Chapter One - Six Months

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Do read the end notes, please.


It's been SIX months. Six torturous yet beautiful months. Torturous, as he couldn't express his feelings to her and beautiful, because he had spent countless memorable moments around her.

With her.

It was more than he could ever ask for. But today, he'd had enough. He couldn't bear seeing her so close and not being able to do anything or say anything that he really wanted to.

Not being able to touch her.

Not being able to embrace her.

Not being able to be affectionate with her.

Not being able to love her freely.

It was getting harder and harder for him to conceal his feelings, for, as soon as she came in front of him he turned into nothing less than a Romeo. A lovesick Romeo. He just couldn't control himself around her. His eyes would always look for hers. His feet would always bring him to her. There was an anonymous string that pulled him towards her. And, he had decided to give this un-named string a name. It was time to give this feeling, of his, its rightful title.

It was time for him to confess the immense love he has for her.

Although, it might sound clichéd, he had been infatuated by her ever since their first meeting. That infatuation, gradually, turned into love. Love so passionate that he'd do anything for her. Absolutely anything. This love had become his source of life.

He knew.

He knew that he wouldn't be able to live without her presence in his life. He loved her too much and that too much was doing him no good.

He's constantly lost in her thoughts and ends up ignoring half of the people around him, just as he is doing right now. He can hear his name being called out but his gaze is stuck on her, ignoring the noise that's hindering his focus.

"JAMES!", a voice shouted.

"Yeah...?", James replied, still hazed.

The person snapped their fingers, breaking his concentration and gaining his attention, "James! I'm talking to you! Where are you lost?"

James composed himself and smiled shakily, "Nowhere, Luke. I was just thinking about this upcoming project."

"Ahhh. Forget all that and come help us with the flower arrangements, please.", Luke requested.

James nodded and walked away with Luke, towards the boxes of multi-coloured flowers only to find his lady-love right there. Sat with various roses on her lap, she concentrated on making a flower crown, and she couldn't look any prettier.

Upon noticing his presence, she stood up excitedly and gave him a warm hug, with a huge grin plastered on her face, "Oh wow! THE James Brown is finally here. Where've you been, dude?"

James was still recovering from the shocks she had just given him through that hug, but he, somehow, managed to come up with a response, "Lily... I've... just been busy. Office and all. What have you been up-to? And, what are all these decorations for?"

"Ohhh! Right! The project and all. And, this is for a certain someone who's coming tomorrow.", Lily replied. 

James' eyebrows furrowed in confusion as he questioned, "Who's coming? I mean, all this decoration so it must be someone important."

Lily let out a chuckle and nodded, "Of course! Someone important and special and you'll get to meet them tomorrow."

"Alright.", James nodded as he looked around the house which was covered with fairy-lights and contrasting arrangements of flowers.

"What? What is it?", Lily enquired, upon noticing his thoughtful face.

James brought his eyes back to her face. Her doe eyes. Her button-like nose. Her full yet parted pink lips. She's just so irresistible. A small smile appeared on his face as he murmured whilst staring intently at her, "Nothing. Everything's so beautiful."

"Really? I mean, of course! After all, it is, I, Lily Claymore, who's arranged for all of this.", Lily quirked, throwing a wink his way as she hugged him goodbye and left from there.

Two hugs.

Two hugs, which have now, been added to the remaining 497 hugs that she's given him, turning the figure into 499. It wasn't like he was counting or anything. In fact, he was just testing his memory. A silly smile appeared on his face as he visualised what tomorrow would be like. About how tomorrow the 499 figure would turn into 500, for, there's no doubt about his Lily hugging him once he confesses his love for her.


Tomorrow will be the day Lily will find out the place she holds in James' heart and life.


Hi again!

I've tried something new and just decided to put it up because, why not??!! I really hope you guys like it so far and are eager to read more.

P.S: lots of votes and comments shall motivate me to write more and more for you guys so, please, drop me some of those.


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