For Those Of You Just Joining Us

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After calming down the Elites, Zone and Tucker were walking around the temple and saw Grif standing there. 

Tucker nods at him. "Hey Grif, what's up?" 

"Hm?" Grif then sees them. "Oh. Hey Tucker. Hey Zone." 

"What're you doing?" Xi asks appearing. 

"Well, Sarge told me to bury all the bodies from our battle..." 

"That's a lotta graves. Lotta holes to fill. Bow chicka-OW!" Zone had punched Tucker mid-sentence. 

"And now I can't find 'em, because the bodies were piled up over here, by these stone pillars, and then the wind came and blew sand all over the freaking things." Grif huffs. 

"So I guess they're already buried. Good job dude." Tucker praises him. 

Grif looks at where the bodies were and back at Tucker. "I like the way you think." 

"Isn't that A typical?" Xi mutters. 

[Just roll with it...] Zone mutters back. 

"Grif, what are you doing up here? I thought I told you to bury those...bodies. What?" Sarge sees the bodies are gone. 

"He did, he buried the crap out of them, look." Tucker says pointing. 

"What the- I only gave you that order five minutes ago. How'd you do it so fast?" Sarge looks at Tucker. "Did you help him?"  

Tucker scoffs. "Help him? Dude, we've been fighting for like eight years, haven't you learned anything about me yet? I'm a lover, not a digger." 

Grif snickers. "Hehe, yeah, maybe he woulda helped me if some of the bodies were dead ladies." Everyone stares at Grif "...And I realise that sounded a lot creepier than what I intended." 

"Well, does someone wanna say a few words?" Sarge asks. 

"Words?" Xi questions. 

"Yes, these men were soldiers. Even if they were enemy soldiers, they still deserve a eulogy." 

Zone then liked that idea and chimed in. [You know despite the fact of all the torture Headcase put me through, he WAS just fighting for what he believed in. Doesn't excuse the fact of what he did, but I hope he gets to see Connie again. I know he loved her. A lot.] 

"Well don't look at me, I'm a lover not a talker. Hey dude, you wanna make another sex with dead people joke?" Tucker asks Grif. 

Grif shrugs. "No, I think I hit my quota." 

"Well what about your buddy mister cult leader?" Sarge suggests. Right on cue, Epsilon and the Elites came around the corner. 

"So, then was one guy, said some things to another guy, and the people liked it. And that's pretty much that." Epsilon says. 

"It's not his fault, those aliens just worship this ancient technology. And the people who made it. Huh huh what's a brother gonna do?" Tucker shrugs. 

Sarge raises an eyebrow. "Who in Sam Hell worships technology?" 

"Are they from the Internet?" Grif asks. 

Zone visor-palms himself. [How much time do you spend on the freaking computer at the base?] 

Caboose was then last to follow the aliens. "Yes, this is just very interesting. I understand everything that is being said. Good." 

"Caboose, what're you doing, get outta there." Tucker tells him. 

"It's not fair! I worshiped Church, way before it was cool to worship him." Caboose sneers. 

"Hey, I already told you, that's still not cool. That will never, be cool. Ever." Grif states. Epsilon then flies next to Caboose. 

"Oh hey there guys. How's life among all the non-deities? Pretty lame, I bet! Pretty sure none of you've been worshiped all day long today. Weak!" 

Zone crosses his arms. [Hey, I would never want to be worshipped, alright the day I become a quote-unquote 'god', will be the day I feel like being like my enemies. And that day is never going to come.] 

"And do ya think you guys might be milkin' this just a bit?" Sarge asks. 

"Hey, do you want to tell the big group of deadly aliens that they're mistaken and he's not who they think he is?" Tucker says folding his arms. 

Sarge ponders this. "Hm, I see your point. Hey, your circular holiness! How 'bout delivering the eulogy? We're buryin' most of these guys 'cause of you anyway." 

"Me? I only lasered one guy." Epsilon states. 

"Which was awesome." Caboose adds. 

"I know it was, right?" 

"So cool. The laser came out of your face." 

"Have you been able to figure out how you did that yet?" Xi asks. 

"No, I think it's just because I got really mad. Hey, say something to make me angry. See if it happens again." 

"You're ugly and nobody likes you." Tucker says. 

"You're annoying and your team sucks." Grif adds. 

"You're round and you can't wear pants." Caboose states. 

Epsilon shakes his head. "You guys came up with all that really quickly." 

"Eh, it pays to be prepared. Did it work? Are you angry?" Tucker asks. 

"No, I think I'm actually kinda depressed now. Caboose is right. I can't wear pants." 

"Well I only said it because everyone is thinking it." Caboose says. 

"Maybe mad makes a red laser, and depressed will make a blue laser." 

"Well I hope we don't find out what makes a brown laser." 

"You idiots shut up. Hey Globey, you makin' a speech or ain't ya?" Sarge says getting impatient. 

"Hey sure no problem. I did a sermon just the other day that the aliens loved." 

"Sermon? You just read them the setup guide to our Inkjet printer." Tucker states. 

"Yeah, and they eat that gadget stuff up. You gotta know your audience buddy." 

"How is it possible that ever since Caboose revived you, you can't remember anything except how to be an ignorant, pain in the neck?" 

"Some things are hardwired. Or in this case...transferred to." Xi answers. The Elites, Tucker, Caboose, the Reds, and Xi gather around Epsilon. 

"Attention true believers. And...other people. We are here today to pay our final, and our first, respects, to the dearly departed. But first, I'd like you all to join me in a song, in honor of me. Hm. I am the best." 

"Skip it." Sarge, Grif, and Zone say. 

"Fine. Okay, uh, in the beginning, there was darkness. And uh, and out from the darkness came a voice. And it said..." Epsilon than sees a figure in black armor. 

"And it said... Uh...Uh-out- out from the darkness came...Out from the darkness..." 

"Is his playback skipping?" Grif asks. 

"I don't know." Tucker says. 

"Maybe he needs a reboot. Good thing I wore my boots. I'll reboot him right in the keister. Heh heh heh." 

[Okay, I'll give you that one dad.] Zone chuckles. 

"Out from the darkness came uh, someone. I'll be right back." Epsilon then floats away. The Elites start to grumble. 

"Uh oh, the natives are getting restless. Caboose, get up there and stall 'em, I'll figure out what's going on." Tucker runs off with Zone and Xi following him. Caboose then stands in front of the aliens. 

"Yes, and out of the darkness came someone!And that someone was me! Yes. And I said, funerals are sad, and we should have a birthday party instead, yes! Yes, let there be cake! Um, hallelujah, gesundheit." 

Tucker, Zone, and Xi catch up to Epsilon who had stopped and was looking at the temple. 

"Church! Hey Church, what're you doing out here man?" Tucker says catching his breath. "The aliens don't like it when you leave them alone. And I don't like it when the aliens don't like stuff." 

[Ditto.] Zone adds. 

"Did you see him?" Epsilon asks. 

"Who?" Xi questions. 

"The person, from the darkness, the- no, th- that's not right, that's not right. Well did you see?" 

"What's he talkin' about?" Sarge says as he and Grif walk up. 

"I think he's having another memory flash." Tucker answers. 

"A what?" 

"Random memories that keep coming back to him. He's been getting 'em more and more lately and I don't think he has any control over 'em. He gets all emo too, it's annoying. Like having a chick around, but without all the fun parts of-OW!" Zone had hit Tucker in the face again. 

"You should take out his memory unit and blow on it. That'll fix it." Sarge suggests. 

[I don't think that's how that works dad.] Zone says. 

"Is he having more memories?" Caboose asks walking up. 

"Yep." Tucker says rubbing his face where Zone had hit him. 

"Did he remember me this time?" 


"I saw a canyon, and uh, a waterfall. And there was some kinda dark figure there." Epsilon explains. 

"Was the dark figure me?" Caboose asks. 

Zone covers his mouth. [Caboose, we will let you know if he talks about you. Promise buddy, a waterfall, huh? That's the second time you've talked about that.] 

"Yeah, but where could that be?" Epsilon inquires. 

"Uh, that sounds like our new bases." Grif answers. 

"It does? It does!" Caboose shouts happily. 

"What? Caboose, why didn't you mention that the first time?" Tucker asks. 

"Um, I didn't remember it?" 

"You didn't remember a waterfall? Dude, that's like not remembering your first girlfriend turned out to have a groin. Right Grif?" Tucker says looking to the orange soldier. 

Grif slumps his shoulders. "Sometimes I'm sorry I even told you that story." 

Zone then takes notice of Sarge leaving the group. He taps Grif's shoulder and points in Sarge's direction as they both leave the Blues. 

"Hmm." Sarge crosses his arms. 

Zone walks in front of him. [Hey dad, what's the matter?] 

"I don't like this, Rex." 

[What, the vision?] 

"Yeah. I've never been what you'd call a "new age" kinda guy." 

"You don't say." Grif says sarcastically. 

"But this bowling ball seems to be on a heck of a roll! Pun intended. What with the flying and the laser shooting and all." Sarge admits. 

"And he can lift stuff without arms. That's pretty cool." Grif adds. 

"That too. What if there's something to this whole vision thing? We need to call Simmons. Find out if he's seen anything out of the ordinary." 

[How?] Zone inquires. [Our long range radio here got destroyed, and we don't have enough signal power in the Warthog to reach him.] 

Sarge looks and sees Epsilon. He then grows a large grin. "I think I have an idea how to fix that." 


Zone was adjusting Epsilon on top of the Warthog's antenna. 

"Ow! Hey careful." Epsilon snaps. 

[Wasn't intentional Church. Xi is he on right?] Zone asks. 

"A little more to the right. Aaaaaand perfect!" 

Zone then hops off the Warthog. 

"Alright let's try this. You ready antenna ball?" Sarge asks. 

"I told you not to call me that! And hurry it up. This metal rod isn't exactly in a comfortable place." 

"Hey, do you wanna find out about your vision or don't ya?" Grif says. 

"Come in Valhalla Outpost Number One. Come in! Red Base, do you read me? Come in! Give me some more power, shotput." Sarge orders. 

"Uh, Sarge? Yeah, hi." Simmons says over the radio. 

"Who is this? Identify yourself." 

"It's me, Simmons. Sorry sir." 

"How is everything going there, Simmons?" 

"Here? Uh, fine I guess. Everything's good. How 'bout you guys?" Simmons asks. 

"Mission is complete. We're preparing to head out soon." Sarge replies. 

"What was that? Sorry, some static here. This radio's a little messed up. Been a bit rainier here." 

"I said, we're comin' back soon." 

"Oh, that's great. Hey, when do you think that'll be, exactly." 

"Hard to say, Simmons. We'll let you know. Okay Rex, you can take him off now." Zone climbs back on the Warthog and pulls Epsilon off. 

"Thanks for the help." Grif says. 

"Yeah, whatever. I'm not gonna fly straight for a week now." Epsilon then flies away. 

"Simmons sounded good. I guess he's got everything under control." 

"Donut and Lopez are dead and someone has taken Simmons prisoner." Sarge ascertains. Zone and Grif look at Sarge. 

"What? Everything sounded fine to me." Grif says shocked. 

"Think about it. How do you answer the radio at our base?" 

"Thank you for calling Red Base, this is Private Grif, how may I assist you today." Grif says monotone. 

"And we've drilled that since day one! Simmons answered 'Hi.' That was my first clue!" 

[Dad, maybe he's just-] 

"He also said the radio was in disrepair. When has Lopez ever let something go without the proper maintenance?" Sarge inquires. 

"Never." Grif says starting to get the picture. 

"And look at the time." 

"Can't, clock's broken." 

"It's 17:30. And everybody knows that 17:30 is..." 

[Donut's daily wine and cheese hour!] Zone gasps. 

"I didn't hear any tinkling glasses. Did you?" 

"You're right." Grif says in realization. 

"He also mentioned that the weather was rainier. And as we all know, Mt. Rainier is the biggest landmass in the state of...Washington."

"We do? Uh uh- I mean we do!" 

Sarge folds his arms. "How many Washingtons do we know?" 

Grif widens his eyes. "Did he mean, Agent Washington?" 

[Wash?!] Zone cries. 

"And who's the biggest mass we know, associated with Washington?" Sarge adds. 

"The Meta!" Grif says dropping his jaw. 

[MAINE?!] Zone shouts even louder. 

"So the Meta and Washington have teamed up to kill Donut and Lopez, and now they're holding Simmons and Doc prisoner." 

"We have to help 'em. Wait, Doc? Ho-how do you know he's there?" Grif says confused. 

Sarge waves his hand. "Please, Grif, it's so obvious. I don't wanna insult your intelligence by explaining every little detail." 

"Oh, uh, wuh okay." 

[Well, this is gonna be fun. Maine owes me for stabbing me and throwing me off a cliff...and killing Carolina.] Zone growls. 

"Come on, we're going to Valhalla. It's time for a rescue mission!" Sarge declares. 

"Rescue mission? How the heck are we supposed to fight Wash and the Meta?" Grif asks getting in the Warthog. 

"Don't worry I have a plan. How good are the seatbelts in this new jeep?" Sarge asks as he gets in the passenger side. Zone then hops on the turret. 

"Good, I guess. Wait, why?" Grif says getting nervous. 

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