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"Well everyone I've been pretty popular since I started living here.

"Ya im going be a little trouble maker. Tag me in it with Em. They'll have a Hold on, I mean, what are they gonna do?Create an angry mob with petchforks and torches.Go ahead Let them that be funny. Heck they do that all even light their torches for them." She said as her sister started laughing as She grabbed her phone and literally tagged herself.  Then handed it back. She started laughing. Seeing that she erased the caption saying. "To my one and only sister. The only one that ever dared Just a me as I am To the one who's seeing the beauty in me. And to the only person i'm ever happy and proud to call my sibling. You are the only One my son will ever know and the only 1 that loves to know Who I really am instead of what you made me out to be. I have the ugly truth. Because all that. Hell that I lived Through Was worth meeting the only person.I'm proud to call family.That is actually my blood. Because the others might not be But they are my family.Every person that you see in these pictures are my family even though We're not even the same species, but who cares?Not all family is blood and not all blood is family. Search for the world's best sister.You are beautiful inside and out and I absolutely adore you. I'm glad I met you. "Sis your gonna be cry shut up." She said, as she tried her  damnedest Not to get emotional because she was wearing makeup. When she just reached up and hugged her from behind and kissed her cheek. I should even take a break for that. And add it before posting it. With the caption underneath the picture. 'To the most magnificent woman I'll ever know I May have just met you but I feel like i'm done know my whole life.' Then she clicked on her sister's profile. Her picture profile picture alone said in thousand wordshe had it when jonas and his wife. Who were standing on each side of her smiling ear ear as she was dressed in her graduation cap and Gown from college showing all of her certificates.

" Hold up that's old I need to really change that?"Mira Said changing her picture real quick She made a slideshow.   I've almost life-changing and favorite moments in her life. And I really did say a 1000 words. The first one Was the notebook that started it all with all the letters from her and him. And it said in a caption on it.She Put It all started with the letters. Then an Picture from the pass was her and her expert.She blocked him out. Some people are Best as memories, Then the next was Once from once that she had traveled when she was On vacation but she was by herself. I thought sometimes I was better off alone was what the caption. And there was the one from her original profile picture with jonas and his wife. Which set at the bottom. 'They taught me What the unconditional love of The parents I was Denied since birth. And took me and lego was none of the same Blood And was no child but that didn't stop them from being my parents. And I am preferable grateful to them. They Seen Me as a daughter They always wanted. They never gave up on me when my own did And they Seen me as a gift not at this appointment. I love you, mom and dad.Are you always being mom and dad to me.' As The next was her pregnant Well, when she first became pregnant when she got her first ultrasound.I've heard holding the ultra sound Of the first ultrasound.They got of her baby's heartbeat and didn't show a baby.It just showed where it was developing.It showed it circled, so you could see it.That was a baby in Her bell. It even played a heartbeat if you actually watched it.If you watched the video, it would literally show a heartbeat on it.Of Her son's heartbeat.and  in front of her belly smiling ear to ear.It is so excited and happy. Then the second was her with More pregnant billy when she was in her second trimester when she Was starting to really shout like you could definitely tell us you could tell she had a bump. but she wasn't fully pregnant yet. Also with an ultrasound showing a actual baby developing in her womb. Then it slid to the next one which was a fully pregnant Belly that was about ready to pop before she gave birth With both her parents on both sides Of her belly as she had her hands on it in a heart sbabe as they are both smelling your ear with their heads against her stomach like they were listening into the baby. With more Alter sounds I've a fully developed band it sand it's in the very bottom. ' To my whole world and my whole heart.I cannot wait to meet thing in this world that keeps me Here.
It reminds me even when times are heard even when I feel like giving up that there's still a reason.The wind you are going to be my reason to keep ongoing.My sweet sweet beard , precious miracle That I had been praying 4 the past ten years And the only thing.
That made all of it worth it. For the life I was given was Not easy or kind.All the hardships that I went through were worth.It all just to see you.I cannot wait to meet you. Because you already have my whole heart.. And you have already taught me the meaning Of the mother some conditional love. I cannot wait to be your mother.' Then there was a pictures of a whole different other slide.Show that merged him with it of heard her son when he was first born and this one wasn't just pictures.It was clips of videos.It was her whenever she first gave birth that she was laughing As she holds her baby In the hospital, as she was trying to feed him A bottle and whoever was holding that camera was making her laugh her a**She sent over there trying to feed a baby as she's giggling.And it was just the funniest thing ever cause it made the baby Laugh which made everybody else in the room crack up. Then she looked at the camera and said dude.If you don't stop I'm gonna throw.When you heard the voice in the background which obviously was alecard.

Oh yeah.What are You gonna do about it, huh?

I'll just wait until The Doctor gives me the OK, Mr. You're in trouble.I hope you're the one fast enough. And then it showed Oliver walking over and sticking his tongue at her.And that's when they realized Hey, it wasn't going holding the camera whenever it turned around, showing that it was one of the other hunters that was holding in this was when they first met her.They were already picking on her by the first day of the matter like they met her and that's all she Wrote because by the first meeting that they met her, which was right after she had her baby because she did her research right after he was born and found out that. Since she's an extinct species, the technically would be called on-site. Because she's not going to call them. The Doctor did because he realized that she was carrying a dragon.. Which is why they were. Did because he wanted her to be safe And That's when the poor Doctor walked in to the home medicine.Had no clue what the heck was going on And had some Smoke thrown at him by accident because she was throwing at Alicard. They all did stop she covered her mouth and that doctor Looked at her and said nothing.Then he Just looked at her and then looked at Him and then said really guys really?We're gonna throw a breast milk at the Doctor really guys." He Said wiping his glasses.

"Sorry," She said as he walked out after groaning saying I'll be.I gotta go change my shirt now. He trugged off and they started laughing. "Oh my god I can't believe You Throw it at dr.Davison." They laughed As he I must follow the ground laughing hysterically Which made her sister laugh. While she was watching it. Then the next one was also another clip.But this one was it was just of her. While she was on her flight home with her Grandma and of course, her huntershe was. She was singing home bound. But of course with her own twist. Well i'm going back down town cause i'm home but I do do." She said before going back to talking normally. One of the hunters was who was recording cause they were obviously in front of her. So You got anything that you wanna say to this one.

Yeah, Never move to a Because when you're divorced or leave that person, you're gonna end up with me.
Having to take a flight back home. To people that do not even want me there.Because to be honest, my Hometown does not like me. However, something they didn't even clarify. I actually did so to clarify. I'm innocent. I just got blamed for a bunch of s*** That wasn't my fault and people being a******* believed it. So here we are going back to that s*** hole where nobody knows me at all. Maybe my a** will put it like that like to me. But they don't know them real me so. When I say I'm Hillary bus?I mean i'm hillary bus because what if They decided to form angry mob and chase me outta pitchforks and torches. I'd laid their torches when am I drawing them out.I'd find it Funny because I bet you that would ninety percent there at a shape. What after A certain age, you stop taking care of yourself.I'm 35 normally they're quite taking care of themselves around like 29 28, they just stop Caring about The Help altogether and start letting them solve a go hook.Some of the girls start Let themselves go after when they would have kids which would be in the early 20s. Come on, girls from Romanian to Papa mount really early. Not at least a used to before birth rate went down. But that doesn't change the factor that they still stop around that.
I mean, koalas Brianna said Grandma. They don't exactly care about their body shape."

"Yeah, Then there's View my little unique dove  you always were different. But no seriously.How do you feel about going home."

How do you think I feel Grandma? You're literally the only one that talks to me from home.What do you think?
I'm Esthetic, let me tell you. No, I'm not. I don't want to go back there. But I have nowhere else to go when I don't know when anyone else. That's all I know.And i've was the only other place I've traveled to was Scotland and that wasn't by choice. So it's back to home.I go because that's the only place that the Army will pay for me to go back.They only paid to take me back home.
Which is the only place that they take any of the wives that leaves their husband say literally and we'll take them back to their homeland that's it. So I guess We'll just have to see. And then the next clip was her back at home saying well This is how it went And then showed pictures as she took throughout the day of her and her sand then what do the pictures that she took of her and Em And Most of the Pictures her sister justtook. I found myself the love of my life and Have a family and a home that is truly mine. And finally gave real good meaning to life.That I have finally built.Not that I had not been building a life but I finally gives up life meaning because My life Has definitely not been an easy one, nor has it been finally.Have the one thing i've been dreaming about since with the man that I loved since day one. Only to find out that he loved me back all the same. Because this man I've loved since I was a child. I grow up with him.He's the closest person I know and he knows my heart better than anyone. I'm glad I still had a place in it. And he loves my son With all His heart and He's the father, my son rightfully deserved and should have had and we would have been together before this if we wouldn't know that we had feelings for each other. Never Not say something when you love someone because you never know when that someone might love you back all the same and like me.He could be your entire world because men turned out to be My intern got to be my soulmate. Listen to your gut all your heand always love with all your heart.' Ask her sister looked back at her.

"That is so freaking cute. I love that by the way, that is adorable.By the way, where's my maid?You've been gone for a while. Hes supposed to be right back out." She said before getting out of the car, telling them to wait while she goes and finds out what the heck's going on. She walked out and walked over to the door. At least 2 Mira Myra, something wasn't right.She noticed that something smelt off and sounded off.Because you didn't hear or smell anything something?Would definitely wasn't right with this pictshe got a little nervous to be honest when she noticed it was so dead quiet.

"What's up?You're acting funny something wrong." Alicard Asked as she listened to her sister.Knock on the door before Opening it when she heard noise. Finally which meant that they had some proof that entire room. Why should I know but what she heard me for nervous because she recognized the voice.
The voice that came from inside the house. Well was somebody's voice as she had recognized.Yes she hadn't heard it forever but she recognized it all the same. " Please do not tell me we are at Trents house." She asked.

"Why you know him." He asked her. She nodded before trying to sink down into her seat as if she wasn't there or make herself look as though she wasn't there.

" Not for reasons why I would hope to like to.

"Why did He do something" He asked if she opened up her notebook flipping to the one page. That talked about one kid that was obsessively trying to get her to go out with him.
Before he disappeared for like 3 months before showing back up.Looking entirely different and scaring the shit where you looked at her and he was very confused

If you read the whole thing from top to bottom and you know that there was one kid that had a huge f****** crush on me. The nerdy kid that I wrote that in there. Oh, he wasn't so nerdy anymore. When he came back after he puberty. I quote as in you awoke as And not human. The one that got cocky with me. And got p***** because I wouldn't flirt with him. Or let how is this? After he awoke and came back, he tried to seduce me it was awkward. I told him that it was awkward and I told him that I had no interest And sleeping around and he got Pissed saying that I wouldn't date him When he was actually trying to be romantic and cute when I told him that I wanted somebody to love and then he Snapped at me.That I still want to take him even after he I told him straight but I didn't know who he was and he flipped the hell out. I noticed him watching me quite a bit and trying to make me jealous while you're talking and flattening with other girls.Cause i'm looking at me quite a bit And yes he did corner me in a hallway at one point. Man, I didn't know why I was not romantically interested in him even though he was showing me every time he was interested in me, he said that. And I told him that I was not interested because I was actually in what the somebody else already. And then he demanded to know who night hornly. I would never tell. Because he told me that he was going to challenge  for my love. Until I left he didn't care what other women wanted. The audiomers won't even act like you're interested. Or was Showing interest in them was not because he wanted to miss this girl. What was because he wanted to make me jealous? Because I didn't say he was picking out women that he knew I was Close to or was it close to it? So he was trying to figure out what p***** me off more. That It's such a huge relief. I'm not joking when I said he was scary obsessive.I mean the key was Obsessed.I hate had pictures of me and I didn't know he talked and I know that by accident because he showed it to me It freaked me out and when I found out which made me feel bad. The only woman that was ever nice to him Genuinely plus I may have helped him when he was being bullied. I always will not stop him because I know Martial arts and a bunch of other fighting styles So in other words, I beat the s*** out of him. After I pulled him off i'm pulled him away from him. I did it one time cause I seen a little guy getting beat up by a big dude. I mean, what do you do the same thing? If you said somebody got defenseless. I meant nothing by and who you took that. I was a savior or something and he Literally said to me, the last time I talked to him.S*** you know what?1 day I won't make you.My wife just you wait mira You'll come back begging me. Like excuse me , I don't even know him but he knew literally everything about me because of I was the center of his obsession."

Oh s*** I didn't know that was you well why better go tell them not to tell them that's you. I don't want to have started shit I didn't know it was you, but I knew there was a girl who was massively obsessed with finding and I mean like he was obsessed, but he went mad when she disappeared. I didn't put 2 and 2 together. That was wrong the same time that you disappeared. I don't know if it's trust me. You're still looking For you so I might want to say something before he finds out.You're actually back. I only know because he started hanging out with shaun around that time." He started texting her sister telling her.Don't let him know it's Mira. And when she was about ready to walk out the door she's texted in oops. You let out a sign before texting her back.Yeah, you might want to come out here like now.Like don't tell him anything else. Because the woman he is obsessed with and is obsessively looking for is Mira.
She just told me. When she texted him back, they acted like he was OK with I mean, like you act normal. He didn't act We are to understand anything strange.Like he literally just went OOK now he said congratulations could say may have slipped as she had a may have slipped, so he's a newborn.
He seemed very bright about that, though. Very interested or overly interested, but like nothing to alarming. I mean, he's a nice guy.
I mean, like he just talked to us like a normal it does.

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