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Wash looks around his vision being extremely blurry. He can see Doc laying next to the destroyed Warthog unconscious but also sees a figure in clad black armor walking towards him. 

"It can't be....Tex?" Wash looks and see his battle rifle. He tries to reach for it but Tex stomps on his wrist, preventing him from grabbing it. "You're supposed to be dead." 

"Don't sound so disappointed. You'll make me cry. Where's the Director?" 

"The Director? How would I know that?" 

"(Tsks) Wrong answer..." 

Tex was about to shoot him, but the Meta tackles her and sends her flying off Wash. He charges forward but Zone then leaps into the oncoming battle and kicks Meta away from her. Zone helps Tex to her feet. Meta growls in anger and pounds the ground before charging at Zone. He jumps up and throws various punches at Zone, which he blocks. He grabs Meta's arm and shoves him to Tex who then knees Meta in the head and kicks him back. Tex activates a detonator and sets off some explosives by her feet, revealing a powerful chain gun which she grabs in midair before swinging it towards the Meta and opening fire. Meta runs across the field before diving behind an icy boulder. Behind her, Wash gets to his feet and whips out the capture unit. At that moment, Tex's gun runs out of ammo and the Meta takes this moment to return fire with his pistol. Tex ducks behind an icy stalagmite whereas Zone activates his gauntlet shields deflecting the oncoming fire. Tex smashes through the ice and draws out an assault rifle and a battle rifle which she fires at the Meta. Wash runs up to her and thrusts the unit's spike at her, parrying one of her guns away, Zone seeing this jumps in front of her and uses his shields like boxing gloves, hitting Wash in the face several times. He then crescent-kicks the unit out of his hands. 

"NO!" Wash then dives for the unit and grabs it before it slides of the cliff. "Be more careful, this thing can't take any more hits!" Wash yells to the Meta as he engages Tex and Zone. From far off, Doc runs up to Church. 

"Church! Are you okay?" 

"She freaking shot me! What is wrong with her?" 

"She did? That's what brought us to you!" 

"I know! She meant to do that!" 

"Well she's paying for it now." 

Meta has Zone pinned to the ground while Zone tries to fire his SMG at him. Tex then throws Wash aside and kicks Maine off her friend. She helps Zone up as Wash joins up with Meta. Zone activates his holo-screen and taps something. Various mines light up in the mountain behind Wash and the Meta, which they both notice. 

"Is that a..." The mountain then explodes. "...Mountain?!" They both run as large pieces of the mountain start crumbling at them. 

Wash stabs at Tex again with the unit but she ducks aside and kicks him away. Then the Meta charges forward, picking up the unit.

"Meta, take it! Hit her!" The Meta grabs the unit and swings out at Tex, but she ducks away. Wash then leaps up to do a jump-kick at Tex's head but Zone grabs his leg and tosses him aside, with Wash grabbing Tex's battle rifle before he is sent flying. Meta then kicks Tex in the chest, right under a huge shard of ice. She rolls away to avoid getting crushed, but the Meta kicks it out at her. Luckily, she jumps onto it and flips away. Zone activates his wrist cannons and fires at Maine, launching blue bolts of energy that send the Meta back few feet. 

Wash leaps onto another large icicle and runs along its length, firing at Tex. She lands on a block and vaults over it, followed closely by the Meta. Zone fires his rocket boots and shoots up to grab  the Meta by his chin and bring him back down to the ground, holding him over his shoulders. He kicks him away. Wash then raises his battle rifle and fires at Zone who rolls but behind an icy boulder where Tex was taking cover. She draws out another detonator and hits the button. At once a line of charges go off under the ice twenty feet from her and as the mountain shelf begins to crumble, she and Zone take off for the safety of the other side, but Wash fires at her and she screams in cries as the bullet hits her shoulder, landing on the safe of the tumbling ice. Zone runs to her. 

Wash suddenly realizes that the ground is moving and he looks round to see the shelf cracking and breaking as it falls towards the icy water below.

"Oh my God! RUN!" Wash yells. He and the Meta tear across the shelf towards the ever-more distant ledge, leaping over cracks and side-stepping the sliding boulders. As they reach the edge of the shelf, the Meta spots his brute shot falling over the cliff and leaps straight towards it.

"META! Wait, I..." The Meta grabs his weapon and uses the blade part to slam into the side of the cliff. "Great!" Wash sighs. 

"WASH! Here! Take this!" Doc says holding the tow hook of their crashed Warthog. 

"DOC?! Throw it, throw it!" Wash waves his hands over his head, signaling him to throw it. 

"Here it comes!" Doc throws the hook only for it to fall down the cliff. 

"You've got to be kidding me..." Wash says in exasperation. He jumps up and manages to grab the cable, beginning to climb up the cliff. Once at the top, he glares at Doc. "That was the second worst throw, ever, of all time." 

"What do you want from me? I ran track in high school." Doc says as Wash runs off. 

The Meta runs at Tex as Zone helps her to her feet. As the Meta swings the blade end of his brute shot at them, splitting them up. Zone takes out his energy sword and tries to slash him but Maine grabs his arm preventing him from moving it. Meta knees him hard in the gut, knocking the wind out of before kicking Zone and sending him stumbling to stop out Church's feet. Tex takes out her knife and cuts the Meta's chest before stabbing it in his shoulder. Meta growls in pain before firing his brute shot in the ground, knocking them back. 

Wash runs up to them as the Meta grabs the capture unit and walks to Tex as she tries stand up. 

"Meta, wait! We don't need to hurt her, we only need-" Wash stops speaking as Meta stabs the memory unit's spike straight into Tex's visor, causing her to scream in agony and for her body to violently twitch and spasm. 

"NO!" Church yells. 

[Tex...I'm so sorry...] Zone mutters as tears form in his eyes. 

Meta pulls the unit out of her visor before throwing her lifeless body at their feet. 

"Stop! Let her outta that thing!" Church orders. 

"We can't. The unit is failing. Epsilon, it's over. You're coming with us." Wash declares. 

"I'm not going anywhere with you! We can fight you!" 

"We can?" Doc says confused. 

"We will!" 

"Aw, great." Doc groans. 

[You're gonna pay for the both of you have done...] Zone says through clenched teeth. 

"I'm sorry to hear that. Meta, give me the memory unit. Meta?" Wash turns to see Meta is staring at the unit in his hands. He looks up at Wash and gives an evil smile. 

"Meta! NO! Don't..." Wash couldn't finish as the Meta attaches the unit to his back and becomes invisible. He growls in satisfaction. 

"Doc! You have to protect Epsilon!" Wash orders. 

"What do I do?!" Doc says wrapping Church's arm over his shoulder. 

"RUN!" The Meta hits Wash, sending him back. Zone turns on his night-vision, visibly seeing the outline of Maine in green. He charges at the Meta, the both of them grappling each other's shoulders. Wash takes this advantage to jump onto the Meta's back and wrap his arms around his neck. 

"I'll try to hold him!" Wash tells Zone. Meta throws Wash off his back and kicks Zone away. He fires at Doc and Church. Zone and Wash pull out their pistols and fire back getting his attention. Maine fires another sending them back up against a rock. He stomps towards them reloading his brute shot. 

[Daxton...look at the monster you've become...] Zone says. 

"I knew you would do this, Meta. I just can't believe...I can't believe...I can't believe it." Wash, Zone, and Maine then notice the Pelican with smoke trailing behind it, flying towards them. Inside they can see the Reds, Tucker, and Caboose. 

"There they are! Land right next to them!" Sarge says pointing from behind the cockpit. 

"" Grif says fumbling with the controls. 

"...You do know how to land this vehicle, don't you?" Sarge says slightly worried. 

"Sure! That just means stop flying, right?" 

"Brace for impact!" Sarge yells. 

"Oh crap! This is gonna suck!" Tucker says looking for something to grab onto. 

"I still haven't got my peanuts." Caboose states. 

The Pelican quickly drops toward the surface and crashes. Meta, Zone, and Wash jump out of the way to avoid it. The Pelican finally comes to a stop, with the Reds pressed against the glass, almost crushing Doc, with both the Reds and Doc loudly screaming. The Pelican comes to a complete stop, making the Reds fall back off the glass. 

"Wow! That was a close one!" Doc sighs in relief. 

"I would say that was the cavalry, but I've never seen a line of horses crash into the battlefield from outer space before." Wash says coming out from behind a tree. 

[But then again, with all the crap we've seen and everything that's happened to us, wouldn't be surprised if that were to ever happen.]

"Uhhhh... Is it possible for a memory fragment out of an artificial intelligence program enclosed inside a robotic body to pee its pants? Because I'm pretty sure I just did that." Church states. 

"Come on, let's go see how many of your friends survived that." Wash says jogging. 

"You know, they're not really my friends." 

"That's okay, I'm sure none of them really survived." 

"Grif! Look what you did to our ship!" Sarge says looking at the crashed Pelican. 

"Eh, screw it, it's a rental." 

"Good point, screw it." Sarge kicks the Pelican and falls off the cliff and into the water below. Church runs up to them with Wash and Zone behind him. 

"Has anybody seen Tex?" Church asks looking around. 

[I'm sorry, Epsilon. The Meta captured her inside of the memory unit.] 

"Wait! There it is!" Xi appears and points at it. 

Church turns and sees the unit as well. "She's here!" 

"Epsilon, there's nothing we can do. She's stuck in there." Wash states. 

"So let her out!" Church orders. 

"We rigged it so it's one way. We didn't want you to escape again." 

"Well, unrig it!" 

[We need to get it to a lab. Somewhere with tools.] Zone explains. 

"Simmons?" Church says. 

"Hey, he's the expert. I don't know what I can do to help." 

"And it's in no condition to move. If it locks down before I can open it, she'll be trapped in there." Wash adds. 

[Well we have to do something Wash. Remember this was your fault to begin with!] 

"Don't remind me Zone." Wash looks down at the unit and sighs. "If I let her out, you have to come with me." 

"Yes, fine, just get her out!" Church says urgently. 

"Caboose, Tucker, get in the base. See if you can find some tools" Wash orders. 

"Okay!" Caboose replies.

"Alright! I'll be right back!" Tucker adds. 

Wash turns to the Reds and Zone. "You four need to find me anything that has power. Anything and everything. We're going to need a lot to keep it online." 

"On it!" Sarge answers. They run off after Caboose and Tucker. 

"I can get her out." Church says looking down at the unit. 

"What?" Wash says confused. His eyes then widen. "No!" 

"It's my only option." 

"I need you, Epsilon. You're my only ticket out of this mess. If you get stuck in there, they'll never believe me, I'm not going back to prison!" 

"I can do it." Church persists. 

"No, I won't let you." 

"You can't stop me. I have to help her. She's here because of us." 

"Because of me?" Wash says shaking his head in confusion. 

"Not you, us; me, and Alpha, and the Director." 

"You've started to remember." Wash says shocked. 

"I found some journals from the Director. She's someone from his life. Someone he loved..." 

"Allison. Her name was Allison." 

"Allison...(Sighs) When they made Alpha, she came back. She was a byproduct of the process." 

"She's just a shadow." Wash states. 

"Don't call her that! She died in her real life, and that's all the Director ever remembered of her. So now, no matter how tough she is, no matter how hard she fights, she's always going to fail! Because that's what she's based on. No matter what she's doing, or what she's trying to accomplish, just when her goal is within her reach, it gets yanked away. Every. Single. Time. Can you imagine what that's like?" 

Suddenly the unit begins to fly in the air and growling is heard. The Meta then appears, deactivating his invisibility. 

"I think I'm getting the idea..." Wash gulps. 

"Uh oh..." Church takes a step back. The Meta looks at them menacingly. 

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