School Bunk

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"Yes, yes you Daddy's girl."



I started scolding her when I get to know that, she told them about him. I mean how can she? So I started scolding her nonstop, but suddenly I heard her gasping loudly. She fainted, fake act to faint.

"Wae, wae, take a breath you hyper rapper."
One of her girl widened her eyes and said to me where I just hissed my jaw and stomped my feet on ground.

"Chill babe! We aren't stealing your Daddy from you."
She teased me, my blood was boiling hard but when I heard Daddy, I felt my cheeks burning with pink shades of colour. I tried to not show them, but guess what they gonna tease me more now.

Next morning,
My alarm bang, I jumped from my slumber and ran into bathroom for morning routine. I wore my uniform, packed my bag and came downstairs. Where dad, was already ready with breakfast. I still miss my mom, but my dad is just so best that he love us as our mom too. He smiled to me and I returned back.

"I heard, you girls had kitty party last, actually it was a emergency case so I couldn't came but Eunhee inform me that you guys had made dinner and enjoying with her friends?"
Dad asked me, how caring he's. He was busy from last night yet made a breakfast for me. This had some tears formed in my eyes and I couldn't control, I let them fall.

Dad widened his eyes catching me crying. He patted my shoulder and I immediately hugged his belly and sobbed.

"I love you, dad. Please don't ever leave us like mom did or else I won't able to live with you."
I sobbed hard and told him the importance of him in my and Unnie's lives. We don't have anyone behind us except our dad. He's not only our dad but our mom to take care, brother to protect us, sister to scold us, grandfather to laugh us, grandmother to love us. He's our everything, I cried and said this to him.

"Ohhh, come on my kid."
He softly pats my head, I bet he too have some tears but won't show it. After mom left, he too became so vulnerable and depressed but there was no one to hold him. He could have get into second marriage, but he thought about us. As a time gone, we really love, support and respect him. I was so into the emotion that I didn't even realised, I was getting late. My phone vibrated and I immediately finished the breakfast and bind goodbyes to him.

Due to that sleep overs, I couldn't even have enough sleep, I guess it was for only three hours. A bit of darkness would spot under my eyes which I hide with some concealer powder. Yun was standing on the roadside with a death glare.

"Mind to tell the reason for late?"
She sarcasm and rolled her eyes, but I decided not to inform her about sleep overs or else she will says like why didn't you called me. So, I grabbed her arm and dragged her to the bus.

"Will tell you later."
I said while dragging her inside, we took our seats.

"Wait, take this water bottle, my side chain of bag is broken so keep it in your bag."
Yun handle me her bottle and took it kept in my bag.

And showed our school pass to the conductor.
Being a regular traveller on a school bus is a unique experience that offers a variety of life lessons and opportunities for personal growth. This journey, often overlooked, is a microcosm of life itself, filled with diverse personalities, unexpected events, and the constant rhythm of movement.
I watched Yun, who was listening to music with earpods, so I took out one for them and she instantly disturbed.

Yun asked me.

"Just for fun."
I laughed and she punched my arm. We finally reached to our school. A group of students with boys and girls both were gather
around the corner of the playground area. Yun and I thought to go and look what's the matter as we spotted our Monitor too in them.

"Hey, wassup."
Yun tried to be cool.

"Hey Yun, Y/N."
A boy shakes hands with us. And he's admirer of this Yun, who don't know. Once during semester examination, Yun and I exchanged our seats according to our roll numbers and there I got a love letter for Yun, he must have thought that this is Yun's seat. I opened it,
Dearest darling,
My heart only beats for you, and my eyes always look for you. You are the most special person who completes me in every sense. I am always going to love you more than anyone else, and I will always be by your side because we are meant to be together till eternity. Love you.       -Yours Boy

Ufff, so much lovey dovey.

"We are planning to bunk the school today, wanna join us?"
He shameless wink at our side, and how badly I want to slap his face.

"What? Really?"
Over excited ass, ofcourse Yun asked him.

"Yes, we planned everything, we all will go one by one slowly towards the backside of the school, so that the bodyguards won't catch us and you know, there's small gate at backside, we will get out from there one by one, simple."
He talks like, this is his regular work, may be he's robber or thief.

"Wow, we are in."
She clapped and hold my hands which I immediately yanked off.

"Only you."
I said with serious face cause I had no interest in doing such things so I better straight forwardly reply them or else they would brag me too in which I don't want. I mean why to skip the school, if you don't want to come better stay home and come with some health reasons tomorrow in school, this bunking is not so cool. I am sure, that still Yun will plead me.

"Y/N, come on let's go, it's so cool."
See as stated, Yun showed me pretty please eyes for whom I ain't falling.

"I'm not holding you guys to not to go, it just I don't want to, you can go Yun with them have fun."
I said.

"Fine, it's let's go buddies."
Yun said as the started according to their plans.

Jin's POV-

I reached the school in the morning a bit early than usual, cause Mr. Yang called me to make a report of school curriculum, as the old Professor is on leave so I have to help them in this. I asked one of the staff for a way to his office and I see it's quite at the backside of the school. I make my move to there. I saw that there's a small backup gate, and I guess this gate is pretty used by students to skip there class. With the speed of light, I figured her out there.


Oh no shit, this Yun forgot her water bottle to me. I should get her it. So, I make my way to where they were talking about. There was no sign of the group. I get closer to the gate, to see if anyone is there so that I can give this bottle to them. But, I heard a strong husky voice of someone whom I ever well know, a shiver ran down through my spine.

"Trying to bunk the school, Miss Cha Y/N?"


*Better be ready for hard punishment.
*Please Vote.

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