66: Elusive Concept

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Afrah sat across from Jameel, on the edge of her bed; her eyes fixed on him as he dressed up for work. A sense of determination emanated from her as she slowly slipped her tea, her mind consumed by a devious plan.

"My love," she started; her voice low-pitched. She had meticulously planned her words, rehearsing them in her mind like a well-practiced monologue. She knew very well that the key to breaking the chains of Jameel's loyalty to his mother was through gentle persuasion, not forceful demands. She had already planted the seeds of doubt in his mind and was waiting patiently for it to fully develop. "What does Hajiya like doing? I want to do something nice for her...maybe it would soften her heart towards me."

Jameel gave a closed-lip smile and opened his arms, inviting her to his embrace.

Afrah walked to him and wrapped her arms around his waist. She closed her eyes when she felt his lips on her head.

"I love you, Afrah..." He planted another kiss on her temple. "I know this hasn't been easy for you. I can see how much you want to impress Hajiya and I truly appreciate your effort. I'm sorry for the way she treated you yesterday. I wish there was something I could do to make her stop being mean to you, but there's nothing more I can do than talk to her and pray she changes."

"It's fine," Afrah replied, snuggling further into his chest. "It's all for you. I realize that I was rude to her the day she arrived. I'm only trying to make it up to her. I don't blame her for being that way with me. I should have put in more effort to be in her good books."

Jameel placed one final kiss on her forehead before pulling back: his arms on her shoulders. "I'm going to be home early today. What would you like me to get for you?"

"You know the things I like," Afrah winked. "I'm such I'm going to like whatever you get for me."

Jameel nodded. "See you later."

"Bye," Afrah nodded.

Immediately after Jameel exited the room, Afrah sat back on the bed and threw her head back in laughter. The whole thing was suddenly so funny to her. She knew she had the upper hand when it came to Jameel. All she needed to do was put in a little effort.

As Afrah sat there, contemplating her next move, she couldn't help but feel a surge of confidence. She had always been one step ahead of Hajiya, and this time was no different. With a mischievous glint in her eyes, she began formulating her next plan to assert her dominance.

Walking into the kitchen to prepare breakfast for herself, Afrah met Hajiya and Najah cooking.

As she observed them cooking together, a wave of irritation washed over her. She couldn't help but feel a pang of jealousy at their closeness. Determination welled up inside her, fueling her desire to prove to Hajiya that despite her hatred for her, Jameel would always choose her first.

Afrah tried her best to ignore them and just do her thing, but their laughter and easy camaraderie intensified her unease.

Trying to suppress the negative emotions bubbling within her, she clenched her fists. She knew she shouldn't let them bother her, but it was so difficult to ignore the fact that she was hated by her mother-in-law just because she belonged to a different tribe, and Najah was the favorite daughter-in-law because they belonged to the same tribe.

It was unfair and hurtful, but at the same time, she knew she couldn't allow them to notice how affected she was. The last thing she wanted was to give Hajiya the feeling of victory. The war was far from over.

Afrah took a deep breath, mentally reminding herself that she was loved by her husband and her own family. She had to focus on bringing Hajiya to her knees. She would make her regret ever treating her like trash. She had done nothing to warrant the hatred she was being shown.

As she turned around to leave the kitchen, Najah's high-pitched voice made her halt in her tracks.

"Afrah! Didn't you see Hajiya?"

Afrah huffed in disbelief. Her eyes narrowed and her brows furrowed as she tried to process Najah's question.

"Najah, why are you wasting your time and energy on a girl that obviously lacks home training? You should forget about her. Just act like she doesn't exist. That's what I'm also doing. I don't need any stupid greetings from her."

Hajiya's words were like thorns in Afrah's heart. She tried to brush off the harsh words, convincing herself that they didn't matter. But deep down, they pierced through her defenses, reopening old wounds and insecurities. She had always strived to be strong and independent, not letting anyone's opinions affect her. Yet, Hajiya's words seemed to strike a nerve, leaving her questioning her self-worth. Was she that detestable? Why so much hate? It puzzled her why someone would harbor such intense dislike towards her.

Afrah made sure to wipe every trace of hurt on her face before turning to face them. "As you can see," her statement directed to Najah. "I have eyes and I can see."

"Oh, really?" Najah scoffed. "I can't believe this. Hajiya is not someone you can disrespect and get away with."

"Najah!" Hajiya boomed. "I'm going to get really angry with you if you keep talking to her about this. I have told you to ignore. She is not worth it. Just pay her dust."

Afrah swallowed a painful lump in her throat. She couldn't hold back her words anymore. She had to speak. "Of course you would say that," she sneered. "You've failed to brainwash your son about me. I understand where the pain is coming from. And let me just tell you, this is just the beginning. I have not even started yet."


"Najah," Hajiya cut her off, warningly. "Don't say anything. I have got this under control."

Afrah rolled her eyes.

"You feel proud of what you're doing right now, right? You also have a son. Just wait until the same thing you're doing right now happens to you. Trust me, it's going to happen. It's not a curse, it's a fact. You can't be evil and expect good things to happen to you. What you sow, you shall reap."

Afrah blinked back her tears. It wasn't the time to let her emotions overwhelm her. "It's not going to happen to me. You know why?" She hummed. "Because I'm never going to be unfair to his wife. I'm never going to try and separate them for no reason at all. I'm never going to show favoritism if ever he ends up having more than one wife. I won't care where his wife comes from. I'm going to give her complete respect. I'm never going to become a thorn in her flesh!" Afrah didn't wait for her response before dashing out of the kitchen.

Shutting the door to her room, she reclined against the door; Hajiya's words coming back to her, haunting her like a ghost.

You also have a son. Just wait until the same thing you're doing right now happens to you, trust me, it's going to happen. It's not a curse, it's a fact.

You can't be evil and expect good things to happen to you. What you sow, you shall reap.

The curse kept repeating in her mind. She never imagined the words would linger, like a dark cloud, over her life.

As she stood there, her body trembling with the weight of her emotions, she couldn't help but wonder if there was any truth to her mother-in-law's curse. Was she doing too much? It seemed as though victory had become an elusive concept, slipping through her fingers whenever she thought she had finally grasped it.

Afrah was too engrossed in her thoughts to acknowledge Jameel's presence in the room.

His presence was finally noticed when he sat beside her on the bed and held her hand in his. "What's on your mind? I have been talking. You didn't even respond to me."

Afrah shook her head. "I'm sorry."

"What's wrong?"

"It's nothing," she tried to shake it off, but by the look in Jameel's eyes, she knew he didn't believe her.

"It's not nothing, Afrah. I know you," he sighed. "Feel free to talk to me. I'm your husband."

You can't be evil and expect good things to happen to you. What you sow, you shall reap.

"Jameel," Afrah fixed her gaze on his. "I want you to be honest with me. Don't mind what I will feel. I just want to know what you think."

"Okay...but about what?"

"Am I a bad person? Do you think I'm evil?"

"Where's this question coming from? Did Hajiya-"

"Please," she beseeched. "Just answer the question."

"No, you're not. Not at all," he answered; irritation written all over his face That's a ridiculous question by the way. Are you doubting yourself?"

Tears prickled Afrah's eyes as she realized she was indeed doubting herself. Hajiya's words had really gotten to her and it was messing up her mind. Her curse had not left her mind. Not even for a second. She was afraid that it would indeed catch up with her in the future.

Jameel cupped her face with his hands. "Do you want to live elsewhere?"

Afrah shook her head. She had thought about it before. Leaving the house would seem like she had surrendered. She still wanted to prove to Hajiya and to Najah too that she wasn't afraid of them, and that she was the most important person to Jameel.

"I'd understand if you want to," Jameel continued. "I know you've been having a difficult time in this house. We can look for a place you like..."

"No, Jameel," she removed his hands from her face. "I don't want to live elsewhere. Why must I be the one to leave? Why can't Najah leave instead?"

Jameel shrugged. "It's fine if you want to continue living here."

Afrah resisted the urge to roll her eyes at him. If he could ask her if she wanted to live elsewhere, why couldn't he ask Najah the same question? Was she a tree incapable of being moved? "It's what I want."

"Do you want to tell me what happened while I was away? Hajiya won't talk to me, and Najah is also giving me the silent treatment. I met her in Hajiya's room. Did you get into an argument with her?"

"You should have asked her."

"I did, but she told me nothing happened. I don't believe her. It's obvious something happened."

"I went to the kitchen to make breakfast...I met Hajiya and her. I greeted and even offered to join them, but none of them answered me. I turned to leave and Najah started accusing me of not greeting Hajiya," tears welled up in her eyes as she recalled the harsh words Hajiya had thrown at her. It was true that she lied about acknowledging his mother's presence but she felt it was justified after everything that happened. "Hajiya in return, told her to ignore me...that I am irrelevant."

Jameel seemed to be in deep thought as he didn't say anything.

Afrah continued. "I feel Najah is an instigator. I can only imagine the things she has been saying about me to Hajiya. I'm tired, Jameel. I don't think I can do this anymore. I want a break."

Jameel pulled her into his embrace, stroking her back soothingly. "It's going to be fine. I'm going to put an end to this today."

Guess who's back? 👀

Firstly, I'm so sorry about the late update. I wasn't feeling too well, and procrastination took over 🤧

In Sha Allah, I'm going to make it up to y'all 🥰

What do you think Jameel has in mind?

Still team Afrah or Najah?

What do you think about this chapter?

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