36: In The Doldrums

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"He didn't text me yesterday," Afrah complained to a nonchalant Nazir.

Nazir shrugged.

"Aren't you going to say anything?" Afrah sneered.

"What do you want me to say? Huh, ya Afrah?"

"I said Jameel didn't text or call me last night. I don't know what's going on with him."

"What did you expect? That he'd keep calling and texting, while you keep ignoring him?" Nazir shook his head. "You think I haven't noticed?" Nazir asked when he noticed the surprise on his sister's face. "He's bound to get tired."

Afrah let out a humorless chuckle. "He's already tired? After what he did to me? He has no right!"

Afrah's last statements pulled Nazir's attention. "What did he do that is so bad? Why aren't you telling us? You came home and told us you just came to visit and I've noticed you don't pick up his calls. What aren't you telling us? You're definitely hiding something from me."

Afrah clenched her eyes. She mentally hit herself on the head for almost spilling the beans. It was true that she was still mad at Jameel for hitting her but she couldn't bring herself to tell her family what happened for she knew they, especially her father would do everything in their power to take her away from Jameel for good, and she didn't want that...

Since the day she left Jameel's house, he had never failed to send his daily apology and love messages. Although Afrah never replied to those messages, she always looked forward to receiving them for they brightened her day. She had gotten so used to them that she felt so disappointed and empty when she didn't receive them last night.

"Come on, tell me what the problem is. I promise not to judge," Nazir urged.

"There's no problem!" Afrah rolled her eyes. "I'd have told you otherwise."

Nazir didn't look convinced but he didn't pry further. "If you say so."

"Maybe something came up."


"Maybe he slept early..."


"Or maybe he had a lot to work...or he—"

"Why don't you call and find out?"

Afrah shook her head.

"Who knows maybe he's sick."

Afrah's heart increased its tempo. Why hadn't she thought of that? "I'll call him."

"Good. Should I...excuse you?"

"Yes, please."

Immediately after Nazir left, Afrah picked up her phone and began to call him.

When he didn't answer, Afrah's worry skyrocketed. In her heart, she felt something was wrong. She just couldn't pinpoint what it was. She mentally prayed for Jameel's safety. "Please don't be sick." She muttered under her breath. 

She dialed his number again, and this time, he picked at the fourth ring.

"Assalamualaikum! Jameel?"

"Wa Alaikum salaam..." he responded in a low-pitched voice.

From his tone, Afrah could tell that something was indeed not right with him. "Are you alright?"

"I..." His voice trailed.

"You're sick!" It wasn't a question but a statement.


"Why didn't you tell me?" Worry dripped from her voice. "have you gone to a hospital? What drugs did you take? Is it serious?"

"I'm fine, JaFrah. I feel even better knowing you're worried about me."

Afrah hummed.

"Please come home already. I miss you. I'm sorry.

His words sent a pang to Afrah's heart. She could feel the sincerity in his voice...the longing.

She felt so herself.

"I will spend the rest of my life trying to make it up to you." He added.

Tears prickled Afrah's eyes. Had he been in front of her, she would have thrown caution in the wind and run into his embrace. She missed everything about him; his laughter, his facial expressions, the way he used to hold her tenderly...she missed the way he never failed to remind her of his love for her.

"I love you."

And he did again. He uttered the words she could never get tired of hearing him say.

"I love you so much. A lot."

Afrah's brow furrowed. For some inexplicable reason, some eerie feeling started to build up in her. "Why are you speaking like that?"

"I just wanted to remind you so that you wouldn't forget."

Afrah's lips curled into a smile. She could forget her name but not his love for her. Despite everything, she didn't doubt his love for her. But at the same time, she was still mad at him for raising a hand against her. That moment had left a scar on her heart. A permanent one. "You didn't answer my questions; how are you feeling now?"

"Without you here, I feel empty. I'm not even mincing words. Please come home. For how long do you intend to punish me for a mistake I regret and would do anything to undo?"

"It's been barely two weeks..."

"Two weeks and you won't even allow me to see you. Don't you miss me too? Am I the only one feeling this way?"

Afrah wiped her tears and cleared her before speaking; "I still need time."

"Don't you miss me?" He repeated his question.

"I do, but—"

"That's enough for me. Take very good care of yourself for me, and be happy. I love you."

Immediately after he ended the call, Afrah broke down in tears. She felt a sudden tightness in her chest. "You were the one that mistreated me! Why am I feeling bad? Why am I hurt? This was meant to be your punishment, not mine. I can't take this anymore."

Afrah's stomach contracted and she began to gag.

As quickly as her tired legs could carry her, she ran to the bathroom but before she could get to the sink, the chyme content of her stomach erupted from her mouth and splattered all over the floor.

Dizziness washed over her as she attempted to stand straight.

Luckily for her, Jinan appeared.

"What's wrong with you, Ya Afrah? Are you sick? I should tell mum!"

"You don't need to make her worry." Afrah sighed. "Just help me clean up this mess."

"Are you sure?"

Afrah nodded as she walked to the sink to wash her mouth and face before exiting the bathroom.

She sat on the edge of her bed and began to clean her face with a towel. The dizziness had subsided but her stomach was still aching.

"Ya Afrah, for how long have you been feeling sick? You didn't even inform anyone."

"Just today. I thought I was going to faint in there."

Jinan gave Afrah a knowing look; a huge smile tugging on her face.

Afrah sneered.


Afrah quickly signaled her to keep it down.

"You're pregnant! Mum will be so happy to hear this."

Afrah's heart was beating so fast. At that moment, she didn't know what she wanted. A part of her wanted it to be true. She could already imagine Jameel's reaction to the news. Indisputably, it would be epic, but also, she had no idea if she was ready for the responsibility that would come with it. "we're not sure yet. Don't tell her until I confirm it."

"There's nothing to confirm, ya Afrah. You're definitely pregnant. Vomiting and dizziness are the key symptoms of pregnancy."

"I still need to make sure. Besides, I don't think I am. I just caught the flu."

"I think you are. You definitely are."

Afrah's breath cut in her throat, her hands became sweaty and her fingers wouldn't stop quivering as she waited for the result of the pregnancy test she had just taken.

Afrah had no idea how much she wanted Jinan's hunch to be right until she saw the single red line on the test stick.

Her heart fell, and tears began to form in her eyes. She looked at it more keenly but couldn't see a second line still.

Stepping out of the bathroom, Afrah sat on a stool. She, all of a sudden, felt tears prickling her eyes. She realized how much she wanted to have a baby. Her heart was broken into halves.

Just as she stood up to leave her room for the terrace, her phone began to ring. She sat back down to answer it.

It was Jameel calling.

Afrah hesitated for a while before picking up. She couldn't help but wonder if Jinan had told Jameel something. She hoped not. The last thing she wanted, was for Jameel to feel the same disappointment she was feeling.

"Assalamualaikum," came Jameel's voice.

"Wa Alaikum Salam," Afrah responded in a low-pitched voice.

"Where are you?" He inquired.

Afrah furrowed her brows in bemusement.

"Hospital?" He added.

Afrah gritted her teeth in anger; "Jin—"

"Yes, she told me you're sick. Were you planning to hide it from me?"

Afrah couldn't reply. She had no idea how she was supposed to start explaining the situation to him.

"How are you feeling now? What did the doctor say?"

"There's nothing to worry about."

"Nothing to worry about? You threw up and—"

"I said I'm fine," Afrah cut him off. "It's just a fever, I'm not terminally ill. Can you stop worrying?"

"How can I stop when I'm not there to take care of you? Please come back home, Afrah."

Afrah heaved a sigh. Jameel had never missed any opportunity to make that request. "My family is here... they are taking good care of me."

"I'm your husband," he stated.

Afrah rolled her eyes.

"I want to be the one to do it," he continued. "It's been over two weeks already."

"I thought we agreed that I'd be staying with my parents for at least a month. I'm halfway already."

Jameel's groan of frustration didn't go unheard by Afrah. It brought a small smile to her face despite how low-spirited she was. It pleased her to know how terribly he missed and desperately wanted her back. "Come early tomorrow."

"I...what? I should?"

Afrah suppressed a chuckle. "Come and get me." Afrah didn't wait for his response—even though she badly wanted to hear it—before ending the call.

As expected, Jameel called back in a split second.

Afrah answered.

"Can't I come today?"

"No, you can't."

"I'll be there immediately after fajr. Thanks, JaFrah...I promise to make it up to you. I'll treat you right this time. I promise to never give you a chance to complain about me again. I miss you badly. I can't wait to see you. I really can't."

Afrah hummed.

"I love you." He reminded before ending the call.

"I love you too," Afrah whispered to herself. She felt stupid for giving in to her desire but she just couldn't keep resisting the urge anymore. She equally missed him too.

The few days she had spent at her parents' house made her realize she had made a mistake slapping Najah and even the insults she hurled at her were unnecessary. She took it upon herself to apologize to her. Not because she wanted to be friends with her—very far from that—but because she wanted to do the right thing for she had the fear of Allah in her.

Intending to turn a new leaf, Afrah walked out of her room.


I know I promised to update early...school didn't permit me 🥺

Who else thought Afrah was pregnant? 😁

Are you happy she isn't? Disappointed?

Afrah is going back to her house! More drama loading 😂😂

Do you think Afrah will indeed turn a new leaf? 😅

We'll see 😎

Don't forget to vote, comment and share ❤️

Follow me on Instagram @deey_jah. I'll follow back asap 🙂


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