12. On Edge. (Epilogue)

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A sneak attack on Stronghold turns into a full-out war, ending with many wounded and Sera not the same as she was before. With Stronghold and his werewolf army dead, a magic bracelet in the wrong hands, a few more newcomers and plenty of revenge, nothing is the same as it was before, yet some try to adjust back into their old lives.

Until Eva decides it is time to expose the Guard to the world.

Soon after everything was settled down, a video was broadcasted all over the internet and eventually showed up on the news. In it was Eva, but in full Guard attire and mask, the emblem glinting in the light as she spoke.

"Citizens of the world, human and Elite. We are the Imperium Guard, created to bring justice to those who wrong us because of who we are. We consist of both humans and Elite, and we believe the Potentiam In Societatem, or the PIS, are the true monsters here. Because of this, one of their leaders, Senator Stronghold, is now dead after initiating a battle between us and his mutated army." Several shots of the fight appeared in place of Eva.
"He believed that one needed power to fight power. However, this is not always the case. We believe in equal rights among both Elite and humans, even if we have to hunt down every single member of the PIS."
Eva reappeared again, face stern. "Those who wish to join us are welcome to. Any backstabbers or spies who dare to enter our legion are not. As head Guard, I will make our beliefs a reality, for strength and equality to all."
The video ended, and all was chaos.

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