Test Your Might

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At the desert fueling station, the Rebels, Feds, Wash, and the Reds are all filling up their vehicles for a pit stop. 

"Now look, the fact of the matter is the ability to fly north, and only north, is just gonna lead to more problems than it solves." Sarge states. 

"Thank you!" Simmons says exasperated. 

"Whatever, this road trip sucks!" Grif sighs. 

"Nonsense! Road trips are an inherent part of the Red Team experience. Enjoy the exotic sights and sounds of this beautiful, albeit wartorn, land." Sarge says. 

"It's a gas station...that we've been to before! Seriously, there's like three places to go on the whole planet!" Grif protests. 

Wash walks up to them. "Alright, almost time to hit the road again." 

"Any word from the away team?" Simmons asks. 

"They found some sort of giant alien temple shooting pure energy into the sky." 

"What'd I tell ya? Blue Team problems." Grif says shaking his head. 

"You know, I think it's really admirable that you all choose to stay and fight for the people of Chorus." Wash says crossing his arms. 

"Oh. Thanks, Wash." Simmons replies. 

"When I first met you all, I honestly thought you'd never amount to anything but you've really proven me wrong." 

"Uhhhh, cool. Thanks, dude." Grif says getting uneasy. 

"Sure, you may not be the most conventional soldiers but no matter the challenge you always manage to find a way to come out on top. And that's something really special." 

"What's going on with you?" Sarge asks. 

"Me? Nothing." 

"No, you're acting really weird." Simmons agrees. 

"I just want you all to know how much I appreciate you." Wash states unconvincingly. "That's it." 

"You think we're going to freaking die!" Grif shouts. 

"No, I don't!" Wash says quickly. 

"No, you do, you definitely do! You're getting all sentimental and crap!" 

"No, guys. Come on, you'll be fine! I've got total faith in you. You're some of the best solders I ever knew." 

"What the freak is that past tense bullcrap?!" Simmons demands. 

"Look, I just want you to know, I'm proud of you. I'm sure if you stick together, you'll be okay. What unit are you in?" 

"Volunteered for the front lines!" Sarge answers. 

"Oh." Wash sighs. 

"YOU WHAT?!" Grif yelled. 

"SARGE!" Simmons cried. 

"Well, look on the bright side..." Wash pauses and doesn't finish. 

"You know, if you say that, you're supposed to follow it up with the bright side!" Grif points out. 

"I know." Wash looks down. 


At the temple, the Blues, Zone, and Dr. Grey all examine the text of the gateway. 

"A true warrior?" Xi questions. 

"Of physical strength and mental clarity." Grey clarifies. 

"Well it's a good thing I'm here." Tucker thumbs at himself. 

"That's cute." Carolina says amused. 

"Yeah, it is taking every ounce of self-control I have not to laugh at that sentence." Zone adds. 

"What? Obviously I'm a true warrior. Plus, I've got a sword like Zone. That means I'm the chosen one." 

"Finding a sword in a hole doesn't automatically make you an unstoppable hero." Epsilon retorts. 

"Tucker has a point. It's possible that merely carrying the sword through the portal will override the need to be strong and intelligent." Grey explains. 

"Yeah! Wait, I'm strong and intelligent." Tucker argues. 

"Eh, you have your moments." Caboose shrugs. 

"Wait why doesn't Zone go? He was the one that was lifted up into the air and glowing." 

"An experience I really don't feel comfortable going through again." Zone states. 

"Well, we're low-ow on time and it's the best thing we've got-ot-ot." Xi points out glitching. Zone notices this again. 

"Fine. Just...be careful." Carolina sighs. 

"Nothing to worry about baby." Tucker approaches the gate and activates his sword. "I am a true freaking warrior." Tucker jumps into the portal screaming and is almost instantly thrown out of it, hitting a boulder.

Tucker gets to his feet wearily. "Whoa! What happened?" 

"Wow." Epsilon says. 

"Apparently, you're not a true warrior." Carolina chuckles. 

"Or maybe he's so good he passed the test super fast." Caboose states. 

"What did you see? Tell me about the other side. Did you make contact? Oh and how are you feeling?" Grey asks rapidly. 

"I saw Felix." 

"The mercenaries were already there?" Zone says shocked. 

"Well, I don't think it was really him. He showed up, then another Felix showed up. And the next thing I know there were a million freaking mercs all over me. Same thing with Locus, I couldn't fight them off!" 

"You weren't strong enough." Grey explains. 

"Well, I am." Everyone looks at Carolina. "And I've been waiting for a rematch." 

Carolina then enters the same place Locus had previously with her rifle ready. 

"Epsilon, you seeing this. Epsilon?" 

"WHO ARE YOU?" The alien voice asked. 

"I'm your true warrior." Carolina smirks. 

"Actually, that would be me." Tex says walking around a corner. 


"Hey there, Carolina." 

Carolina turns around, lowering her rifle. She's looking at all of her old Freelancer teammates: York, the Twins, Maine, Wyoming, CT and Florida. 

A few minutes later she returns to the others back at the temple. 

"I said I don't want to talk about it." Carolina snaps. 

"Carolina, all I saw, when I went through was static. You gotta tell us more! You saw the Freelancers, then what happened? Was there crazy karate? Big gunfight?" Epsilon questions. 

"No, there was no fighting." Carolina sighs. "They just...look, it doesn't matter." 

"See?! Not as easy as it looks, huh?" Tucker scoffs. 

"I will throw you right back through that portal if you don't-" 

"Okay, happy thoughts, happy thoughts." Grey says calmly. 

"Man, whatever." Tucker groans. 

"We can't give up hope. The government spent ample time studying these relics and we've only been here a few hours!" Grey exclaims. 

"Did they make any progress?" Xi asks. 

"Actually they got fed up and abandoned all of their work." 

"Great. Super inspiring." Tucker says rolling his eyes. 

"I just wish the inscriptions weren't so vague. True warrior? Mental clarity? What does that even mean?" 

"Rex...Rex..." Zone looks at the gateway hearing someone whisper his name. Suddenly Zone felt himself become entranced and dropped his weapon. 

"Uh yeah, I'm pretty sure it's the opposite of false warrior. Duh." Caboose replies. 

"Caboose, not now." Xi sighs. 

"Yeah, I'm just saying we can at least cross that off the list. You know." Zone then walks to the gateway in the background. 

"Caboose." Carolina says getting annoyed. 

"The false warrior. That is." 

"CABOOSE!" Everyone shouts. 

"Well excuse me for trying to help! I am going to go find the bathroom." Caboose then walks away. 

"Geez, that empty headed little...wait a minute." Epsilon looks around. "Where's Zone?" Everyone turns and sees Zone about to enter the gateway. 

"Zone wait! Don't-" Carolina was too late as he entered. 


Zone opened his eyes, he sits up and sees he's on the space platform. 

"Hello?" Zone stands and sees something. He walks to a ledge and sees some kind of large opening. 


"YOU HAVE ARRIVED." Suddenly a giant red hologram of an Elite stood towering over him. 

"Who are you?!" 

"My Lord, it is an honor to finally meet you." The Elite bows to Zone.  

"Lord? What're you-stop bowing to me." 

"You...do not wish it?" 

"I don't deserve it. Please stand up." The Elite stands and suddenly disappears before reappearing before Zone in six-foot form. 

"I am glad to finally meet you Bearer." 

"There's that word again. What does Bearer mean?" Zone says puzzled. The Elite waved his hand  in front of Zone's face and Zone gasped as he felt winded. He then began to see visions he saw at the temple with Dr. Grey again as the Elite explained. 

"Long ago, there were the Forerunners. An ancient race of unimaginable power and strength, of which I am sure you know. They created the Halos, planets, temples, all of which carried great gifts that were incomparable to what Humanity nor the Covenant have ever seen. The Halos were created for destruction, the planets were created to inhabit various creatures that live and breathe, and the temples, like the one on which you stand are the bearers of knowledge. The Forerunners created weapons that were capable of giving one the power of that of a god. Your sword is known Suk'orai, the sword of limitless strength and will. With it, you can conjure extreme power within your very fingers. The ones who possess such weapons are known as Bearers. Guardians of true, purity, strength, and clarity." 

Zone falls to his knees and breathes deeply. "What...what are you saying? My sword makes me invincible?" 

"Precisely, my Lord." 

"Why do you keep 'Lord'?" 

"My Creators told me that should a Bearer ever come to this planet, I shall become his servant. However I also cannot work outside of my programming." 

"What's your name?" Zone asks. 

"My Creators never gave me a name..." The Elite shrugs. 

"(Sigh) As if my life wasn't more complicated enough..." Zone gets a massive headache and collapses to the ground and sees he's back at the temple. 

"Zone!" Carolina shouts. 

"Are you okay?" Grey asks as she and Carolina help him up. 

"What happened?" Epsilon asks. 

"Boss, what did you see?" Xi says appearing next to him. 

"Well I was at some platform thing in space and then the next thing knew I saw this huge alien and then-" 

"Wait! An alien?" Tucker cut him off. 

The Elite appears behind them. "Greetings." Everyone minus Zone steps back in shock. 

"Whoa!" Tucker, Grey, Caboose, Xi, and Epsilon yell. 

"Geez!" Carolina shouts. 

"My apologies." The Elite says bowing his head in regret. 

"Who-What are you?" Carolina asks. 

"He's an AI." Xi says stunned. 

"Correct. I'm a construct left behind by my creators to ensure that their gifts are passed on only to those who are worthy." 

"What's your name?" Epsilon asks. 

"I have no name." The Elite replies.

"Ooh! I know, he's red, has a loud voice, I will name him Santa!" Caboose exclaims. Everyone looks at him. 

"...Santa." Zone says as if he didn't hear correctly. 

"Santa." Caboose repeats. 

"Santa?" Tucker says in disgust. 

"Yes. Santa." 

"Santa." The Elite says liking the name. 

"Santa, the alien AI construct." Xi sighs. 

"It is an honor to meet you, noble warriors." Santa bows to them all. 

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