Chapter 5|| The Call

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Just remembering the events of yesterday got me on my nerves, but the phone call did even more so.
After I had climbed down from the ledge and Bryan went back to wherever he goes, everything from the aftermath of the rebels was sorted out. Everyone was thankful that no-one got majorly hurt, and payed their respects to the guards who had gotten killed. One of them was a new-recruit who was apparently a good friend of Celeste. Though I didn't even know this person, I felt sorry for her loss.
Dinner was quiet that night, and it seemed like I was back up in my bed in no time. My maids were getting me ready to sleep when a knock came at the door.
Lucy quickly helped me finish dressing while Anne went to stand by the door. I nodded and she opened it, greeting the visitor.
"Welcome, how may I help you?" Anne asked.
"There is a gentlemen on the line who wishes to speak to Lady America." The women holding the phone handed it over to Anne, and they both curtsied to each other, then Anne shut the door. Anne handed the phone over to me, then her, Mary, and Lucy left to give me some privacy.
I began speaking, "Hello? This is Lady America."
A deep voice responded, "Oh thank goodness. America it's me, Bryan."
For a minute I didn't believe him. I hadn't given him anyway to contact me. "I didn't give you a phone number, so how did you get it?" I ask suspiciously, listening, yet again, for any sign of doubt.
Without hesitation Bryan responded, "The castle help line. I asked if they could forward my call to you." I could hear the smile in his voice as he spoke, though it faded away with his next words. "Listen, I'm sorry about yesterday. That was completely inappropriate for me to almost do with you being in the selection and all."
I took a deep breath in, I knew how to deal with this. I went through it with Aspen. "Yes, that would be correct."
Bryan sighed, then responded. "Ok, but I'm going to need my mask, I think I might have left it with you. Maybe we can meet in the woods?"
I paused thinking over the risks of this, of everything. First, how I almost kissed Bryan can be used against me and be considered treason. Secondly, sneaking out of the palace, leaving behind my safety, and Maxon. Oh, Maxon. I was again reminded of how much more thrilled he was to see me than anyone else.
"Ok, but tomorrow afternoon. We're supposed to be having a lesson with Sylvia out there, and I'll just excuse myself to use the outhouse. I'm assuming you know where that is?"
Bryan chuckled. "Yep. It's a date."
I couldn't help but smile. "Not yet, at least."
I gasped in unison with Bryan. I hadn't meant to let those words slip. Blushing I said quickly, "I- um, have to go now." I hung up the phone and set it on my nightstand. I buried myself in my covers and fell asleep.
I didn't open my eyes again until I saw daylight, and I sluggishly got out of bed. Mary, Lucy and Anne graciously helped me get ready, them doing most of the work. They picked a simple blue dress that looked more along the lines of a deep aqua-green. The bottom half was poofed out and frilled.
I practically dragged myself down to breakfast, and was pulled over by Maxon at the entrance.
"Hey are you okay?" He asked me in a worried voice.
"Yeah, I'm fine, just had a rough night." I responded with a yawn.
"Ok, just wanted to make sure." Maxon started to walk away, but I stopped him. I had to know.
I kissed him right on the lips. It was a long and tender one, but there was something wrong. I racked my brain for an answer, then I found one. It wasn't a good one, and I didn't like it at all. I didn't feel anything anymore.
I pulled back and walked into the dinning hall. I could hear Maxon calling my name, but I kept on walking. I knew why that kiss was so bland. It was because I didn't love Maxon, I loved someone else.
How does everyone like Chapter 5? Also let me know what I can improve on. :D
P.s. You might want to re-read all the chapters, I edited them and added a lot more (especially chapter 4! :D)

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