First Mission

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Carolina was angry. First Texas and now some new guy comes along and is able to beat her without landing one blow. "FILSS find Arizona!" She growled angrily. "Agent Arizona is in the hangar bay." Carolina went to the hangar bay and saw Zone working on one of the Pelicans. He was using a blow torch with a mask over his face and had rock music playing. 

"HEY!" Zone turned and saw Carolina stomping over to him. She the tried to back kick him but her leg was caught by him. He let go of her leg and took off his mask. Carolina then felt a sense heat come to her cheeks when she saw the face of the silver and red Freelancer. The man had silver hair like that of a blade and aqua eyes that seemed to glisten by the ship's lighting. Carolina was speechless standing there in awe. Suddenly she was tackled to the ground by something and was looking into the eye of some machine. It looked like an armored dog, it had one red eye, thick, black, sharp teeth, a chain spiked tail and spikes on its back. The dog licked her with its mechanical tongue receiving a disgusted groan from the cyan Freelancer. Zone gave a whistle and the mechanical dog jumped off her towards Zone. The Freelancer snapped his fingers and the dog sat. "What the hell is that thing?!" Carolina asked wiping her face. She stood to her feet and suddenly saw engraving on the side of its leg. "CYCLOPS?" She questioned. Zone rubbed the mechanical dog's head as it wagged its tail. Zone suddenly heard a beeping from his wrist gauntlet and pressed it making a holographic screen display on his forearm. Carolina looked at the gadget in astonishment. He tapped his wrist and shut off the screen. He waved bye before heading somewhere with Cyclops.


Zone walked onto the bridge and was greeted by the Director who turned and smiled at Arizona. "Agent Arizona, today is going to be your first mission. There is an Insurrectionist outpost that has been abandoned for some time. It appears they had left their base for reasons unknown. You and Agents Texas, South Dakota, Carolina and Connecticut will be heading down to see if you can find any intel as to where our enemy may be." Zone nodded and walked off after saluting the Director. After he walked out the Director turned and walked to the bridge console. "Alpha." He said and suddenly the whole console lit into a really light blue.

"Yes Director?" The console asked.

"I want to know everything about Agent Arizona's past."

"You know that's like breaking and entering into the guy's life? And I don't want to be the guy responsible for looking into restricted UNSC records."

The Director gave Alpha a serious face. "Okay, but just remember you're the one that wanted this." Alpha stated. Files then appeared on the screen with the word CLASSIFIED on all of them.

As the Director skimmed through the files he began to grin. "Well this interesting." He said intrigued.


Zone was waiting in the hangar bay looking at a picture of him with another man who was giving him rabbit ears. He smiled warmly at the picture. They were wearing Spartan V armor and were on a battlefield just after they'd won. He heard the door open and quickly put away the picture. Carolina, Texas, CT and South walked in fully armored and prepped. 479er walked down the ramp. "Okay were all set and ready to go!" The four female Freelancers got on board and Zone was about to follow when he heard whining. He turned and saw Cyclops at the door looking at the floor. Zone walked over and rubbed his head. Cyclops looked at Zone pleadingly, but Zone shook his head and pointed at the door for him to go back to their room. Cyclops obeyed and walked back sadly. Zone then walked on board and watched the females sit down. He walked to the cockpit and looked 479er working the controls. "Punching in the coordinates now. You'd better get prepped Samurai." Zone stared at her. "Sorry... heard about the fight and-" Zone pointed at her then pointed towards space telling her to fly. He shook his head and walked back to passenger and sat down next to CT.

"So New Guy..." Zone looked at CT. "What's your speciality?" Zone continued to look at CT. "Your go-to, your trademark?" Zone still stared at her. "Not much of a conversationalist huh?" Zone rolled his eyes and laid back against his seat.

"Leave him alone CT. He's not worth talking to." Carolina stated angrily.

Zone looked at Carolina before shaking his head and laying his head back again.

"Hey we're landing! Get ready." 479er yelled. Zone and the girls grabbed their weapons and waited by the door. The ramp opened and they jumped out ready for anything. They found that they were in some kind of weird jungle. "I'll pick you guys up when you're finished." 479er closed the ramp and flew off. The group watched her fly away before walking through the jungle. As they traveled they encountered many mysterious plants. Some of the tree were lighting up and glowing. Zone kept his sniper rifle close when he started hearing growling.

"What was that?" South said in a serious tone. Zone pointed and they followed him. They came to a deep pit when they saw something. It was incredible it was some type of large wolf that had weird armor snaking around its body. It had dark red eyes and stood ten feet with its hind leg stuck beneath a boulder. 

Zone put his sniper rifle on his back and slid down into the pit.

"Zone! What're you doing!?" Carolina whispered as she and the others hid behind a large rock. Zone walked up slowly to the beast when it noticed him. It started snarling and gnashing it's teeth to reach him. Zone removed his helmet and continued walking to the animal. The girls then witnessed what Carolina saw in the hangar bay. His aqua eyes glistened from the light of the trees. The wolf still kept trying to reach when it felt him put his hand on its nose. The wolf calmed to a low growl as Zone then got closer putting his other hand between its eyes stroking its fur. The beast then began to whine from the pain in its leg. Zone then went to the boulder and whistled for the girls to come down.

"Should we? I mean that thing-" CT stuttered.

"Let's go." Tex said confidently. The four of them slowly and cautiously slid down into the pit and kept their weapons at hand. Zone motioned for them to put away their weapons. South lowered her assault rifle but kept it at hand. Zone walked to them and rubbed the beast's neck. Zone then took Carolina's hands making her cheeks flush under her helmet. He then placed her hands, one under its chin and the other on its face while he went back to the boulder. Carolina then stroked the beast curiously intrigued. Zone then using all of his might pushed the boulder off its leg. The wolf then looked at its leg and howled, making the group stand back. The wolf stopped and looked at Zone. He walked up and pressed his forehead against the beast before nodding his head to the left. The wolf looked in that direction before snorting and running away freely. Zone put his helmet back on before looking at the girls who just stared stunned. Zone then began walking in the direction of the facility again while the girls followed still stunned.

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