25. Oh thank god⛅

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"C'mon Changbin you can do this!" The younger called out. Jeong-In was in Changbin's room laid back on the elders bed. Felix had texted Changbin, asking to meet him at their local café because he wanted to talk. Changbin was gonna confess his actual feelings for the younger but he didn't know he'd had to do it this soon. He paced around his room, once again, a habit he's had since he was a kid. Jeong-In smiled at the thought that he was still the same no matter what. Changbin paced back and forth passing his mirror each time and he finally looked in it and realised he didn't even have his pants on "WHY DIDNT YOU TELL ME I DIDNT HAVE PANTS ON?!?!" He yelled looking at the younger, who fell back laughing on his bed "Because it was funny watching you pace around in a sweater and socks, you looked tiny" he said trying to catch his breath but started laughing all over again. Changbin glared daggers at the younger and eventually walked into his bathroom to throw on the first pair of jeans he found. If I had to paint out a picture of what his bathroom looked like, it would be the same as Jisung's bathroom when he and Minho had their first date; clothes everywhere And no one bothering to clean it.

"Okay I'm done! Is this okay enough? I feel overdressed"

Jeongin stared at the male with a red tint on his cheeks and nervously smiled "y-yeah you look great" he mumbled looking down at his hands and fiddling with his fingers. A confused look crossed Changbins face as he stared at the male who suddenly went quiet after he wouldn't shut up earlier "innie? What's wrong?" He said as he walked over and sat next to the younger "n-nothing" he said as he looked at the elder and his ears got even redder.



"Are you sure?" Changbin asked again. I played it off cool and laughed "yeah I'm fine you just look really emo" I said finally having enough courage to look him in the eye, "and you look like buzz lightyear" he said looking at my outfit. It was a neon green hoodie and blue overalls with white sneakers. "first of all I look darn near fucking adorable! And secondly, buzz lightyear is elite so I'll take that as a compliment" I said sticking my tongue out at him.

He laughed and ruffled my hair "heyyy" I said smacking his arm and fixing my hair. "It's 10:15 and I have to get to the café by 10:30" he said grabbing his keys and phone and looking for his wallet. I walked over to his desk and threw the wallet at him "thanks" he said "So I'm gonna go now, Pray that I don't fuck this up" he says nervously "You're in my prayers everyday cause of how dumb you are. I mean how the fuck do you burn water?!?!!" i asked. "One time Jeongin! One time!" He yelled, I laughed and grabbed my bag and walked out his room.

"Hey where are you going?" He asked "Changbin, my buddy, my pal, my bestest friend! I turn 17 in 3 months and I'm gonna go enjoy today by myself without having to solve somebodys relationship problems and play therapist and you're gonna drop me off at the mall while I steal your credit card and go shopping" I said smiling.

He laughed and dragged me out his room and walked downstairs "first of all, you're not stealing my card. I will give it to you but I need to use it when I'm at the café so you are gonna have to wait at the mall for me and secondly, sometimes i forget that I'm 18 and 2 years older than you" he said. We were already outised and he locked his door as we walked to his car and got in. "Yeah but you act 2 years younger" I said. He laughed and started his car and we drove off so he can drop me at the mall.

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