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Juli was walking down the streets. It's winter season , not snowing yet but it's so cold outside. She was shivering as she wasn't wearing warm clothes when she was inside the home. Her daughter didn't even let her wear some warm clothes before kicking her out of the home.
Juli was whispering,

   -My daughter thinks I'm a killer. My daughter thinks I'm a killer.

She was lost in her own thoughts. She wasn't crying anymore. She forgot how to cry for the moment. She was so lost in her thoughts that she didn't even hear the horn. Suddenly, she heard a loud sound and a car just stopped in front of her.
She glared at it for once but couldn't see the person sitting inside the car. And she didn't care who that is and started to walk again.

   -Umm...excuse me, Miss...

Juli didn't turn around. So, the person sitting inside the car got out of the car.
He started to run towards her but Juli didn't want to talk to anyone. The person reached her and tapped  her shoulder gently and said.

    -Excuse me, miss...

That was the time, Juli glanced at the person and she found a handsome  man in a stylish  green and black jacket standing just behind her  with a beautiful, welcoming smile on his face. Seeing him smile like that, Juli felt like he knows her for a long time or he's a close friend of her. Then, she glared at her shoulder. That man too glanced at his hand on her shoulder and quickly removed his hand.

   -Oh... umm... sorry.

He smiled again.

   -So sorry. I didn't mean to touch you.

Juli moved her hand and gestured him that no need to say sorry. Then she started walking again.

    -Umm... wait, miss.

She turned around again. The man put off his green jacket and wrapped it around her body. Juli was surprised seeing his actions. He doesn't even know her. Then  why is he doing this?

   -Umm... what's that?


   -Why did you give me your jacket?

He chuckled loudly.

   -It's just... it's so cold out here. And I saw you not wearing any warm clothes so... I thought you needed it.

Juli glanced at the jacket . Then look up to see him again. A soft smile formed on her face.

    -Thank you. But I don't think I ever met you before.

He chuckled again.

   -Ahh... right. I should have introduced myself first. Then I had to give you the jacket .

This time, Juli chuckled too. The man was nodding his head.

   -Okay, my apologies.

Juli started  laughing.

    -Okay, Let me introduce myself. I'm Jung Hoseok. And you're?

Juli was laughing seeing his cuteness.

   -I'm Kim Juli.

Hoseok smiled and said,

   -Nice to meet you, Miss.

   -Miss, oh no... I'm Mrs.

His smile disappeared.
He was shocked. He didn't expect that.
Juli chuckled seeing his expression.

   -Why so shocked?

    -You're so young to be someone's Mrs. And beautiful too... might be that gentleman very lucky.


He raised one of his eyebrows.

  -Your husband.

Juli's smile disappeared. Hoseok noticed it.

  -What's wrong?

  -I wish, he was here with me now.

Saying that Juli lowered her gaze. At first, Hoseok didn't understand what she meant. And when he realized, he got so touched by this. He was thinking if he could give her a warm hug, even though they're just acquaintances. He felt she really needed it. But what if she misunderstand him. After thinking for a few seconds, he made up his mind. He spread his hands and pulled her into a warm and comforting hug. Juli was shocked but couldn't say anything to him either. She really needed it.
A soft smile formed on her face . Pulling away from the hug, she told him.

   -Thank you so much.

   -Oh don't thank me. I thought you needed it, that's why...

Juli smiled again.

   -That's why I thanked you. I really needed it.

Hoseok smiled too.

   -My pleasure, Mrs.Kim. Umm... May I ask you for a coffee as we're standing in front of a cafe...


   -Yeah... turn around.

Juli did as he told her to do. And he was right. They were standing just in front of a cafe. She didn't realize it before.

   -And besides...

Juli turned around to face Hoseok.

   -You need to drink something hot. You're still shivering.

    -Yeah. But...

    -What's wrong?

Juli was hesitating. Hoseok noticed it and chuckled loudly.

   -Don't think like that. Think it as I'm offering you to have a coffee with me. Come on.

Saying that he didn't waste a single moment, and stepped into the cafe. Then, he turned around.

   -Umm...aren't you coming inside?

Juli lowered her gaze.

   -What is it?

   -I didn't bring my purse.

At this, he smiled.

    -I'll pay as I offered you. Now, please come with me. I don't like to drink coffee alone.

Juli chuckled.


They stepped into the cafe, and headed towards an empty table. Juli sat on the chair. A waitress came towards their table.

   -Good evening, sir.

Hoseok smiled.

    -Good evening, Luna.

The waitress smiled a little.

    -Good evening , mam.

Juli nodded her head, but couldn't  say anything as she was shivering due to cold.

    -Umm... mam, are you okay? Maybe you got cold.


    -Luna, bring a cup of hot chocolate for mam, please. Mam got cold so..., and for me...

Before Juli could say anything, Hoseok told the waitress. The waitress smiled and said,

     -A green tea latte for you, sir.

Hoseok chuckled and nodded his head. She bowed before them and quickly went to the coffee center to make those. Once it's ready are ready, Luna brought them their order.

   -Thank you, Luna.

Hoseok told her with a soft smile on his face.
Luna smiled and bowed before him again and left.

   -So, Mrs.Kim, where do you live?

Juli takes a sip. Then said,

    -Riva park.

Hoseok's eyes widen.

    -Why are you shocked?

    -You came all the way here , walking?

Now, Juli was shocked too. She didn't realize it back then. Seeing her expression, Hoseok chuckled loudly.

   -Even you're shocked.

   -Yeah I am.

Hoseok was laughing hard. Then, somehow controlling his laughter, he asked.

   -So, what do you do?

Juli was taking the hot chocolate. She wrapped her hands around the cup to feel the warmth. And hearing his question, she looked at him.

   -I'm working as a software developer.

Hoseok's eyes widened hearing what she just said. Juli chuckled seeing his expression.


   -Actually, I didn't expect that much.

He laughed again. Juli nodded her head.

    -And, what do you do, Mr. Jung?

He gestured her to stop.

    -Call me Hoseok.

    -Okay, Hoseok. What do you do?

    -I'm a psychiatrist by profession and co-own this cafe as well.

    -Oww...so, you are doctor Psycho?

He laughed hearing her question.

    -Yeah... that's what everyone calls me?

    -And where do you live, Hoseok?

Then, they were just talking, laughing, taking coffee then again talking. Juli was laughing that much after so many days. She almost forgot how to laugh after Jin died. It seems like she actually known this man, Hoseok  since ages. She didn't think for a second that he's just a stranger. Hoseok glanced at his hand watch.

   -Ahh... now, I've to go. But I don't want to...

He started laughing again. Juli was smiling too.

   -But you have to. And I'm getting late too. My son must be worrying about me.

Then, they both got up from  chair and started walking towards the door. And stepped out of the cafe. Juli bowed to him and bid him goodbye then started walking to her home but got stopped on her track by Hoseok calling her name.


Juli turned around.


Hoseok smirked.

   -You can't walk all the way home like that, can you?

Juli was thinking the same. But as she didn't have any money with her, there's no other way rather than walking.

   -Come, let me drop you.

At first, Juli didn't want to but Hoseok requested her. So, she couldn't say 'No'. They got into the car and Hoseok started driving.

*Hoseok's POV:

'She must have some family issues'

He thought in his mind.

  -Otherwise, why would she be walking around all alone at this time in this dress?

*End of POV

Hoseok looked at her.


Juli was looking through the window of the car.


   -Nothing it's just... do you miss him?

Juli looked at him. Hoseok smiled.

   -Silly question to ask, I know.

Juli smiled too.

    -I miss him so much. You know I love my family so much. But never got the love in return.

Hoseok looked at her. Juli's eyes were glistening and her voice was shaking.

   -Seok-Jin gave me the love I deserve. But he's not anymore. I do have children. But my daughter thinks I'm the killer of her dad.

Juli closed her eyes, and a tear roll down her cheek and  sighed deeply,

    -My son is too young. He never had his dad. He doesn't know anything about his dad.

More tears roll down her cheeks. She was sobbing.

   -He gonna hate me too if he finds out what happened that night. It's all my fault. I shouldn't have fought with him that night.

She started crying. Hoseok stopped the car and looked at her.

   -It's okay, it's okay. It's not your fault, after all.

   -No...It's my fault, Hoseok. It's all my fault.

Juli kept blaming herself. Hoseok was caressing her hair.

   -Did Mr. Seok-Jin himself  told you that you're his criminal?

Juli looked at him with shock in her eyes. Hoseok smiled.

   -Then why do you blame yourself?

She lowered her gaze.

   -Listen to me carefully. Look at me.

She looked up to see his face and she saw him smiling like always.

   -You're not the killer of your husband and you know that. Never mind what your daughter says. She's still too young. She must be more attached to her dad. Maybe that's why she couldn't believe the fact that he's dead. It's not her fault either. She's a kid after all.

Juli nodded her head, knowing he's right.

   -Hmm? Never blame yourself.

Saying that  Hoseok started driving again. Juli was still thinking about his statement. And then, a soft smile formed on her face.

   -Thank you so much.

   -Hmm? For what?

Juli looked at him.

   -For everything and for giving me hope.

Hoseok chuckled.

   -That's what I like to do...Hehe...

Juli was smiling. She's feeling so much better now. They were talking while Hoseok was driving. Once they reached her home, he got out of the car and opened the door for her with a beautiful smile on his face. Juli smiled too. She got out of the car.

   -I'm grateful to you. For whatever you did, Hoseok.

   -Oh it's nothing. I just can't see anyone being sad. I like to make people happy and smile just like me. Hehe...

Juli chuckled loudly. And then suddenly, she felt like she saw something white falling from upside. She looked up and saw snowflakes falling down. It was the first snowfall of this winter. She never witnessed the first snow in her life before. It was so beautiful.

   -Beautiful, isn't it?

Juli glanced at Hoseok and he was looking at the snow fall too, with a beautiful smile on his face, just like an angel.

   -Thank you, Hoseok.

   -Now for what?

Hoseok glanced at her. He was confused.

   -I never witnessed the first snow Before.

He smiled softly.

   -My pleasure. Now get inside. I've to go now, Mrs.Kim. It's nice to meet you.

   -Nice to meet you too. Goodbye, Hoseok.

He nodded his head in 'No'.

   -Don't say Goodbye. We might meet again. Say 'See you soon'.

Juli chuckled loudly.

  -Okay, see you soon, Hoseok.

  -See ya.

Then Juli turned around and walked towards the door of her home. She pressed the doorbell and then  turned around and found Hoseok wearing sunglasses and already standing  in front of his car. He was looking at her direction.

And when she turned around, Hoseok waved his hand as a gesture to say bye with a wide smile on his face. Juli chuckled seeing him like that.
She wondered why he's wearing sunglasses at night.
Juli waved him bye too. And then, the door opened. It was Jungkook who opened the door. His eyes were all red and puffy. Might be crying all the time for his mom.

   -What happened, Jungkook?

He pulled her into a tight hug so she can never go away from him ever again and started sobbing. Juli smiled softly. Jungkook might be 14, but he's still a baby.

   -Don't cry, my lil bunny.

   -I searched for you everywhere. Where have you been? I was so worried about you.

Juli wiped off his tears from his cheeks.

   -Don't be. I'm alright. I was with him...

Juli gestured him to see outside but found no trace of Hoseok, nor his car.

   -But he was right here.

Then, Jungkook noticed his mom was wearing a stylish green and black jacket, that is definitely not hers.

   -Umm... by the way, mom. Whose jacket  is this? It's cooool.

Jungkook smirked and Juli's eyes widen.


   -Yep. You're wearing... it's not yours.

Juli sighed. She remembered to thank him so many times, but didn't remember that she's wearing his jacket. She forgot to return it. And she doesn't have his contact number or doesn't know where he lives.

   -Oh...Hoseok... how would I return it now?

To be Continued...

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