Chapter 13|| All My Fault

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Aspen's POV
When screams first came I didn't know what to do. They were audible all the way up to the third floor where I was stationed. The shrill sound was all to familiar, but I couldn't place my finger on whom it might belong to.

While all the other guards ran to see who was causing the ruckus, I traipsed over to the grand viewing window.

It was quite a spectrum of colors in the fall. I could spot the crisp gold and deep red leaves falling throughout the courtyard. The blue of the sky outshone even the green of the grass.

I spotted a dandelion seed floating through the air. I followed it as it soared delicately to the bottom of the earth. When it hit the bottom, it wasn't on soft bed of dirt, but-

I gasped in shock and I peeled my eyes of the window in disbelief. I bolted to the steps and jumped over almost all of them. When I got the the last landing that lead outside, I opened the door.

Outside I went, not caring about the hundreds of flowers I was surely flattening as I ran.

When I reached the spot I saw from above, my suspicions were confirmed. America, lying dead in a heap was sprawled out on the ground, the dandelion resting in her hand.

I had to pinch myself to keep from crying. I swore to myself that once I find the culprit of this I would kill them.

A sudden heat began to flood my face and my vision became blurred. The only thing I could see was orange-red fire of Americas hair framed her pale face.

I turned and ran inside , tripping along the way as I rushed to get a medic, or any help at all.

Instead, I ran point-blank into the chest of Maxon Schreave.

He looked up in surprise the same moment as I did. His face turned suddenly into an expression of anger, and the next thing I know I'm against a wall with Maxon in my face.

"This is all your fault, Ledger! If you weren't so jealous that she choose me over you, then you wouldn't have killed her!"

The shock and hurt of what he was saying set in all at once, though it was completely replaced by fury. How dare he accuse me, Americas ex-boyfriend, of killing her?

I retaliate back by pushing Maxon back, and bolting to the window. The courtyard was there, it's grass and life abundant, though it was missing something. Or more specifically, someone.

Now America was really gone.
You asked and I gave you Aspen Ledgers POV😃 Next is Maxon, so stay tuned for more excitement and thrills!

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