Change of Plans

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Carolina and Church had called the Reds and Blues to meet them in the Reds' Hologram Chamber. They all walked down the ramp. Tucker looked around the chamber in utter confusion. 

"Let me get this straight, you built an enormous room capable of creating realistic holographic simulations, but you couldn't figure out how to walk across the canyon and capture our flag." 

"Actually, Lopez built it." Grif states. 

"Okay, now that I believe." 

"And if you recall we did manage to capture your flag. So you know, suck it Blue." Simmons says smirking. 

"Oh yeah? Well our team has most kills!" Caboose shoots back. 

"Team kills don't count bluetard." Sarge tells him. 

"You don't make the rules!" 

"Technically Project Freelancer makes the rules, and I say Blue Team gets to add my kill count to theirs." Wash replies. 

"Lame." Grif groans. 

"Well since we're going that far, I say Rex can add his kill count to Red Team. Right Rex?" Sarge turns to his son who doesn't say anything but simply nods. Sarge was about to ask Zone if he was okay but gets interrupted. 

"Listen up." Carolina says walking up and standing in the middle of the room. "We've got big news." 

Caboose gasps. "You and Zone are going to take your relationship to the next level? I knew it. The writing was all over the wall." Zone whacks him on the back of the head. 

"No." Everyone turns and sees Epsilon in his human sized form walk up. "We've found the Director." He then turns solid. 

"Church, you're big again!" Caboose exclaims. "What has she been feeding you?"  

"You know where the Director's been hiding?" Wash asks. 

"That's right." Carolina replies. 

"He's hold up in one of his off-site storage facilities. Similar to the ones we've seen before." Epsilon displays images of the facility that pop up on the wall.

"But we have no idea what kind of modifications the Director may have made to the compound over the last few years." Carolina explains. 

"Or if he has any kind of security with him." Epsilon adds. 

"Essentially, we need to be ready for anything. So, lets go over the plan." 

"What plan?" Tucker asks. 

"The plan to take down the Director." Epsilon says. 

Grif and Simmons look at each other. "Uh, I thought the plan was that we help you find the Director." Grif says confused. 

"Yeah, and now we've found him. Good job everyone. Way to hustle out there." Simmons compliments. 

"The plan changed." Carolina states. 

"So then what exactly is the plan?" Wash asks. 

"Infiltrate the facility and neutralize all hostiles." 

"Right, what's our plan though?" Grif asks. 

"That is your plan. I'm counting on all of you." 

"But you said we're the worst soldiers you've ever met! And you're right! You're very perceptive." Grif cries. 

"Look! I just need enough time to get to the Director." 

"So then we're just a distraction?" Wash says gesturing to himself and the Reds and Blues. 

"No, Wash, you're on lock duty. I need you and Zone with me." Carolina explains. 

"Um, we have to fight all the bad guys by ourselves?" Caboose says nervously. 

"Screw that." Tucker agrees. 

"Yeah, Carolina, maybe I should stick with the others-" 

"Leave personnel decisions to me, Agent Washington!" Carolina snaps. 

"Look, will you guys quit complaining and do something for once?" Church says getting frustrated. 

"Son, are you forgetting we saved your sorry ghost butt from the military?" Sarge reminds him. 

"Yeah, we almost died trying to find you!" Simmons adds. 

"Oh boo hoo. Why don't you come back when you're on your second or third life; then we'll compare notes." Epsilon retorts. 

"Wow. Screw off Blue." Grif turns and begins to leave.

"Where do you think you're going?" Carolina demands. 

"I'm going home." Grif then continues to walk away. 

"Oh that's great Grif! You know, we can always count on you to duck out when there is work to do!" Epsilon calls out to him. 

"Well you can count me out too." Sarge adds. 

"What?" Carolina says shocked. 

"Don't get me wrong. Busting into a military base on a rescue mission is a lot of fun. But I'm not getting turned into Swiss cheese just so the two of you can finish some personal vendetta. This ain't our fight." 

"Took the words right out of my mouth, sir." Simmons agrees. 

"Both of you, be quiet!" Carolina growls. 

"Dude, this is bullcrap." Tucker states. 

"Tucker!" Epsilon shouts. 

"Be quiet! That's an order!" Carolina yells. 

"Well guess what psycho? I don't take orders from you anymore!" Tucker says pointing his finger at her. 

"Well, what about now?" Carolina points her rifle at Tucker. But then she sees a red glare in her visor and feels an incredible sense of heat near her throat. She looks down and sees a red sword made of energy almost touching her throat. She follows the blade to its wielder. 

[Don't. Even. Think. About. It.] 

"Zone what are you doing?" Carolina gasps. 

[Protecting my family. Now put it down before I do something I know I won't regret.] Carolina lowers her rifle. 

"You're siding with them?" 

"Zone, I don't understand. We found the director! We can make him pay! This is what we wanted!" Epsilon states. Zone deactivates his sword and stands between Carolina and the Reds and Blues. 

[The two of you just don't get it do you? This isn't about justice. This isn't about doing the right thing anymore! It's about you two wanting revenge. It's the freaking Project all over again! You're doing this to prove you're the best and the baddest and better than Texas but in reality you're the worst! Did anything I say back in Freelancer get through to you Carolina? Obviously not. Because of your complete unwillingness to see the truth. Growing up as a kid, the only things I were taught was how to pick up a rifle and kill without hesitation. War was the only thing I was good at, but now with my father, Wash, and the Reds and Blues, I have a chance to be human and not a merciless killing machine.] 

Zone then stands between Sarge and Simmons. [I am done with Freelancer, I am done with the Director...and I'm done with you. Wash and I have already caused enough problems for them. And if you try and lay a finger on any of them, then I will not hesitate burn you into the ground.] Carolina just stood there stunned. Epsilon on the other hand was getting angry. 

"So that's it? You're just going to turn your back on us?" 

[Epsilon, I know that I-]

"No, you're right. You know, I guess I should have seen that one coming. It's not exactly like you're new to the concept, is it?" 

"That's a little harsh." Sarge says. 

"But you guys!" Church points at Tucker, Caboose, and the Reds. "After all the crap you put me through? I really thought at least you would have my back!" 

"Us? What the heck did we do?" Grif asks. 

"You shot me through the head! You put a bomb in my gut!" Epsilon begins to grow and turn red as he gets more angry. "You killed me with my own freaking tank, and that's just how we met!" 

"Church, calm down! What's your problem?" Tucker says nervously. 

"YOU'RE MY PROBLEM!" Epsilon says as he is as big as the room. "YOU'VE ALWAYS BEEN MY PROBLEM! EACH AND EVERY ONE OF YOU IS JUST A PROBLEM THAT I HAVE TO DEAL WITH ON A DAILY BASIS!" Epsilon yells, his echoing through the room. Tucker gives a look of disgust before storming out of the room. 

"Guys..." Church tries to say before decreasing in size. Sarge nods at Grif and Simmons who follow him out of the chamber, angry at the AI. 

"Guys, wait a minute." Church turns to his regular self and looks at Caboose who just stands there as Wash walks up behind him. 

"Caboose..." Caboose continues to stand there before turning walking away slowly, doing his best not to cry. Wash wraps his arm around Caboose's shoulders as they exit the chamber. 

"Forget it Church. We don't need them." Carolina says determined. 

[I want the both of you out of here now.] Zone turns and leaves. 

"What's happened to you Rex?" Carolina asks, making him immediately stop. "You were there for everyone in the Project, why are you turning away from this? From me?" 

Zone keeps his back faced to Carolina. [Because the Carolina I knew and loved I said still dead. You? You're just a broken woman with ledger in her blood. And only want to see the Director dead because he made you a living reminder of him.] Zone finally turns to them. 

[I don't know what's gotten into you Rachel, but you better figure out the difference between your enemies...] Zone starts up the ramp. [...and your friends.] 

At the top Zone stops and looks down at them. [And Carolina if my memory serves, you said that exact same thing to Tex when she hurt CT. look.] Zone marches out of the room. Epsilon disappears as Carolina falls to her knees and cries. 

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