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IVANNA AND SAM waited on Bucky to join them in the abandoned building, her making quick sweeps of what was around them while Sam sent Red Wing around. Bucky eventually found Sam and Ivanna, startled by Red Wing and approaching the two with annoyance. Ivanna watched the screen on Sam's arm.

"You're doing the staring thing again," Sam spoke when Bucky was beside them, "they're in there."

Ivanna looked toward where Sam was talking, watching warily.

"Where's the guy?" Bucky questioned.

"I don't know," Sam admitted, "I think they're smuggling weapons though."

Bucky looked at Sam, seeming annoyed, "Well I think you could be right."

Ivanna side-eyed Bucky and Sam hummed in response, "But there's only one way to find out."

Bucky suddenly turned to the room, "I see a clear path, I say we take it."

"No," Ivanna said while Sam grabbed Bucky to keep him from moving in the direction of the room.

"We're not assassins," Sam spoke suddenly, grabbing the immediate attention of the two beside him. Ivanna raised a brow and Bucky clenched his jaw.

"I'll see you inside," Bucky sneered, "or not."

Bucky separated himself from Ivanna and Sam, and she glared at Sam, "Don't say shit like that, Sam."

Sam watched after Ivanna as she rounded a corner to cover for Bucky, whether he wanted it or not. She ignored Sam's final remark, changing her mood and motives as she followed Bucky. Ivanna knew her goal now, letting Bucky lead the way as they checked around corners and made their way to the room. Redwing followed the two as well, Sam taking higher surveillance while they walked.

"Look at you, all stealthy," Sam spoke about Bucky, causing Ivanna to roll her eyes at his voice, "little time in Wakanda and you come out white panther."

"It's a white wolf," Bucky remarked without reaction.

"Boys, boys," Ivanna grabbed Bucky's attention, "we've got better things to do than bicker over Bucky's alias."

Sam made a confused noise while Ivanna and Bucky entered the room they were looking for, hiding behind a rack while Bucky looked around to make sure the coast was clear, "Alright, I'm inside which means I'm way ahead of you. It's not great but very doable."

Ivanna turned to see Sam standing beside Bucky, one hand flew to her chest and she reached over with the other, slapping Sam in the chest. Bucky turned and looked at Sam, annoyed, "Hello, how are you?"

"Good, what did I miss? Nothing," Sam countered.

"Alright, let's go,"

"No, wait,"

Ivanna watched in disbelief as the two argued and tried to one-up each other, so she raised her hand, "I'm a walking taser, so I don't think it matters."

The men looked at her and she held her hands out then dropped them to her hips, "Think of a plan or we're winging it."

Sam glanced back toward the room as they could hear voices, "I wanna see where they're going."

"There are two people," Bucky countered, Ivanna looked through the shelf, searching for the people in the room.

"You only see two?" Sam asked in disbelief, "Lemme see what Redwing sees. Oh, look at that."

Bucky and Sam began counting the people walking in, Ivanna watching in disbelief.

"You are unbelievable," Ivanna whispered harshly, "I decided to come on a mission with dumb and dumber."

They're fighting suddenly ceased when the people stopped what they were doing and looked toward the door. The three remained silent until the truck disappeared, then Sam looked down at his arm once more.

"There's an eighth person, I think they have a hostage,"

Silent looks were exchanged before the trio took off in a run after the truck. Ivanna remained a short distance behind Bucky, Sam, and Redwing flying overhead. Bucky jumped on the back of the truck, leaning back to give Ivanna his hand. He pulled her on and they began searching for the cases and looking for the suspected hostage.

"They're stealing medicine," Bucky spoke, Ivanna tilted her head and read the cases more.


Bucky continued walking, Ivanna reading every case she could.

"Hi," Bucky's voice caught her off guard. The blonde looked up to see a young woman had come out from behind the crates, eyeing Bucky warily.

"Bucky, Vanna, talk to me. What's going on?"

Bucky looked back to Ivanna as she approached him and the young woman, "Found the hostage."

Ivanna moved to stand beside Bucky, suspicion on her face. Ivanna stared blankly at the girl, confusing the worried Bucky as he questioned if she was okay.

"Bucky we need to get out of here," Ivanna mumbled.

"We can't just leave-"

"Bucky," Ivanna snapped her eyes to him coldly but was too late as the girl suddenly kicked Bucky out of the truck. Ivanna watched him fly backward, colliding with the windshield of another vehicle, "Sam!"

The girl approached Ivanna, sending her fist toward the blonde and making her body soar out of the truck as well. Ivanna hit the truck behind them but had no chance to brace herself. She could feel another hand grab her and realized it was Bucky. But then his hand was gone as he was pulled onto the top of the semi. Ivanna's eyes narrowed on the girl that was putting a mask on, the blonde desperate to get off of the semi. Ivanna braced herself, then jumped off of the windshield.

She hit the cement, doing a tuck and roll before she pushed herself to her feet as quickly as she could. Ivanna could tell that she had taken good hits from those actions, but couldn't feel the pain. Her eyes darted all over, "Sam, come on!"

She could see Redwing flying toward the Semi, and Sam just behind him. Sam grabbed Ivanna and flew to the truck, both of them dropped onto the top as the girl smashed Redwing over her knee.

"I've always wanted to do that," Bucky commented, Sam beginning to fight with the girl as Ivanna went to Bucky's aide, "Good of you to join the fight, Sam!"

"Will you shut up?" Ivanna shouted, kicking one of the men holding Bucky with as much strength as she could. She grabbed the man by the back of his neck, sending a pulse of electricity through him and then shoving him off of the semi.

She glanced up as Sam was thrown onto the other one, being ambushed by the people. The shield suddenly flew through the air, the sound of a helicopter filling their ears. John Walker and his friend joined In on the fight, inviting themselves to help the trio.

Ivanna and Bucky both watched the pair.

"Sam. John Walker, Captain America,"

"Lamar Hoskins," the other guy introduced.

"Looks like you guys could use some help,"

The fighting began once more, Ivanna struggling with the Flagsmashers. She watched as Bucky was thrown off of the semi, but she couldn't react as a punch was thrown her way. Ivanna dodged it as quickly as she could, discovering that both Bucky and Sam were gone. She was left with John and Lamar.

"Shit," she mumbled. Ivanna was suddenly kicked in the stomach, knocking the wind out of her as she flew backward and off of the truck. Ivanna didn't move, opting to lay on the ground and try to regulate her breathing once more. Her eyes were glued to the cement, hands pressed firmly against it while she slowly moved into a seated position.

A hand was suddenly held down to her, Ivanna looked up to see that it was Lamar. She gratefully took his hand while gasping for air, "Thanks."

"You're welcome,"

Ivanna stared after the semis, finally able to breathe again, "Those were super soldiers."

"How do you know that?"

Ivanna didn't answer Lamar's question, as John had walked over, eyeing her, "Can we trust you?"

She looked at him inquisitively, "What do you mean?"

"Well, you're a Black Widow,"

"Your point?"

"Just because one sacrificed herself for the world," John looked her up and down, securing the shield to his back, "doesn't clear the ledger of another."

Ivanna didn't say anything, merely humming and walking away. She didn't know where she was going, she just wanted away from this man already. Her phone was still on the plane, and all of her things were. There was no getting out of the situation yet.

"Sam," she said softly, hoping her comms were still up, "you there?"

But there was no answer. Ivanna was stuck with a man she already despised until she could find her friend, whenever that would be.

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