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-Did everyone enjoy the performance?

Everyone screamed, "YES!!" Hoseok smiled again. Then, he opened his mouth to say again,

-I'm glad you liked it. And now, We've got another performer this evening. That performer is not really popular but yeah, will perform in here this evening.

Everyone again started whispering. Juli was staring at him too. But Namjoon, for some reason, staring at her.

-So, everyone, Please welcome the most beautiful, gorgeous lady, Mrs. Kim Juli, to enlighten this evening and make it more beautiful.

Juli's eyes widened hearing what Hoseok just announced to everyone. Did he actually said her name? Mrs.Kim Juli?? Is that what he said??? Juli was thinking all these in her own mind. And suddenly, everyone started clapping their hands. Juli got startled at this. She was staring at Hoseok without even blinking. So, Hoseok decided to take her to the stage and holding her hand, he took her to the stage and handed her a mic. Juli could not say another word to him. And when Hoseok left the stage, she was feeling like she was all alone, although Yoongi was still there, sitting on his piano bench, staring at Juli with a soft smile on his face. Everyone was still clapping their hands. Juli glanced at them. She was sweating hard, thinking what to do.

And then when she glanced at Yoongi, she saw him smiling at her and gestured her to sing a song. So, she went towards the piano and had a look at the piano notes. She found a beautiful song and she told him to play the music. 

Yoongi started the intro. And Juli closed her eyes. Then, she started singing the song and when she did, the room became pin drop silent. Everyone was staring at her, and listening to the song with fascination. Even Namjoon was surprised, he did not know Juli's voice is so beautiful. Because he thought Juli was just a workaholic employee who does not know how to sing or do anything else. Hoseok and Jimin was surprised too but they were smiling and enjoying the song. And when the song was over, everyone stood up and started to clap their hands and cheering her up.

-Once more! Once more! Once more!

Juli was blushing hard. Yoongi was smiling. Juli glanced at him, then she glanced at others who were sitting on the table Namjoon booked for lunch. She saw Namjoon was still surprised, Hoseok and Jimin were claping, however, Jimin was screaming her name in excitement and telling everyone that she is his friend. Juli became red as a tomato. 

-This Jimin! - She thought it in her mind. And when she saw Tae, she found there was proud in his eyes? For her?! But why is that? Juli was thinking if he was feeling proud of her because he is thinking that His Love knows how to sing and has a melodious voice. Ohh that is so embarrassing! But anyway, let's just forget about it.

Juli stepped down from the stage and started walking towards the table. Hoseok was the first one to speak.

-Mrs.Kim, you have a really lovely voice.

Juli was blushing.

-Thank you, Hoseok. 

Hoseok just smiled and he was about to say something when suddenly he got a phone call. He received the call.


But within a few minutes, his face turned into a pale one. He gulped hard.

-Wait, I'm coming.

With that, Hoseok cut the call and glanced at Juli. And Juli could clearly see the frustration in his eyes. She stepped closer to him and asked him in low voice,

-Is everything alright, Hoseok?

He nodded his head in denial.

-Nothing is alright, Mrs.Kim. 

Then, he whispered to her, "The man who is admitted to a hospital, his condition is not so good." Then he started massaging his forehead. Juli kept quiet for a few moments then she decided to speak.

-Hoseok, let's go to the hospital.

-No, you don't need to...

-No, Hoseok. you're too worried and I can't let you drive in this condition. Let's go now.

Hoseok smiled a little.

-Thanks, Mrs.Kim.

Then without telling anyone anything, they stepped out of the restaurant. This made Namjoon, Tae, Jimin and even Yoongi suspicious. They thought what could be the reason that they had to leave all of  a sudden. And so, Namjoon decided to follow them. He got into his car and started driving it. Jimin did the same. And Tae and Yoongi were looking at them, wondering what was going on.

Meanwhile, Hoseok and Juli reached the hospital. They both entered the hospital and Hoseok just ran towards a room. Juli could not run as fast as him but she followed him to the room. And then, Hoseok will open the door and enter. When Juli entered the room, she was surprised to see the man lying on the bed. Her heart was beating unevenly and she felt as if she had no ground to stand on. Tears formed in her eyes as she kept on staring at the man lying on the bed. It was none other than Seok-Jin, her husband who she thought to be dead all those 14 years. And suddenly, she remembered what Hoseok once told her.


-Now, how are they?

Juli asked. Hoseok sighed deeply. His eyebrows furrowed.

-The girl is fine. Only problem is; she lost her memories. She doesn't remember anything. And you know her. Remember Luna?

-Yes. The girl working in your cafe, right?

-Hmm... She's that girl. Since she doesn't remember anything, I told her that I'm her brother and that's how I'm taking care of her for 14 years.

-And the man?

-He's in coma for almost 14 years. I check on him every week.

-And what about the baby?

-He's living in a small hut in an alley. He calls me his uncle.
I take care of him but I don't know one thing and that is there's someone out there who's looking after the kid as well. He send the kid a lot of money in envelope with letters saying that the one who sent this money is his dad. This is what I don't understand.

Juli was surprised as well.

-That truly is strange. By the way, what's the name of the kid?

Hoseok glanced at her.

-The one you're staying with for 2 days.

Juli's eyes widened hearing him. A moment of silence took over the chamber as it both of them forgot how to speak.
Then, Juli gulped and opened her mouth to say,


Hoseok nodded his head.

End of Flashback

She was thinking it in her mind when she realized the bitter truth. 

-That only meant Seok-Jin is Tae's father and Luna is his...

Her head was spinning and she felt like she would throw up at anytime thinking about all those. How could Jin do such thing when Juli was still his wife?! Yes, It was true that Jin was indeed a really good  actor and Juli admits it but she never thought His love for her was just for showing-off and all of those were just a part of his drama. Tear rolled down her cheeks.

Juli whispered in a shaky voice, "So, this was all that was going on?"

-What's going on, Hobi?

Juli heard Namjoon's voice from behind her but she did not bother to look at him. And then, Namjoon screamed making both Juli and Hoseok flinched.

-Seok-Jin Hyung! 

He quickly rushed to his bed. doctor and nurses tried to stop him but he slapped the nurse on her face harshly. Then pointing his index finger at her, he told her with greeted teeth.

-Don't you dare to stop me.

The doctor tried to calm him.

-Please, calm down.

Namjoon grabbed his neck tightly and started choking on it. He screamed at the doctor.

-What happened to my hyung?

-Namjoon, stop it!

Hoseok exclaimed and pushed him aside. The doctor coughed. Namjoon then glanced at Hoseok,

-Hobi, What is all these? What happened to my hyung? Why is he...

-Calm down, Joon. You can't scream like that.

He told him very seriously. And Namjoon became quiet. That was when Jimin entered the room and so did Tae and Yoongi. Jimin glanced at them.

-Why are you two here?

He was about to ask them but he was so shocked to see Namjoon in that condition and mostly seeing Seok-Jin lying on the bed that he could not ask them. His eyes widened seeing Seok-Jin in that condition. Yoongi and Tae were shocked too. They were looking at each other.  

Namjoon decided to speak.

-Then, tell me everything, Hobi.

Hoseok nodded his head.

-Okay. Let's go outside.

Hoseok put his hand on his shoulder and they both left the room.

Jimin saw Juli was crying silently which broke his heart into pieces. He was hurt as well, not because he has lost Juli once again but because Juli was in grave pain. But suddenly his sorrow was replaced by an idea that just popped up in his mind. He called both Yoongi and Tae out of the room and told them,

-Listen, Lisa and Jungkook need to know about their dad. I'm going to bring them here.

Yoongi opened his mouth,

-I wanna go too.

But Jimin nodded his head in denial.

-No, Suga. I know how to handle those kids. You stay here with Juli. And Tae, you too, stay here.

Tae nodded his head.

-Don't worry. we're here.

Tae responded. Jimin glanced at him with a smile on his face. For the first time, they are doing something altogether. Jimin left the hospital after a few minutes.

juli went to the bed and stared at Jin's face. He looked so peaceful and so innocent. He had a blush on his cheeks like he used to have before. Juli sat down on the floor and started to say things out,

-How dare you do that with me? You were doing all those behind my back? Why Seok-Jin? Why? What was it that I was lacking? I loved you most unconditionally but what did you do with me?

She wiped off her tears.

-You know, all these  days, my children used to blame me for whatever happened to you? We thought you died on a car accident. But look, what was the reality? Such a selfish man you're!!!

She kept on crying.

-I regret loving you. I regret loving the person who betrayed me and took me for granted.

Juli saw a tear slipped from Seok-Jin's eyes. But she did not stop.

-I should've died instead of you.

She was about to fall luckily Tae and Yoongi appeared and they hold onto Juli. They grabbed her by her arms and made her sit on a chair. And then, she started to cry, covering her face using bothher hands. Yoongi hold onto her tightly and Tae was watching her cry and staring at the man lying on the bed, who was in a death sleep.

To be Continued...

So, this was the new update of AGAPE LOVE, as promised.(:

I hope you guys enjoyed it. Don't forget to give votes and let me know your thoughts in the comments section. Thanks for reading my story.

Ohh and also, keep thinking what will happen in the next chapter until I update a new one.(;

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