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Tucker and Wash come out from underneath the tower and look up at Zone. 

"Okay, how about now?" Tucker calls. 

Zone taps the radio console twice. "Nothing." 

"Hold on." Tucker runs underneath the tower for a few seconds and comes back out. "Ok, try it again." 

Zone taps the console once more. "Still nothing." 

"Crap." Tucker mutters. Zone comes to the ledge and looks down at them. 

"Hey, what exactly are you doing down there?" 

"Oh, you know....calibrating." Tucker says unconvincingly. 



Zone looks at Wash. "He hasn't done anything has he?" 

"Nope." Wash replies. 

"Dude, I don't know what I'm doing or why you sent me down here." Tucker complains. 

"Right. Guess we should have expected that." Xi says appearing. 

"Hey Zone, I think we got a situation." 

"What kind of-" Zone looks down and sees his father and his team. "Oh." 

"Good to see you too." Grif replies. 

"What do you want?" Wash asks. 

"Figured it be a good idea to come over and lend ya hand son." Sarge says. 

"No, that's a terrible idea. Please don't touch anything dad." Zone orders calmly. 

"But we could provide tech support!" Simmons suggests. 

"Have you tried using any D batteries?" Sarge asks.

"Power isn't our problem. These battery arrays are solar." Wash explains. 

"Well, there's your problem. This baby needs to be converted to diesel on the pronto!" Sarge exclaims. 

"Solar is field-standard for communication systems." Xi states. 

"Dad, why is it you think that everything mechanical and metallic can be converted to diesel? It's not the engine of a car! It's a freaking radio tower!" Zone says gesturing to the tower. 

"Is that any way to talk to your old man? Hey, I got an idea; why don't we just plant a garden in? Grow some organic sun-dried tomatoes, and open a farmer's market. Then on the first Saturday of the month, when the UNSC ships show up to buy some fresh sustainable produce, we just hop on board and ride back on the power of love!" 

"Tucker, if they touch anything, or if dad makes any more suggestions, prod them with your sword. Cyclops, just shoot 'em." Zone orders. Cyclops activates his cannons and growls. 

"Ha ha, now that's something I can get behind!" Tucker says activating his sword. "Bow Chicka Bow W- Wait, no! No no no no no!" 

"Fine, well I guess you don't want any help from our incredibly advanced robotic companion." Sarge says gesturing to Lopez 2.0. 


"Tempting but no." Zone replies. 

"Hey Rex, what if I told you it runs on recycled cooking grease? It's perfect. Grif sweats the stuff." Sarge chuckles. 

"What else was I supposed to drink once we ran out of soda?" Grif asks. 

"There's always water." Simmons suggests. 

"Please, what are we, cavemen?" 

"I said no." Zone repeats. 

<Are you sure you don't want help? This looks like a relatively simple fix.> Lopez 2.0 states. 

"Whoa, is that Lopez?!" Xi asks shocked. 

"Not exactly. This one isn't very smart." Simmons whispers. 

<Seriously guys, I'm looking at the problem. I can fix it right now.> 

"How can you tell?" Tucker asks. 

"Oh, a mother knows." Sarge shrugs. 

<Okay, if no one is going to stop me, I'm going to fix your radio tower.> Lopez 2.0 walks towards the base of the comm tower.

"Why don't you three go check on our food supply? It's been a while since I've done a full inventory." Wash says before going up to help Zone. 

"You can't shove your work on us! What do we look like?" Simmons asks. 

"Uhhhh...idiots?" Tucker says trying not to laugh. 

"Tucker, I want 100 squats." Wash says from on top of the tower. 

"What? But it was leg day yesterday!" Tucker 

"You are a space marine, Tucker. Everyday is leg day." Zone snaps. Tucker huffs in annoyance. 

"This is bullcrap." Tucker says before doing squats. 

"Ha! Who is the idiot now?" Grif laughs. 

"Your sister was my idiot if I remember correctly." 

"What did you say to me, idiot?" 

"No one is an idiot, now both of you be shut up and knock it off." Zone orders. 

"Simmons is kind of an idiot." Grif mutters. 

"Hey! What the freak?!" Simmons cries. 

"Ah, can it Private Idiot." Sarge commands. 

"(Sighs) Yes, sir." 

"Idiot." Tucker and Grif say. 

"I said knock it off!" Zone punches the radio and it unexpectedly turned on. Everyone's jaws drop. 

"Holy crap." Grif says stunned. 

"It's working. I-I don't know what we did but it's working!" Wash exclaims. 

Lopez 2.0 runs out from under the tower. <Comrades! I have repaired the radio tower! Are you pleased with my performance?> 

"Lopez, you're ruining the moment." Sarge states. 

"Mayday, mayday, this is Agent Arizona, can anyone read me? Over." Zone says running the radio. 

"Maybe they're screening our calls." Grif shrugs. 

"What do mean "they"? Who's "they"?" Simmons asks. 

"I dunno, people who know us?" 


"Look, I wouldn't pick up the phone if any of you morons called me." 

"Mayday, mayday, we are survivors of a shipwreck, and are in need of immediate rescue, please respond." Wash says trying the radio this time. 

"Don't call them back right away, you gotta wait, or else you'll look desperate." Tucker says. 

"But we are desperate!" Simmons reminds him. 

"EVERYBODY SHUT UP!" Zone yells. 

"Whoa..." Grif says slightly nervous. 

"Mayday, mayday, this is Agent Arizona and Washington and the Red and Blue troopers of Project Freelancer! We are stranded, does anyone copy?" Still no response. 

"Mayday, this is Arizona, I am a soldier. Is anybody out there? Can anybody hear me?!" 

"Hello? Is someone there?" A voice says coming through. 

"Yes! Yes, we're here! Do you read us?" Wash asks. 

"Hello....is this...a prank call....?" 

"No no no no, this is real, please you have to listen to me! My friends and I are shipwrecked!" Zone explains. 

"It's an emergency!" Simmons yells. 

"Black Hawk down!" Grif cries. 

"Code Red!" Sarge shouts. 

"What? Like a lightish red?" The voice asks. Everyone is silent at the question. 

"What the heck did he just say?" Tucker asks. 

"Cause I mean, red is a pretty broad spectrum. There's scarlet, vermilion, like a deep burgundy." 

"Burgundy? What-" Zone's eyes widen in realization at who's on the radio. "Oh for the love of god, no." 

Sarge runs up to the radio. "Donut, is that you?!" 

"Sarge? Oh hey guys, what have you all been up to?" Donut asks happily. 

"We're stranded in the middle of the jungle with dwindling food and limited supplies." Xi explains. 

"That sucks." 

"No kidding, moron." Grif shouts. 

"Donut, I need you to listen to me. You need to send help. Call Command." Sarge orders. 

"Command? I think I know a guy if you want to turn this call into a three way." 

"No...don't do that. I need you to write down these coordinates." Zone activates his holo-screen and shows it to Sarge to relay to Donut. 

Wash walks to the edge and looks at Grif, Tucker, and Simmons. "Who is Donut again?" 

"Cheery guy. Pink armor." Simmons states. 

"Kind of stupid." Grif adds. 

"And a little-" Tucker tries to find the words. 

"Wait, did I shoot him once?" Wash asks. 

"Bingo." Grif says making a gun with his hand. 

"Got it. And he's competent enough to trust with our lives?" Wash turns to Sarge and Zone. 

"Sorry, did you say 'five' or 'nine'?" Donut asks. 

"I said eight." Sarge clarifies. 


"Right..." Wash sighs walking back to the radio. 

"Okay, Donut, those are our last known coordinates but be sure to let the rescue team know that we've got no clue where we actually landed." Zone tells him. 

"Don't worry guys! No matter how deep the bush, Private Donut always finds his man." 

Sarge, Zone, Xi, and Wash look at each other nervously. 

"Roger that son." Sarge replies. 

"What was that? Your breaking up." 

"Just send help as fast as you can." Xi urges. 

"Okey dokey!" The radio cuts out. 

"So, what happened?" Grif asked as the four came down. 

"Well boys, I don't want to jinx us or anything like that but...we're gonna be rescued!" Sarge yells  holding his shotgun in the air. The Reds and Blues start cheering. 

"Now guys-" Zone tries to say. 

"There's no possible way anything can go wrong! Everything is going to be good forever!" Sarge continues. The group cheers again. 

"Guys, it can still be a few days before they-" 

"Let's eat all the food rations tonight and then fire all of our excess ammunition indiscriminately into the air and celebrate!" The group are still cheering and are shooting their guns in the air.

"Then lets fix up that old Warthog that's been hanging near our base!" Simmons adds. The group cheers for a second before they realize what Simmons said. "So we can crash it into the other Warthog because 'screw it'!" The group yells in joy. 

"Listen, lets not get our hopes up just yet." Zone says. 

"Aw, come on Wash. Lighten up. We did it, we made contact." Tucker states. 

"Well, it is the first good news that we've had in awhile." Wash agrees. 

Caboose runs over to the group. "Hey everyone!" 

"Caboose! Where've you been?" Zone asks. 

"Yeah, I went on a walk like you said and now, everything is going to be good, forever!" Caboose shouts. 

"Told ya so!" Sarge chuckles. 

"Wait, Caboose, you were miserable, what happened?" Xi asks. 

"Oh, where are my manners? I haven't even introduced him." 

"Introduced who?" Wash says confused. Caboose turns around. 

"FRECKLES! COME!" Caboose gives out a whistle. Suddenly the ground begins to shake as a large machine that stood 15-feet tall walked over to the Reds and Blues. They silently watched in fear as it stopped and looked at them. 

"EVERYONE, I WOULD LIKE YOU TO MEET FRECKLES! FRECKLES, say hello." Caboose orders. Freckles turns to Grif and Simmons. 

(Enemy soldiers detected.) 

"No, those aren't enemies, Freckles. Those are Grif and Simmons...our enemy."

(Firing main cannons.) Freckles charges his missile launcher arm. 

"No! Bad Freckles! Down!" Caboose commands the large robot. 

(Yes, Master.) Freckles deactivates his missiles. 

"Bad Freckles..." Caboose mutters. "So, what have you guys been up to?" 

"Eh...um..." Grif whimpers. 

"Well, we're royally screwed." Xi says trying to cry in fear.

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