What's Yours is Ours

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Outside the facility, the two Freelancer and AI continue to stare at the temple out above the ocean until a Fed walks up behind them. 

"Agent Carolina, Agent Arizona, we've retrieved what appears to be a domed energy shield from within the complex." 

"The bubble shield?" Carolina says shocked. "Are you sure?" 

"Uhh..." The Fed then remembers how two of his friends messed with it and got one of them got blown away by its activation. "Yeah, we're pretty sure." 

"That's great. We can hook it up and start running some tests in a few hours." 

"Hey, whoa whoa whoa, slow down." Epsilon protests. "What about the giant floating tower in the sky? Did you forget about that crazy bullcrap?" 

"What, the temple?" 

The Freelancers and AI look at the Fed. 

"That the aliens made?" 

"I'm sorry. What?" Xi says confused. 

"You're familiar with that structure?" Zone says thumbing at the temple. 

"I-I mean I think most of us are, yeah." The Fed shrugs. 

"Alright, I'm gonna stop you right there. You're telling me that people on this planet are just used to seeing flying space stuff like that?" Xi says shocked. 

"Pretty much." He turns to another Fed soldier walking by. "Hey Randy! You 'ever seen one of those alien towers before?" 

"Oh yeah! My dad took me to one when I was a kid!" 

"They're nice, right?" 

"Oh yeah! They had funnel cake outside, too!" Randy adds. 

"Oh, I remember that!" 

"Yeah. Good times." Randy chuckles walking away. 

"So yeah, I mean, pretty common." The Fed says back to the Freelancers. 

"How is this not a bigger deal?" Zone asks. 

"Well, come on, man. I mean, they've been around forever and they don't really do anything-" 

"IT'S A GIANT FLYING TOWER!" Epsilon yells cutting him off. 

"And you're a dead guy that's also somehow an AI, okay? That crap's weird too, but you don't hear me going on about it." The Fed protests. 

"Enough. Just secure the Freelancer equipment. Epsilon and I will be by in a few minutes." Carolina orders. 

"(Sigh) Yes ma'am." The Fed then walks back inside. 

"Look I don't care what these guys say, those towers aren't some freaking tourist trap. They're important. Remember the tractor beams? At Crash Site Alpha? Charon is studying these things and making them do stuff. That's bad." Xi states. 

"We get it. So, who would you say is our resident expert on alien technology?" Carolina inquires. 

"I can think of somebody...though I'm hesitant to say." Zone says uneasily. 

"Who?" Xi asks before dropping her head in realization. "Please not her." 

Later, Dr. Grey teleports and squeals like a teenage girl. "Conducting research in the field! Oh, I knew today was gonna be a good day!" 

"Hello, Doctor Grey." Zone, Carolina, Epsilon, and Xi says unenthusiastically. 

"Oh, I can't tell you how nice it is to get out of the office and away from all the complaining!" Grey replies in relief. "My leg hurts!" "I need blood!" "But I don't want to have a robot arm!"" 

Carolina and Zone glance at each other before Carolina turns back speaking to her. "...Right. Well, the reason we called you here is-" 

"To investigate the alien temple Charon's been studying, yes dear, you told me on the radio. Not surprising, really; emerged from the ground shortly after UNSC pulled out, never did anything sadly but that doesn't mean that they won't! Thankfully, I spent time brushing up on their history in between college internships. Aren't you so happy we're such close friends?" Dr. Grey asks rapidly. 

"I am...so thankful." Carolina mutters. 

Tucker and Sarge walk up. "Oh great, the mad scientist finally showed up." Tucker scoffs. 

"Hey, what's the status on that robot arm I ordered?" Sarge inquires. 

"Still in the trial stages, Colonel! Volunteers are proving hard to come by." Grey explains. 

"Well, that's ridiculous." Sarge scowls. 

"Yeah, robot parts just...aren't really all they're cracked up to be. Trust me." Epsilon points out. 

"Why don't you go take a look at Charon's research? Epsilon and I have a few armor upgrades to take care of." Carolina says. 

"Don't mind if I do!" Grey and Carolina walk off, and a teleportation grenade activates once they're gone, revealing Simmons and Grif flat on their backs. 

"Gah! I hate that." Grif groans. 

"At least you don't get headaches..." Simmons says gripping his head. 

"Grif! Simmons! You're late!" Sarge states. 

"You were saying?" Griffith sighs. 

"What took you guys? It's instant teleportation." Tucker reminds them. 

"Well, we had to make sure Lopez and Donut could handle things while we were gone." Simmons replies. 

"You hand out weapons and ammo, how hard can it be?" Zone asks. 

Simmons and Grif exchange a look. "Yeah, harder than you think." 

"So, you got the goods?" Grif asks. 

"You're darn right we do!" Sarge gestures to two crates stockpiled with various weaponry. "Weapons! Ammo! Laser beams! You name it! It's Christmas come early! Unless you're looking at it from the Pirates' point of view, in which case, it's kinda the opposite." 

"Hanukkah?" Tucker questions. 

"Excellent work, sir. Another enemy outpost taken down. I just wish I could've been there to see you on the battlefield." Simmons says thoughtfully. 

"Why don't you guys come with us on the next mission?" Xi suggests. 

"Whohohokay, let's not get ahead of ourselves here." Simmons chuckles nervously. 

"Better start packing this stuff up." Grif throws a teleportation grenade, and the pile of weapons, ammo, and laser beams disappear instantly. "Well, that's enough back-breaking labor for one day." 

"Way to really work it Grif." Zone says. "I'm gonna go check and see if the Rebels or Feds are causing any trouble for our 'guests'." Zone walks away. 


Zone enters a room where he see two female Rebels talking down to three Space Pirates. 

"You guys are so going down meatsacks!" One says. 

"Yeah I mean, you guys have no idea." The other agrees chuckling. 

"Ahem." The Rebels turn to Zone standing in the doorway. "I think that's enough insulting them for now." 

"Agent Arizona!" The Rebels both salute him. 

"I need to have a word with them. Step outside." 

"Yes sir!" The Rebel women leave and the door shuts. 

Zone looks at the Pirates. "You know I'll give you guys credit. Taking on an entire planet for a seemingly infinite amount of money seems like a good job. But then again, throw Freelancers into the mix...doesn't go so well now does it?" 

"Laugh now while you can Arizona." One of the Pirates says. 

"I'm not laughing, I'm having a moment of satisfaction." Zone clarifies. 

"Well that satisfaction is about to disappear. Cause we've got a new guy that knows a lot about you! Says you dropped a building on his head, and he really wants your head." 

"What do you-" 

"Eureka!" Grey shouts on the PA system. "I made a discovery!" 

"Ma'am, g-give me back the microphone!" A soldier begs over the system. 

"Hold on!" They hear a crash in the background. "All Freelancer-related people, get your butts in here!" Grey orders. 

"Ma'am! Please, calm down!" 

"You have no appreciation for modern science!" Zone ignores the scuffle and reaches to grab the  Space Pirate but Xi appears in front of him. 

"Zone we'll talk about this later. Right now we have other issues to worry about." Zone then sighs and walks out of the room. 

He walks into the research lab where he sees Carolina, Epsilon, Sarge, Grif, Simmons, and Tucker standing in front of Dr. Grey. 

"That was fast." He states. 

"Look, it's completely normal, okay?" Tucker says quickly. 

"Wait, what?" Xi says confused. 

"Quiet!" Grey screams. "Thank you. Now, say what you want about our enemies-" 

"They suck." Simmons replies. 

"They're dirtbags." Sarge adds. 

"Total morons." Tucker cries. 

"Yeah, not an invitation to talk, guys." Epsilon explains. 

"But you can't discount their ambition. Or intelligence, for that matter." Grey explains. 

"There's a reason Chairman Hargrove got to where he is now." Carolina states. 

"This compound isn't one of Charon's typical munitions factories or radio jammers. They're not disassembling alien artifacts here, they're trying to turn them back on. And that tower you saw seems to be their primary target." 

"Ohh, see, who called that? Me!" Epsilon says pointing at himself. 

"So what does it do?" Simmons asks. 

"That's exactly what I intend to find out! Now, who's down for a field trip?" Grey says clapping her hands. 

"Uhhh, what?" Tucker says uncomfortably. 

"Well, if I'm going to take a look at this tower, I'll require an escort. How about you, Simmons, you've always seemed intelligent." Grey says. 

"Oh! Thank you!" 

"Well, compared to your friends." 

"Wh-why did you feel the need to add that?" Simmons mutters sadly. 

"No way! This crap's got Blue Team Problems written all over it." Grif cries. 

"Aw, c'mon, man!" Tucker groans. 

"Hey, you're the one that grabs swords and screws aliens, alright? So don't come crying to me." 

"Epsilon and I should stay behind in case Charon launches a counterattack." Carolina says. 

"Yeah, and I can try to get through some of this data while you're out." Epsilon adds. 

"I'll go, kinda actually want to get away from some action for a while." Zone shrugs. 

"I'm with ya all the way boss!" Xi cheers. 

"Well, don't you worry about it, little lady, me, Rex, and Aquaman over here can handle whatever diabolical schemes those no-good space pirates may be preparing for us this very moment." Sarge chuckles. 

"Oh no, you'll mainly just be carrying my survey equipment to the site." Grey clarifies. 

"Ah. Right! Then we'll...carry...that stu- we'll carry the crap outta that stuff." 

"Mm, fine, let's just get this over with." Tucker sighs. 

"Actually, a five-man team would be ideal. You wouldn't happen to know of anyone else you could spare to help us, would you?" Grey inquires. 

Epsilon appears next to Tucker. "Oh, I can think of someone." 

"Please don't." Tucker begs. 

Outside, Caboose teleports yelling. "Field trip! Woooo!" Caboose then starts running around excitedly. "We are going to a field! Oh my god! This is going to be...amazing! Field trip!" 

Tucker turns to Epsilon. "Church?" 


"You're dead to me." 

"Yeah, that's tough, I'll cry on the inside, don't forget to pack his lunch. Also, he needs to take that pill twice a day." 

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