Chapter 2|| The Man

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I was so stunned by this man that I didn't know whether to run or stay. Though the little conscience on my shoulder nagged me to get as far away as possible, my head was too intrigued to hear about my father. No one had brought him up since he passed away from medical reasons. I felt a pang of sadness at the memory.
Managing to compose myself enough to speak, I asked the question that had been eating me alive since I found out.
    "Your worked with my father for the rebels, didn't you?" I ask with the most quizzical and innocent look I could muster.
    Apparently the man saw clearly through my illusion, for he responded in a gruff voice, "Not exactly no." He paused for a moment, considering this. "Let's play a game. You ask me a question, and I answer, then I ask you a question and you answer."
    I brushed the dirt of my dress and stood up straight. I looked the man in what I believed to be his eyes.
    "All answers honest?" As I said this I was looking for any sign of doubt.
Fortunately, the man responded without hesitation. "If you promise the same for me, then every word I say will only speak truth."
    "OK then. I'll start. " I think of what I asked earlier but the man didn't answer. Though I think starting with something simpler would be easier on both of us, being strangers and all. Again, I think about running away, but the rebels are out there and my curiosity has gotten the best of me. "What is your name?"
    The man chuckled and smiled. "Out of every question you could have asked, you chose my name?" He laughed again. "It's Bryan, Bryan Ty Posli."
    He stared at the floor for a minute, like he expected me to say something. When I didn't, he said, "So, what's your name?"
    I tried to be serious but the way he said it brought out a smile. "America Singer." I paused, thinking over my next words. "Can you take off that silly mask? I want to be able to actually talk to you."
    Bryan let out a sigh, and I didn't understand why until he pulled down his mask and his face was revealed. It was possibly one of the most beautifully horrifying things out there. His hair was a jet black and stuck up in spikes all over his skull. Not huge spikes, but tiny ones that are the kind you wouldn't notice from afar. He had bangs that covered his  pristine green eyes. One look into them and you fell under their spell. Bryan's nose was tiny and rounded, and his lips were thin, but the strange thing was yet to come.
    I gasped as Bryan removed his overcoat, expecting to see something grotesque. One could only expect that from a rebel, especially a Southern. Though under it were surprisingly decent clothes. A plaid blue shirt and grey trousers. The hat with the skulls and stars were in Bryan's hand. A belt of weapons were around his waist, some of which I couldn't even name. He had a surprisingly muscular form, which went along perfectly with his chiseled out chin. I silently cursed myself for thinking of him like that. I was practically engaged to Maxon.
"Is this better?" Bryan said with a smirk as we met eyes. I would have melted on the spot if it weren't for my love for Maxon.
"Yes. Actually I-" I get cut off as there's a loud ruckus coming from down the hall. Too late I remember that we weren't in the safest stop during an attack. My breathing speeds up as I realize we're trapped.
This supposedly wasn't a problem for Bryan. He was staring at something in front of me, so I took a closer look. I intake a deep breath at what was before me. It was genius, it was dangerous, and it was our only option.
A window.
At the same moment we both bolt towards our escape. I take the fabric of my dress and rip it all around to get rid of the part that trails on the floor. Well, I meant I tried. Bryan turned back and saw my struggle, so he reached into his pocket and pulled out his knife. He handed by the knife, and I smile graciously. I finish the start on the job I had done, then turn my attention back to the window.
BOOM! BANG! POW! The objects that are hitting the walls are getting more powerful. If we don't hurry, we'll be caught. Hopefully, if all goes right, we'll be long gone by then.
Bryan takes a mallet type hammer from his belt and puts in in his right hand. Realizing he'll smash the glass, I had to step in.
"Wait! They'll be able to follow us if we break the glass!" I half whisper half shout over the ruckus the rebels were making.
Bryan nods in understanding, and lowers his hand. He tests the lock, and surprisingly, it lifts up without a problem. I smile to myself as he gestures for me to go first. Putting on my most believable brave face, which luckily Bryan buys, I put one foot on the windowsill. Next the other foot, then I slide in so the only part of me still inside is my head. I look back at Bryan.
"I'll be right behind you, alright?" I  exhale a deep breath, then lower my feet onto the ledge below. I lean against the wall, and take in the vast landscape before me, hundreds of feet up. The castle looks so much more massive from above.
Bryan lands next to me, and I can't help but laugh at how ironic this is. Who I used to think was going to lead me into darkness nearly minutes ago is now leading me into the light. Our eyes meet once more an I know that I'll be perfectly safe as long as I'm by Bryan. We both look forward and continue our walk thousands of feet up in the air while a war raged beneath us.
Everything was going smoothly until it started raining. That's always when things take a downward spiral. This case wasn't any different, for I slipped and went tumbling over the ledge.
Comment thoughts on the second chapter! :D I want to know how I can improve😄👌🏻

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