blood drains from my face when he grips my shoulder.

There was no escaping now. He'd made sure of it himself.

Even though my heart is thundering inside my chest, I force my voice to flatten and calm as I look straight into his amused silver eyes.

"My name isn't little girl. You know my name, Jungkook. I know you do. Say it."

A devilish smile lifts up the corners of his mouth, and I know that whatever facade I'd attempted hadn't worked on him one bit. 

"Don't act tough, Elle. I can hear your heart race from your chest."

I breathe deeply. Even though this Jungkook may be in his vampire form, he was still Jungkook. He was still that cute boy that had fallen asleep on my shoulder, and nothing in the world was going to change that.

He was still my Jungkook, vampire or not.

And just because he had suddenly become so utterly terrifying, I won't shy away from him.

So I reach up and touch my hand to his forehead. His entire body flinches when I do, and the seductive look on his face has now completely disappeared behind a wall of blank emotion. My voice is honey as I pull myself closer to him instead of farther away.

"Jungkook, you don't have to act like this."

His eyes suddenly flash from silver to black, and then back to silver again as he growls ferociously at me. Gasping lowly, Jungkook pulls himself apart from my hold, looking dazed as he stumbles back from the bed.

"What are you doing to me?"

"Nothing," I reply. Suddenly I feel a lot braver than I had just a couple minutes ago, my mind spinning with sheer boldness. "Nothing at all."

"Lies," He hisses as the silver hardens in his pale blue irises. Then as if he'd regained control, he bares his fangs as he reaches for me, trembling with the conflict raging inside of him.

One side wants to devour me. The other wants to keep me safe.

Neither side can find a way to beat the other.

Watching him fight against himself is torturous, and I finally kick away my blankets. He looks up at me with total shock as I crouch in front of his shaking form, and pull down the neckline of my shirt.

"If you want to, go ahead. I don't want to see you suffer like this. Not unless I can stop it."

His pupils dilate in desire as his eyes fix on the skin of my neck, lit pale in the moonlight. Bloodlust is clear as day in the way he looks at me- the way his hand tightens reflexively on my shoulder.

But he tears himself away, eyes flashing as he murmurs No over and over again. Sadness overwhelms me when he turns to face the wall, hissing and growling to keep his true instincts shoved down deep.

And I can see it's hurting him.

"Jungkook," I call, his name soft on my tongue. He gives me a hard look when I stand up, eyes tracing my every movement as I approach him quietly.

"I don't want to see you hurting yourself," I whisper as I meet his pale silver orbs. "I don't want you to hold back anymore. I'll be okay, don't worry."

My last sentence breaks him, tears down the weak wall of self-control he'd built around his animalistic instincts. Before I even get a chance to prepare myself for what's coming, I feel his cold fingers bury themselves into my dark locks.

And then he closes the last inches of space between the two of us, pressing every exposed centimeter of his skin to mine as his fangs break the skin of my neck.

Hello dear lovely readers! Thanks for giving a lot of love and support for this book (Not even sure if I'm doing it right TT)!! And also check out my new Taetzu ff!! I just released the first chapter, so please give that a go in your spare time! 

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