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"Aish, you can't reject it."
I said to myself and followed him.


Yours Pov -

Professor Kim opened his car's door and signalled me to get in.
I did. He too got in on driver's seat. I hate to admit, but his side profile is something every catchy.
His wide forehead,
Long nose,
Plumy lips.

"Miss Y/N?"
I was checking him, but he called me.

I hummed being caught and embarassed.

"Wear you're seat belt."
Again, again he came so closed to me and made me wear that seat belt. His eyes aren't leaving mine. He licks his lips coming more closer to me.

He backed up.

He cleared his throat, to make the situation normal.

He looked towards me.

"Near by bus station."
I replied, being totally lost.

He drove off the school.

"So, Miss Y/N, did you liked me?"


"I mean, my teachings."

"Oh, yes Sir."

"Mr. Kim, would work."


"You can call me Mr. Kim, but infront of others call me Sir only, miss Y/N."
He gave smile.

"Only Y/N would work too."


"You can call me Y/N, infront of others too."


I smiled.

We reached at my residence and took my belongings to leave, but suddenly he holds my hand and says.

"It was nice to talk with you miss Y/N... Oops sorry Y/N."
He chuckled and I smiled too.


I changed into black tshirt and shorts, and had some snacks. It was evening when Eunhee came.

"Yes, what's up cham."
She greeted me with sweet smile.

"Nothing more unnie."
I replied, while bringing glass of water for her.

"I'm very tried, I'm going and get some nap."
She drank the water and take upstairs to go her room.

Once again, I took my phone and started surfing on internet.
I got a message from Yun.

"Hey did you came from school?"

"No, I'm still there."

"Hahaha, nice joke."


"By the way, Professor Kim, is so handsome, right."

"Hm, he gave me lift to my home, today."

"Stop joking around, Y/N."

"I'm ain't joking, girl."

"So, you're telling me that he gave you lift in his car, huh?"



"What's serious in that, I was standing alone outside the gate of our school when he came from back and asked me that he could drive me home."


"Yeah, don't shout or else I would be hearing disabled."

"Professor Kim Seokjin, gave you lift and you just being normal."

"Then what's special in it."

"Y/N, he is Kim Seokjin, our handsome Professor."

I lost my words, and remembered how he came close to me. His features where all roaming in my mind. The way, he licks his plumpy lips making me gulped hard in my throat. Until a notification hits.


"Yeah, speak."

"Did you perhaps, lost in him?"

"What... No...."

"Hmm I see."

"Ok bye, Yun, Dad came now."


"Hello Dad, welcome home."
I greeted him before taking his briefcase from his hand.

"Did Eunhee, came?"
He asked as he took his seat on the couch.

"Yes, she is in her room."
I replied and offered him glass of water.

"Hush, what a tiring day, so many patients."
He loose his tie and said.

"Wait, I will make you a cup of coffee."
I assured him.

"Then, my day's gonna be chill."
He laughed.

Within few sort of minutes, Eunhee came downstairs. I think, she is going somewhere.

"Y/N, I'm going to hangout with my trainees, they decided it suddenly, so I've to leave fast. I will have my dinner there only. Inform this to dad."
She shouted at last part.

"Ok, but come before 12."
I asked her, but she left without replying.

"Let's go, to help dad with cooking."
I muttered to myself while going towards the kitchen.

It's almost 12.30 am, still there's no sign of her. I already informed dad, so he went to sleep. Till, I got a call from Eunhee.

"Unnie, where are you?"

"Hello, Y/N, this is me, Mia."

"Oh yes Unnie, wait, don't tell me Eunhee unnie is drunk and can't come home by herself."

"I was about to say this, I would have drop her to your home but I've to go home urgently, so can you come to pick her up?"

"Obviously yes, send me the address."

Call ends.

Gosh, this place seems so smelly.
I went inside to find her out. And there, I spotted her with Mia unnie.

"Take her girl, she isn't handle by me now."
Mia said while pushing her towards me.

"Why you guys, drunk so high when you know she can't tolerate it."
I replied in a scolding tone.


Jin's POV -

I dropped Y/N to her home and took my turn to beer shop where one of my old friend, Yoongi came over to hang out.

"Hey hyung."
He waved as the place was a bit crowded than normal.

I envelope him in tight hug.

"How's are you, hyung?"
He asked as we broke the hug.

"As usual, world wide handsome."
I gave him my signature flying kiss.

He laughed.

"Let's grab some shots."
We went to closer the cabinet for drinking.

After binding with a goodbye with small chit chat, I took coat and went outside the bar. I was about move from my position but got bumped into a girl, she seems drunk.

But what made me shock was
Y/N behind that girl. I don't help but immediately call her.


Yours POV -

I was taking her outside so that we could catch any cab and go home but this girl bumped into a man. I looked up to bow him, but when my eyes widened seeing him.

Professor Kim called me.

"Sorry Mr. Kim, she is just a bit high."
I continuously bowed him while pushing Eunhee unnie to me.

"I can drop you guys."
He suggested but no I can't accept it.

"Thankyou Professor, but we could get a cab."
I smiled and start going from there with unnie.

"He- he is you're ne- new Prof- professor?"
Eunhee stuttered while speaking and I just nod.

"He is so HANDSOME."
She shouted, I instantly put my palm over her mouth to shut her before he hear it, but it all go in vain when I saw him giggling.

"Obviously, I'm World Wide Handsome."
Seokjin thought to himself.

"Um? Let's me drop you guys."
He took one shoulder of Eunhee unnie over him.

"Yeah? I'm going with this HANDSOME."
She laughed like a Psychopath.

Thankfully throughout the ride, I patted her head and she eventually fall asleep.

He said while get off from his driver's seat and helping me out.

She unintentionally pushed me. And I directly landed on his lap.

Wow just wow.

I smile creepily.

We almost at the door, so I thought to thank him.

"Thankyou Professor."
I smiled.

He smiled back.

"You got the best DADDY, Y/N."
Eunhee screamed.

Wft DADDY???

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