1: The kid with the freckles🗻

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9 year old Hyunjin was hurrying to pack his bag as the bell to his school was about to ring in 3 minutes and he still had all his crayons and drawings scattered all over his desk and chair. The little one loved to draw and would always show his mom and dad. Their house was practically covered with the brunettes drawings.


Went the school bell as he raced outside of his class to the big blue doors that let him out to see the outside world.

"Have a good weekend Hyunjin, don't give your mom 2 much trouble now" came the voice of the old janitor who Hyunjin always managed to befriend. "See you Monday, Jinnie" said the security guard. Hyunjin was a little social butterfly and loved to befriend people, especially elders.

"Mommy!" He yelled, as he spotted her standing by her car talking to another woman with a tiny person hiding behind her, but he hadn't noticed that yet. He ran up to his mother and jumped into her arms.

"Hi hun!" His mother says squeezing him as if he was about to disappear. "How was school?" " it was great I DREW MANY MORE PICTURES MA!" Hyunjin yelled happily. "Thats great hyuniee, but keep your voice down okay?" "Yes mommy"

She set him down back on his own 2 feet and that's when he noticed the little boy and the woman he was hiding behind. "Hyunjin this is Mrs. Lee, she's a friend of mine" his mother says. "Hi Ms.Lee I'm Hyunjin!" He said giving her his bright toothy smile. "Hi there Hyunjin, nice to meet you. This here is Felix." The woman says pointing to her son hiding behind her legs with his stuffed bear in his hand.

"Hi Felix!" Hyunjin said bright and cheery. "H-hwi..." the boy says shyly, still hiding behind his mother but giving Hyunjin a tiny wave. Hyunjin didn't know it yet but his heart leaped at the little voice of the boy, a small smile appeared on his face as he took a step forward to the little one and put his hand out.

"Its okay, I won't hurt you." He said. The boy was careful with his words as to not offend the shorter, he felt as if he needed to protect him. He needed to keep him safe. Felix hesitantly took Hyunjin's hand and stepped out of the shadows of his mother's legs, and walked up to Hyunjin.

The older smiled and hugged the tiny boy. "Aww how sweet" went The mother's. "Okay in the car everybody." Hyunjins mother said. He let go of the younger even though his little mind and hands and heart were telling him not too and stepped to open the door for Felix. The latter giggled and hoped into the car.

Hyunjins heart practically melted at that moment. He hopped into the car while the mother's were in the front seat and passenger seat. Then they set off on their long Journey back to Mrs. Lee's house. As soon as the car started moving Felix had fallen asleep. 'I wonder how old he is?' Hyunjin thought.

"Mrs Lee?" "Yes hun" "How old is Felix?" "Oh he's 7 dear" 'wow so small' He thought "ah okay" he says.

The older leaned back into his seat and admired the little sleeping boy.
He admired his little cheeks with the Freckles on them, he admired everything about him, his floppy brown hair looked absolutely soft and The boy just genuinely looked perfect.

And from that day on, he knew, He had to protect Felix. He was his little brother and he didn't want him hurt.

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