Season 1 Chapter 5 part 2

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3rd pov

Bahamas, Alabama and Arizona are in the Pelican, piloted by 479er alongside Carolina, getting ready for the mission.

"Okay, you three know the process right?" Carolina asks.

"We know, don't worry." Bahamas responds.

"Opening bay door now." 479er opens the back door.

"Okay, I go down first, because I have to go inside and get the disk." says Alabama.

"No, I go first, because we don't want to be seen." Arizona responds.

"Too late you two!" Bahamas jumps down and 479er notices something.

"Is wearing a parachute!?" 479er asks.

"No." Carolina responds.

"We'll neither am I." Arizona tells them.

"Me as well." Alabama and Arizona then jump down.

"Men." says 479er.

"I know, so immature." Carolina agrees.

Bahamas, Arizona and Alabama pov

They all land in a forest, where they can see the base perfectly. The base looks like a giant oil rig but not as big.

"Okay, you two go in" Arizona tells Bahamas and Alabama as he gets out his rifle, and Bahamas and Alabama turn on their camos and enter the place.

"EMP, ready." says Alabama.

"Now." Alabama then throws the grenade, it explodes into electricity, which shuts down all the base's power supply, except suits "I'll take out the soldiers, you go in." Alabama nods in response and they both go their separate ways.

(video time 0:44-1:54)

Bahamas choke holds a near by soldier and breaks his neck he then runs around the base, he runs into two soldiers who are patrolling, Bahamas gets his pistol throws it at the soldier followed by a jab and a uppercut, which made the guy back flip, Bahamas then kicked his gun mid air to the other guy, and jumped kicked the soldier's neck, as Bahamas grabs his pistol which was mid air, then front kicks the other soldier in the face as he was getting up, breaking his face. Bahamas continues running around, finds another group soldiers, he front kicks one guy who falls down the edge, then drop kicks the next one. Bahamas then continues running, pushing another soldier off the edge. Bahamas then side kicks a soldier in the stomach, another guy enters and Bahamas jabs in his face, breaking his visor, the other guy grabs knife, he tries to stab Bahamas twice , Bahamas counters with two Krav Maga style counter attacks, Bahamas then breaks the guy's hand then face, Bahamas then sees the other guy getting up and Bahamas throws a knife at the guy's face. Bahamas then runs into 8 guys, he front kicks one a mile away, followed by a flying knee to another guy, a guy tries to punch Bahamas, but Bahamas dodges the attack and the guy punches another dude and Bahamas does a capoeira kick on both of them, Bahamas then blocks another guy's headbutt and does two knee strikes in the face, then judo throws him, Bahamas then does a jab, three crosses and finishes with an uppercut, a guy tries to choke hold Bahamas but Bahamas back flips and does a knee strike breaking the guy's back.

(Stop song)

"Stop!" a soldier points a battle rifle at Bahamas' head "Surrender." then the guy is shot by Arizona.

"Thanks." Bahamas tells Arizona in comms.

"No problem." Arizona responds.

"How's Alabama?" Bahamas asks.

"Let's see." Arizona then tries to contact Alabama but there's static "No response."

"Let me see." Bahamas tries to contact Alabama but static as well " He must be in trouble, I'll go in."

Bahamas then runs into the main entrance.

To be continued

Sorry guys, but I recently can't upload super long chapters anymore, wish I could but having trouble, hopefully when everything goes back to normal I can make chapters super long again.

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