Heroes Get Remembered, But Love Never Dies

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[Alright Tucker you know drill!] Zone chuckles. He, Sarge, Grif, and Simmons were on top of their base in Valhalla looking down at Wash, Tucker, and Caboose. Tucker was standing a few feet ahead of Wash and Caboose and turns to them. 

"Hey don't look at me, I went last time." Wash says with his hands raised. 

Tucker groans. "Do I have to?" 

"That depends, how badly do you guys want your flag back Blue?" Sarge retorts. 

"(Sigh) I would just like everyone to know, that I suck." 

"What else?" Grif snickers. 

"And that I'm a girl.

"And?" Simmons says on the verge of laughing. 

"And that I like ribbons in my hair. And I want to kiss all the boys." The Reds and Zone burst out laughing. 

[This has got to be the most hilarious surrender I've ever witnessed.] Zone chuckles. 

"You know what screw you guys! Do you have any idea how offensive this is to my manly pride?" 

"Pride?!" Xi says appearing. "Face it Tucker, the only chance you have of getting laid is to crawl up a chicken's butt and wait." The Reds, Zone, and Wash laughed harder than ever. 

[Xi, remind me to never insult you.] 

"I should certainly hope not boss!" Xi laughs herself. 

"Hahahaha, y-yeah I don't get it." Caboose says looking at Wash. 

"It's okay Caboose." Wash tries to suppress another laugh. "Look let's just head back to Base and figure out a new strategy. You won this round, but we're gonna kick your butt but next time." 

"That's what you said four losses ago." Simmons reminds him. 

"(Groans) Can we please just go?!" Tucker says stomping off. 

"Hey come on Blue! At least you have another chance next time...to be a virgin!" Sarge says bringing another round of laughter. 

[Dad, I'm gonna head inside, before I get a headache from laughing.] Zone continues to chuckle as he heads inside the base. 

"You do that Rex, hehehe, oh man, I am literally crying boys." Sarge pulls off his helmet, wiping away the tears from laughing. 

"Dude, I don't think I'm ever gonna forget laughing this hard." Grif says covering his visor. 

"You said it. I think I'm gonna go use the hologram chamber." Simmons then jogs inside. 

"Guess I better get started on building another Warthog." Sarge puts his helmet back on and went to grab his tool kit, leaving Grif by himself. 

"Guess I'll take a nap." Grif then laid down on top of the base. 

"Grif! Get your keister over here!" Sarge calls out. 

"(Sighs) So much for that idea." Grif stands and goes to see what Sarge wants. 


"I can just never get freaking break can I?!" Tucker says stomping into the base. 

"Get a sense of humor Tucker." Wash chuckles. 

"You're telling me to get a sense of humor?! This is coming from the guy who was all dead serious about finding Church and killing anyone who was in his way." 

"I've changed Tucker. Try not forget the fact that you guys took me in." 

"I don't!" Caboose replies. 

"I know Caboose, I'm just glad I'm not in jail anymore. After what-GUH!" Wash suddenly felt something hit him in the gut. He fell to his knees gasping for air. Tucker pulled out his sword looking around before something kicked him against the base and punched him to the ground. Caboose raised his weapon but it was knocked out of his hands and was brought to the ground with ease.

Wash rasied his pistol but that was kicked out of his hand before felt something stomp on his chest. Then an aqua figure began to take shape over him revealing someone he thought was gone for sure. 

"No way...CAROLINA?!" 

"Good to see you too Washington." The figure now known as Carolina takes her boot off Wash's chest and continues to stand over him. Tucker then pulls out his sword again and levels it against the back of her neck. 

"Just back away Sweet Cheeks." Carolina merely glances behind her, not phased by the sword. She gives a whistle and Tucker suddenly gets tackled by a blur of black. Tucker tries to get up but then is pinned down by a large mechanized animal. It had a large red eye and very sharp metal teeth. 


It gave a snap with its jaws very close to Tucker's visor, making him raise his hands. The robot kept him pinned to the ground. Caboose gets up shaking his head and sees the dog. 

"A puppy! Can I pet it?" Caboose goes to rub its head but the robot snaps at him, making him immediately retract his hand. "Bad...robot...puppy dog...thing." 

Wash takes notice of the robot and almost instantly recognizes it. "Cyclops?!" The robo canine continues to growl at Tucker, still pinning him to the ground. "Carolina, could you call him off? Tucker won't do anything stupid, other than act stupid." 


Carolina whistles again and Cyclops growls before pouncing off Tucker's stomach, making him cough. The dog then walks around Carolina before sitting. Wash stands up and grabs his pistol, holstering it. 

"So, why are you here?" Wash asks Carolina. 

"Because I need your help, for years I have been scouting and attaining info to find the person responsible for ruining our lives in Freelancer. For lying to us, using us, and not caring about all the lives he's taken...I need your help to find the Director." 

"The Director?" Wash drops his jaw. 

"I heard about what happened between you and these Sim Trooper idiots. How you faced off against Maine. I'm gonna need all the help I can get." Cyclops barks at that comment. "You're plenty of help Cyclops." She kneels down and shakes his head. "Aren't you buddy? There's my big boy! Aww you so cute!" Carolina says in a baby like voice. Cyclops ways his humongous chain-spike tail. Carolina looks and sees Wash and the Blues giving her rasied eyebrows. She clears her throats and stands back up. 

"So you need our help?" Tucker asks. "Does that mean the Reds too? Oh geez! You don't know-" Wash slaps his hand over Tucker's mouth. 

"Know what?" Carolina says suspiciously. 

"That the Reds have a hard time taking orders from Blues." Wash lies. 

"Well I'll make them listen to me. Besides I've got Cyclops to back me up. Right boy?" Cyclops activates his hind leg cannons and barks responsively. Carolina and Cyclops then make their way to Red Base. Wash removes his hand from Tucker's mouth. 

"What the crap Wash? Why didn't you let me tell Carolina about Zone?" 

"Because..." Wash then turns to watch Carolina. "...I think that's something they should figure out for themselves." 


Sarge and Grif were busy assembling the Warthog's turret. 

"Grif hold it steady will ya?" 

"I am! You're the one fumbling with the screwdriver!" Grif snaps. 

"How about screwdrive it between your eyes! Now keep it still." 

"Uh, Sarge?" 

"Not now, I almost got it." Sarge manages to attach the barrel of the turret. "There!" Sarge then sees Grif looking behind him. "Grif what the heck are you looking at?" Sarge turns and sees and aquamarine soldier and robotic dog walking towards them. He cautiously pulls out his shotgun. 

"Grif, go grab Simmons and Rex." Grif nods quickly, not wanting a hassle with the robot dog. He dashes inside the Base. Grif waits for the elevator to reach the bottom and runs to see Simmons and Zone working on something. Zone was holding an electric guitar and Simmons was trying to help materialize some speakers. 

"Guys we need you upstairs now! Some soldier with a robot is upstairs and they don't look friendly." Simmons and Zone look at each other and nod. Simmons grabs his battle rifle and Zone runs to the elevator but just activates his rocket boots and shoots to the top. He runs out and sees the aqua soldier Grif was talking about. He standing over Sarge with his pistol at his head. 

[HEY!] Zone charges at the soldier and pushes him off Sarge. Sarge tries to get up and help his son but gets tackled down by the robot dog. The dog keeps him down as they both watch Zone and the soldier fight one another. Grif and Simmons run out and see Sarge pinned down. 

"Get off Sarge you walking scrapyard!" Simmons aims his rifle at the machine but the dog brings  out its cannons and aims them at Grif and Simmons, making them back away nervously. Zone and the soldier continue their battle. The soldier flying lotus kick but Zone grabs his foot and slams him down on the ground. He brings out his forearm blades and slashes at the soldier who jumps back and manages to land a punch to his face. Zone teleports behind the soldier and arm locks the soldier before suplexing him. Zone holds the soldier down by the throat and continues to punch him in the face until his helmet came off. Zone was about to punch him once more until he saw the face of the soldier. He was a she and she had dark red hair with vibrant green eyes. Zone knew this face all to well, because it was the face of the girl he had first loved, and thought dead. 

[C-Carol-l-lina?] Carolina kicks Zone off her as he watches her get to her feet. 

"How do you know who I am?" She asks grabbing her helmet. Cyclops jumps off Sarge and stood next to her, cannons aimed at Zone. 

[Cyclops?] Zone was shocked to also see his former robotic canine. Carolina draws her pistol and aims it at his head. 

"Who are you?" Zone just stares at them before he takes off his helmet. Revealing his spiky silver hair and aqua eye. Carolina dropped her pistol and gasped. Cyclops deactivated his cannons before running at Zone full speed tackling him to the ground, licking the face of his creator and master. Zone laughed as he hugged his robotic friend. 

[I missed you too, Cyclops.] The dog whines rubbing its head against Zone's face. Zone stood up and looked at Carolina who was still standing there, jaw-dropped in awe. Zone walks to her as she runs at him. She wraps her arms and legs around his body, hiding her face in his neck, crying. 

"You're alive." She whispered in tears. 

[I'm alive.] He repeats. Carolina brings her face out from his neck and kisses him as he gladly kisses back. 

Simmons helps Sarge up as they, Grif, and the Blues who were walking up, watch the two have their moment. Zone sets Carolina down, who was still clinging to his neck. She finally lets go and stares at his face. She places one of her hands on his cheek which Zone presses against his face. 

"I thought Maine killed you." 

[That's a really long story.] 

"Uh, does someone want to explain as to what the freak just happened?" Grif asks. Zone turns to the Reds and Blues. 

[Guys this Carolina, my girlfriend.] The Reds, Tucker, and Caboose's jaws drop. Wash just smiles. 

"Rex, this your girlfriend? That the Meta killed? Hot dang!" Sarge walks up to her. "Ma'am, it's pleasure my son's girl." 

"Son?" Carolina looks at Zone. "This is your father?" 

[Yep. Carolina meet Taylor Wolford. My dad.] Carolina shakes Sarge's hand. 

"It's nice to meet you." She replies smiling. 

[So what're you doing here?] 

"I need your help Zone. I'm trying to find the Director and bring him down. From the way things are I need all the help I can get." 

[Well count us in.] Zone says grabbing his helmet. [Cause I think I know someone who can help us.] Zone looks at Caboose who smiles in realization.

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