Called Up

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Sarge, Grif, Zone, and Caboose are beside the temple's entrance, shooting at whoever is approaching them. Zone scores a couple of headshots with his Carbine. Tucker runs in the temple. 

"Guys, hold them off! I'll get the door!" Tucker pulls down a switch and the Reds and Caboose run in before the door shuts. 

"There!" Tucker walks over to the group. 


"Hey, Caboose." 

"Oh, hey look, it's that guy." Grif says unenthusiastically. 

"You brought these guys? Are we killin' each other today? Or pretending to work together?" 

"Uh, the pretending version." 

"Oh, okay, cool." Tucker sheathes his sword and pulls out his rifle. "Hey dudes, what's up? How'd y'all find me?" 

"We got that radio call you sent." Sarge answers. 

"The distress signal? And they sent you morons? That was to help me! I wanted less distress, not more distress.

"Uh, actually we kind of ignored that call at first." Grif says. 

"That makes sense." 

"Then Donut showed up and told us you were in trouble." 

"Ohh, I get it. So me making an emergency radio call, not a big deal. Donut telling you some dumb homo story, red alert!" 

"Pretty much." 

"So where's everyone else?" 

"What do you mean?" Caboose asks. 

"The rest of the people who are gonna help me fight these guys off." There was a long silence before Tucker continued. "You didn't bring any other soldiers, did you?" 

"Oh, um, that depends. Um, by other soldiers, did you mean people...other than us?"  

"Yes, I do." 

"Then, no." Caboose verifies. 

"Relax Blue! We got Rex here to help beat the crap out of these guys! We'll be fine!" Sarge says gesturing at Zone. 

"Rex? Is that your first name or your last?" Tucker asks. 

[First, and only dad calls me Rex. You can call me Zone.] 

"WHAT?! Wait wait wait! Hold the freaking phone! You mean to tell me Sarge is your dad? And what kind of a name is Zone?" 

[It's short for Arizona. I'm a Freelancer.] Tucker aims his weapon at him. 

"No Tucker! Zone is good! He is with us!" Caboose then stands in front of Zone. Tucker groans before lowering his weapon. 

"Fine, but don't pull any crap. Already had enough Freelancer stuff going on over the years." 

"Yeah well don't think it was pony ride for us either pal!" Xi says appearing. Tucker raises his weapon again. 

"Geez! What is that?" 

[This is Xi. She's my AI.] 

"Is she anything like O'Malley?" 

"I am nothing like Omega! He is a murdering monster!" 

"Whatever." Tucker grumbles. 

"So what's going on here?" Sarge asks. 

"Uh, it's kind of hard to explain. They think there's some kind of artifact here. Some massive weapon built a long time ago." 

"An old a spear?" 

"No, not a spear Caboose. Like some kind of super energy electric thing." 

"An electric spear." 

"It's not a spear, moron!" 

"Hm. Think I've read about these. They found some back during the war." 

[Believe me, I've seen my fair share of them.] 

"Yeah, well, all the aliens are into them and so are all the humans now. So, me and Junior have to go around sometimes and help...negotiate stuff. You know. Smooth talk." 

"Why you?" Grif asks. 

"We're like the ambassadors here or something. Humans and aliens seem more comfortable with us, since we're kind know, in between." 

"In between aliens and humans, huh. You mean in between two alien and human?...Ladies?" Caboose says. 

"Come on, dude. Seriously? You're not gonna get me to say it with that stupid joke. I'm not that easy." The group stares at Tucker. 

"Okay, well maybe I am that easy, bow-chicka-bow-wow. See, now that's a set-up." 

"Ahaha. Yeah, I hope one day you will tell me what you're going to do between the two ladies." 

"So are you part of the group that CT told us about?" 

"That guy? He's nothing but a freaking liar. He and his team killed the guys originally sent to dig this thing up, then they tried to kill me." 

"Oh no, well I hope you stop them." Caboose says in a shocked tone. 

"I locked myself in this temple. I figured it would keep me safe and keep them away from the relic." 

"So who are they?" 

"I don't have any idea, dude. They're probably trying to steal the artifact, then sell it to the highest bidder." 

"Oh, they're like Evil eBay." 

"You're an idiot. Look guys, thanks for the fucked up rescue mission and all that, but where's Church?" 

"Oh, um, he's dead." Caboose replies. 

"Yeah, I know that. Church has been dead for years, it never stopped him before." 

"Oh yeah, we also found out that he's, not a ghost, and that he's an AI computer program, like Sheila." 

"Yeah, I knew that." Tucker says with his voice slightly high. 

"You did?" 

"Yeah, you guys didn't? Ha, pay attention, what are you guys paying attention to?" 

"Oh, uh, I have my suspicions." Grif says. 

"Of course, I just didn't want to tell anybody." Sarge adds, 

"I still want to know what Tucker's going to do between the two ladies." Caboose answers dumbly. 

"Look guys, I need your help. We either need to chase these guys off or destroy this facility. Or pick up some chicks. Old habits die hard." 

"But why destroy it?" Sarge asks. 

"Orders. We can't let it fall into anyone else's hands. Plus, breaking stuff is awesome." 

"This thing is that powerful?" 

"Hell yeah! First they built these rings that were a huge weapon, then we found this super powerful cube-shaped weapon, and I guess this is the pyramid version." 

"That ancient race sure built a lot of weapons." Grif replies thoughtfully. 

"I know." 

"I mean did they really need to spend all their time building stuff to destroy the universe? Like, how about the galaxy's biggest movie theater or, like some kind of super advanced water park? All work and no play guys, seriously" 

"No play. Tell me about it." Tucker says shaking his head. 

[Yeah well I think you all should know.] The Reds and Blues turn to Zone. [I've had dealings with the guy we saw outside. First off his name isn't's Headcase. He was the leader of the enemy that Project Freelancer fought years ago. After we stopped his operation, the REAL CT and Headcase managed to escape before we could capture them. I guess Tex must've injured her to the point where it was life-threatening. He must've been posing as her to gain access to certain info and weaponry. I gotta bone to pick with him for all the torture he put me through. And let me tell ya...I don't intend to hold back when I get my hands around his throat.] 

The Reds and Blues were stunned at Zone's words. Sarge was more furious than stunned. 

"You mean to tell me that the guy out there in the brown armor...tortured you?" 

[Yeah dad...not a fun experience.] 

"Then son, you and I are gonna have one father and son bonding time kicking the crap out of him for what he did to you." Sarge says placing his hand on Zone's shoulder. Suddenly there was a loud booming noise and the temple shook making the Reds and Blues lose their footing. 

"The heck are they doing out there?" Grif asked. 

"They've been trying to blast their way in here ever since I locked it down. They're not having much luck though, ARE YOU, YOU FREAKING MORONS? The stuff looks like rock, but it's way tougher." 

"What's tougher than rock?" 

"Paper." Caboose answers. 

"How should I know? Super rock? What am I, some kind of, geographist?" 

[Well when you're sent out on a scavenging mission to dig for an artifact, it's probably smart to know something like that. And you call yourself an ambassador.] 

"Shut up!" 

"They have some kind of big machine out there." Sarge states. 

"Yeah, they just got that thing. I think they think they're gonna yank this door off with it. Not happening." 

"They wanna get their hands on that weapon?" Xi asks. 

"Yeah, and we can't let them turn it on, no matter what happens." 

"Well, why don't we just turn it on and use it against them?" 

"What?! We don't know what it does! We can turn it on and it could make us all sterile." 

"Would it do that?" Grif asks. 

"Well, the last weapon we found was designed to wipe out all organic life in a huge radius." 

[You mean the Halo Rings?] 

Grif whistles in shock. "Wow...what's a, radius?" 

"Seriously?" Xi says smacking her helmet. 

"I don't know, they just made me learn this crap for my dumb job. Point is, don't touch anything. You hit the wrong button or flip the wrong switch, we'll all be dead before you can say; where's Caboose?!" 

"Uh, I don't think that's how that expression goes." Sarge says looking at Tucker weirdly. 

"No, I mean where is Caboose?" 

"Oh yeah...he does have a habit of wandering off. He's been trying to rig equipment to do something. We don't really know what. That boy is not quite right, you know?" 

"What? I just said not to touch anything, and you guys went and walk away to find equipment? What is wrong with you? Man, I swear, you guys have always been idiots, but this takes the cake!" 

"Hey! He's on your team, idiot!" Grif reminds him. 

"Oh. Right...hey, uh, so if you guys aren't doing anything, you wanna help me go find Caboose?" 

"Let's go." Sarge grumbles. He, Zone, and Grif begin to walk down into the temple. 

"So embarrassing for you..." Grif sighs. 

"Just go find the guy." 

"So sad..." 


"Just open the temple and you can leave. We'll take what we want; no one has to get hurt." A soldier says over the speaker. 

"Shut up, idiot! I should've stabbed that speaker while I was out there." Tucker says griping his helmet in annoyance.

[Caboose!] Zone calls out. 

"Caboose, where are you?" 

"Hey, Blue! Hope you're not dead! Now that there's two of ya, we finally have a fair fight! Come on out here so we can kill ya!" Sarge declares. 

"Hey guys, shut up, do you hear that?" Tucker asks. 

"Would you be quiet? See, you're gonna get me in trouble." Caboose's voice is heard from around a corner. 

"Trouble? Screw that." A voice says. 

"Who's he talking to? Aw, crap! Did somebody break into the temple?" 

"Shut up, okay, see, you broke that. See, that was your fault." Caboose states. 

"That? That was already broken." 

Tucker and Zone whip out their energy swords. "All right, let's charge in there and take these guys out. On my mark." Sarge and Grif look at Tucker confused. 

[That means when he says go.] Zone explains. 

"That voice sounds familiar." Grif declares. 

"Yeah. I find it annoying and grating for some reason." Sarge adds. 

"Okay, just stop moving around, hold still!" Caboose yells. 

"I am holding still, you're the one that's moving." The voice yells back. 

"Yeah, that's sounds like..." 

"Get your hands off me! Freaking moron!" 

"I'm sorry, Church!" 

"CHURCH?!" Tucker and Grif says. The group runs around the corner and sees Caboose standing next to a Monitor. 

"I can explain." Caboose says with his hands raised. 

"Who the heck are these guys?" The Monitor asks. 

[ better start talking. NOW.] Zone demands. 

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