Hell's Angel

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York is driving down the freeway avoiding cars with Maine in the passenger side, Carolina on the turret, and Zone still flying alongside the vehicle. 

"Team B report. Team B!" Carolina says on her comms. 

"Team B is down! We have wounded, and are taking fire." North says while sniper shots are heard in the background." 

"We'll be right there!" 

"Negative, get the package. Get it out of the city." North orders. 

"Roger that." 

"Reading Team B's tracker... okay, there he is I got him." York then puts in the coordinates to the Warthog's GPS. 

"We'll cut 'em off at that overpass, go, go! Zone, we'll handle this. You head to Team Beta's location and get them out of there!" Zone nods and then teleports. He then reappears and sees North, Florida, CT, and Wyoming ducked behind a destroyed Warthog as police officers were shooting at them. Still using his rocket boots, he shoots down in-between the crossfire and does a superhero landing. 

"Zone, get out of there!" North warns. Zone then brings out his forearm shields and blocks the bullets. He walks towards them, still deflecting bullets and reaches the officers, uppercutting two and sending them into their cars. One tries to strike him but he catches the fist and throws the officer into another. The last officer shakily tried to fire his magnum but Zone smacked it out of his hand and kicked him to the ground before pinning him and knocking him out with his knee. Zone turns back to Team B and runs towards them, checking on Wyoming. 

"He took two, one to the chest and one to the abdomen." CT says mending his wounds. Team B's  Pelican then arrives, Zone and North both grab Wyoming's arms and bring them over their shoulders, dragging him into the Pelican. They set him down and CT continues to tend to him while Florida heads to the cockpit. Suddenly an explosion is heard and Zone and North both look in the direction it came from. 

"Sounds like Team A needs assistance. You better give 'em a hand ASAP." North suggests. Zone was about to leave when North grabs his arm. Zone looks back at the violet and green Freelancer. "Zone...thanks." Zone nods before activating his rocket boots and jettisoning away. As Zone flies down the highway he then sees Team A's Warthog under fire from oncoming Hornets. He sees three ODSTs then launch of the Hornets towards Team A's Warthog. 

~Duty calls.~ Zone thought. He jettisons towards the ODST's Hornets and lands on top of one, shattering the cockpit and killing the pilot with his sword. He then launches himself off and engages the ODSTs. A Sniper ODST speeds ahead and takes aim on a truck in front of Team A while two other Insurrectionists, one muscular and sleeveless and another with a pink heart on her chest plate, fire on the Warthog. 

"Maine! Protect the briefcase!" Carolina says getting in a fighting stance. Maine notices a sniper laser pointing at Carolina's spine and looks behind him. The sniper fires a shot at Carolina, but Maine intercepts the shot, causing it to hit his chest and render him unconscious.

"Maine? Sniper!" A sniper bullet whizzes past Carolina's head, impacting into the turret. Zone shoots past towards the Sniper, who saw Zone coming and shot two more rounds of only for Zone to disappear. The Sniper lowered his rifle shocked as to what just happened. He then feels a tap on his shoulder and turns around to see and feel a fist collide with his visor. He then shakes it off to see Zone in his fighting stance. The Sniper throws a back kick and Zone jumps over him, grabs the sniper rifle off the ODST's back, and gripping it by the barrel, swings it at the Sniper like a bat sending him skyward. 

Tex is then seen on a motorcycle racing towards the group with a rocket launcher. She jumps off a ramp, fires her rocket at the Hornet and throws the rocket launcher away. She then brings out her SMG, and fires at some Insurrectionists on Mongooses.

"York, punch it!" Carolina orders ducking. 

"It's punched!" He exclaims. The Pink-Heart Insurrectionist lands in front of the Warthog and has a brief battle with Carolina. Maine stirs, but the female Insurrectionist plants her foot on Maine's back, knocking him out again. She steals the briefcase off Maine's back but Carolina manages to retrieve it back. As the briefcase flies in the air Carolina struggles to get a grip of it; only for Zone to show up and grab it, putting it on his back. The sleeveless Insurrectionist kicks Carolina down to the front bumper of the Warthog and engages Zone as they have a in-air fight. Carolina attempts to climb back on the Warthog, while the Muscular Insurrectionist prepares to execute a still-unconscious Maine.

"Hold on!" York swerves the Warthog to the left, flinging Carolina and the Muscular Insurrectionist off it, rousing Maine in the process. They land on a nearby truck platform with oil drums, with Carolina grabbing the briefcase in the process. The Pink Heart Insurrectionist manages to land a kick to Zone's chest, knocking him back and sending the briefcase falling to Carolina as she snatches it places it on her own back. At the same time, the Muscular Insurrectionist tosses an oil drum at Team A's Warthog, knocking off its turret.

"Would you quit throwin' stuff! On your left! On your left!" York and Maine speed up next to the oil truck. "Watch it! Watch it!" Maine jumps out of the Warthog and onto the oil truck platform, in order to assist Carolina. Maine battles the Pink-Heart soldier, but is kicked back with Carolina. As Carolina and Maine are back to back the two switch opponents with Maine now in possession of the briefcase. Zone then zooms back in the fight as Carolina kicks the Pink-Heart ODST and Zone jumps over her, kneeing her in the face. 

"On the right!" York tosses the Brute Shot to Carolina. Carolina Matrix jumps in the air, dodging incoming bullets. She stabs Pink-Heart soldier with the Brute shot.

"Come on!" She taunts. 

Pink-Heart tosses her pistol to Muscular, who catches it and continues to battle with Maine, even managing to shoot Maine's throat. He then throws Maine to the floor and shoots his throat repeatedly. Zone then immediately tackles the Muscular ODST and repeatedly throws numerous punches towards his visor until he back-flip kicks the ODST. As Carolina and Zone begin to overcome the two soldiers, Maine loads his Brute Shot, with blood pouring down his throat. He aims at the two Insurrectionists, but Pink-Heart fires at Maine, causing his aim to go awry. Maine fires at the truck's rear, causing it to swerve. The truck hits a car and the four soldiers fly through the air, the female Insurrectionist flying off the highway. Carolina reaches for the briefcase, still on Maine's back, but fails to reach it. Zone then grabs her hand and throws her on his back as she holds on. They both land in the Warthog. Maine bounces off the road twice and is hit by a speeding truck and is completely knocked off the road. The Muscular Insurrectionist retrieves the briefcase and flies up to his Hornet. Tex appears on her motorbike and fires at the Hornet. The Hornet enters a tunnel and damages the tunnel door controls. Tex follows in pursuit.

"Don't let her grab it first!" Carolina orders. 

"Who cares who gets it first!" York says still swerving. 

"I do!" 

The doors slowly start close as the Warthog nears. 

"Bail out!" Carolina warns. 

"Bailing!" York hops out of the Warthog and rolls down the road. Carolina and Zone ride the Warthog and are catapulted into the tunnel before the doors close, wheels of the Warthog flying every which way. Carolina activates her speed unit enhancement and zooms off. Zone turns on his jet boots again and flies off after the two female Freelancers. 

York is on the road, dusting himself off as he looks at the wreckage near the tunnel. "Man, I've got to quit jumping off stuff today." Carolina, who has spotted the Hornet. Using her speed unit to avoid multiple cars, Carolina manages to catch up with Tex, and the two begin to race for the Hornet in order to obtain the briefcase. 

"Fall back Agent Carolina. I've got this!" Tex says firmly. 

"You fall back!" Suddenly Zone zooms past them both after the Hornet. He spins taking out his sword and throws it, as it lodges in one of the Hornet's engines, making it explode. 

Tex accelerates her motorcycle towards the flailing Hornet. The Muscular Insurrectionist uses his jetpack to escape. He gains his balance and flies off with the briefcase. Carolina sprints past Tex. She leaps off the road and uses her grappling hook to keep up with the sleeveless soldier. She lands on a building and quickly jumps off of it. She lands on another building and sprints towards the soldier. She tackles the Insurrectionist in midair and the two land on the road. She punches the soldier and the two begin to tumble all around the street, with Carolina sliding on the road. The soldier hits a truck and the briefcase detaches from his back. Carolina sees a car coming and curls up to slide underneath it. Part of her armor scrapes against the underside of the car, and she is sent flying through the air and her back hits a wall on the street. As Carolina stands her helmet detaches. She sees the briefcase across from her, where Zone picks it up. Tex then stops her motorcycle and gets off walking up to Zone. He looks at her and hands her the briefcase, nodding at her to get out of here. She nods in response before turning on her radio. 

"Command, the package is secure. Headin' home." 

"Excellent work Agent Texas. You and Agent Arizona have done well." 

"Thank you sir." Zone and Tex turn to Carolina. "Better luck next time, Carolina." Zone watches Tex hop off the road. Zone then proceeds to walk over to Carolina who is clutching her side. He helps her to her feet, this time her not pushing him away. He looks and sees her helmet, picks it up and hands it to her. 

She looks into his visor before taking her helmet back. "You know Tex was right about one thing: you're too nice." A Pelican approaches them and descends. The bay door opens up with everyone else inside, Zone and Carolina walk onto the ship before the door closes and the Pelican shoots towards space. Carolina sit down, running a hand through her hair. Zone sees Maine and kneels down, looking at his bleeding, unconscious friend. 

~Hang on buddy, we'll get you fixed up.~ Zone thinks to himself. 


After stopping off at the Mother of Invention and leaving the other Freelancers, Zone, Wash, York, and the still unconscious Agent Maine, travel to the medical station Angel On My Shoulder. 

"Four-Seven-Niner, this is Angel On My Shoulder, I need you to modify your approach velocity." 

"Negative on the modify Angel On My Shoulder. I have injured onboard, requesting clearance to dock." 

"Look, if you try auto docking at that speed, you're going to have a lot more injured on board, Four-Seven. Throttle down." 

"Requesting clearance to manual dock then. Patient is critical; need to offload ASAP." 

"What? No! Negative Four-Seven-Niner clearence denied. This station does not allow for manual dock. Throttle down or spin to a go-round. It's your choice." 

"Negative on the go-round, Angel." 

"This isn't a military dock, Four-Seven. We're a civilian medical on loan to the UNSC. You try manual dock and you'll tear a hole right in our..." 

"Not of my call, Angel; patient is Level 0." 479er interrupts, 

"Level 0? I'm going to need confirmation on that." The Director walks into the cockpit and places his hand on some sort of scanner.

"Angel On My Shoulder, this is Director Leonard Church. I respectfully request your assistance. Our situation is rather dire." 

"Four-Seven-Niner, you are cleared for docking bay 6. Manual control. Proceed with caution." 

"I'll prep the patient." The Director then turns and walks back into the bay. 

"Well, I guess so much for go-round." 479er mutters. 

"I heard that, Four-Seven-Niner." Ground Control says still on the radio. 

"Yep. That's cause I transmitted it." The Pelican lands inside Angel On My Shoulder's docking bay. Director Church steps out to be met by a group of doctors. Maine, still bleeding out, is taken out of the Pelican on a gurney.

A doctor separates from the group and approaches the Director. "Greetings Director. Was that Agent Maine?" 

"We picked up his beacon. At least we know that system works." 

"Do you know what happened?" 

"I know who will." The Director then looks at Wash and Zone. The two Freelancers follow the doctors who are pushing Maine's gurney.

"Come on team we're losing him." The lead doctor says urgently. 

"Can't you stabilize him?" Wash asks. 

"We're doing our best sir." 

"Is there something I can do?" Wash was about to follow but the lead doctor puts his hand out stopping them. 

"Sorry, sir; you're going to have to wait out here. Medical crew only." Wash and Zone are then locked out of the room. 

~Typical medic bullcrap.~ Zone thought. They both walk into the observation room where the doctors were taking off Maine's armor. Wash sighs unsure of what will happen. Zone clasps his shoulder. 

"I know man, I'm just worried." Zone thumbs at himself trying to say he's worried too. 

"Agent Washington, Agent Arizona, status report." The Director says putting on a medical helmet. 

"The mission objective was complete sir. But Maine took entire clip from an Insurrectionist's magnum to the chest and mostly his throat." Wash explained. 

"Disappointing. But we'll deal with that after surgery." The Director then walks away.

"Yes, sir." Wash turns back to the window. "Come on buddy, hang in there." 

"How is he?" Zone and Wash turn to see York leaning against the wall with his arms crossed. 

"Oh, hey man. Not good. He was shot in the throat. The medics said even if he survives he'll probably never talk again. How's your eye?" 

York moves from his leaning position and walks over to Wash.

"Docs are saying that I won't be able to see out of it, but hey... it's the job. Seems like a lot of people are getting hurt these days." 

"Yeah. Its just that everything seems to be moving so much more quickly now. The suits, the missions, and these, what do they call them? A.I. things. (Sighs) Do you guys think we're moving too fast?

"The whole universe is moving too fast, Wash." York answers taking off his helmet. Zone sees York's face for the first time. He has medium brown hair, one eye with a hazel color, and the other was completely white with a scar going across it. Then York says something caught Zone's attention. "I think we're just trying to keep up." 

Zone nods in agreement before looking back at Maine. ~I'm really starting to get the feeling that what happened today was just the cap of a VERY large ice berg. And I really don't want to see how it'll go down.~ 

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