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In an isolated island off the coast the highlands of Scotland. where a loving couple eagerly. Awaited the good news of finally maybe just maybe getting the news that her and her husband have been waiting for. So very long for a positive pregnancy test they'd been trying for so long. With no Sign of success and since the first rate is so low So she was extremely hopel especially since they'll have to wait a year to try again since her husband was deployed for over a year over seas. He's a navy seal. She preyed with all her might. As she held onto it tightly. When she opened her eyes raising the test to her face. She smiled as she started tearing up when she seen it was positive. She was so overjoyed she screamed as her best friend her husband's best friend that was in the army wife. She stayed with her till their husband's return from war. She knocked on the door.

"You okay... OH MY GO.." She stoped when she saw the test.

"It's positive IMPREGNATE THANK GOD." She yelled hugging her best friend and her expression faded. As she snapped and played it off as if she was excited.

"THATS EXELENT. NEWS. don't tell your husband wait until he comes home." She said. She questioned her of why. When she talked her into leaving it as a surprise. Her days were filled joy especially after her first baby doctors appointment and got confirmation of her pregnancy. As time went and she finally got her three best friend thats husband were as in the armyand had her grandmother flown in from her home land Romainia while her other relatives quite talking to her because they didnt agree with her married to surprise them to come with her to her doctor. They had no clue. So when the baby doctor came in and they seen him bringing in a sona gram they freaked her closest friend Chenquea screamed jumping onto her chair scaring the shit out of her friend that was texting who dropped her phone as soon as she seen the machine. The doctor laughed when he seen how much she was laughing so I'm guessing they didn't know you were pregnant.

" nope I'm a little shit I talked them into coming and even flew My maternal grandmother in from our home country Romania and told them I was having major surgery for emotional support. I totally tricked them and you fell for it bitch. Haha got em. No actual I wanted the most important people in my live to be present with me when we find out the baby's gender since their father can't I couldn't go through something so precious and important occasions by myself it's bad enough I've spent this entire pregnancy by my self me and my husband this was the only thing we ever wanted and told us 10 years to achieve so it's been extremely emotional trying not to worry be scared something going to happen since I had such bad luck with trying to have this precious gift. This is the one and one thing I've ever wanted out of life. A baby of my own and I finally I've exactly that I'm so excited, but I've had nobody sure, that's what I'm in with and your reaction. Was totally fucking birthday. She said if she held back her voices as her Grandmother grabbed her hand realizing that she was getting emotional As the doctor left at her stomach Revealing her baby bump, which looks like she was almost due to the shield of a shoe that was already popped because she was doing 2 weeks. She was 9 months per minute. She had her entire pregnancy. rubbed her shit on her and then brought the machine out for showing the solar grammar point of view the Yeah, I know.She's literally put off the general reveal and tell her she had somebody to come up.She later she wanted it.She told me she wants to know if she just wants somebody to be there With her which I don't blame her She is the most emotional part of the woman I have ever has a patient But then again, that's probably who's had to do the whole thing by herself.And her husband's overseas is not like he can just come and give her comfort when she needs it.And it's not like you, clothes are not to just give her a word as she needs.It.Mean, you gotta weigh down the Valley, we live in Rhode Island on the course of the Highlands of Scotland yeah, I'm pretty sure. Our house is aren't exactly next to each other like they are in the cities. No I felt so bad for her.So I've been joking around for the whole time.She'd been coming in here so this was the first time I showed up broadcast.I didn't know she didn't tell you.Although yes she's nine months she's literally due in two weeks 00 you want Do you know the gender cause I'd just seen it And I think you're gonna be real happy but wait a minute to like song.It's too late sound weird for me to keep feeling comfortable.But a ma'am not to be weary if you're a partner not human cause it looks like This baby showing rings of a pear bread.Honey, if you're carrying appear abroad and it's the gender I think it is on.You might want to say something near husband like a zap.Pure bred, male or hear to come by.That's Definitely a pure bread by the way

Oh my God, are you f****** serious?It's a boy.
It's a little boy, it's a little boy all week.I've got this exactly what I my husband One and thank God he answered my brothers.Although I don't know, I'm gonna have to ask him.Because II mean, I'm gonna come from Romania so I might have a bit of a background but even if I didn't, I might be way way way we'd deleted.There'd be no way.I can get birth to a A pure bloody holy s*** that is a pure brain.How are you doing?Call my husband right now like asap

Don't have to he didn't tell you cause you didn't want to shut it freak, we hell up the mountain.I don't think you have to tell you, but we are his girl.Why do you think we're all from the same pack? We are wearing a sweaty thing or so d*** about productivity. You could share a human, but are you 100% sure that's a boy because her husband's An alpha.

"Honey I know We're Wolf's and I know alpha's and whatever she's carrying is waiting way higher than even that. In fact, I've never seen one. Rate, the sign that's still climbing, holy s*** I need to get a specialist been here like Ace apple though. Call her husband seriously. We need all of her his background to figure out what the heck she is carrying.." The Doctor said literally bolting out the door as one of her friends pulled outter phone and she called.You know, I don't know and give a s*** list and on human and by.I'm just happy that they're healthy and strong.But I am gonna smack him for not telling me. Look, I just wanna baby.I don't give a shit once species it is I don't care if I gave birth to a f****** dragon.Go ahead I would erase them with all the love in the would raise them with all of the world. He said. Has a good pocket b******* embroidered? And he heard what she said and he looked at her and he said well. I wouldn't drink soda Bury you because this. This baby's reading well.How do I put this?
Ratings on your offspring are the readings that you get from a dragon.
Like an actual pair of dragon like from a nordic mythology and from the way he Luchi is probably an orchid.Sorry, he's a shift in your belly for me.You probably can understand if you're everything i'm saying cause you're moving my voiceLuchi is probably an orchid. Sorry, he's a shift in your belly for me. You probably can understand if you're everything I'm saying cause you're moving my voice. Hello, and there.Can you hear me if you're a nordic?Say ah"

I don't know he's definitely an ordered dragon and he's so smart Okay mix with anything else Their body.

Oh s***Well , i'm just going to ask him What is reply?Okay?Tap your foot if you were Just multiple breeds of dragons mixed. Oh shit he is smart Okay are you a.. She said as she went down Down the name's the dragon's as he tapped his what to hydra Nightmare and storm breaker Her face went wider than her sheet.

Oh s***, holy s***Well, you should hear something.Dragons have been extinguished for thousands and thousands of years.On they've been extinguished completely entirely wiped out and the third dragon said he just answered me to that he's mixed with. Are not only the strongest and most powerful.That's the biggest most in west island But also the hardest to produce the hardest to kill and the most magnificent out of all the breeze, they are the rarest of the rare. The ones everybody wants to get hold of. Because he even answered me to Diamondback.Diamondbacks, there's only one play.I'm actually like raining systemeaning existence.And there's a f****** biggest And their scales are as hard as diamonds, so they're impenetrable. As in you can't Pierce us again as in your camp period as a new can't. Pierce, their skin nightmares are the most scariest m*********** You're all over me not to mention that decimated Towns, because they take them at nightmares like to go out at night. And there's a terrifying week as well. For one. The least known about in fact, we know absolutely nothing about the mathematical theory. That's why they're called nightmare. They're also like third Fourth biggest well hydra comes And 2 Diamondback comes in one in storm. Burger comes in then third strawberries can literally cause entire typhoons. It feels they cause massive natural disasters. They control theand they're normally a very beautiful platinum gold, which is very rare. Dragons, which is why the various game was a must taught for and like I said, there are only a few individuals that each one of these species actually enlives for robot. So factory you have on the hazards. 3 I don't know how you're gonna only imagine how bad a** this dragon is gonna come out. And gonna grow up to be.

Wait that's one hundred percent A.
Drian, you gotta be f****** kidding me.Do to pick up your g******Thing OK, there.You are you better fucking answer your goddamn phone o k right now your delivery here's Carrying a pair bread, but that's what she's carrying doesn't exist anymore. So you've got any dormanagers that we don't know about the art Wolf.

Actually the dragon might be from my site. We are from a long line of Romanian. And yes, we had to have an unhuman in our blood. Land yes, I'm on human I sweetie, don't yell at me. It's dragon, but it's been so long since I've been born in our family level of blood line. I thought they all died out. How else I found a way to know you We're gonna consider pure bread.If I did I would've found out what type and yes we do have a greek which hydra is greek.

D*** i* Grandma, never mind. We found out why your kid was born that day period the Portland pirate hair curl over here has a non-human apple. I do, but it's so diluted and then bring out that I didn't think this should be able to produce one so I do your girl's pregnant. It's a pair of red.He's a male But here's the thing she's got dragon in her. You're a big red where Wolf ya'll just grade it. Be right f****** dracan, the specialist restore us. That's what the girl breathing at and anyone got them to tell her what they're mixed with 4 of the Charles one cell. Yeah, I think I think our boys can have his hands full. Who is special when the baby comes out because she's? Literally gonna pop in two weeks or any moment." Her friend francis listed on the phone.

"Any moment's more like it because dragons grow fast.In fact i'm surprised that you stayed in there that long Ain't that right little Inferna. The Doctor said as the wife looked away. Sir, looking at her stomach grabbed the Doctor's arm for a minute and then smile. I'm saying I think you just named my son. I think I'm gonna name him at perfect.And it's perfect and it's appropriate for a dragon.I mean who wouldn't be scared of a dragon name inferna I would." She said smiling at him and he just smiled.That is perfect.
But actually my name is really appropriate for Him, I mean, he'd be the most bad a** dragon ever.I mean could you imagine a dragon named inferna." The Doctor joke.D as she laughed high five in him as her friend yelled on the phone.Hello, helloh.That's s*** and hung up bought me that?Are you freaking drunk as found in the polar?Song, then hold up and call my baby and ask him what the f***'s going on.If he doesn't answer i'm calling his parents." Shaniqua said calling her hot boyfriend. She had to call my favorite honestly.Push the FU buttand then.She even tried calling her husband several times anyone texted him , how large did you Did you even just hear what a d*** thing that you just leaving Her a red and live in Her room right to the front door She got so anxious she's for Her opinion leadand he knows from the Water that it was Really affecting Baby.Ask them the more you're stressing out. The more I started making him move when the next thing you know, she started go in and early labor right then and there her water broken. Everything doesn't he want it out now? Cause he knows someone's right. So shaniqua, just put the FU button on him and just create a call this parent's association.You know that she was going in the labor. She waited in the waiting room getting a hold of his parents while they talked to her To the emergency delivery room where her grandma walked in with her in the delivery room if she had somebody to be there for her. As soon as I doctor gave her a flash hot to make her Push that baby out since that paper is a lot bigger than a human baby.I showers to make him change Human because he was shifting in her belly. But due to the fact that i'm paid such a powerful being being being a pure brand and And being makes me such powerful breeds.He Accidentally, I'm almost killed his mother screaming.F****** bloody murder as he literally For her so bad that she was bleeding acceptably and they had to get her in the morning to. See if she's action. What are they were trying not to doing since she already was bleeding so excessively. And with that much blood loss. I didn't want her to bleed out on the table and with audible. I said that when I'm playing around table. When she's told the Doctor to write up. Actually staying in an eye consciousness. Listen, if this feels me. You made sure he comes out alive. Regardless God lives. Maybe that happens to me if I'm afraid to my Grandma. When is dad comes home if his dad doesn't want him?He will go back to my remark to our homeland and it will be erased by my travel number.No no love and i'm willing to get all of my and included my life if that's what it takes to give Birthday, I'm gonna be d***** if death is one thing that stands my f****** way childhood everyone. I didn't know that means I have to give up my life Further, screw it, so be it, it took me too long. And I work too hard to carry baby this for a long just to have it.And I'd I would rather give my own than have both of us die.If you can only save one, choose him.I said so. His mother said painting at a consciousness.As a Doctor he said shut up.Don't talk like that.You ain't dying here Because i'm saving both of you. But just in case there's beth go for her family why she does that says I know how serious this ishe says and to tell her dad because this might be the last time I used to have a wife." The doctor's said as one of the nurses Ran out and then for the next several hours. They worked paper alive and get him out because they're gonna because I didn't just make a decision because every time they did that little stinker was healing it. So one nerse held her incision open long enough for him to reach in and pull him out. He was in his infant dragon form wich is why is was so herd to get him out .

"Finally there you are you little trouble maker. Got ya granda wanta cut his umbilical cord." He asked As a nurse walked over with the scissors. That's a knock happened at the door and the Grandma opened it. As his parents walked in luckily. Luckily, that's baby wrapped in the balloon yet, so they're Kind of an exact list is a bundle of Troy.But they seem to rip my hand and wrapped it in a blanket.It was because it turned.On blue fire ras soon as They seen him giving that Doctor hell blowing fire at him.Burning his beard and Eyebrows. And that's when his grandpa made a gruphing noise like a wolf. Making him dead Stop Thrashing around. Roll on to his belly and looked at his hat at a blanket looking at his Grandpa. Before slacking out of his face when he says this was absolutely speechless. So he started making some moving noises and the baby was reacting to it Which made his grandparents over the moon as his Grandfather.Walked over and took him from The Doctor has. As he took them to his Grandma and decorate the scissors.He just had a cradle on his back quality.Just sat there looking up And his grandpa doesn't listen ever which way even though his umbilical cord was still attached. You sure they don't wanna do it?

"No, my son cannot be here, so I will hold him and you will k that is what? I think said to her sister, when we asked him what he wanted to do. But we don't exactly know she told him we told her what detection is not unless I get ahold of them and she was already talking to him.." His dad said as Baby's aunt, who is that nursery? When I'm gone and with a young Liddle troublemaker that was really close to her brother. She's laying against the door way sitting there trying to go on the phone. Saying yeah, yeah, yeah, I was out of window and looking up actually texted it on the phone, though you were really irritated for some reason.. When one of the nurses tend to grab dudes, if she doesn't go on or before she can see the baby.
You've got a little climb since you've looked up when you're not sure the door on her pushing Out as she followed the door with her eyes and wait a minute.Wait a minute and wait a minute.Is that what I think it is?Is that a dragon." Although half affect with my phone because the lady literally shut the door And her face and it was hilarious.The mother can have a smart cushion that get along with the shanger sister. Interest me, a heritage has been had a lot of arguments about it. Cause he's so close to her and she doesn't trust her spark. She cant Stand her her, so she Laughed at the fact that they were keeping her out.
I came to it because the fact that they had left the bill coeur on when they pulled the baby out all of her bleeding and shut hills. And there's enough laugh that 1 over they pulled everything out from the length of the placenta. And you know to pull up their using enterprise open. She sails right up as if nothing happened in the car.No nothingLaughed at the fact that they were keeping her out.
I came to it because the fact that they had left the bill coeur on when they pulled the baby out all of her bleeding and shut hills. And there's enough laugh that 1 over they pulled everything out from the length of the placenta. And you know to pull up their using enterprise open. She sails right up as if nothing happened. No scar, no nothing. She pulled on Her phone as a nurse. Wiped herbella off as a cousin Belcourt and I wish her. Was That tiny little dragon baby without the loudest thunder a dragon or ever to the point where it literally Check the building. And?
Well, practically broke his mom's phone when she answered her phone. You said they're trying to talk or not to hear. It's not giant Asshole in the background she's trying to snatch Her baby up in her arms were a quick Shutting him up real quick.Because I'll say one of what's his mama. As you tried to climb up her chest, though.She was trying to talk to his dad as he made happy dragon noises. And for now on, for a honey baby, you gotta be quiet.I'm only trying to talk about it daddy I'm sorry Inferno's apparently a lot more focal than I thought he was gonna be. It's not my fault. They just cut his embellical horn and he will not stop making noises at me.

Those are happy dragon noises.There noises of affection.It means he wants Levins, from his mama, you might want to just give the phone to his Grandpa as he's back and I'll stop until you get him some luck, which means to direct all your attention on him or otherwise, he's not gonna leave you alone.. Because imprinted on you. The doctor said that as she just passed the phone over to his dad and his dad happily took it.

"Hey oh. Hey, son, how's it going?Oh yeah.I did it.I guess what?He is learning to present yours.Only Is a being born.. son he is 100% yours let Maintenance every wolf has a special call but only their child or grandchild will notihe answered mine and he's not even the same species What is this" His dad said as he put that thing on speaker I didn't even turn on the camera so that it was him doing it Even his own son that was on the phone with him.He answered , but of course , that made him not be able to Heroin bernadette so his dad's calling him for doing That training is a photo joke.Hit he was like mocking them.I shouldn't, while he was on the phone.He said I'm intoxicated, but the moment they heard it's time to make that crowd when they all went silent and I'll do her with a dragon.Hat making happy noises As he pointed it over At his mother who removed the blanket showing that all and forever arm making little happy noise a little like this. Which honestly sounds Closest to what some of the noises of pokemon is make. Dad dropped his friend's mama Thursday.Knot on the screen and he actually ran away from his phone to spend glad to pick it up and The moment that he's saying that he just squealed and then yelled at that fucking dragon. Scaring The c*** out Out of him to the point where he hit behind His mother and his mother gave him Stink, I wish she knows they were holding Pierce. Much meant that they were drinking and if they weren't in the farm, but they're b******* I'm not sure of that. He's dead like her when she noticed f****** strippers in the background. She yelled at his friend tell him he'd better have a damn good explanation if he doesn't want a divorce seriously the birds of his son and he's getting drunk with the bunch of Strippers, because I'm sure it's held.Another that stripper doesn't belong to either of you or you did not know if you want me to tell your wife who are with me?You better normal husband right now.Or tell me who's she actually belongs to?And maybe I'll consider not telling your wife Pretty bad that you're wife are here Present for my and his son's birthday at you guys are all getting f****** plastered a**I knew he fucking sounded intoxicated.

Please Mira come on you can be Raise the bulky and she's on the bar around here and no she's not none of my sharper and why do I keep you from Being a hell marker than fine, she's not in any of her, she says I'm just wearing clothes. I've been saying each other for a while.

Oh my God, you m************, kidding me first of all you're supposed to be my friend's too.What the f*** would you let him's cheat on me and not say anything, and you know what the f*** departed is your wife?S one That found out.I was pregnant for a species in the pregnancy as he does.Which Makes it even worse because I know that you d*** well f****** know about it.Because I know that you two tell each other everything

Loved baby I told her I talked to you. I told her around about Wade. I'll leave without breaking your heart and I don't want him Doing that s***, do you especially whenever? Well, I noticed that it was no one pop thing. It wasn't everyday thing. He started bringing her home with him and I told her to say something. How about you My lovely darling takes the phone over to him now. In front of that little b****, so she knows how much of a homework she is.

I'll see. You think I'm going to shoot him in the yellow a****** Yeah, that's right. I'd black marriage. Your help me knew that I was pregnant so I told him if he doesn't work and my child's wife.
Since I'm a glad black man all your help, please. You should know your savings are safe with me. And the f***** u* part is that you did this for me while I was practicing but it's like it that this only allows pregnant like brilliant b**** Like if I don't know that we're gonna do this s*** while we're trying for a kid.I would have devoured to assimmediately Cause look what you get to miss out on.Cause your name's not on his Birth Certificate.You're so difficult and he's the United States.You're too bitch Jokes on you, ha ha.Because Guess who else has gotten on him and end them yellow fucme And jokes on you. I happen to be an ancestor of the dragon. So what do you think that means we're almost born as I went further? What do you think that means? Oh, that's right. Here and give a f*** cause it's dad's. Just a MI gave birth to something has been extinct for f****** thousands a year's and I get birthday one that makes it all the strongest 1. Enterprise born a male period and you seriously have the orgacity to cheat on me with a sbrother.Well, I'm pregnant like you can go f*** yourself, b**** and you know what I gotta say to that and Florida, do you know what we gotta say to that and Florida, do you know what we gotta say to that and Florida?Do you know what we gotta say to that?Fuck you daddy Oh, yeah. I forgot you lost that privilege. He is but does didn't everything? So he's definitely 100% yours, a******. And my grandmother are.You confirmed that the dragon is from my side.Cause i'm romanian and greek which means my son is Is mixed between ink Rick dragon and an Oracle Oregon one times Hydra. Diamondback storm, breaker and nightmare literally I had enough f****** nerve machine on me. You were sleeping and kind of deep your a**, not neither. Does he? You're Mabel is in on his Birth Certificate, said technically in the quarter law he hates her son. But you never said anything about wanting to keep him so you never saw the papers I did ha ha.Ha.That means I don't have to give him.To you even if you prove that he is your son because you had nothing to do with the pregnancy.The caretaking or anything and I can also use your adultery.You're f****** pregnant.You're a perfect So you knocked me up with inferno who I just birthed for you and even did the whole pregnancy everything without you even being present?You're a piece of shit I ruined my body for you. So of course, I don't give a f*** that you just knocked up that little b**** over there. I hope that p**** was worth it. Cause you just lost a one and a million opportunity and furnace and extinct species. He's a male, oh and look, it's like that he's a f****** alpha. Wait, I'm driving to be an alpha. I don't know that wait A dark case seriously has an album mark on him. And I just now noticed it. No seriously. Look, see daddy call from mark daddy surprise surprise. I gave birth to the only item like an alpha's signal. On it and now I'm going to raise this baby by myself. Dad, I love you. You guys don't have to say the cave number you want, but that b****** over there can keep his f****** happy little a** away from me. And I want The forest papers immediately. I'm gonna wash my hands with this filth. Because I because I got the only thing in the world that I ever wanted. So now you're Nothing more than trash to me now.That needs to be thrown away and I have no use for you now. In fact, it just hurts. We're gonna be on m*********** knows it. You won't even say how when you get back here. You look p***** off. And have fun trying to find me when you get back cause I won't be here And if you think i'm playing." She said handing the phone back to his dad flipping.I'm off I'll take it off as winning ring and throwing it at the phone Which is Grandpa did pick up?We're looking at the camera.You f****** deserve that 1.In fact i'm actually extremely disappointed You in fact to the point where?
I think I should scrub you of your title of noyeah knocked up your wife in the neck of a stripper seriously.While this one's worth an anxious living dragon for you.Did I raise calm or trash?I think a bit about Sorry. But if you think that keeping in contact with something that I'm going to Pick my brains whenever you that's for sure.And if you love it's gonna pick you up Ram.You're fucking stupid. OK, green, it's smart enough.I heard you in the background.I might not be able to shut them without the title but That doesn't mean I can't take my long hair family out of his fucking back and then follow her cause I won't totally fucking dip with her You think i'm gonna let my grandson be raised away from me and period Just because it's dad's a Piece of shit also my grandson's a fucking dragon and of course I wouldn't have to choose a fucking dragon over Do you sorry? Excuse a Bud let down you knew how much I liked your wife yet you cheated on her. I don't like you right now. And also she is birthday glass. That's so. You can literally get where the f*** y** want and do it or what you want. I don't care, I'm just soaking you. That's all? I gotta say, anyway, where's the family that doesn't come with me? Jeremy, I don't care. I'll just save my wife and me and get the f*** up outta here.." His dad said it has one of his friend's wife came in.
But they signed for the Mercer fabrics officially marry them. When she realized everything that was legally marrying them was vague mating. I didn't legally marry her or officially marry her. He gave her a big form and had a face. Wedding so he wouldn't have to give her any benefits if they were divorced. In the Army, if you get a divorce due to the husband like let's see the husband has an affair or something and that's why you're divorcing as long as it is the soldier's fault. The Army will pay a compensation and child support if you have their child out of their paycheck and other words say it like nothing out of the right track. Whenever you do that, it all goes to the mall. And they haven't no money for anything. Extra except necessity is like maybe the override or shampoo. Sometimes they don't even have that how they can barely prepare for their food after the Army's dumb and dumb because they literally give their whole and hurt funds to the wife and tell her husband that he's gotta pay her so much. Aluminum s*** for all the trouble. Or trauma, you caught her in a dead child. And even in the fine print if you're reading, it literally says this is a fake documentation, so in case of the 5 is unable to please husband he doesn't have to give up everything. And it's just a divorce for cause if they don't have a kid who loses everything, especially if it's permanespecially with spirit. And that's the husband's fault, which is why she realized that he had did that on purpose. Because. The news going to cheat on her And in that little f****** thing, it's hell. No and and in the f****** note which made her smile. I actually pointed out the fine print and read it. Out loud if a husband sees the wife. Unfit, and they have children. I think she gets pregnant in order to get money from his benefits and s*** child support.She can't get it for Said child because it's not legally marrying them. So none of their benefits, money or anything goes to the wife and she's left with nothing. Yeah, but you didn't run the fine print. If you're not paying jobs for or nothing, then you're not claiming the child which means that you have no right to them. I want to period the fine printed offices. You're signing all your rights away to any child that is living? Yes, I did b****, you're cynical. You're right, the way to work, so you dumb a** m***********. He's not an allergic right way to f****** inferno.That's f****** hilarious.Car was a f****** b****Well good, I don't have to get it worse.I can just fucking dip. Buy m***********, Hey hey, are you there? Don't come on and for me. Cause it's not almost as if you sign all your rights away. You have no right to claim to I don't want anything be identified as a father or have anything to do. With that child as in, you can't get across the battle to said. Child Mommy gets to say what she wants. Hey, Grandma, can you call that really cute vampire? I'm reas long as he's OK with the kid being. I have isn't sitting in him because I didn't say it was a potential husband I said mother friend but tell his family I'm not going to agree with their asset longer.O k if they asked you to explain the whole situation." His wife said straight up hanging the phone down and ignoring it as he was sitting. There trying to yell trying to get her attention as she handed the paper to go over to the Doctor maybe not even if he comes in one. What do the DNA does? He cannot have it unless he allows it and it cannot be used in coordinalists. She allows it when they can't claim him even with proof unless you allow it sweet pretty much f***** himself. He's already remembered that his friend telling him that you told me to do it unless I was for sure. Do you literally f****** me? I have been in my son's life that is on you.. You know what I Ever wanted was a son." She heard a meal as she stepped on the phone and broke it which was her cell phone.She didn't give a s***She left that bitch on the groundAs she I know this paper is the best Fingerprints.I've ever seen without his father.

As in her grandma right over with her phone showing her screen. She smiled.

"Oh my damn he got hot Game on I need a real husband anyways by my specific drive Tell him to call Fuck I just smashed my phone F*** I just smashed my phone. So my stupid f****** a** husband Couldn't track me." She said coming to the realization that she just stumped on it As Her Grandma and her phone after clicking the call and she put up her ear.
Hey. So what do you think of my proposorry?Thanks came up.You're the guy that you're trying to talk to me out of marrying.Well, you're right about him.He's a f****** a******I don't listen to you. You can call Me out on while you didn't wait for me to finish that Damn you're way to you say I told you so He knocked me up Yeah a Mail pear bread something By my name self so i'm coming back home to romania It's either that honey or introduce me to a man.That doesn't mind a woman with child.And I've obviously been actually know it hasn't been married cause it.The motherfucker's Tricked me into thinking that we were cause. I read the fine print. Is made by the Army for males that don't want to actually marry their wife or want to be able to claim her as their wife, but not legally on their paperwork. So they make more but it doesn't benefit the wife at all. Because if they get the worst she gets. Nothing, she gets no child support. No, nothing if they have children, he gets everything. And all of that exact, he has to sign away all race to his children. He doesn't play child support, so he doesn't get no visitation. No, right? No, nothing do the good. In fact, it doesn't even get the opportunity even if there's DNA to be identified as the father and the lawyers, the mother allows it. In my bathroom and get shit. Isn't direct my little inferno I mean I guess I don't mind being single but being a single mother's heart especially with a non human child and im mortal I'm human who has literally 0 experience with non humans.How to help my special race one?Especially when that's been extinct that's know that little about There is he don't even know like my whole. Life has been flipped up within an. Don't want to do all this s*** by myself.Well I mean, I don't care if like you disagree or whatever, but I'm finding me to load d*** i* at some point. And I'll even a North.I aint more actually I like I don't really give a f*** about your life because overwhelmed.What does your life have? On a mother's love for her son.Especially With a sign, I'm forgetting amazing. Magnificent and absolutely beautiful my baby is You know what nobody f****** deserves him?Yeah, I think it was.They said I don't think i'm doesn't play around like his dad You know I want to do exactly what his dad's been doing for the past 10 years.I'm sorry, babes, but I haven't been single in 10 years f*** that b****He tied me down while he was going around.Having fun i'm a maiden I'm probably gonna crash with Grandma. By the way, probably in the last time I finally did it. Doesn't mind. Mind living with a dragon.Because i'm probably gonna have her jump in here or meet because of that Cause he's an infant.I guarantee he's gonna catch it on fire like crazy Cause he's an infant. I guarantee he's gonna cut s*** on fire like crazy. I mean, I'm not exactly the same species as having a can exactly show him. Like in the older days how they were doing.What is the mob?We're sure the baby How Do not turn everything into A burning inferno because he turns everything into a flame thrower. Can I at least get ahold of you, though, if I need anything for him and not like that?I'm at like if I need help.A human do really expect me to overpower a dragon weapon for a different brace all the strongest dragons new Not to do mention the biggest the most balanced and the strongest.I mean like my son's half a Diamondback.It's in some panthers, though.And in Spanish report they're called diabetics for a f****** reason.Oh and they're highly venomous. Actually makes that the most venomous creature in the world, because there more venomous than any other one. And it's a Hydra f***I've got my hands cut off for me.I mean , my Sign good butter I make a typhoon I don't even know Why I'm f****** telling you all this cause it's not like I love you. You're my best friend, but you're a b**** You're an a****** You're a narcissist.
Because for one you play with people's feelings, you don't give a f*** and you're an a******, because if you were smarter, you wouldn't know that you were my second choice and I liked you? So obviously you're blind and dumb. What makes you any different than the one that I just loved nothing. Consider yourself off the target. I was gonna ask if I could crash with you. Like you don't have anybody there. I don't like I don't know. I don't think I wanna be used. Bye. I mean, I'll be your friend. So obviously I can be you're nothing more than a friend zone from now on, because he liked to play with it just feelings and that. And that's not fucking o k because i've told you how I feel about people playing with people's feelings like my stupid dumb ass motherfucker Husband who literally played me and to think that they were married for ten fucking years which by the way it was the only reason I told you no because I was I'll already supposed to be married when you ask me, I'm not now. Well anyway, player don't hit the play. Don't hit the play. I hit the cause. I'm not very good at with an email that I think it's sexy I mean, why not play around and go to f****** do anyway? Like why did you send Me back all that and it's hurt if you were just gonna be a player. And I mean like a world. Can't you just f*** yourself out of all that? But considering that I have used for a non-human peer. Tired, consider yourself Yes, for which is the only reason?I'm not kicking you to the curb as well Cause if you're hard to work with and you're not a good teacher yeah Another word is a victim to you for help with him and you can't help me. Then you're of no use to me and therefore a waste of my time. How's that percentage since you felt the need to say that because I rejected you? Because I didn't want to cheat on my. So consider yourself useable or a trash. Cause you're a bullshit man fuck again And I will stick my son on you. Cause I'll only keep it as fake as you keep it thick. I thought you were seriously hilarious. Kids are like welcome fat we're like we're like we're like we're like we're up together. Like we're practically troubled sweethearts.And you seriously had no nerve to pull that bucket shit when we go fuck yourself. Graham, got any other family's offer from my hand?" She Said so warmly while laughing at him hand the phone packed her for a walk shouldn't remain a bunch of texting with the person.

That's a shame.I thought he was a nice man too Always told me how much I liked you.Looks like he was playing in the whole time There's that one man that you never gave a chance he's Probably a much better fit for your son since his father is a werewolf Pear bread Not awful though, but he's a sweet male and he's looking to settle.
And there is one who is rejected is because he's inferior because Got a rare genetic mutation He's a Lucistic and albino..." Don't forget I think you should definitely pick a male. You're gonna need to be taught too. Sometimes if A female gives birth to a strong enough.Offspron, very, very few occasions.Does it turn the female into a non human To which he has an orchard son as I think that's the best all winter as if he has another dragon to teach him, you're the other dragon? You're a diamond back. You learn how to do it first and Then you teach him." Grandma showed her a mirror showing Her new face, her older appearance changed into that of an unemployment.I understand that i've been non human dragon female. But Not a purebred only half so she can't turn. She only has some other physical characteristics. And can you smell their power and strength but not to the full extent.

"Pretty nice I like that I look really damn fucking hot. I Wanna meet him before? I decide whether or not he's worth my time. One thing I want in life but I mean, I stayed married for 10 years when a****** and Still tried and tried and tried everything and succeeded to conceive and birth. A child for him just for him to hurt his background.
He literally meant to be like me to control me. Throw me Away away anytime, I please, if he decided that he wanted to abuse me because you'd know that I'd heard a word ago. And I've sent her back to Romania. And I'm going with her I will be taking everything I said I've f****** received for her a child, I guess. But f*** him he later leaves you not me. How shall we get so much money in both an entire There's a reason why I'm taking all that to the f*** Amy. You might have another child making go pay for. He's not gonna need a nursery yet And if he doesn't arrive call him boo hoo.What he's gonna eat for It's a rubber. I think we've got enough money to pay for her outfit. I seriously and honestly pray to God. He finds all that baby and his have a piece of judge a b****. I said that he sent my grandma a paper That he had taken a screen shot of the D n a at The unborn child in her womb. And 15 days ago, it was not a match. Well, I didn't pick her up.Do you know that I had to find out if they had a Stand from a Doctor period when it was real as she typed in underneath the caption. Karma is a b**** I literally just said I have to God. That child doesn't know you.
That would just be a superior firm and be working hilarious. Because all the time ever and heart, I put in her relationship before you have to roll down the drain for some cream. I'm glad that maybe not yours. Because that's the only baby you're ever gonna get. Because of the fact that you already done in person to me that you're not gonna come back and if you don't have to win the purpose Because if you are honestly Willing to take advantage and if somebody that can anyone in the honest and avoid having? For the one night baby, I'm a bar who. By the way, probably f***** everybody that I received these. Who, by the way, will never be able to give you and I'm nearly close to what I gave you.How old use you for your damn money But like near Buster, I'm way too good Is waiting a hearted way till genuine way to love Wait everything for you You're not worthy of a woman of my stature.I'm gonna be human but i'm Oh, by the way, it jokes on you.I'm half damn in back so fuck off My blood awakened effort.I gave birth to her son.I might be half and i'm still a A female dragon so just because I can't turn into a dragon doesn't mean shit You're still garbage trashed compared to me.Cause i'm still the bigger person Cause I walked away from trash on my seen trash I'm getting those bigger support.By the way , so I can take you for computation of wasting ten years of my life Holding me captive against my will without my knowledge Manipulation.
Consorting consorting someone Into believing that they have no other option but to be your slave, awesome imprisonment. What's the promise of marriage? Yes, that is a law that means when you hold somebody captive, making them forced to pretend to be your wife or be your wife, but. They legally are your wife and they don't believe in divorce. They will literally put up with everything.
I know they were faking the whole f****** time. I literally gave you half my f****** life b**** So you're getting conversation from you one way or f****** other and I'm using your file little. Wording that you showed me to say that you have no call on your son and no control Uber me and that you tripped me. Cause this is illegal as. Fuck. She sent it to her before giving her phone back to.
She texted him she's done with you.Don't ever contact us again. And then she took her granddaughter, her granddaughter.Her grandbaby back to her home from the hospital.Yes, she had to be in the water.Of course she's gonna be in A wheelchair for at least 3 days. She doesn't call babysit. Her and her Grandma literally stuffed everything into boxes. Th are as fast as they could and literally emptied out of the entire of nursery and everything that she is. Notice that the savings that she had that her husband had been saving for her for their baby had a name on her already. But it wasn't the name she looked at and she was not amused when she read it.
Later it was marked as baby.
# number of 5. Which he found from his journal and she found her amazement as a goal. And instead in the prescription there's no matter who bears my child long as I Have at least one baby only multiple or as many as I can with as many females as I can. So he knew which woman was pregnant with his kid. That messages names were his access. But that he's been trying to knock up girls. And from this list, these were just The list of ones that he's tried to Her name wasn't the last.It was like it's meant that the other girls were after her which meant they were during their relationship. So she took a giant pen after emptying out the savings crashed out the number of babies that he wants like his goal and then what is zero because you're a piece of shit. And then put a check on my primary name. And then right nice to know that I'm just the name on the list. Even though I gave you, I wish you the absolute worst. You piece of s***." As she strove to his ring that grandson grabbed off the ground that she had flown, she put it in sight of this thing and then said here it goes on this and I'm sticking out that she's stuck with it and then said cause you're gonna need it. And she made it take me sure to take every little thing that was her so she didn't have to come back And if she did leave anything, that was something that she didn't care about and she was just trying to get the f*** out of there, she only really talk what she needs.What was hers or what was important if it was hurt?And she didn't really care for it she just fucking left it there. But you're right all over it ruined it and then said here here's for Your new thought.." Then she packed off her s*** When do they report with her mom and her song? And they loaded into a plane. Gotta say flying pretty funny, said Doctor luckily. Gave them something to put him to sleep for mess of light. But I do gotta say one thing and really does love his mommy.

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