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At about 6 pm, she returned home. She looked through the window of the car. She was thinking if she should enter or not. What if her daughter is still angry. After thinking for a long time, she decided to enter. She got out of the car and slowly walked towards the main door.
Reaching the door, she looked at the doorbell. Still she was thinking if it's the right time to enter or not. She was thinking about how to fix her daughter's mood. She sighed deeply, then pressed the doorbell.  Her heart was beating faster and she was sweating too when she heard someone coming towards the door to open it. She holded back her breath, and once the door is opened,  she sighed in relief. It was Jungkook who opened the door.

    -Mom? You're late...

She pulled him closer to her and gave him a tight hug. Jungkook  is now alone in the home that means Lisa hasn't returned from her school. She's having extra classes as her exams are upcoming.

    -Mom, are you alright?

    -No... I mean, yes. I'm alright.

Jungkook raised one of his eyebrows. He was confused.

    -Oookay... come inside then...

She released him from that tight hug and started to walk towards her room without even closing the door or saying anything to her son. Jungkook  was left in shock seeing her action.


Saying that he turned around to close the door when he felt pain on his neck.

   -Ouch... oh my neck... Mom, what have you done??!...Oh!!

He closed the door and walked towards his mom's room.


   -Yes... come inside.

He entered into the room, staring at his mom without blinking.

   -What is it, dear?


Juli smiled seeing her son hesitating.

   -Come here.

Saying that she holded his hand and made him sit down on the bed. She sat beside him.

   -Now tell me.

He looked at her eyes.

  -It's your birthday, right Mom?

Juli smiled softly. She knows what he's gonna say next.

   -Don't say it, honey.

She whispered.

  -I'm really sorry, mom.

  -Don't be, honey. It's nobody's fault.

  -But it's your birthday, yet you got scolded  today.

He lowered his gaze. Juli pulled him into a warm hug.

  -Don't be sad, honey. I'm not sad at all.

He looked at her.


She chuckled loudly.



All of a sudden, his expression changed and he started smiling like a bunny, like he always does.

   -Then, it's party time.

   -W...what? What party?

    -Oh come on, mom... it's your birthday. We need to celebrate it. I prepared everything.



Juli was thinking what he had planned to do. And then the doorbell rang.

  -The cake is here!!!

As soon as Jungkook  heard the sound of the doorbell, he exclaimed in joy.


Juli whispered. She got up from the bed and started walking towards her son's direction. She came downstairs and found her son standing in the living  room with a wide smile on his face. And whenever he smiled like that, Juli can't stop herself from laughing.

   -Don't just stand there, Mom. Look I ordered this cake for you.


He smiled widely.

  -Yep. And I ordered our dinner too. Tonight,  You don't have to work anymore.

Juli's eyes got teary hearing what his son just said. He noticed it. So he walked towards his mom.


  -Thank you so much for everything.

  -Now... come on. Cut the cake.

  -Not now, lil bunny...

He pouts. Juli chuckled loudly.

  -Just wait till your sister returns, ok?


He looked at the cake with a expression like he never gonna eat that again. As if saying goodbye to that cake.
Juli chuckled.

  -It's okay, dear. You'll get a large piece, don't worry.

  -Yay!!! Thank you, mom.

Saying that he gave a hug to his mom.  But his neck was paining too much.


  -What is it?

  -My neck is hurting.

  -Let me see.

  -No...no its gonna be alright.


  -Yea... definitely.

Juli pulled him into her embrace again but this time being careful, not to hurt him anymore.

**Time skips**

Juli was sitting on a couch in the living room and reading a magazine. Suddenly the doorbell rang. Juli glanced at the wall clock, it's 8 pm already.

  -Must be Lisa.

Doorbell still Ringing.

  -Wait... wait... coming.

She rushed towards the door to open it. And when she opened the door, she saw Lisa standing along with a young boy who's backfacing Juli. And when Juli opened the door, the boy turned his head to see her. It was Yoongi, Lisa's  boyfriend.

He was wearing a white shirt with  Black blazer.
It seems he had some kind of performance and after that performance, Lisa brought him here.

   -'Why she brought him at this time?'

Juli was thinking in her mind. Suddenly, Yoongi  gave her a hug which made her surprised.

   -Happy Birthday, Mom.

Juli smiled. He never forgets. How can he? To him, Juli is his mother.
Yoongi  doesn't have family. He once asked her if she'd be his mom cos he likes her so much. That day, she made him her son. She never thinks he's an outsider. She adores him as much as she adores her children. Yoongi  is like a son to her too. And To him, she's his mom. And he can do anything for Juli. Juli and Jungkook calls him 'Suga'.

   -Thanks, Suga. Come inside.

She welcomed him. But she's still thinking why he's here at this time. When Lisa was about to enter, Juli stopped her by grabbing her hand. Lisa rolled her eyes.

  -What is it?

  -It's just, why did you bring him at this time?

Juli whispered as she didn't want Yoongi  to hear it.

  -Why? What's wrong in it?

  -No... just. He's not supposed to be here now.

Lisa chuckled loudly.

  -Is it his fault that he came all the way here to wish you?

Juli turned around only to see Yoongi playing with Jungkook .


  -Oh come on... he's my boyfriend. And it's my home. So, I can do whatever I want.

  -Yeah but...

  -I brought him here to spend night with him, happy now?

Juli's eyes widened. But before she could say anything else Lisa stepped into the living room where Yoongi  was playing with her brother.
Juli closed the door and started walking towards the living room. Lisa's words were still stuck in her head. It doesn't seem like Lisa was saying things like that.
She couldn't stop herself from thinking about what her daughter just said. What if they're going to do anything like that? How will she be able to stop them?

To be Continued...

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