Chapter 18: Escape

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Catherine held unto Edwin whilst Marvin raised his sword to shield them. The veiled witch came closer, and closer. With a wave of a hand, the whirlwind parted before she unveiled her face.

"What are you doing here?" Marvin queried, as the white witch walked up to them without saying a word.

"Oh, Edwin, why do you have to be so stubborn?" Catherine parted the fringe of his reddish-brown hair with her fingertips before Agatha knelt down to check the state the lad was in. As far as the white witch could see, most of his clothes were singed and part of his skin was charred. The right side of his face had second degree burns.

"Hmm... his injuries are moderate, but nothing a little healing can't fix." Agatha raised her hand and touched his forehead. His body was healed but he was still faint.

"What's wrong? Why isn't he responding?" Catherine asked, slapping his cheek repeatedly.

"Worry not, he will be fine. However, he can't stay here for much longer or he will die." Agatha warned her.

"How am I going to take him out of the Deadlands like this?" Catherine asked before Marvin leaned in to carry him.

"Well that answers the question." Agatha stood up.

"Wait!" Catherine grabbed her arm, the white witch looked at her before the aged villager continued. "Can you help me revert this spell?"

"Afraid not, I am only a healer." Agatha admitted. Catherine loosened her grip, letting her go.

"Witches incoming!" Marvin alerted them whilst the witches popped up like weeds.

"Where?!?" Edwin's eyes snapped open, looking side to side. Agatha summoned a barrier to keep them out in the mean time. "You can put me down now." Marvin was more than happy to drop him like a stone, Catherine helped him stand up while Marvin conversed with the white witch.

"Thank you, Catherine. I know is not the time nor the place but I just wanted to say that I acted like a simpleton when I raised my sword against you." Edwin admitted.

"You mean this sword?" Catherine raised the sword that she picked up from the dark soil. She noticed that his palms were sweaty when she pointed the blade inches away from his chin. Then she returned the sword to him. "Take it. Unlike you, I don't make threats. I don't use weapons, I only had my pretty face to get what I wanted. And now, I rely on my intuition to get by."

"We came here looking for the ol' Hag and we are wasting our time fighting off these hags instead," Marvin said before whispering, "I have a feeling that Barbara could be in real danger with the old hag around her."

"I know what she is capable of, that is why I told Domus to stay hidden."

Now that Haggith completed her task, she casted a teleportation spell. "Libertatum spiritus et genii vinculis liberavit, et ascensura est de abysso et libertas praemium fuit. Porta eos in novitate vitae ambulemus aperit et lux e caelo et terra ascendut de manu mortis. Per virtutem plurimum posse in opstat mihi portas aperturum dividentium vita ex mortius." She used her magic to tear a hole in the dark sky and it opened to show a clear sky and dry land of the living, and they flew skyward. The resurrected witches transformed into crows, ravens, owls or bats. Some witches used their magic brooms or their familiars to aid them in their escape from the Deadlands. The cacophony of cackles reverberated in the underworld before their ascent amidst the living. The witches scattered through the skies when they were freed from their graves.

Now that my plan worked, is time to get rid of an annoying pest. Haggith thought.

Barbara felt Domus constrict her while she headed on her way home. "Domus, get off of me. I need to breathe." Her breathing was uneven, though she tried to get the shapeshifting object to loosen, he coiled itself tighter in it's serpentine form. "Domus, what has gotten into you?" She interrogated amidst the hushed groaning and arguing. The mystic object simply followed the command of its former owner.

"Domus, I need you to protect Barbara while I find a way out of the Deadlands. I fear that something bad will happen to her, I know exactly what Haggith is capable of. She will do anything to get what she wants, even if it means killing anyone that stands in her way. That is why I need you to hide within Baba's garments, don't let her go until you find the right moment to strike. If she attempts to blow your cover, bite her and the potion I gave her will make her lie about your whereabouts. Be careful." Agatha instructed her faithful familiar before changing from a staff into a snake when Barbara caught up to her grandmother and slithered around her leg, reaching around Agatha's arm, when she hugged her granddaughter she patted her on the back as a signal to coil around Barbara's nape down to her torso.

"If you don't let me go by the count of three, I will lock you up inside the broom closet." Barbara threatened, despite that she was heaving and inhaling as much as air as she could.

At the Deadlands, Agatha looked above while Catherine and Edwin stood next to each other, watching Marvin draw a circle.

"There, that should do it." Marvin straightened his spine and walked into the cricle. "Mrs. Bogg, would you do the honors?" With a clap, she raised her arms and casted the spell to teleport them out of the Deadlands and they were back at Gargle Gulch. They heard cackling, squawking and squeaking before a dark storm covered the night sky. Is a good thing that Catherine somehow managed to keep the gas light safe after all this time.

"This place sure has changed a lot since the last time I was here." Agatha started as she walked on the deserted land, sort of.

"At least the snakes and scorpions stopped attacking." Edwin commented, eyeing side to side.

"Nonsense, the residents are harmless." The revived witch replied.

"You cannot be serious?" Catherine squawked.

"I crossed this gulch for over 50 years and I haven't been attacked by these creatures." Agatha stated before an imp popped out of nowhere.

"Look out!" Catherine alerted while Edwin he unsheathed his sword.

"Oh hello, Gottfreed. Long time, no see." Agatha greeted the imp.

"Agatha, is that you? I haven't seen you in ages!" Gottfreed hugged her enthusiastically, almost smothering her, and she embraced him with the same force.

"You two know each other?" Edwin queried, confused at the sight of them as they broke the embrace.

"We've known each other for years. She helped me escape from my prison cell, I helped her escape from the Goblin's Den. We became friends ever since." The imp said before shifting his gaze on the revived witch. "So what made you come back to Gargle Gulch?"

"The usual."

"Say no more." The imp took them to a short cut. Meanwhile at Croaker Swamp, Barbara heard a rustling noise and looked to where it was coming from. Her eyes darted at trees, then at the bushes. Barbara's hands turned alight as fire came out of her palms.

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