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"I fucked with him, like I'm his toy."



I cried and cried hard. My heart clutching with pain, hatred and betrayed. I hugged Eunhee unnie and let my tears falls. She was continuously patting my head. What I did to deserve this pain?

"Y/N, stop crying please, it will affect your health."
She cupped my face.

"Unnie, now, I'll get title of home wrecker, slut and whore, right?"
I sobbed hard.

"No, no, way, I won't let anyone to point a finger on you, I promise."
She rubbed my wet cheeks.

"I think, dad, came, you go in your room and sleep."
She then, send me to upstairs in my room. I came and throw myself on bed. Without even trying, tears were already flowing through my eyes.


"Welcome dad."
Eunhee greeted him and offered him glass of water.

He placed himself on the couch.

"When did you came?"
He asked her while drinking water.

"Before half an hour."
Eunhee replied.

"Where is Y/N, didn't she came from school?"
Dad asked Eunhee.

"Yes, she came, but sleeping in her room."
Eunhee tried to make him.

"Oh, I'll too go and freshen up."
He said and left.

It was almost night and their dinner time.

"Eunhee, Y/N still didn't woke up?"
He asked, serving the food.

"Dad, actually she's on her days, so she said that she doesn't have appetite, but you don't worry. After our dinner, I will take a bowl of warm soup to her."
Eunhee ensure him.


I didn't know when I slept, I checked the time, I guess unnie and dad might had breakfast by this time. I heard a door knob twisted and Unnie came inside. She had my favourite soup with her.

"How are you feeling, now?"
She placed it on the nightstand and asked me while sitting on the bed.

"I myself don't know."
I laid my back on the headboard on the bed and checked my phone.

I cursed.

"What happened?"
She asked, feeling my expressions.

"He's continuously calling me and texting me, should I block him?"
I had my own suggestion.

"Y/N, please don't take any decision without knowing it's different sides."
She grabbed my hand in her.

"The decision is yours ofcourse, you should see that you won't get hurted by it in future. You shouldn't have regrets like you should have thought before doing it. I will still suggest you, to give him a chance to explain himself. Let him, give answers to your question and then decide. And once you decide my sister, please be emphatic on it."
She explained me.

"Now, drink this and sleep, you've to go school tomorrow."
She pecked my cheeks and left. I think what unnie had said is to important. Should I give him a chance to explain himself. But what if he lied again this time?

Next morning,

I woke up due to alarm and did my morning routine, wore my uniform packed my bag and came downstairs to have breakfast. Dad was having coffee and reading newspaper.

"You came, wait let me bring your breakfast."
He was about to go in kitchen but I said.

"No dad, you sit, I'll bring it."
I got into kitchen and took two slices of brown bread with peanut butter on one and fruit jam on other. I also brought a glass of warm milk. And came into living room to eat them.

"Are you feeling better now?"
Dad asked, no god, please unnie didn't told him anything or else.

I smiled.

"Umhh... dad I wanted to ask you something, actually I want your advice, can I?"
I wanted his opinion.

"Ofcourse my kid, dad are always meant to give advice to their kids, so go head."
He smiled.

"If someone, say for example another person comes to you and says that the person whom you love, don't love you, they are lying to you, then what would you do?
Do you will believe that another person and stop your relation with the person you love?
You will asked that person for a reason?"
I put forward my question.

"Hmm, I see it's complicated but if I would be there, then I'll go for second option. Let the person whom you love explain themselves and then come on the conclusion."
He gave his point of view.

"But, how did you had this doubt, is there something happened with you too?"
He added and immediately nodded in no.

"Just curious."
I laughed out. Binding good bye to him and walked out to where Yun, wait for me. Today she was with her boyfriend. I went towards them and they were still busy in their lovey dovey talks which was cringing the hell of me. So, I decides to break it.

"Should we leave or you guys are planning to bunk, today?"
I coldly asked.

"No, we don't."
Her boyfriend, Jun chuckled.

"I was just telling Yun that today she's looking pretty."
He smiled to her.

"Hey, Yun, don't trust him."
I grabbed her to me.

Jun frow his eyes.

"He might be married too."
I spatted glaring him.

"The fuck Y/N, what are you even saying?"
Jun glared back to me.

"Do you have any proof that you're not married?"
I babbled.

"Hajima, are you even in your senses?"
Yun shaked my shoulder and realisation hit me, that what I was talking and fighting for.

"I'm sorry."
I shrut off.

"Jun, you go ahead, we'll be coming together."
Yun told him to go before us.

"What's wrong my chingu? You looks very pale, did something happened?"
Yun as my childhood bestie already got it by just looking my face. I badly wanted to hug her and cry in her arms and share with her but I can't in this middle of street.

"I know, definitely something big and bad happened with you, tell me Y/N, we'll try to find someways out of it."
Yun stare in my eyes but I changed my emotions.

"I'll tell you everything when the time comes, now let's go school, we're getting late."
I dragged her with me.

We reached school, got settled in class on our respective seats. The lectures kept ongoing. It was lunch break when I got new message from him.

Baby, come to science lab, right now, I'm going to clear the things between us - Daddy.

A part of me was saying no, he betrayed you but a part of me saying, I should let him explain himself. I excuse myself from Yun and get on the floor where science lab is. I opened the door and there he was sitting on the chair. His eyes catched mine and he instantly came to me before closing the door.

"Why weren't you answering my calls and replying my texts, baby?"
He said.

"Is this, for you called me here?"
I glared him.

"Y/N baby, that woman and I don't have any relation, it's just a random contract in which I'm badly trapped, I can't do anything against her. That boy isn't my child, it's from other. She is whore, a literal whore and hungry bitch for money. It was the circumstances came and I had to marry her or else she could have suicide, but she was already pregnant. She blackmail me emotionally. I was fool to get trapped in our plan. She's just behind me for my money, property nothing more. I swear baby, I don't love anyone except you. What did you think, we just had a plain sex, no baby, it's was full of love. I love you baby, I just only love you."
He said.

Jin's POV-

I was continuously explaining her my situation but she seems blank.


I waved my hands to her and he instantly pulled me closer to her before slamming her lips over mine and kissing me so desperately. She bites my lips making me groaned and she takes this chance to enter her tongue in my mouth before sucking my lips. She broke the kiss and says what makes my heart beats 100x faster.

"You speak to much Professor Kim, so I thought to shut that mouth of yours with the kiss."


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