chapter 1 preview

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Bastien and I were trekking along the shore in Miami. The sun was still high up and the waves were calm. It was a perfect day out of the beach. We were trying to search for more shells, so I could add it to my huge collection jar. Plus, it gave me a reason to get Bastien a tan. He never liked the sun.

It was a secluded area that was one of the properties my father owned to preserve the place. The breathtaking rock formations led to a beautiful view of the deep blue ocean gave me a purpose to explore beyond that horizon. I always believed that there was something far greater than this chaotic world we live in.

A few years ago, I had snuck into daddy's office. We were prohibited, however, I never really learned how to listen. I knew that there was something important daddy was hiding inside. So, I went ahead and broke in. I wasn't sure what I was looking for, but I stumbled on some folders that were neatly stacked on his bottom drawer. They were a bit old and some pages were torn on the edges. Beside the stack was an ancient book about Atlantis. Curiosity got the best of me, I opened the book and started to read. My father had done extensive research about this non-existent place and it made me wonder why. He never told me stories about his adventures. It was a great addition to a bedtime story. When I tried to ask about what I found, he reprimanded me to never go into his office, ever again.

"Lady Aerin, if I may ask nicely that you slow down. You know I can't run in this," Bastien was already catching his breath.

I playfully rolled my eyes at him, "If you weren't wearing that hideous suit then you'd probably walk faster."

"I'm working."

"You always are," I snorted.

We walked further until we reached a sea cliff. I always loved how the salty breeze would hit my face. It was something that could relax my nerves.

"I really don't understand your fascination with shells," Bastien asked, trying to converse in small talk.

"It's not about the shells. They're just a distraction so I have a reason to visit the beach every day. Someday, I'm going to prove that the world of Atlantis exists."

He looked at me like I had grown another head then asked incredulously, "And how are you going to do that?"

Pressing my forefinger and thumb on my chin, I pondered on his question. "I don't know exactly. But when I grow up, I want to dive and explore the deepest trench in the world."

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