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Jimin was driving the car and Juli was looking out of the window.

-Mam, what's the time now?

Juli glanced at her hand watch.

-It's already eleven...

Jimin's eyes widened.

-Shit... I'm late today. Mam quickly turn on the radio please or I'll miss his show.

-What show?

Juli became curious seeing him excited like hell.

-It's a show called, 'Welcome to Hope world' by J-Hope.


-You don't know about J-Hope?

Juli nodded her head in No. Jimin was so shocked that he couldn't say anything. Everyone knows about J-Hope. How come Juli didn't know him?
He's such an angel to everyone.

-Whatever... just turn it on. I'll tell you about him later.

Juli turned on the radio. He told her to change the channel. She did as he told her to do. And once it's done, she looked at Jimin. He was almost going to jump due to excitement. Juli heard a male voice speaking with joy in his voice. He was chuckling too often and smiling too, only hearing the voice Juli could feel it. It's the most refreshing voice she ever heard.



-Who is this J-Hope?

Jimin chuckled.

-He is everyone's hope.

Juli was staring at him, raising one of her eyebrows. Jimin glanced at her and started laughing.

-Why are you staring at me like that?

-But who is he?

Jimin cleared his throat.

-A well-known motivational speaker.


Jimin continued to tell her about this J-Hope.

-But people just know him by name. Nobody ever seen him. He never revealed his face to anyone.

-That's strange...

Juli was listening to Jimin, at the same time, listening to the voice coming from the radio as well. Jimin glanced at the view glass.

-Umm...Actually he gives advice and suggestions to people via online conference but never showed his face to anyone. He's mysterious, hehe...

Juli nodded her head.

-He's being loved by many people as he changed their lives.

Jimin added. Juli nodded her head again.

-You must be a big fan of him, right?

Juli smiled. Jimin glanced at her and started laughing again.

-Well, of course, I am. Everyone is his fan nowadays.

Juli chuckled. Then she looked outside through the window. She was listening to the voice.


Hahaha... actually, people think that I'm such an angel, I don't have any sadness in my life cos I'm laughing, being happy all the time. But in reality, I'm a human being like you too, guys. I'm same as you. I witnessed sadness, rejection, hatred in my life too, when I chose to be a healer, a light-worker. Huh... I still remember how people used to laugh at me hehe...


Juli was listening to the voice.


Even I was hated by my parents as well...
They wanted me to do government jobs or something like that. And when I refused to do that, only Lord and I know what they told me...
I don't wanna remember those be...eautiful memories...

The voice said that amusingly. Even Juli chuckled. Jimin was smiling too. There's something in his voice that seemed familiar. But how can it be familiar to her? She doesn't even know who that J-Hope is. Then? 'Where did I hear this voice?'- Juli was bitting her lower lip, trying hard to remember where she heard that voice.


Sometimes I used to think if I'm right or the people around me... Oh my days...


There was something in his voice that is making both Jimin and Juli laugh.


But look, now I'm here. People don't know my real identity but they love me. Whenever people send me letters, emails to thank me for changing their life, I'm like... yes, I've done it. That's what I wanted to do.
Well, of course, I didn't expect that girls might give me love letters, marriage proposal as well... hehe...


Juli was laughing so hard. She looked at Jimin.

-He's a very funny person.

Jimin nodded.

-Just wait till the end.


Before, I became famous, I used to think if I'm hated by my fate or what. Why am I not becoming successful?
Why?? Oh God, please do forgive me. I used to say bad things about you and blame you so much... Do forgive me.


Juli and Jimin burst into laughter. He's so funny.


But... that time, I thought, even though I don't have anyone to love me, though I'm all alone in my journey, though people hate me, I can't change who I am. I am me.


Juli was listening to the voice.


Don't waste your time and energy thinking what people might think, what should you do to receive love from others. No...
Don't do that. Listen to your heart. What you really want to do. Just Do it. Don't think twice.


Jimin glanced at Juli and found her listening to the voice very attentively. Jimin smiled.


People will gossip about you even when  you aren't doing anything, so it's better if you receive gossiping and hatred from them by doing something great, why not let them gossip? Give them a chance too. They really need it, guys... it's like breakfast, lunch and dinner for them.


Both of them laughed when J-Hope requested to give the people a chance.


No seriously... give them the chance, but don't waste your time listening to them. And start doing something for yourself. We can never force people, 'Come and love me...love me please'...


They're laughing hard listening to him begging for love so desperately. Juli even thought that J-Hope is really good in acting too.


Haha... so, love yourself first. Then people will love you too.
This is it for today, guys. I do have other works to do too. Like flirting and other stuffs... hehe...


In the car, both Juli and Jimin were laughing so hard. How can someone be so funny but at the same time a healer too?


So, bye for now. My hope...hehe. you guys are my hope. And I'm your hope. I'm J-Hope, bye bye...


Juli stopped laughing after a long time.

-How do I find the channel?

-You liked it, right?

-Of course, I want to be a subscriber. He does have YouTube channel  too, right?

-Yeah sure. He has. It's 'The Sunshine'. You gonna love his shows.

Juli chuckled loudly.

-Yeah I can see that...

-That guy, J-Hope, is really funny...

Juli thought it in her mind and smiled while looking through the window of the car.

To be Continued...

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