Chapter 3: Mirror Mirror

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At Dreadsville, a beautiful maiden was sleeping after a long day.

She was having a pleasant dream with fiancé. They were in a field together, having a romantic moment until he vanished in the field.

She heard laughter from a distance, she followed where the cackle came from and she found a dark hovel.

The only light she could see reflected on a full-length mirror, upon her reflection she saw a silhouette behind her.

She turned around and saw the silhouette hold her hand mirror. In her reflection, she looked older and appeared to age rapidly.

She heard the same laughter and found Edwin holding hands with another woman, and she laughed once more.

"Get your hands off of him!" Her protests were ignored while the
woman laughed at her.

Catherine's movements became stiff to the point that she can barely move. "Why can't I move?"

Her cackle reverberated throughout the hovel before she involuntarily turned around to see the same silhouette holding the doll with a lock of her hair tied to it. The silhouette held the mirror in one hand and the doll in the other.

As the silhouette approached her, it can be seen that it was a tall woman covered in dark clothing, looming over her. Her face couldn't be seen but she heard her voice very clearly.

"How does it feel to have the love of your life taken away?" Catherine heard the witches laughing, including him.

"No. No. NO!" Catherine woke up in a cold sweat as she held on to the sheets.

"It was just a dream. A really bad dream." She mumbled to herself while she tried to rest throughout the night.

The next day was the day that the two witches cast their differences aside and set their plan into motion. Barbara memorized the spell and the old hag decorated the place and put her mirrors in display for their lovely "volunteer".

Meanwhile at the village, the weary maiden felt uneasy. A knock on the door startled her. She walked to the door, then sighed for three seconds
before answering.

"Come in!"

Edwin entered into her house and noticed that something was wrong with his lovely lady.

"What's wrong?"

"I don't feel so good."

Edwin touched her forehead to check if she had a fever.

"You don't look sick. What happened?"

"I had a nightmare last night." She wrapped her arms around his waist before adding. "You left me for another woman." Catherine cried on his shoulder.

Edwin held her in a warm embrace. "I would never leave you." He looked at her sad blue eyes. "Because my heart belongs to you." He wiped away her tears.

"Do you really mean it?"

"Of course, cross my heart."

The two lovebirds leave to go to their respective jobs whilst Barbara had left the old hag's hovel to return to her "normal" life.

"Where do you think you're going?", the old hag asked.

"To work! I have a life too you know!" This response made the old hag furious, she threw a rusty knife at her and only missed Barbara by two inches.

"The nerve!" The old hag huffed, picked up a vase and threw it on Barbara's way out, and missed.

"Sheesh! And they accuse me of being mean." The monobrowed witch thought as she ran.

"No matter. All I need to do is lure her here so that I can extract her
juvenescence and become young again. Beautiful and much more powerful." The old hag relished at the idea before laughing like a demented witch.

Barbara ran to reach her aunt's house before Catherine can catch up to her. The blonde was walking on her way to work before she spotted a silhouette pass by from a distance. She blinked twice thinking that it was the same silhouette from her nightmare or must be imagining it.

Elizabeth drank her cup of tea to start the morning, and that is when Barbara arrived to work.

"Made it!" She thought before regaining her breath.

"Good morning, dearie." Elizabeth greeted to her niece.

"Good morning, auntie."

"I made bread, tea, oatmeal and ale for breakfast, enjoy." Barbara's joy soon diminished when Catherine walked in.

"Now you better hurry up and eat, we have a long day of work ahead of us." Elizabeth says before greeting the sappy blonde. "Good morning, dearie. Breakfast ready."

"No thanks, Elizabeth. I'm not hungry." Elizabeth stood up before asking.

"What's wrong, dearie?" Barbara was eating her bread while she heard them talking.

"I don't feel so good." The raven haired girl rolled her eyes when Catherine talked about her nightmare.

"I heard a witch laughing at me. The worst part was that another witch used some kind of magic doll to control me." That part of her nightmare caught Barbara's attention.

"What kind of magic doll?" She asked after swallowing a spoonful of oatmeal.

"I don't know. Wait. Why do you care?" Catherine asked her.

"I just asked what kind of magic doll it was. Sheesh! What a drama queen." Barbara said before she resumed eating the oatmeal.

"Barbara, mind your manners. Continue dear." Elizabeth insisted before they continued their chat.

By the time Barbara finished eating, she walked out of the kitchen to work.


Their day went on as usual, only Catherine has been more distracted as
of late. The old hag has been curious, so she used a spell to see what her "prey" has been up to. "Mirror, mirror in my hand. Show me the most beautiful girl in the land." And then the mirror showed what she was seeing.

Barbara has been trying to get the blonde to concentrate.

"Cathy, focus!" She angrily snapped her fingers before Catherine woke up from her trance.

"Cathy, pay attention! Are you still thinking about that nightmare? Get over it!" The old hag was watching the two of them fight, she was waiting for a fight to break out.

"Leave me alone!" Catherine shoved her before the dark haired one retorted.

"Gladly, but unfortunately I have to stay here until everything in this house is clean." The blonde went upstairs to find something that can be cleaned, dusted or folded, anything to get away from her. Barbara waited for her to clean up.

"If it makes you feel any better. I used to have nightmares about being buried alive. I started having those nightmares after I came back. It was before you and Edwin were saving money for the dowry. I stopped having that nightmare after I actually broke out of a real coffin and dug my way out. What I means is, that there is no point in running away from your fears. You two actually made me a favor in teaching me that lesson, despite that both of you get on my nerves either together or apart. As much as I can't stand the two of you, I doubt that he will dump you. He would most likely jump off a ledge than to lose you." She didn't know it, but Catherine got out of the room.

"Thank you, monobrow." Barbara didn't expect the blonde to hug her. The old hag was unsatisfied with the show.

After the two girls were done working for the day, the elderly witch began to make contact with her through the mirror. When Barbara found a puddle near the pond, that was when the old hag started to speak.

"You foolish girl!" The old hag yelled.

"Huh? Who is there?!" Barbara looked around to find where the noise was coming from.

"Down here, you blabberring simpleton!" The raven haired girl looked down on the puddle and saw a wobbly image of the wicked ol' witch.

"You pathetic excuse of a witch! How weren't you able to bring her into the hovel yet, there is a reason why I gave you the voodoo doll, you stupid girl." She kneeled on one knee to have a closer view of the bickering old woman.

"Becuase, you old hag, if she finds out we're the ones behind it. We will both be burned at the stake. Especially you since you are the only healer in the village who knows witchcraft."

"My memory is not as sharp as it used to be. That is why I need her to
regain my youth and you're the only one who can pull her strings." The old hag said before Barbara stood up.

"I already found her weakness, I don't need you anymore." The old hag smirked after Barbara walked away.

"Is that so? What would your grandmother think if you backed down on your own word?", Barbara stood to a halt.

"What would you know?!" She snapped, just the reaction the hag was looking for.

"I know a lot more about your granny than you think." The old hag steepled her fingers in a confident manner despite that that the two witches couldn't see each other in that moment.

"That's a lie! You know nothing about my grandmother!"

"On the contrary, your grandmother and I were close friends long before I got cursed and the reason she favored you more than the rest of her
descendants was because you resmble me in certain attributes." She stated.

"I am nothing like you old hag. You hear me?!" Barbara became furious.

"Isn't that just adorable? Defending your grandmother's honor. You might have been close to Agatha, but I know all of her darkest secrets." The old hag said before Barbara stepped on the puddle, interrupting the communication. She kept stepping on the puddle with her foot, uttering profanities against the old hag.

"Just as planned, soon I will finally regain my youth. All I need to do
is convince her to finish her end of the bargain, she pulls the strings while I pull hers." The old witch thought before cackling like never before.

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